Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The diagnosis of traumatic brain injury on the battlefield,2012,3,,90,Tortella Perspective on sleep and aging,2010,1,,124,Monjan Blast Induced Brain Injuries - A Grand Challenge in TBI Research,2010,1,,1,Risling The importance of systemic response in the pathobiology of blast-induced neurotrauma,2010,1,,151,Cernak Stress and traumatic brain injury: a behavioral proteomics and histological study,2011,2,,12,Kövesdi Vestibulo-cerebellar disease impairs the central representation of self-orientation,2011,2,,11,Shaikh "Studying injured minds" - the Vietnam head injury study and 40 years of brain injury research,2011,2,,15,Salazar Physics of IED Blast Shock Tube Simulations for mTBI Research,2011,2,online,58,Philippens High prevalence of chronic pituitary and target-organ hormone abnormalities after blast-related mild traumatic brain injury,2012,3,,11,Shofer Bench-to-bedside and bedside back to the bench: coordinating clinical and experimental traumatic brain injury studies,2012,3,,3,Risling Traumatic injuries in the nervous system,2012,3,,26,Risling A Multiscale Approach to Blast Neurotrauma Modeling: Part II: Methodology for Inducing Blast Injury to in vitro Models,2012,3,,23,Bass Perspectives on creating clinically relevant blast models for mild traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder symptoms,2012,3,,31,Brenner Physicians' Knowledge of the Glasgow Coma Scale in a Nigerian University Hospital: Is the Simple GCS Still Too Complex?,2012,3,,28,Adeleye Assessment of the effects of acute and repeated exposure to blast overpressure in rodents: toward a greater understanding of blast and the potential ramifications for injury in humans exposed to blast,2012,3,,32,Ahlers Neuro-glial and systemic mechanisms of pathological responses in rat models of primary blast overpressure compared to "composite" blast,2012,3,,15,Svetlov Experimental animal models for studies on the mechanisms of blast-induced neurotrauma,2012,3,,30,Davidsson Porcine head response to blast,2012,3,,70,Radovitzky Cognition in rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,2012,3,,82,Gagnon Spinal injuries in children,2012,3,,96,Basu High school coaches perceptions of physicians' role in the assessment and management of sports-related concussive injury,2012,3,,130,Williams Using mobile phones for activity recognition in Parkinson's patients,2012,3,,158,Körding A case for mental and physical rest in youth sports concussion: it's never too late,2012,3,online,171,Schatz Acute blast injury reduces brain abeta in two rodent species,2012,3,online,177,DeKosky Consequences of the dynamic triple peak impact factor in traumatic brain injury as measured with numerical simulation,2013,4,,23,von Holst Mathematical models of blast-induced TBI: current status challenges and prospects,2013,4,,59,Przekwas Integration of proteomics bioinformatics and systems biology in traumatic brain injury biomarker discovery,2013,4,,61,Hayes Patient characterization protocols for psychophysiological studies of traumatic brain injury and post-TBI psychiatric disorders,2013,4,,91,Bashore Brain response to primary blast wave using validated finite element models of human head and advanced combat helmet,2013,4,,88,Zhang The differences between blast-induced and sports-related brain injuries,2013,4,,119,Chen Caveats for using shock tube in blast-induced traumatic brain injury research,2013,4,,117,Chen The complex clinical issues involved in an athlete's decision to retire from collision sport due to multiple concussions: A case study of a professional athlete,2013,4,,141,Gardner Traumatic Brain Injury - Modeling Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Rodents,2013,4,,157,Malkesman Metabolic crisis in severely head-injured patients: Is ischemia just the tip of the iceberg?,2013,4,,146,Bourdon Virtual Sensory Feedback for Gait Improvement in Neurological Patients,2013,4,,138,Baram Assessing neuro-systemic and behavioral components in the pathophysiology of blast-related brain injury,2013,4,,186,Svetlov Statistical issues in TBI clinical studies,2013,4,,177,Rapp Long-term cognitive impairments and pathological alterations in a mouse model of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury,2014,5,,12,Zhang Blast tbi models neuropathology and implications for seizure risk,2014,5,,47,Leonessa fMRI and brain activation after sport concussion: a tale of two cases,2014,5,,46,Schweizer The relationship of neuropsychological variables to driving status following holistic neurorehabilitation,2014,5,,56,Myles Chronic pain following physical and emotional trauma: the station nightclub fire,2014,5,,86,Schneider Effect of auditory constraints on motor performance depends on stage of recovery post-stroke,2014,5,,106,Verghese Penetrating brain injury after suicide attempt with speargun: case study and review of literature,2014,5,,e0113,Cosgrove Blast-induced neurotrauma models and their requirements,2014,5,,128,Cernak Brain injury markers: where are we?,2014,5,,145,Tortella Differential expression of brain cannabinoid receptors between repeatedly stressed males and females may play a role in age and gender-related difference in traumatic brain injury: implications from animal studies,2014,5,,161,Carlton Military personnel with chronic symptoms following blast traumatic brain injury have differential expression of neuronal recovery and epidermal growth factor receptor genes,2014,5,,198,French Structural differences in gray matter between glider pilots and non-pilots. A voxel-based morphometry study,2014,5,,248,Callan Effects of low-level blast exposure on the nervous system: is there really a controversy?,2014,5,,269,Elder Consequences of traumatic brain injury for human vergence dynamics,2014,5,,282,Tyler Effects of blast overpressure on neurons and glial cells in rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures,2015,6,,20,Stemper The importance of structural anisotropy in computational models of traumatic brain injury,2015,6,,28,Carlsen Bench-to-bedside and bedside back to the bench: seeking a better understanding of the acute pathophysiological process in severe traumatic brain injury,2015,6,,47,Agoston Repetitive concussions in adolescent athletes - translating clinical and experimental research into perspectives on rehabilitation strategies,2015,6,,e69,Bazarian Blast testing issues and TBI: experimental models that lead to wrong conclusions,2015,6,,72,Ritzel DNA methylation perturbations in genes involved in polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis associated with depression and suicide risk,2015,6,,e92,Mann When physics meets biology: low and high-velocity penetration blunt impact and blast injuries to the brain,2015,6,,e89,Ling Blood biomarkers in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: potential utility of a multi-marker approach in characterizing outcome,2015,6,,e110,Diaz-Arrastia Blast overpressure waves induce transient anxiety and regional changes in cerebral glucose metabolism and delayed hyperarousal in rats,2015,6,,e132,Brackett Vertigo and dizziness in the elderly,2015,6,,e144,Fernández Anatomical location of the mesencephalic locomotor region and its possible role in locomotion posture cataplexy and parkinsonism,2015,6,,e140,Saper Toward a high-resolution neuroimaging biomarker for mild traumatic brain injury: from bench to bedside,2015,6,,148,Jaiswal The quest to model chronic traumatic encephalopathy: a multiple model and injury paradigm experience,2015,6,,e222,Petraglia The complexity of biomechanics causing primary blast-induced traumatic brain injury: a review of potential mechanisms,2015,6,,e221,Courtney Traumatic brain injury and peripheral immune suppression: primer and prospectus,2015,6,,e235,Belli Brain injury impairs working memory and prefrontal circuit function,2015,6,,e240,Smith Effects of auditory rhythm and music on gait disturbances in Parkinson's disease,2015,6,,e234,Eagleman Perspectives on aging vestibular function,2015,6,,e269,Anson Synaptic mechanisms of blast-induced brain injury,2016,7,,e2,Przekwas Autonomic nervous system responses to concussion: arterial pulse contour analysis,2016,7,,e13,La Fountaine Behavioral outcomes differ between rotational acceleration and blast mechanisms of mild traumatic brain injury,2016,7,,31,Stemper Assessing the relationship between neurocognitive performance and brain volume in chronic moderate-severe traumatic brain injury,2016,7,,e29,Konstantinou Effects of soccer heading on brain structure and function,2016,7,,e38,Caramelli