Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Conventional and alternative matrices for driving under the influence of cannabis: recent progress and remaining challenges,2010,2,4,791-806,De Boeck Research Spotlight: Bioanalysis and Analytical Services Research Group at The Municipal Institute for Medical Research IMIM-Hospital del Mar Spain,2009,1,8,1403-1409,Segura Quantitative analysis of amphetamine in femoral blood from drug-poisoning deaths compared with venous blood from impaired drivers,2011,3,19,2195-2204,Jones Abuse of medicines for performance enhancement in sport: why is this a problem for the pharmaceutical industry?,2012,4,13,1681-1690,Elliott Evolving concepts and techniques for anti-doping,2012,4,13,1667-1680,Sottas Measurement uncertainty in anti-doping quantitative analysis for prohibited threshold substances,2012,4,13,1653-1665,Miller Multivariate strategies for screening evaluation of harmful drinking,2013,5,6,687-699,Salomone How has screening of harmful drinking changed over the years?,2013,5,24,2981-2983,Salomone Drug bioanalysis and biomarker discovery at the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives,2010,2,4,713-717,Ezan 'False-positive' and 'false-negative' test results in clinical urine drug testing,2009,1,5,937-952,Goldberger Bioanalytical techniques in discrimination between therapeutic and abusive use of drugs in sport,2016,8,9,965-980,Segura A novel robust method for quantification of multiple kynurenine pathway metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid,2020,12,6,379-392,Lindqvist