Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Neuropsychological Tests are Poor at Assessing the Frontal Lobes Executive Functions and Neurobehavioral Symptoms of Traumatically Brain-Injured Patients,2010,3,1,25-35,Sbordone Traumatic Brain Injury Across the Lifespan: A Neuropsychological Tutorial for Attorneys,2010,3,1,3-24,Richards Psychological Evaluations of Veterans Claiming PTSD Disability with the Department of Veterans Affairs: A Clinician's Viewpoint,2010,3,2,130-132,Poyner Children’s Allegations of Sexual Abuse: A Model for Forensic Assessment,2010,3,2,148-154,O'Donohue The Delayed and Cumulative Consequences of Traumatic Stress: Challenges and Issues in Compensation Settings,2010,3,2,100-110,McFarlane Error Rates in Forensic Child Sexual Abuse Evaluations,2010,3,2,133-147,Herman Ambiguous Measures of Unknown Constructs: The MMPI-2 Fake Bad Scale (aka Symptom Validity Scale FBS FBS-r),2010,3,1,81-85,Gass Physical Injuries Pain and Psychological Trauma: Pathways to Disability,2010,3,3,241-253,Duckworth Toward a Typology of High-Risk Major Stressful Events and Situations in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Psychopathology,2010,3,2,89-99,Dohrenwend The MMPI-2 Symptom Validity Scale (FBS) is an Empirically-Validated Measure of Over-reporting in Personal Injury Litigants and Claimants: reply to William et al. (2009),2010,3,1,77-80,Greve Using the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) to Conceptualize Disability and Functioning in Psychological Injury and Law,2009,2,3-4,205-214,Peterson Work Impairment and Disability in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review and Recommendations for Psychological Injury Research and Practice,2009,2,3-4,254-262,Wald Can Money Symbolize Acknowledgment? How Victims' Relatives Perceive Monetary Awards for Their Emotional Harm,2011,4,3-4,245-262,Akkermans Whither suffering? the potential impact of tort reform on the emotional and existential healing of traumatically injured chronic pain patients,2010,3,3,182-202,Schatman Neuropsychological services following motor vehicle collisions,2013,6,1,3-20,Bush Sexual trauma and psychological injuries: what experts need to know,2012,5,1,12-36,Phipps-Yonas The impact of psychological injuries on sexual harassment determinations,2012,5,3-4,208-220,Winter Understanding and using the Rorschach inkblot test to assess post-traumatic conditions,2012,5,2,135-144,Viglione Sexual harassment PTSD and criterion a: if it walks like a duck …,2013,6,2,81-91,Fitzgerald Return to work for healthcare professionals with substance use disorders: Clinical legal and ethical challenges,2013,6,3,238-249,Couser The evolving construct of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): DSM-5 criteria changes and legal implications,2013,6,4,277-289,Zoellner Forensic assessment of adults reporting childhood sexualized assault: a lifespan developmental analysis,2014,7,1,18-33,Barnes Forensic assessment of adults reporting childhood sexualized assault: risk resilience and impacts,2014,7,1,34-46,Barnes The importance of establishing reliability and validity of assessment instruments for mental health problems: an example from Somali children and adolescents living in three refugee camps in Ethiopia,2014,7,2,153-164,Hall Clinical and forensic standards for the psychological assessment of patients with chronic pain,2014,7,4,297-316,Bruns Does blame impede health recovery after transport accidents?,2015,8,1,82-87,Collie The Future of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the DSM,2010,3,4,260-270,Acierno Evaluating the reliability of expert evidence in compensation procedures: are diagnosticians influenced by the narrative fallacy when assessing the psychological injuries of trauma victims?,2016,9,3,265-271,Kunst Sources of injustice among individuals with persistent pain following musculoskeletal injury,2016,9,1,6-15,Trost What can the rules of evidence teach us about writing forensic reports?,2015,8,1,1-10,Karson Valid psychological injury claims: respecting the needs of survivors,2015,8,4,311-322,Schatman Up close and personal: ethics-guided practice,2015,8,4,300-310,Kerkhoff Towards balanced VA and SSA policies in psychological injury