Commentary: systemic local and imaging biomarkers of brain injury: more needed and better use of those already established?,2016,7,,re34,Bor-Seng-Shu Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase-L1 as a serum neurotrauma biomarker for exposure to occupational low-level blast,2015,6,,49,Kamimori Blepharospasm: update on epidemiology clinical aspects and pathophysiology,2016,7,,e45,Defazio The epidemiology of sports-related head injury and concussion in water polo,2016,7,,e98,Small Editorial: When physics meets biology; biomechanics and biology of traumatic brain injury,2016,7,,e91,Agoston Diffusion tensor imaging findings in post-concussion syndrome patients after mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review,2016,7,,e156,Cusimano Vestibular perceptual thresholds increase above the age of 40,2016,7,,162,Wang Exposure to a predator scent induces chronic behavioral changes in rats previously exposed to low-level blast: implications for the relationship of blast-related TBI to PTSD,2016,7,,176,Haghighi Biomechanical responses of the brain in swine subject to free-field blasts,2016,7,,179,Kallakuri Diffuse axonal injury: epidemiology outcome and associated risk factors,2016,7,,e178,de Sousa An attempt of early detection of poor outcome after whiplash,2016,7,,177,Adrian Lifetime multiple mild traumatic brain injuries are associated with cognitive and mood symptoms in young healthy college students,2016,7,,e188,Seichepine Balance in virtual reality: effect of age and bilateral vestibular loss,2017,8,,e5,Macdougall Curved walking rehabilitation with a rotating treadmill in patients with Parkinson's disease: a proof of concept,2017,8,,e53,Turcato Investigating microstructural abnormalities and neurocognition in sub-acute and chronic traumatic brain injury patients with normal-appearing white matter: a preliminary diffusion tensor imaging study,2017,8,,e97,Cusimano A historical view of motion sickness-a plague at sea and on land also with military impact,2017,8,,e114,Brandt Cognitive dysfunction is associated with greater imbalance and falls in essential tremor,2017,8,,e154,Huey Blast exposure white matter integrity and cognitive function in Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans,2017,8,,e127,Elder Multi-disciplinary management of athletes with post-concussion syndrome: an evolving pathophysiological approach,2016,7,,e136,Leddy Observational study of 180° turning strategies using inertial measurement units and fall risk in poststroke hemiparetic patients,2017,8,,e194,Vidal Predicting outcome 12 months after mild traumatic brain injury in patients admitted to a neurosurgery service,2017,8,,e125,Soberg Gelsemium elegans poisoning: a case with 8 months of follow-up and review of the literature,2017,8,,e204,Zhou Considerations for experimental animal models of concussion traumatic brain injury and chronic traumatic encephalopathy-these matters matter,2017,8,,e240,Minaeva Neural consequences of chronic short sleep: reversible or lasting?,2017,8,,e235,Veasey Brain network activation technology does not assist with concussion diagnosis and return to play in football athletes [American football],2017,8,,e252,Broglio A mechanistic end-to-end concussion model that translates head kinematics to neurologic injury,2017,8,,269,Stuhmiller The role of substance P in secondary pathophysiology after traumatic brain injury,2017,8,,e304,Vink Serial sampling of serum protein biomarkers for monitoring human traumatic brain injury dynamics: a systematic review,2017,8,,e300,Menon Critical evaluation of the Lund concept for treatment of severe traumatic head injury 25 years after its introduction,2017,8,,e315,Grände Rethinking neuroprotection in severe traumatic brain injury: toward bedside neuroprotection,2017,8,,e354,Stocchetti Primary blast-induced changes in Akt and GSK3β phosphorylation in rat hippocampus,2017,8,,e413,Wang Metabolomics profiling as a diagnostic tool in severe traumatic brain injury,2017,8,,e398,Tenovuo Head-eye vestibular motion therapy affects the mental and physical health of severe chronic postconcussion patients,2017,8,,e414,Zaman Decreased secondary lesion growth and attenuated immune response after traumatic brain injury in Tlr2/4(-/-) mice,2017,8,,e455,Plesnila Current and emerging technologies for probing molecular signatures of traumatic brain injury,2017,8,,e450,Zanier Editorial: Age-related vestibular loss: current understanding and future research directions,2017,8,,e443,Agrawal Validation of a step detection algorithm during straight walking and turning in patients with parkinson's disease and older adults using an inertial measurement unit at the lower back,2017,8,,e457,Becker Fatigue and cognitive fatigability in mild traumatic brain injury are correlated with altered neural activity during vigilance test performance,2017,8,,e496,Li Editorial: Karolinska Institutet 200-Year Anniversary Symposium on Injuries to the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System-an update on recent advances in regenerative neuroscience,2017,8,,e510,Fehlings An enigmatic case of acute mercury poisoning: clinical immunological findings and platelet function,2017,8,,517,Dittrich Traumatic brain injury severity neuropathophysiology and clinical outcome: insights from multimodal neuroimaging,2017,8,,e530,Van Horn Vestibular dysfunction and difficulty with driving: data from the 2001-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys,2017,8,,e557,Agrawal The neurological wake-up test-a role in neurocritical care monitoring of traumatic brain injury patients?,2017,8,,e540,Marklund Functional magnetic resonance imaging of cognitive control following traumatic brain injury,2017,8,,e352,Scheibel Gait and cognition in parkinson's disease: cognitive impairment is inadequately reflected by gait performance during dual task,2017,8,,e550,Pfeifer Systematic review of traumatic brain injuries in baseball and softball: a framework for prevention,2017,8,,e492,Cusimano Blue-light therapy following mild traumatic brain injury: effects on white matter water diffusion in the brain,2017,8,,e616,Killgore Corrigendum: assessing metabolism and injury in acute human traumatic brain injury with magnetic resonance spectroscopy: current and future applications,2017,8,,e642,Carpenter Corrigendum: Dedifferentiation does not account for hyperconnectivity after traumatic brain injury,2017,8,,e674,Roy Anatomical and physiological differences between children and adults relevant to traumatic brain injury and the implications for clinical assessment and care,2017,8,,e685,Figaji Early detection of poor outcome after mild traumatic brain injury: predictive factors using a multidimensional approach a pilot study,2017,8,,e666,Caplain Clinical epidemiology of head injury from road-traffic trauma in a developing country in the current era,2017,8,,e695,Adeleye Functional MRI motor imagery tasks to detect command following in traumatic disorders of consciousness,2017,8,,e688,Giacino Magnetic resonance imaging-based prediction of the relationship between whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders,2017,8,,e725,Lee The applicability of rhythm-motor tasks to a new dual task paradigm for older adults,2017,8,,e671,Kim A systematic review of non-traumatic spinal cord injuries in sub-Saharan Africa and a proposed diagnostic algorithm for resource-limited settings,2017,8,,e618,Meyer Heart rate variability in healthy non-concussed youth athletes: exploring the effect of age sex and concussion-like symptoms,2017,8,,e753,Reed Technologies for advanced gait and balance assessments in people with multiple sclerosis,2017,8,,e708,Galea A review of traumatic axonal injury following whiplash injury as demonstrated by diffusion tensor tractography,2018,9,,e57,Jang The effect of visual stimuli on stability and complexity of postural control,2018,9,,e48,Wang Chronic hypopituitarism associated with increased postconcussive symptoms is prevalent after blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e72,Pagulayan Long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury in bone metabolism,2018,9,,e115,Bajwa Editorial: Monitoring pathophysiology in the injured brain,2018,9,,e193,Helmy Sport-related concussion alters indices of dynamic cerebral autoregulation,2018,9,,e196,van Donkelaar Environmental subconcussive injury axonal injury and chronic traumatic encephalopathy,2018,9,,e166,Morley Long-term factors associated with falls and fractures poststroke,2018,9,,e210,Myint The dynamics of concussion: mapping pathophysiology persistence and