Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Psychological aspects of voluntary induced abortion among fathers drafted into military service,1982,14,8,1187-1189,Dubouis-Bonnefond Psychiatric evaluation of HIV infected subjects,1992,24,14,1521-1524,Pergami Clinical approach to attempted suicide: How to defeat the danger of speaking?,1992,24,2,169-173,De Clerq Alcoholic's suicide attempt behind its triviality which risks?,1993,25,13,1331-1335,Philippe Attempted suicides by adolescents in semi-rural environment epidemiological approach and therapy in C.H.U. of Rodez,1993,25,1,37-40,Vurpas Some psycho-pathological reflections on twins ding their military service,1993,25,1,65-68,Kabuth The painting lesson? Van Gogh with Artaud,1994,26,13,1380-1382,Hulak Evaluation of suicidal intention in adolescents,1994,26,11,1139-1140,Chabrol Crisis and ageing,1994,26,12,1274-1278,Pancrazi-Boyer Drug addiction behaviors attempted suicide and adolescence crisis,1994,26,1,33-36,Clerici Suicidal attempts at Hyeres in 1984: from C.H.G. to C.H.S. epidemiologic and prospective aspects,1990,22,14,1441-1447,Arnaud Self-mutilations and self wounding behaviours in military environment clinical consideration,1991,23,1,73-76,Dubouis-Bonnefond Saving and/or destructive product: Suicide attempt by insulin overdose among diabetic patients. ;; Produit salvateur et/ou destructeur: La tentative de suicide par insuline chez le diabétique,1990,22,6,530-533,Bertagne Suicide and aggression in the Bible: About King Saül's death ;; Suicide et agression dans la bible: à propos de la mort du roi Saül,1990,22,5,426-428,Velut Bereavement after suicide: Psycho-social factors and intervention program ;; Le deuil après un suicide: facteurs psycho-sociaux et programme d'intervention,1990,22,5,377-379,Seguin The suicide of an adolescent as a form of parental aggression ;; Le suicide de l'adolescent comme agression parentale,1990,22,5,440-442,Chavagnat The suicide: An impossible grief? ;; Le suicide: un deuil impossible?,1990,22,5,437-439,Quidu-Richard Filiation sexual identity and suicide ;; Filiation identité sexuelle et suicide,1990,22,5,415-417,Delile Suicide prevention in a college setting: Is it possible? ;; La prévention du suicide en milieu collégial: est-ce possible?,1990,22,5,381-383,Seguin Delayed suicide: The aggressive behaviors of psychotic adolescents directed toward themselves and others during psychotherapy ;; Le suicide différé: auto et hétéro-agressions chez l'adolescent psychotique au cours de la dynamique psychothérapique,1990,22,5,399-402,Puig-Verges Aggressiveness toward the psychiatrist: Based on letters from patients who attempted suicide or had suicidal thoughts ;; De l'agressivité à l'égard du psychiatre: à partir de lettres de suicidants,1990,22,5,431-433,Fabre Is the emergency medical care of depressed suicide attempters an aggression? ;; La prise en charge médical d'urgence des suicidants déprimés est-elle une agression?,1990,22,5,393-395,Theret Suicide and aggression: Toward whom is the aggression directed: The self or others? ;; Suicide et agression: qui est agressé soi et ou l'autre?,1990,22,5,420-422,Nicolopoulou Observation of behavioral characteristics that are precursors of suicidal tendencies in a high school population ;; Observation en milieu scolaire d'indices comportementaux avant-coureurs du suicide chez les adolescents,1990,22,5,385-388,Pronovost A fragment of a child's psychoanalytic cure: The meaning of an accident ;; Un fragment d'une cure d'enfant' de la signifiance d'un accident,1990,22,13,1374-1377,Viltard Aggressive transference in the psychotherapy of the suicidal patien ;; Le transfert agressif dans les psychothérapies de suicidants,1990,22,5,373-375,Pedinielli Symbolic elaboration of drives and suicidal action: A comparative approach with the Rorschach test ;; Capacités d'élaboration symbolique des pulsions et passage à l'acte suicidaire: approche comparée à l'aide du test de Rorschach,1990,22,8,744-749,De Tychey Suicidal behaviors among adolescents in Quebec ;; Comportements et idéations suicidaires chez les adolescents québécois,1990,22,5,389-392,Ross Self-aggressiveness and hetero-aggressiveness among passive dependent personalities ;;Auto et hétéro-agressivité chez les personnalités passives-dépendantes,1990,22,5,434-436,Bertagne Nightmares and aggression ;; Cauchemar et agression,1990,22,5,429-430,Mack Aggression in the family of the suicidal patient ;; Agression dans la famille du patient suicidaire,1990,22,5,406-408,Nicolopoulou Self-mutilations and self-wounding acts in a military environment,1991,23,1,73-76,Dubouis-Bonnefond The suicide note ;; L'écrit du suicidant,1991,23,10,1141-1144,Moron Some views of the corporeity in Guadeloupe: About a clinical experiment ;; Quelques aspects de la corporeité en Guadeloupe: à propos d'une expérience clinique =,1991,23,Spec Issue 13,1449-1453,Antoni Psychosomatic illness in aging patients in a psychiatric consultation service of a general hospital,1991,23,7,807-910,Teising