Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Transportation for the People of Bharat,1989,24,51/52,2829-2831,Mohan Criminal Law on Domestic Violence: Promises and Limits,2005,40,46,4843-4849,Kothari Crimes against Women in India: Analysis of Official Statistics,2001,36,43,4070-4080,Rustagi Communalism and Communal Violence 1999,2000,35,5,245-249,Engineer Gender and Governance in India,2000,35,31,2696-2699,Bandyopadhyay Orissa Today: Fantasy and Reality,2000,35,18,1516-1517,Pati Projects of Hegemony: Towards a Critique of Subaltern Studies' 'Resolution of the Women's Question',2000,35,11,902-920,Bannerji Rape Retribution State: On Whose Bodies?,2000,35,14,1196-1200,Baxi Responses to Domestic Violence: Government and Non-Government Action in Karnataka and Gujarat,2000,35,7,566-574,Poonacha Rise in Street Violence: Slide into Mob Rule?,2000,35,8/9,604-605,Dutta State Market and Freedom of Expression: Women and Electronic Media,2000,35,18,WS12-WS17,Chakravarti Structured Silences of Women,2000,35,18,WS3-WS6,Menon Tackling Female Infanticide: Social Mobilisation in Dharmapuri 1997-99,2000,35,49,4345-4348,Athreya To Censor or Not to Censor: Film and Public Policy,2000,35,18,WS18-WS20,Volga Violence against Women: A Field Study,2000,35,20,1742-1751,Visaria Women's Autonomy and Politics of Gender in Guyana,2000,35,23,1944-1948,Das Development Empowerment and Domestic Violence: Karnataka Experience,2001,36,24,2173-2177,Viswanathan Domestic Violence in New Zealand: An Asian Immigrant Perspective,2001,36,11,965-974,Pillai Human Security and Gender Violence,2005,40,44/45,4729-4736,Coomaraswamy Non-Conventional Indicators: Gender Disparities under Structural Reforms,2001,36,1,66-78,Sonpar Private Concerns in Public Discourse: Women-Initiated Community Responses to Domestic Violence,2003,38,17,1658-1664,Bhatla Of Guns and Poses: A Study of Security in Courts,2002,37,23,2204-2205,Sundar The effect of a male surplus on intimate partner violence in India,2013,48,35,,South Child trafficking - Easy options,1999,34,15,860-861, Lives in debt: narratives of agrarian distress and farmer suicides,2017,52,21,77-84,Bhattacharya Suicide or domestic violence?,2017,52,47,81-84,Mukhopadhyay Robbing rohith of his dalitness,2017,52,9,10-11,Teltumbde The zero case: Deadly implications of the Birla-Sahara judgment,2017,52,10,35-42,Simha Farmers' indebtedness and suicides: Impact of agricultural trade liberalisation in Kerala,2007,42,31,3241-3247,Jeromi Living a concept: Semiotics of everyday exclusion,2008,43,46,14-17,Sukumar Development policy and the nature of society: Understanding the kerala model,2009,44,13,25-31,Oommen Understanding powerloom weavers' suicides in sircilla,2009,44,8,12-15,Galab 'Backwardisation' of Telangana,2010,45,13,15-20,Jadhav Farmers' suicides and statehood demand in Bundelkhand,2011,46,28,10-11,Verma Farmers' suicides in Punjab: A census survey of the two most affected districts,2011,46,26-27 Suppl,131-137,Singh Informed by gender? Public policy in Kerala,2011,46,43,75-84,Bhaskaran Is Pakistan collapsing?,2011,46,25,16-20,Zaidi Indebtedness and suicides: Field notes on agricultural labourers of Punjab,2011,46,14,35-40,Bharti Impact of rehabilitation package in suicide-prone districts of Vidarbha,2011,46,5,10-13,Kalamkar Microfinance: Lessons from a crisis,2011,46,6,23-26,Nair Public health challenges in Kerala and Sri Lanka,2011,46,31,99-107,Thresia Rural coverage in the Hindi and English dailies,2011,46,35,92-97,Mudgal The moral basis for a right to die,2011,46,18,13-16,Rao Post-election blues in West Bengal,2012,47,9,10-13,Banerjee Underestimation of suicide: A study of the Idu Mishmi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh,2013,48,52,129-133,Mene A hundred days closer to ecological and social suicide,2014,49,39,10-13,Kothari Protection of women from domestic violence,2015,50,44,76-84,Agnes Bridging the Dalit-left-liberal divide: Language of recent student protests,2016,51,32,15-17,Rajeevan Erratum: Open Season for Bullies (Economic and Political Weekly (2016) (8)),2016,51,33,e5, Farmer suicides in India,2016,51,21,61-65,Basu Nuclear retaliation options: Debates on nuclear doctrine,2016,51,22,10-12,Ahmed Suicides despite compensation,2016,51,18,4-5,Dogra Thinking clearly about suicide in India: Suitable girls and companionate couples-social change and suicide in the Indian Family,2016,51,41,40-45,Mayer Death in the midst of plenty: Farmer suicides in Punjab,2018,53,19,15-17,Singh The aftermath of farmer suicides in survivor families of Maharashtra,2018,53,5,47-53,Ghunnar Widows of farmer suicide victims in vidarbha differential dependence in early and later cases,2018,53,26-27,24-31,Neelima Public health system is failing the women farmers,2019,54,10,17-19,Jadhav Suicides among academicians,2019,54,39,4-5,Visakh Varma Small farmers' suicide in Odisha,2019,54,22,51-59,Lenka Farmer suicides in Maharashtra 2001-2018 trends across Marathwada and Vidarbha,2020,55,25,116-125,Talule Agrarian crisis and agricultural labourer suicides in Punjab,2021,56,13,49-56,Singh Farmer suicides in India 1997-2013: Taking stock of data arguments and evidence,2021,56,15,50-56,Roy Indebtedness among Farmers in Punjab,2021,56,26-27,14-21,Kaur Of half-moon nights and peasant tragedy: Reading rural distress and the green revolution in Gurdial Singh's adhchananiraat,2021,56,26-27,30-36,Kaur Suicide by Maharashtra Farmers The Signs of Persistent Agrarian Distress,2021,56,51,46-55,Talule Farmer Suicides in Punjab Incidence Causes and Policy Suggestions,2022,57,25,13-17,Singh Farmers' Suicides in India,2022,57,5,13-16,Daş Suicide Deaths in India Rethinking Mainstream Mental Health Narratives,2023,58,51,36-41,Kottai