recovery with causal-loop diagramming,2018,9,,e203,Gordon A cross-sectional study on cerebral hemodynamics after mild traumatic brain injury in a pediatric population,2018,9,,e200,Diaz-Arrastia Cranioplasty after severe traumatic brain injury: effects of trauma and patient recovery on cranioplasty outcome,2018,9,,e223,Tenovuo Prehospital intubation and outcome in traumatic brain injury-assessing intervention efficacy in a modern trauma cohort,2018,9,,e194,Svensson Heading frequency is more strongly related to cognitive performance than unintentional head impacts in amateur soccer players,2018,9,,e240,Lipton Editorial: Investigating brain activity after acquired and traumatic brain injury: applications of functional MRI,2018,9,,e365,Chiaravalloti Virtual reality for traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e345,Riva Vestibular injury after low-intensity blast exposure,2018,9,,e297,Dickman Mild traumatic brain injury in adolescent mice alters skull bone properties to influence a subsequent brain impact at adulthood: a pilot study,2018,9,,e372,O'Brien The reliance on vestibular information during standing balance control decreases with severity of vestibular dysfunction,2018,9,,e371,van der Kooij Alcohol use and alcohol-related seizures in patients with epilepsy,2018,9,,e401,Weissinger Strengthening health systems for persons with traumatic spinal cord injury in South Africa and Sweden: a protocol for a longitudinal study of processes and outcomes,2018,9,,e453,Nilsson Wikmar Incidence risk factors and consequences of epilepsy-related injuries and accidents: a retrospective single center study,2018,9,,e414,Rosenow A comparative study of two blast-induced traumatic brain injury models: changes in monoamine and galanin systems following single and repeated exposure,2018,9,,e479,Hökfelt Traumatic brain injury and firearm use and risk of progressive supranuclear palsy among veterans,2018,9,,e474,Cunningham Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) correlates of self-reported sleep quality and depression following mild traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e468,Killgore Longitudinal changes of caudate-based resting state functional connectivity in mild traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e467,Zhang Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in professional American football players: where are we now?,2018,9,,e445,Tharmaratnam Psychological resilience is associated with participation outcomes following mild to severe traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e563,Sherer Association of visual tracking metrics with post-concussion symptomatology,2018,9,,e611,Ghajar Multi-center pre-clinical consortia to enhance translation of therapies and biomarkers for traumatic brain injury: operation brain trauma therapy and beyond,2018,9,,e640,Shear A cross-study analysis for reproducible sub-classification of traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e606,Li Brain behavior and cognitive interplay in disorders of consciousness: a multiple case study,2018,9,,e665,Laureys Balance changes in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a pilot study comparing the dynamics of the relapse and remitting phases,2018,9,,e686,Allum Epidemiological features of spinal cord injury in China: a systematic review,2018,9,,e683,Yuan Driving ability in Alzheimer disease spectrum: neural basis assessment and potential use of optic flow event-related potentials,2018,9,,e750,Yamasaki Concussions in sledding sports and the unrecognized "sled head": a systematic review,2018,9,,e772,Cusimano New insights on emotional contributions to human postural control,2018,9,,e789,Adkin Preliminary evidence of sex differences in cortical thickness following acute mild traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e878,Wang Forecast or fall: prediction's importance to postural control,2018,9,,e924,Dakin Pros and cons of 19 sport-related concussion educational resources in Canada: avenues for better care and prevention,2018,9,,e872,Cusimano Blast-exposed veterans with mild traumatic brain injury show greater frontal cortical thinning and poorer executive functioning,2018,9,,e873,Bondi Concussion subtype identification with the Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire,2018,9,,e1034,Ghajar Employment probability trajectories up to 10 years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e1051,Lu A multidimensional approach to post-concussion symptoms in mild traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e1113,Polinder Assessing walking adaptability in Parkinson's disease: "the interactive walkway",2018,9,,e1096,Roerdink Comprehensive evaluation of healthy volunteers using multi-modality brain injury assessments: an exploratory observational study,2018,9,,e1030,Deru Altered resting functional connectivity is related to cognitive outcome in males with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e1163,Konstantinou Revisiting the relationship between internal focus and balance control in young and older adults,2018,9,,e1131,Young Long-term return to work after acquired brain injury in young Danish adults: a nation-wide registry-based cohort study,2018,9,,e1180,Dehlendorff Effort and fatigue-related functional connectivity in mild traumatic brain injury,2018,9,,e1165,Lewis Differences in characteristics of error-related potentials between individuals with spinal cord injury and age- and sex-matched able-bodied controls,2018,9,,e1192,Schuld Measuring neurobehavioral disabilities among severe brain injury survivors: reports of survivors and proxies in the chronic phase,2019,10,,e51,Wood A detailed overview of long-term outcomes in severe traumatic brain injury eight years post-injury,2019,10,,e120,Aegerter Vocational rehabilitation in mild traumatic brain injury: supporting return to work and daily life functioning,2019,10,,e103,Schow Driving behaviors 2-3 years after traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: a multicenter case-control study,2019,10,,e144,Delhomme Cognitive impairment following acute mild traumatic brain injury,2019,10,,e198,Teixeira Biomarkers for dementia fatigue and depression in Parkinson's disease,2019,10,,e195,Witte No evidence of association between soccer heading and cognitive performance in professional soccer players: cross-sectional results,2019,10,,e209,Caramelli Global outcome trajectories up to 10 years after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury,2019,10,,e219,Lu Employment status among U.S. Military veterans with traumatic brain injury: mediation analyses and the goal of tertiary prevention,2019,10,,e190,Winter Association of suicide risk with headache frequency among migraine patients with and without aura,2019,10,,e228,Lee Traumatic spinal cord injury: an overview of pathophysiology models and acute injury mechanisms,2019,10,,e282,Alizadeh The overlooked outcome measure for spinal cord injury: use of assistive devices,2019,10,,e272,Scivoletto Perception of verticality and vestibular disorders of balance and falls,2019,10,,e172,Dieterich Early prophylactic hypothermia for patients with severe traumatic injury: premature to close the case,2019,10,,e344,Chin Pre-injury comorbidities are associated with functional impairment and post-concussive symptoms at 3- and 6-months after mild traumatic brain injury: a TRACK-TBI study,2019,10,,e343,Manley Association of increased serum S100B levels with high school football subconcussive head impacts,2019,10,,e327,Kawata Potential utility of 123I-MIBG scintigraphy as a predictor of falls in Parkinson's disease,2019,10,,e376,Murakami The young male syndrome-an analysis of sex age risk taking and mortality in patients with severe traumatic brain injuries,2019,10,,e366,Büki Blood biomarkers for traumatic brain injury: a quantitative assessment of diagnostic and prognostic accuracy,2019,10,,e446,Stein Predictors of hospital mortality and the related burden of disease in severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective multicentric study in Brazil,2019,10,,e432,Kupek The predictive capacity of the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test after sport-related concussion in adolescents,2019,10,,e395,Leddy Functional head impulse test in professional athletes: sport-specific normative values and implication for sport-related concussion,2019,10,,e387,Ramat Nicotine bitartrate reduces falls and freezing of gait in Parkinson disease: a reanalysis,2019,10,,e424,Lockhart Measuring change over time: a systematic review of evaluative measures