Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Feminism and Sexual Abuse: Troubled Thoughts on Some New Zealand Issues,1996,,52,154,Guy Disrupting Identity Through Visible Therapy: A Feminist Post-Structuralist Approach to Working with Women Who Have Experienced Child Sexual Abuse,2001,,68,115-139,Warner Wife Abuse in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia,2004,,76,46-64,Ćopić "Fanm se poto mitan": Haitian woman the pillar of society,1998,,59,118-142,N'zengou-tayo Questioning global vaginahood: Reflections from adapting The Vagina Monologues in Hong Kong,2009,92,1,19-35,Cheng Feminism policy and women's safety during Australia's `war on terror',2008,89,1,55-72,Phillips Female fighters in the Sierra Leone war: challenging the assumptions?,2008,88,1,54-73,Coulter Black Women's Activism: Coming of Age?,2000,,64,83-96,Siddiqui 'Drunken Tans': Representations of Sex and Violence in the Anglo-Irish War (1919-21),2000,,66,73-94,Ryan Sex Positive: Feminism Queer Theory and the Politics of Transgression,2000,,64,19-45,Glick The Future of Feminism in the Caribbean,2000,,64,116-119,Mohammed Growing up Young Asian and Female in Britain: A Report on Self-Harm and Suicide,2001,68,1,52-67,Bhardwaj Independence Dependency and Interdependence: Struggles and Resistances of Minoritized Women within and on Leaving Violent Relationships,2006,2006,82,27-49,Chantler Violence against Women with Mental Disabilities: The Invisible Victims in CEE/NIS Countries,2004,,76,117-119,Szeli Behind closed doors: domestic violence in India,2006,83,1,169-171,Sharma Sex trafficking in women from Central and East European countries: promoting a 'victim-centred' and woman-centred' approach to criminal justice intervention,2004,76,1,26-45,Goodey Will the real sex slave please stand up?,2006,83,1,4-22,O'Connell Davidson The Trauma Risk Management approach to post-traumatic stress disorder in the British military: masculinity biopolitics and depoliticisation,2015,111,1,109-123,Gray Between Islamophobia and post-feminist agency: intersectional trouble in the European face-veil bans,2015,110,1,55-67,Taramundi The politics of austerity and the affective economy of hostility: racialised gendered violence and crises of belonging in Greece,2015,109,1,73-95,Carastathis Naming and defining 'domestic violence': lessons from research with violent men,2016,112,1,113-127,Kelly Violence,2016,112,1,1-10,Williamson Violence against women as a barrier to the realisation of human rights and the effective exercise of citizenship,2016,112,1,11-26,Manjoo The ripples of violence,2016,112,1,27-40,Bufacchi Networks of violence in the production of young women's trajectories and subjectivities,2016,112,1,41-59,Kidd From pillar to post: understanding the victimisation of women and children who experience domestic violence in an age of austerity,2016,112,1,60-76,Sanders-McDonagh Reflections on the silence on sexual violence among Palestinian feminists in Israel,2016,112,1,85-91,Zinngrebe Sexual assault as trauma: a Foucauldian examination of knowledge practices in the field of sexual assault service provision,2016,112,1,95-112,Egan Same old story? Children and young people's continued normalisation of men's violence against women,2016,112,1,128-143,McCarry Exploring symbolic violence in the everyday: misrecognition condescension consent and complicity,2016,112,1,144-162,Thapar-Björkert Discursive and political deployments by/of the 2002 Palestinian women suicide bombers/martyrs,2005,,81,23-51,Hasso