Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Smuggling Humans: A Theory of Debt-financed Migration,2006,4,6,1085-1111,Friebel Youth unemployment and crime in france,2009,7,5,909-938,Fougére Television and divorce: evidence from brazilian novelas,2009,7,2‐3,458-468,Chong Civil wars and international trade,2008,6,2‐3,541-550,Martin Crime and unemployment in turbulent times,2007,5,4,752-775,Öster Democracy development and conflict,2008,6,2‐3,531-540,Rohner Measuring ethnic identity and its impact on economic behavior,2008,6,2‐3,424-433,Constant The shifting composition of external liabilities,2007,5,2‐3,480-490,Faria Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Civilian control over the military,2010,8,2‐3,655-663,Besley The monopoly of violence: evidence from Colombia,2013,11,,5-44,Robinson Group inequality,2014,12,1,129-152,Sethi The wild West IS wild: the homicide resource curse,2017,15,3,558-585,Couttenier Immigration and voting for the far right,2017,15,6,1341-1385,Zweimüller Sticking to one's guns: mass shootings and the political economy of gun control in the United States,2021,19,5,2765-2802,Yousaf Rationalizable suicides: Evidence from changes in inmates' expected length of sentence,2017,15,2,388-428,Campaniello Happiness unhappiness and suicide: An empirical assessment,2009,7,2-3,539-549,Daly The Effect of Joint Custody on Family Outcomes,2013,11,2,278-315,Halla