of cognitive functioning in traumatic brain injury,2019,10,,353,Colantonio Longitudinal assessment of cortical excitability in children and adolescents with mild traumatic brain injury and persistent post-concussive symptoms,2019,10,,e451,Kirton Neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies in sports-related concussions in adolescents: current state and future directions,2019,10,,e538,Tsao Chronic neurobehavioral sex differences in a murine model of repetitive concussive brain injury,2019,10,,e509,Tucker Network analysis and precision rehabilitation for the post-concussion syndrome,2019,10,,e489,Iverson Longitudinal changes in magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pediatric concussion: a pilot study,2019,10,,e556,Mannix Hit in the heart of life: how meeting like-minded peers may contribute to psychosocial recovery of adolescents and young adults with acquired brain injury,2019,10,,e521,Norup Randomized controlled trials of rehabilitation services in the post-acute phase of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury - a systematic review,2019,10,,e557,Tenovuo Structural and functional brain alterations in post-traumatic headache attributed to mild traumatic brain injury: a narrative review,2019,10,,e615,Schwedt Predictors for psychological distress 2 months after mild traumatic brain injury,2019,10,,e639,Vikane Incidence of mild traumatic brain injury: a prospective hospital emergency room and general practitioner-based study,2019,10,,e638,Skandsen Racial and ethnic differences in emergency department utilization and diagnosis for sports-related head injuries,2019,10,,e690,Mannix Relationships between sleepiness mood and neurocognitive performance in military personnel,2019,10,,e674,Tsao The stability of retrospective pre-injury symptom ratings following pediatric concussion,2019,10,,e672,Gioia Pilot randomized controlled trial of an exercise program requiring minimal in-person visits for youth with persistent sport-related concussion,2019,10,,e623,Rivara Making headway for discussions about concussions: experiences of former high school and collegiate student-athletes,2019,10,,e698,Tsao Preliminary evidence for a window of increased vulnerability to sustain a concussion in females: a brief report,2019,10,,e691,La Fountaine Vision does not necessarily stabilize the head in space during continuous postural perturbations,2019,10,,e748,Schieppati Elucidating unique axonal dysfunction between nitrous oxide abuse and vitamin B12 deficiency,2019,10,,e704,Tani What comes first: return to school or return to activity for youth after concussion? Maybe we don't have to choose,2019,10,,e792,DeMatteo Occupational blast wave exposure during multiday 0.50 caliber rifle course,2019,10,,e797,Chandra The potential of telemedicine to improve pediatric concussion care in rural and remote communities in Canada,2019,10,,e840,Russell Impact of long-term hippotherapy on the walking ability of children with cerebral palsy and quality of life of their caregivers,2019,10,,e834,Taki The relationship between social communication and social functioning in pediatric TBI: a pilot study,2019,10,,e850,Deluca Efficacy of psychoeducation and cognitive rehabilitation after mild traumatic brain injury for preventing post-concussional syndrome in individuals with high risk of poor prognosis: a randomized clinical trial,2019,10,,e929,Caplain Educational and exercise intervention to prevent falls and improve participation in subjects with neurological conditions: the NEUROFALL Randomized Controlled Trial,2019,10,,e865,Beghi The motion of body center of mass during walking: a review oriented to clinical applications,2019,10,,e999,Tesio Elevated serum levels of inflammation-related cytokines in mild traumatic brain injury are associated with cognitive performance,2019,10,,e1120,Zhang The Veterans Affairs Neuropathy Scale: a reliable remote polyneuropathy exam,2019,10,,e1050,Saliba Editorial: Impact of traumatic brain injuries on participation in daily life and work: recent research and future directions,2019,10,,e1153,Ponsford Differences in corticoreticulospinal tract injuries according to whiplash in mild traumatic brain injury patients,2019,10,,e1199,Jang The efficacy and harms of pharmacological interventions for aggression after traumatic brain injury-systematic review,2019,10,,e1169,Clay BDNF val66met positive players demonstrate diffusion tensor imaging consistent with impaired myelination associated with high levels of soccer heading: indication of a potential gene-environment interaction mechanism,2019,10,,e1297,Lipton Longitudinal neuroimaging in pediatric traumatic brain injury: current state and consideration of factors that influence recovery,2019,10,,e1296,Wilde Cohort differences in neurobehavioral symptoms in chronic mild to severe traumatic brain injury,2019,10,,e1342,Terhorst Epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury and hypothalamic-pituitary disorders in Arizona,2019,10,,1410,Adelson Prediction of early TBI mortality using a machine learning approach in a LMIC population,2019,10,,e1366,Teixeira The association between persistent white-matter abnormalities and repeat injury after sport-related concussion,2019,10,,e1345,Duma Approaches to multimodality monitoring in pediatric traumatic brain injury,2019,10,,e1261,Adelson In patients over 50 years increased age is associated with decreased odds of documented loss of consciousness after a concussion,2020,11,,e39,Bar-Or Sex and gender differences in emotion recognition and theory of mind after TBI: a narrative review and directions for future research,2020,11,,e59,Duff A case of post-traumatic persistent nasal pain,2019,10,,e1409,Viganò The effect of controlled decompression for severe traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial,2020,11,,e107,Chen Using gas-driven shock tubes to produce blast wave signatures,2020,11,,e90,Kumar Corrigendum: Pilot randomized controlled trial of an exercise program requiring minimal in-person visits for youth with persistent sport-related concussion,2020,11,,e6,Rivara Identification and management of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after traumatic brain injury,2020,11,,e81,Zheng A moderate blast exposure results in dysregulated gene network activity related to cell death survival structure and metabolism,2020,11,,e91,Gill Ecological momentary assessment in patients with an acquired brain injury: a pilot study on compliance and fluctuations,2020,11,,e115,Völzke The effects of augmented reality visual cues on turning in place in Parkinson's disease patients with freezing of gait,2020,11,,e185,Bloem A dose relationship between brain functional connectivity and cumulative head impact exposure in collegiate water polo players,2020,11,,e218,Small Driving performance in patients with idiopathic cervical dystonia; a driving simulator pilot study,2020,11,,e229,Visser Delayed symptom onset following pediatric sport-related concussion,2020,11,,e220,Russell Cerebral blood flow measurement in healthy children and children suffering severe traumatic brain injury-what do we know?,2020,11,,e274,Rostami Injury causes and severity in pediatric traumatic brain injury patients admitted to the ward or intensive care unit: a Collaborative European Neurotrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study,2020,11,,e345,Zweckberger Brain injury and dementia in Pakistan: current perspectives,2020,11,,e299,Enam Mesenchymal stem cells provide neuroprotection by regulating heat stroke-induced brain inflammation,2020,11,,e372,Li Characterizing the risk of depression following mild traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis of the literature comparing chronic mTBI to non-mTBI populations,2020,11,,e350,Grieve Repeated long-term sub-concussion impacts induce motor dysfunction in rats: a potential rodent model,2020,11,,e491,Fitzgerald Investigating brain network changes and their association with cognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal analysis,2020,11,,e369,Forsyth Modified timed up and go test for tendency to fall and balance assessment in elderly patients with gait instability,2020,11,,e543,Rossi-Izquierdo Psychometric tests and spatial navigation: data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging,2020,11,,e484,Agrawal Epigenetic effects on pediatric traumatic brain injury recovery (EETR): an observational prospective longitudinal concurrent cohort study protocol,2020,11,,e460,Yeates Objective and subjective auditory effects of traumatic brain injury and blast exposure