Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author D-Day Filming: For Real. A Comparison of 'Truth' and 'Reality' in "Saving Private Ryan" and Combat Film by the British Army's Film and Photographic Unit,2002,14,3/4,332-353,Toby Haggith All rules barred: a defense of Spielberg's Schindler's list,2002,32,2,62-71,Sterling Theodor Kotulla's excerpts from a german life,2002,32,2,48-61,Haase Holocaust iconography in American feature films about Neo-Nazis,2002,32,2,38-47,Baron West Germany and unified German cinema's difficult encounter with the Holocaust,2002,32,2,24-37,Wolfgram The Holocaust on film: the feature films,2002,32,2,10-13,Wilcox Reconstructing Strangelove: inside Stanley Kubrick's "nightmare comedy",2018,30,1,185,Broderick Suicide off the edge of explicability: Awe in Ozu and Kore'eda,2002,14,2,158-165,LaFleur Reserving the kill: The suicide ban and criminal punishment in code-era Hollywood film,2019,31,4,1-29,Sligar