disability assessment,2015,8,3,200-218,Young The dirty dozen: 12 sources of bias in forensic neuropsychology with ways to mitigate,2015,8,4,265-280,Richards Science bias and continuing to educate,2015,8,3,185-187,Young PTSD-SUD comorbidities in the context of psychological injury and law,2015,8,3,233-251,Young Procedural justice and the use of independent medical evaluations in workers' compensation,2015,8,2,153-168,Collie Malingering in forensic disability-related assessments: Prevalence 15 ± 15 %,2015,8,3,188-199,Young Investigating recurrent generational wartime behavioral health crises: Part 2 of a preliminary analysis,2015,8,2,132-152,Figley Evolving roles innovative practice and rapid technology growth: remaining ethical in modern clinical neuropsychology,2015,8,4,281-288,Bush Ethical issues in geropsychology: clinical and forensic perspectives,2015,8,4,348-356,Bush Detection system for malingered PTSD and related response biases,2015,8,2,169-183,Young Application of the Daubert standards to the Meyers neuropsychological battery using the Rohling interpretive method,2015,8,3,252-264,Rohling Advanced administration and interpretation of multiple validity tests,2015,8,1,46-63,Odland The experience of litigation after TBI. II: Coping with litigation after TBI,2015,8,1,88-93,Dijkers The development of a reduced-item structured inventory of malingered symptomatology (SIMS),2015,8,2,95-99,Axelrod Professional ethics in sports neuropsychology,2015,8,4,289-299,Echemendia Professional and ethical challenges in determinations of causality of psychological disability,2015,8,4,334-347,Malcarne Making sure neuropsychological data are meaningful: use of performance validity testing in medicolegal and clinical contexts,2015,8,2,100-105,Axelrod Integrating behavioral care into interdisciplinary pain settings: unique ethical dilemmas,2015,8,4,323-333,Kulich Generational wartime behavioral health crises: Part one of a preliminary analysis,2015,8,2,106-131,Figley Framing the results: assessment of response bias through select self-report measures in psychological injury evaluations,2015,8,1,27-39,Wygant Ethical quandaries for psychologists in workers' compensation settings: The GAF GAFFE,2015,8,1,64-81,Malcarne Erratum to: Who is the client and who controls release of records in a forensic evaluation? A review of ethics codes and practice guidelines,2015,8,1,94,Borkosky Dimensions and dissociation in PTSD in the DSM-5: towards eight core symptoms,2015,8,3,219-232,Young Civil and criminal forensic psychological assessment: similarities and unique challenges,2015,8,1,11-26,Wygant A brief primer on test accuracy statistics and related matters,2015,8,1,40-45,Erard Detecting feigned attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): current methods and future directions,2017,10,2,105-113,Miller Conducting veteran dependency and indemnity compensation exams: establishing a nexus between mental health and death,2017,10,2,161-176,Garbelman Limited English proficiency increases failure rates on performance validity tests with high verbal mediation,2017,10,1,96-103,Erdodi Psychological injuries workers' compensation insurance and mental health policy issues,2016,9,4,283-297,Wise Pain-related symptom reporting among Hispanics: implications for forensic psychological evaluations,2016,9,4,341-359,Aguerrevere Sexual harassment litigation: a road to re-victimization or recovery?,2016,9,3,216-229,Fitzgerald The challenges and limitations of diagnosing and pharmacologically treating ADHD in university students,2017,10,2,114-120,Bordoff Do the military's frontline psychiatry/combat operational stress control programs benefit veterans? Part two: systematic review of the evidence,2017,10,1,24-71,Figley Management of occupational low back pain: A case study of the Missouri workers' compensation system,2016,9,4,298-312,Tait Sexual harassment: what forensic clinical psychologists need from social scientists,2016,9,3,253-264,Foote If it walks like a duck: a case of confirmatory bias,2016,9,3,275-277,Erard Worst expert testimony ever,2016,9,3,272-274,Brodsky Psychological testimony and the Daubert standard,2016,9,2,91-96,Woody The BDAE complex ideational material--a measure of