in service members and veterans,2020,11,,e613,French Sex differences in circulating T-tau trajectories after sports-concussion and correlation with outcome,2020,11,,e651,Bazarian Cerebrovascular reactivity after sport concussion: from acute injury to 1 year after medical clearance,2020,11,,e558,Schweizer Plasma biomarker for post-concussive syndrome: a pilot study using an alternating current electro-kinetic platform,2020,11,,e685,Obirieze Overpressure exposure from .50-caliber rifle training is associated with increased amyloid beta peptides in serum,2020,11,,e620,Kamimori Cumulative effects of prior concussion and primary sport participation on brain morphometry in collegiate athletes: a study from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium,2020,11,,e673,Broglio The road to recovery: a pilot study of driving behaviors following antibody-mediated encephalitis,2020,11,,e678,Roe An acute bout of soccer heading subtly alters neurovascular coupling metrics,2020,11,,e738,van Donkelaar Risk for misdiagnosing chronic traumatic encephalopathy in men with anger control problems,2020,11,,e739,Iverson Considerations for studying sex as a biological variable in spinal cord injury,2020,11,,e802,Gensel S100B blood level determination for early management of ski-related mild traumatic brain injury: a pilot study,2020,11,,e856,Pereira The increasing age of TBI patients at a single Level 1 trauma center and the discordance between GCS and CT Rotterdam Scores in the elderly,2020,11,,e112,Shahlaie A decade of mTBI experience: what have we learned? A summary of proceedings from a NATO lecture series on military mTBI,2020,11,,e836,Vermetten Performance on the DANA Brief Cognitive Test correlates with MACE Cognitive Score and may be a new tool to diagnose concussion,2020,11,,e839,Tsao Intracranial pressure monitoring signals after traumatic brain injury: a narrative overview and conceptual data science framework,2020,11,,e959,Foreman Behavioral deficits in animal models of blast traumatic brain injury,2020,11,,e990,Pfister Simulation of the strain amplification in sulci due to blunt impact to the head,2020,11,,e998,Fagan Emotional regulation following acquired brain injury: associations with executive functioning in daily life and symptoms of anxiety and depression,2020,11,,e1011,Schanke Soccer-related concussions among Swedish elite soccer players: a descriptive study of 1030 players,2020,11,,e510800,Marklund Sex as a biological variable in preclinical modeling of blast-related traumatic brain injury,2020,11,,e541050,Tucker Progress and future directions of the NCAA-DoD Concussion Assessment Research and Education (CARE) Consortium and Mind Matters Challenge at the US service academies,2020,11,,e542733,Broglio Perspective: cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is a promising intervention for mild traumatic brain injury,2020,11,,e530273,Furst Cognitive effects of astaxanthin pretreatment on recovery from traumatic brain injury,2020,11,,e999,Heled Sex-specific differences in rodents following a single primary blast exposure: focus on the monoamine and galanin systems,2020,11,,e540144,Hökfelt Provider training in the management of headache following concussion clinical recommendation: promoting a standardized means for efficient patient recovery and timely return to duty,2020,11,,e559311,Scher DNA methylation patterns of chronic explosive breaching in U.S. Military Warfighters,2020,11,,e1010,Haghighi Evaluation of an immunomodulatory probiotic intervention for veterans with co-occurring mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study,2020,11,,e1015,Postolache Sex drugs and TBI: the role of sex in substance abuse related to traumatic brain injuries,2020,11,,e546775,Karelina Neurovestibular dysfunction and falls in Parkinson's disease and atypical Parkinsonism: a prospective 1 year follow-up study,2020,11,,e580285,Venhovens Characteristics and impact of U.S. military blast-related mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review,2020,11,,e559318,Mondello Trauma-related Guillain-Barré syndrome: systematic review of an emerging concept,2020,11,,e588290,Lu Effectiveness of combining compensatory cognitive training and vocational intervention vs. treatment as usual on return to work following mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury: interim analysis at 3 and 6 month follow-up,2020,11,,e561400,Lu Post-concussion vulnerability to transient global amnesia,2020,11,,e517863,Kim Concussion disrupts normal brain white matter microstructural symmetry,2020,11,,e548220,Ghajar Predictors of mortality in traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: a National Trauma Data Bank study,2020,11,,e587587,Asaad Sex differences in behavioral sensitivities after traumatic brain injury,2020,11,,e553190,Giza Evidence limitations in determining sexually dimorphic outcomes in pediatric post-traumatic hypopituitarism and the path forward,2020,11,,e551923,West Motor function relating to the accuracy of self-overestimation error in community-dwelling older adults,2020,11,,e599787,Kawasaki Blast in context: the neuropsychological and neurocognitive effects of long-term occupational exposure to repeated low-level explosives on Canadian Armed Forces' breaching instructors and range staff,2020,11,,e588531,Colantonio Objective dual-task turning measures for return-to-duty assessment after mild traumatic brain injury: the ReTURN Study protocol,2020,11,,e544812,Lester Efficacy of an interdisciplinary intensive outpatient program in treating combat-related traumatic brain injury and psychological health conditions,2020,11,,e580182,Kelly The effects of bicycle simulator training on anticipatory and compensatory postural control in older adults: study protocol for a single-blind randomized controlled trial,2020,11,,e614664,Melzer Vestibular function after the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes: a retrospective chart review,2020,11,,e626613,Miwa Establish a nomogram to predict falls in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3,2020,11,,e602003,Ou Co-morbidities to vestibular impairments-some concomitant disorders in young and older adults,2020,11,,e609928,Magnusson Acute traumatic spinal cord injury in humans dogs and other mammals: the under-appreciated role of the dura,2021,12,,e629445,Saadoun Genetics and the individualized therapy of vestibular disorders,2021,12,,e633207,Hoffer Measuring vestibular contributions to age-related balance impairment: a review,2021,12,,e635305,Merfeld Functional gait can be affected by noise: effects of age and cognitive function: a pilot study,2021,12,,e634395,Bamiou Effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on depression-like behavior in a laser-induced shock wave model,2021,12,,e602038,Saitoh Examining criteria for defining persistent post-concussion symptoms in children and adolescents,2021,12,,e614648,Iverson Frequency and predictors of traumatic encephalopathy syndrome in a prospective cohort of retired professional athletes,2021,12,,e617526,Hart Fine tuning of traumatic brain injury management in neurointensive care-indicative observations and future perspectives,2021,12,,e638132,Enblad Paving the way toward distinguishing fallers from non-fallers in bilateral vestibulopathy: a wide pilot observation,2021,12,,e611648,Hallemans Chronic neurophysiological effects of repeated head trauma in retired Australian male sport athletes,2021,12,,633320,Pearce Cerebrospinal fluid cavitation as a mechanism of blast-induced traumatic brain injury: a review of current debates methods and findings,2021,12,,e626393,Marsh Potential health and performance effects of high-level and low-level blast: a scoping review of two decades of research,2021,12,,e628782,Thomsen The delayed neuropathological consequences of traumatic brain injury in a community-based sample,2021,12,,e624696,Ellenbogen Predictors and correlates of depression in retired elite level rugby league players,2021,12,,e655746,Iverson Preliminary evidence of orthostatic intolerance and altered cerebral vascular control following sport-related concussion,2021,12,,e620757,Leddy Examining the research criteria for traumatic encephalopathy syndrome in middle-aged men from the general population who played contact sports in high school,2021,12,,e632618,Iverson The development and validation of the SWADOC: a study protocol for a multicenter prospective cohort study,2021,12,,662634,Laureys Age of first exposure to football is not associated with later-in-life cognitive or mental health problems,2021,12,,647314,Iverson