Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Steroid-induced depressive psychosis responsive to electroconvulsive therapy,1996,12,2,104-107,Wells Completed suicide and recent electroconvulsive therapy in Finland,1996,12,3,152-155,Lonnqvist ECT for Post-stroke Depression: Beta Blockade to Modify Rise in Blood Pressure,1987,3,3,218-221,Hawton ECT in a Patient with Harrington Rods,1992,8,2,137-140,Milstein Continuation ECT: relapse prevention in affective disorders,1994,10,3,189-194,Dhossche Use of ECT after brain injury,1996,12,2,113-116,Meller ECT in an elderly patient with skull defects and shrapnel,1990,6,2,165-171,Hartmann