receptive language or performance validity?,2016,9,2,112-120,Roth Workers' compensation claimants with low back pain: the role of dissatisfaction in the transition to disability,2016,9,1,16-22,Tait Is it time for a behavioral health corps? Ending the generational cycle of preventable wartime mental health crises--part 2,2016,9,1,73-86,Figley Exploring options including class action to transform military mental healthcare and end the generational cycle of preventable wartime behavioral health crises,2016,9,2,166-197,Figley The self-report symptom inventory (SRSI): A new instrument for the assessment of distorted symptom endorsement,2016,9,2,102-111,Merckelbach A meta-analytic review of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory--2nd edition (MMPI-2) profile elevations following traumatic brain injury,2016,9,2,121-142,Edmundson Perceived injustice predicts intention to litigate: findings from a spinal cord injury sample,2016,9,1,31-40,Boals Assessing functional impairment in ADHD: concerns for validity of self-report,2017,10,2,151-160,Suhr Erratum to: do the military's frontline psychiatry/combat and operational stress control doctrine help or harm veterans? Part one: framing the issue,2017,10,2,196,Figley Psychometric markers of genuine and feigned neurodevelopmental disorders in the context of applying for academic accommodations,2017,10,2,121-137,Erdodi Clinical ethical and forensic implications of a flexible threshold for SLD and ADHD in postsecondary settings,2017,10,2,138-150,Harrison On being a novice forensic evaluator: reflections from early career forensic psychologists,2017,10,2,191-195,Cox The usage of the AMA guides for the determination of psychological injury within the state and federal workers' compensation systems,2016,9,4,313-340,Warren Compensation system experience at 12 months after road or workplace injury in Victoria Australia,2016,9,4,376-389,Cameron Functioning well in a dysfunctional system: recommendations for clinical psychologists in workers' compensation settings,2016,9,4,360-375,Malcarne The 4 Ds of forensic mental health assessments of personal injury,2016,9,3,278-281,Brodsky "Because of … sex": The historical development of workplace sexual harassment law in the USA,2016,9,3,206-215,Lareau The insanity exemption to other than honorable discharge for the purpose of claiming benefits: the role of the mental health examiner,2017,10,2,177-190,Garbelman Is the military's century-old frontline psychiatry policy harmful to veterans and their families? Part three of a systematic review,2017,10,1,72-95,Figley Do the military's frontline psychiatry/combat and operational stress control doctrine help or harm veterans? Part one: framing the issue,2017,10,1,1-23,Figley The psychological impact of previous victimization: examining the "abuse defense" in a sample of harassment litigants,2016,9,3,230-240,Fitzgerald Workplace sexual harassment in policing: perceived psychological injuries by source and severity,2016,9,3,241-252,Goodman-Delahunty Psychological safety for mental health practitioners: suggestions from a defense lawyer,2016,9,2,198-202,Woody Neuropsychological psychological and vocational assessment of high achievers in a medicolegal context,2016,9,2,154-165,Greer Homogenous base rates for malingering in neuropsychological examination of litigants,2016,9,2,143-153,Ruff The role of suggestibility in personal injury claims,2016,9,2,97-101,Frumkin Erratum to: Dimensions and dissociation in PTSD in the DSM-5: towards eight core symptoms,2016,9,1,87-88,Young Treatment-related reductions in disability are associated with reductions in perceived injustice following treatment of whiplash injury,2016,9,1,41-47,Scott Psychometric properties of a brief instrument to assess perceptions of injustice associated with debilitating health and mental health conditions,2016,9,1,48-54,Adams Contribution of military organization and leadership factors in perpetuating generational cycle of preventable wartime mental health crises: Part one,2016,9,1,55-72,Figley Catastrophizing mediates the relationship between the personal belief in a just world and pain outcomes among chronic pain support group attendees,2016,9,1,23-30,McParland Erratum