Effect of dance on balance mobility and activities of daily living in adults with cerebral palsy: a pilot study,2021,12,,663060,Joung Traumatic brain injury exposure lowers age of cognitive decline in AD and non-AD conditions,2021,12,,573401,Perl Insular connectivity is associated with self-appraisal of cognitive function after a concussion,2021,12,,653442,Schweizer Diffusion tensor imaging correlates of concussion related cognitive impairment,2021,12,,639179,Schulz Perspectives: evaluation of older adult cochlear implant candidates for fall risk in a developing country setting,2021,12,,678773,Rogers Postural and head control given different environmental contexts,2021,12,,597404,Liu A bibliometric analysis and visualization of the top-cited publications in mild traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,687796,Li White matter abnormalities associated with prolonged recovery in adolescents following concussion,2021,12,,e681467,Collins Getting on the same page: consolidating terminology to facilitate cross-disciplinary health-related blast research,2021,12,,e695496,Thomsen As time goes by: understanding child and family factors shaping behavioral outcomes after traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,e687740,Keenan Assessing clinical change in individuals exposed to repetitive head impacts: the Repetitive Head Impact Composite Index,2021,12,,e605318,Bennett A kinetic model for blood biomarker levels after mild traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,e668606,Hier The expanding role of quantitative pupillometry in the evaluation and management of traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,e685313,Dengler Factors associated with response to pilot home-based light therapy for fatigue following traumatic brain injury and stroke,2021,12,,e651392,Lockley Pathophysiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,e696510,Prins Outcomes of a multicenter safety and efficacy study of the SuitX Phoenix powered exoskeleton for ambulation by patients with spinal cord injury,2021,12,,e689751,Wong Parent and teacher-reported child outcomes seven years after mild traumatic brain injury: a nested case control study,2021,12,,e683661,Barker-Collo Suicidal ideations and behavior in patients with young and late onset dementia,2021,12,,e647396,Fischer Case report: acute onset fear of falling and treatment with "cognitive physical therapy",2021,12,,e707840,Kaski Traumatic injury to the developing brain: emerging relationship to early life stress,2021,12,,708800,Noble-Haeusslein Alterations in urine metabolomics following sport-related concussion: a(1)H NMR -based analysis,2021,12,,645829,Benson A pro-social pill? The potential of pharmacological treatments to improve social outcomes after pediatric traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,e714253,Raghupathi Changes in mortality related to traumatic brain injuries in the Seychelles from 1989 to 2018,2021,12,,e720434,Shaikh Traumatic brain injury accelerates the onset of cognitive dysfunction and aggravates Alzheimer's-like pathology in the hippocampus by altering the phenotype of microglia in the APP/PS1 mouse model,2021,12,,e666430,Liu Integrative neuroinformatics for precision prognostication and personalized therapeutics in moderate and severe traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,e729184,Thelin Systematic review of sex and gender effects in traumatic brain injury: equity in clinical and functional outcomes,2021,12,,e678971,Colantonio Goal-concordant care after severe acute brain injury,2021,12,,e710783,Curtis Age of first exposure to contact and collision sports and later in life brain health: a narrative review,2021,12,,e727089,Iverson Predictors and correlates of perceived cognitive decline in retired professional rugby league players,2021,12,,e676762,Iverson Treating aggression and self-destructive behaviors by stimulating the nucleus accumbens: a case series,2021,12,,e706166,Harat Concussion among children in the United States general population: incidence and risk factors,2021,12,,e773927,Iverson A systematic scoping review of new attention problems following traumatic brain injury in children,2021,12,,e751736,Schachar Suicide in older adult men is not related to a personal history of participation in football,2021,12,,e745824,Iverson Dynamic visual stimulations produced in a controlled virtual reality environment reveals long-lasting postural deficits in children with mild traumatic brain injury,2021,12,,e596615,Gagnon Self-reported complaints as prognostic markers for outcome after mild traumatic brain injury in elderly: a machine learning approach,2021,12,,e751539,van der Naalt Predicting autonomous shuttle acceptance in older drivers based on technology readiness/use/barriers life space driving habits and cognition,2021,12,,e798762,Classen Defining acute traumatic encephalopathy: methods of the "HEAD Injury Serum Markers and Multi-Modalities for Assessing Response to Trauma" (HeadSMART II) study,2021,12,,733712,Diaz-Arrastia Neurological sequela of acute pesticide poisoning among adults in central Taiwan,2021,12,,e745265,Wu Putative concussion biomarkers identified in adolescent male athletes using targeted plasma proteomics,2021,12,,e787480,Menon Covid-19 and traumatic brain injury (TBI); what we can learn from the viral pandemic to better understand the biology of TBI improve diagnostics and develop evidence-based treatme,2021,12,,e752937,Agoston Tai chi training as a primary daily care plan for better balance ability in people with Parkinson's disease: an opinion and positioning article,2021,12,,e812342,Gao Longitudinal prediction of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: a prospective cohort study,2021,12,,e758580,Wu Post-concussive dizziness: a review and clinical approach to the patient,2021,12,,e718318,Gianoli What is the evidence on natural recovery over the year following sports-related and non-sports-related mild traumatic brain injury: a scoping review,2021,12,,e756700,Hume Late-onset ictal asystole and falls related to severe coronary artery stenosis: a case report,2021,12,,e780564,Gambardella Perspectives on primary blast injury of the brain: translational insights into non-inertial low-intensity blast injury,2021,12,,e818169,Cernak Epilepsy with suicide: a bibliometrics study and visualization analysis via CiteSpace,2021,12,,e823474,Guo Age-at-injury influences the glial response to traumatic brain injury in the cortex of male juvenile rats,2021,12,,e804139,Murphy Lifetime history of concussion among youth with ADHD presenting to a specialty concussion clinic,2021,12,,e780278,Friedman Prevalence incidence and external causes of traumatic spinal cord injury in China: a nationally representative cross-sectional survey,2021,12,,e784647,Jiang Greater acute concussion symptoms are associated with longer recovery times in NCAA Division III collegiate athletes,2021,12,,e801607,Iverson Evaluation of machine learning techniques to predict the likelihood of mental health conditions following a first mTBI,2021,12,,e769819,Jorgensen-Wagers Anxiety is associated with diverse physical and cognitive symptoms in youth presenting to a multidisciplinary concussion clinic,2021,12,,e811462,Iverson The impact of preinjury use of antiplatelet drugs on outcomes of traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,13,,e724641,Yang Developing biomarkers of mild traumatic brain injury: promise and progress of CNS-derived exosomes,2021,12,,e698206,Risbrough High school football and risk for depression and suicidality in adulthood: findings from a national longitudinal study,2021,12,,e812604,Iverson Concussion in women's flat-track roller derby,2022,13,,e809939,Keser Thalamo-prefrontal connectivity correlates with early command-following after severe traumatic brain injury,2022,13,,e826266,Wang The whiplash disease reconsidered,2022,13,,e821097,Gyntelberg Systematic review and dosage analysis: hyperbaric oxygen therapy efficacy in mild traumatic brain injury persistent postconcussion syndrome,2022,13,,e815056,Harch Computational approaches for acute traumatic brain injury image recognition,2022,13,,e791816,Yuh Completed suicide by firearm in an individual with the agrammatic variant of primary progressive aphasia: case report,2022,13,,e828155,Ritter GFAP and S100B: what you always wanted to know and never dared to ask,2022,13,,835597,Janigro Reliability and validity of the composite activity-related fall risk scale,2022,13,,e832691,Shen Inhibitory control and fall prevention: why