Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The history of American cities and suburbs: an outsider's view,2001,27,3,362-376,Frost “But Burn—No”: The Rest of the Crowd in Three Civil Disorders in 1960s Chicago,2011,37,2,230-255,Seligman Envisioning Disaster in the 1910 Paris Flood,2011,37,2,176-201,Jackson Local Life in Working-Class Paris at the end of the Nineteenth Century,2006,32,5,761-772,Faure "Ready to shoot and do shoot": Black working-class self-defense and community politics in Harlem New York during the 1920s,2011,37,5,757-774,King Paris and London in the nineteenth century,2001,27,2,200-205,Wakeman Cities of empire,2001,27,2,193-199,Hall "Stones run it": taking back control of organized crime in Chicago 1940-1975,2011,37,6,911-932,Cooley "Public benefits from public choice": producing decentralization in metropolitan Los Angeles 1954-1973,2013,39,1,79-100,Connor "it was a real village" community identity formation among black middle-class residents in Pontchartrain Park,2013,39,1,36-58,Gafford Carthage or Jerusalem? Princely violence and the spatial transformation of the medieval into the early modern city,2013,39,4,726-748,Arnade Death and the city: female public suicide and meaningful space in modern Mexico City,2016,42,2,396-418,Sloan "If we can't live in peace we might as well die": Homicide-suicide in chicago 1875-1910,1999,26,1,3-21,Adler