to: professional and ethical challenges in determinations of causality of psychological disability,2016,9,1,89,Malcarne Caregiver issues and concerns following TBI: a review of the literature and future directions,2020,13,1,33-43,Everhart Traumatic brain injury with personality change: a challenge to mental capacity law in England and Wales,2020,13,1,11-18,Whiting Strength in numbers or quality over quantity? Examining the importance of criterion measure selection to define validity groups in performance validity test (PVT) research,2020,13,1,44-56,Soble Examining the effectiveness of restorative justice in reducing victims' post-traumatic stress,2020,13,1,77-89,Borrill Use of validity indicators on the Personality Assessment Inventory to detect feigning of post-traumatic stress disorder,2019,12,3,204-211,Morey Psychometric characteristics of the Persian version of the Injustice Experience Questionnaire,2019,12,3,238-246,Baharlouei What attorneys and factfinders need to know about mild traumatic brain injuries,2019,12,2,91-112,Bush The effect of menstrual cycle phase and hormonal contraceptive use on post-concussive symptom reporting in non-concussed adults,2019,12,2,183-190,Abeare Ethical and professional considerations in the forensic assessment of complex trauma and dissociation,2020,13,1,124–134,Rocchio Complex trauma and the question of reasonableness of response in sexual harassment cases: issues for treatment providers and forensic evaluators,2020,13,2,155-166,Brown Development of a validity scale for the dissociative experience scale-revised: atypicality structure and inconsistency,2020,13,2,167-177,Abu-Rus The dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder: forensic considerations and recent controversies,2020,13,2,178-186,Wolf Firebug! Dissociative identity disorder? Malingering? Or …? An intensive case study of an arsonist,2020,13,2,187-224,Loewenstein Identifying novel embedded performance validity test formulas within the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status: a simulation study,2020,13,3,303-315,Gfeller Civil forensic evaluation in psychological injury and law: legal professional and ethical considerations,2020,13,4,327–353,Goodman-Delahunty The eggshell and crumbling skull plaintiff: psychological and legal considerations for assessment,2020,13,4,354-369,Kohutis Assessing symptom validity in psychological injury evaluations using the MMPI-2-RF and the PAI: an updated review,2020,13,4,370-382,Fokas Remote forensic psychological assessment in civil cases: considerations for experts assessing harms from early life abuse,2021,14,1,89–103,Goldenson Testing in psychological injury and law [editorial],2021,14,1,1,Young Making the case for victims' privacy in civil sexual abuse lawsuits,2021,14,1,71-76,Phipps-Yonas Symptom versus performance validity in patients with mild TBI: independent sources of non-credible responding,2021,14,1,17-36,Giromini How plausible is the implausible? Students' plausibility and prevalence ratings of the self-report symptom inventory,2021,14,2,127-133,Merckelbach Self-rated executive functions in mild traumatic brain injury,2021,14,2,144-150,Roth Linguistic interpretation of acute injury characteristics that define mild traumatic brain injury: an exploratory study of native and non-native english speakers,2021,14,3,153-160,Zakzanis Relations among performance and symptom validity mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom burden in postdeployment veterans,2021,14,4,257-268,Tupler Revisiting Daubert: judicial gatekeeping and expert ethics in court,2021,14,4,304-315,Goodman-Delahunty Detecting negative response bias within the Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 (TSI-2): a review of the literature,2022,15,1,56-63,Erdodi A survey of practices and beliefs of italian psychologists regarding malingering and symptom validity assessment,2022,15,2,128-140,Giromini Motor reaction times as an embedded measure of performance validity: a study with a sample of Austrian early retirement claimants,2022,15,2,200-212,Lehrner The Psychological Evaluation of Patients with Chronic Pain: a Review of BHI 2 Clinical and Forensic Interpretive Considerations,2014,7,4,335-361,Bruns