stopping matters,2022,13,,853787,Richardson The application of the Omaha System in community rehabilitation nursing for patients with stroke and previous falls,2022,13,,e711209,Zhang A suggested new term and definition to describe the cumulative physiological and functional effects of non-injurious head impacts,2022,13,,e799884,Lavender Perspectives on development of measures to estimate career blast exposure history in service members and veterans,2022,13,,e835752,Bailie Association between concussions and suicidality in high school students in the United States,2022,13,,e810361,Iverson Predictors of functional school outcome in children with pediatric acquired brain injury,2022,13,,e872469,Andersson Motor training after stroke: a novel approach for driving rehabilitation,2022,13,,e752880,Patel Learning models for traumatic brain injury mortality prediction on pediatric electronic health records,2022,13,,e859068,Liu Titrating the translational relevance of a low-level repetitive head impact model,2022,13,,e857654,Bazarian Systematic review of pre-injury migraines as a vulnerability factor for worse outcome following sport-related concussion,2022,13,,e915357,Iverson Head injury prevalence in a population of injured patients seeking care in Ghana West Africa,2022,13,,e917294,Owusu-Agyei Mild traumatic brain injury results in significant and lasting cortical demyelination,2022,13,,e854396,Irimia Effects of the CarFreeMe traumatic injuries a community mobility group intervention to increase community participation for people with traumatic injuries: a randomized controlled trial with crossover,2022,13,,821195,Berndt Opinion: The potential role of amyloid beta peptides as biomarkers of subconcussion and concussion,2022,13,,e941151,Boutte Novel missense CNTNAP2 variant identified in two consanguineous Pakistani families with developmental delay epilepsy intellectual disability and aggressive behavior,2022,13,,e918022,Cutler Proteomic profiling of plasma biomarkers associated with return to sport following concussion: findings from the NCAA and Department of Defense CARE Consortium,2022,13,,e901238,Guskiewicz Balance impairment in patients with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: which measures are appropriate for assessment?,2022,13,,e906697,Katz-Leurer The role of motivation factors in exergame interventions for fall prevention in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,13,,e903673,Bamiou Concomitant spine trauma in patients with traumatic brain injury: patient characteristics and outcomes,2022,13,,e861688,Unterberg Assessment of the individual and compounding effects of marginalization factors on injury severity discharge location recovery and employment outcomes at 1 year after traumatic brain injury,2022,13,,e942001,Bushnik Concussion vs. resignation by submission: technical-tactical behavior analysis considering injury in mixed martial arts,2022,13,,e941829,Brito The elephant in the room: intimate partner violence women and traumatic brain injury in sub-Saharan Africa,2022,13,,e917967,Buranosky Social determinants of participant recruitment and retention in a prospective cohort study of pediatric mild traumatic brain injury,2022,13,,e961024,Cohen Neurologic sequelae of phosphide poisoning: a case report,2022,13,,e888493,Hassanian-Moghaddam Effects of 12 weeks of Tai Chi Chuan intervention on the postural stability and self-reported instability in subjects with functional ankle instability: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,2022,13,,e923669,Li Examining racial and ethnic disparities in adult emergency department patient visits for concussion in the United States,2022,13,,988088,Melvin Motor- and cognition-related safety of pimavanserin in patients with Parkinson's disease psychosis,2022,13,,e919778,Ballard Fronto-parietal cortex activation during walking in patients with Parkinson's disease adopting different postural strategies,2022,13,,e998243,Wang Impairments in the mechanical effectiveness of reactive balance control strategies during walking in people post-stroke,2022,13,,e1032417,Finley Clusters of conditions among US service members diagnosed with mild TBI from 2017 through 2019,2022,13,,e976892,Agimi Risk of falls vestibular multimodal processing and multisensory integration decline in the elderly-predictive role of the functional head impulse test,2022,13,,e964017,Salerni A protocol to analyze the global literature on the clinical benefit of interlimb-coordinated intervention in gait recovery and the associated neurophysiological changes in patients with stroke,2022,13,,e959917,Li Cerebral blood flow regulation is not acutely altered after a typical number of headers in women footballers,2022,13,,e1021536,Jack Prevalence of post-concussion syndrome and associated factors among patients with traumatic brain injury at Debre Tabor Comprehensive Hospital North Central Ethiopia,2022,13,,e1056298,Molla Use of person-centered goals to direct interdisciplinary care for military service members and Veterans with chronic mTBI and co-occurring psychological conditions,2022,13,,e1015591,Gore Driving ability and predictors for driving performance in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review,2022,13,,e1056411,Heesen Eye tracking for classification of concussion in adults and pediatrics,2022,13,,e1039955,Wall Risk for intracranial hemorrhage in individuals after mild traumatic brain injury who are taking serotonergic antidepressants,2022,13,,e952188,Iverson Effects of balance training in addition to auxiliary activity on balance function of patients with stroke at high risk for falls,2022,13,,e937305,Liu Presenting symptoms as prognostic measures of mental health recovery among service members with concussion,2022,13,,e1070676,Ivins A bibliometric analysis on traumatic brain injury in forensic medicine of a half-century (1972-2021),2023,14,,e913855,Zhang A wearable device for at-home obstructive sleep apnea assessment: state-of-the-art and research challenges,2023,14,,e1123227,Tran Age of first exposure to soccer heading: associations with cognitive clinical and imaging outcomes in the Einstein Soccer Study,2023,14,,e1042707,Lipton Falls caused by balance disorders in the elderly with multiple systems involved: pathogenic mechanisms and treatment strategies,2023,14,,e1128092,Qin Nitrous oxide-induced neurotoxicity: clinical characteristics and impacts on overall neurological impairments,2023,14,,e1132542,Zhou Blood biomarkers of secondary outcomes following concussion: a systematic review,2023,14,,e989974,Ignjatovic Gait and turning characteristics from daily life increase ability to predict future falls in people with Parkinson's disease,2023,14,,e1096401,Nutt Factors contributing to sleep disturbances and excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with Parkinson's disease,2023,14,,e1097251,Suzuki Microglial activation persists beyond clinical recovery following sport concussion in collegiate athletes,2023,14,,e1127708,Broshek Cortical thinning in male obstructive sleep apnoea patients with excessive daytime sleepiness,2023,14,,e1019457,Cox Risks of suicide in migraine non-migraine headache back and neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,14,,e1160204,Galynker Sex-related differences in extracranial complications in patients with traumatic brain injury,2023,14,,e1095009,Brandi Fallers after stroke: a retrospective study to investigate the combination of postural sway measures and clinical information in faller's identification,2023,14,,e1157453,Cattaneo Thirty years of research on traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: a bibliometric study,2023,14,,e1170731,Liu Epidemiological characteristics for patients with traumatic brain injury and the nomogram model for poor prognosis: an 18-year hospital-based study,2023,14,,e1138217,Qu Dynamic monitoring of service members to quantify blast exposure levels during combat training using BlackBox Biometrics Blast Gauges: explosive breaching shoulder-fired weapons artillery mortars and 0.50 caliber guns,2023,14,,e1175671,Leonessa The establishment and validation of a prediction model for traumatic intracranial injury patients: a reliable nomogram,2023,14,,e1165020,Chen Control of center of mass motion during walking correlates with gait and balance in people with incomplete spinal cord injury,2023,14,,e1146094,Gordon Toxic encephalopathy and peripheral neuropathy of poisoning by Avermectin Pyridine: a case report and a review of the literature,2023,14,,e1144970,Diao Gait characteristics related to