Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Emergency immunotherapy: snake and scorpion antivenoms,2010,204,1,61-70,Chippaux Genetics and epigenetics of suicidal behaviors,2017,211,1,93-96,Courtet Epigenetic mechanisms and alcohol use disorders: a potential therapeutic target,2017,211,1,83-91,Jeanblanc Memory alterations in post-traumatic stress disorder,2023,217,1-2,55-64,Eustache Psychosocial responses to collective trauma,2023,217,1-2,73-77,Stene Animal models of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder,2023,217,1-2,89-101,Benchenane The social traces of the trauma of the 13 November 2015 terrorist attacks: five years and seven months after,2023,217,1-2,103-111,Eustache Memories of the 13-November 2015 terrorist attacks: what discourse analysis can teach us,2023,217,1-2,113-121,Peschanski How can ketamine be used to manage suicidal risk?,2023,217,3-4,157-160,Courtet