fall risk in patients with cerebral small vessel disease,2023,14,,e1166151,Wu The kynurenine pathway in traumatic brain injuries and concussion,2023,14,,e1210453,Guillemin Race ethnicity and clinical outcome following sport-related concussion: a systematic review,2023,14,,e1110539,Iverson Models of traumatic brain injury-highlights and drawbacks,2023,14,,e1151660,Zhang An exhaustive analysis of post-traumatic brain injury dementia using bibliometric methodologies,2023,14,,e1165059,Chen Predictive factors for cerebrocardiac syndrome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: a retrospective cohort study,2023,14,,e1192756,Huang Network analysis applied to post-concussion symptoms in two mild traumatic brain injury samples,2023,14,,e1226367,Snell Incidence and prevalence of traumatic spinal cord injury in Canada using health administrative data,2023,14,,e1201025,Noonan The mechanism of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy and the specific forensic diagnostic indicators in sudden death with a negative autopsy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tu A review of brain regions and associated post-concussion symptoms,2023,14,,e1136367,DeMatteo Traumatic brain injury and the pathways to cerebral tau accumulation,2023,14,,e1239653,Giza Case report: Reversible splenial lesion syndrome caused by diquat poisoning,2023,14,,e1178272,Guo The Toronto Concussion Study: a prospective investigation of characteristics in a cohort of adults from the general population seeking care following acute concussion 2016-2020,2023,14,,e1152504,Comper Firearm injury prevention counseling for patients with traumatic brain injury: a survey of brain injury physicians,2023,14,,e1237095,Shapiro Pay attention: you can fall! The Mini-BESTest scale and the turning duration of the TUG test provide valid balance measures in neurological patients: a prospective study with falls as the balance criterion,2023,14,,e1228302,Corbo Pediatric traumatic brain injuries in war zones: a systematic literature review,2023,14,,e1253515,Torres Epidemiology and outcome predictors in 450 patients with hanging-induced cardiac arrest: a retrospective study,2023,14,,e1240383,Argaud Case report: Neural timing deficits prevalent in developmental disorders aging and concussions remediated rapidly by movement discrimination exercises,2023,14,,e898781,Huang Does in-vehicle automation help individuals with Parkinson's disease? A preliminary analysis,2023,14,,e1225751,Classen Cognitive and balance functions of astronauts after spaceflight are comparable to those of individuals with bilateral vestibulopathy,2023,14,,e1284029,Denise Nationwide emergency department visits for pediatric traumatic spinal cord injury in the United States 2016-2020,2023,14,,e1264589,Noonan The epidemiology of traumatic brain injuries in the fastest-paced city in China: a retrospective study,2023,14,,e1255117,Zheng The effect of doorway characteristics on freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease,2023,14,,e1265409,van Wezel Integrating fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation and functional connectivity to investigate the mechanism and prognosis of severe traumatic brain injury,2023,14,,e1266167,Wang Network analysis and relationship of symptom factors to functional outcomes and quality of life following mild traumatic brain injury: a TRACK-TBI study,2023,14,,e1308540,Jain Subcortical functional connectivity and its association with walking performance following deployment related mild TBI,2023,14,,e1276437,Wilde Association of self-efficacy risk attitudes and time preferences with functioning in older patients with vertigo dizziness and balance disorders in a tertiary care setting-Results from the MobilE-TRA2 cohort,2023,14,,e1316081,Grill The mechanism of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: a mini review,2023,14,,,Lin Proposed mechanisms of tau: relationships to traumatic brain injury Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy,2023,14,,e1287545,Martin Dementia and traumatic brain injuries: underestimated bidirectional disorder,2023,14,,e1340709,El-Menyar Gunshot-related nerve injuries of the upper extremities: clinical electromyographic and ultrasound features in 22 patients,2023,14,,e1333763,Shields Mild traumatic brain injury PTSD symptom severity and behavioral dyscontrol: a LIMBIC-CENC study,2023,14,,e1286961,Carlson Cannabis use disorder contributes to cognitive dysfunction in Veterans with traumatic brain injury,2024,15,,e1261249,Pogoda Effectiveness and cost of integrated cognitive and balance training for balance and falls in cerebellar ataxia: a blinded two-arm parallel group RCT,2023,14,,e1267099,Whitney History of concussion and lowered heart rate variability at rest beyond symptom recovery: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,14,,e1285937,Di Pietro Convergent validity and responsiveness of The Standing and Walking Assessment Tool (SWAT) among individuals with non-traumatic spinal cord injury,2023,14,,e1280225,Craven Translational medical bioengineering research of traumatic brain injury among Chinese and American pedestrians caused by vehicle collision based on human body finite element modeling,2023,14,,e1296902,Yan Advances in balance training to prevent falls in stroke patients: a scoping review,2024,15,,e1167954,Zhu Factors affecting driving performance in patients with multiple sclerosis - still an open question,2024,15,,e1369143,Heesen Concussion is a temporary disability: rethinking mild traumatic brain injury in sports medicine,2024,15,,e1362702,Bevilacqua Editorial: Balance-controlling mechanism and fall-prevention strategy,2024,15,,e1385917,Yang Association between social determinants of health and pediatric traumatic brain injury outcomes,2024,15,,e1339255,Reisner Relationship between sodium level and in-hospital mortality in traumatic brain injury patients of MIMIC IV database,2024,15,,e1349710,Xu Case report: Rapid-onset Parkinsonism after a hornet sting,2024,15,,e1365199,Popović Color discrimination in fixed saturation level of patients with acute traumatic injury,2024,15,,e1363167,Costa Considerations for the assessment of blast exposure in service members and veterans,2024,15,,e1383710,Rowland Traumatic brain injury and occupational risk of low-level blast exposure on adverse career outcomes: an examination of administrative and medical separations from Service (2005-2015),2024,15,,e1389757,Belding A Multimodal Exertional Test for concussion: a pilot study in healthy athletes,2024,15,,e1390016,Reed A study on the association between prefrontal functional connectivity and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents with depression,2024,15,,e1382136,Guo Mixed effects of deep brain stimulation on depressive symptomatology in Parkinson's disease: A review of randomized clinical trials,2014,5 AUG,,,Gökbayrak The involvement of secondary neuronal damage in the development of neuropsychiatric disorders following brain insults,2014,5 MAR,,,Chen Alleviation of psychological distress and the improvement of quality of life in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Adaptation of a short-term psychotherapeutic intervention,2018,9,APR,,Esser Psychiatric comorbidities and all-cause mortality in epilepsy: A nationwide cohort study,2022,13,,,Puteikis Intimate partner violence perpetration among veterans: associations with neuropsychiatric symptoms and limbic microstructure,2024,15,,e1360424,Shenton The influence of cognitive load and vision variability on postural balance in adolescents with intellectual disabilities,2024,15,,e1385286,Sahli Risk of epilepsy after traumatic brain injury: a nationwide Norwegian matched cohort study,2024,15,,e1411692,Helseth Chronic traumatic encephalopathy neuropathologic change is uncommon in men who played amateur American football,2023,14,,,Deep-Soboslay Effect of acupuncture on BDNF signaling pathways in several nervous system diseases,2023,14,,,Zhang Hyperbaric air mobilizes stem cells in humans; a new perspective on the hormetic dose curve,2023,14,,,MacLaughlin Seizure burden and neuropsychological outcomes of new-onset refractory status epilepticus: Systematic review,2023,14,,,Gupta Refractory occipital neuralgia treatment with nerve decompression surgery: a case series,2023,14,,,Austen Nitrous oxide abuse in a 21-year-old female: a case report and review of literature,2024,15,,e1416557,Dai Diagnostic potential of IL6 and other blood-based inflammatory biomarkers in mild traumatic brain injury among children,2024,15,,e1432217,Seiler