Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author After every darkness is light: Resilient Afghan women coping with violence and immigration,2010,1,3,163-174,Welsh Acculturation enculturation parental adherence to Asian cultural values parenting styles and family conflict among Asian American college students,2010,1,1,67-79,Park Lifetime Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in Asian Americans,2010,1,1,18-30,Conner Cultural mistrust and mental health help-seeking attitudes among Filipino Americans,2010,1,1,57-66,David Family emotion socialization and affective distress in Asian American and White American college students,2010,1,2,81-92,Okazaki Loss psychosis and chronic suicidality in a Korean American immigrant man: Integration of cultural formulation model and multicultural case conceptualization,2010,1,3,212-223,Shea Perceived discrimination sense of control and depressive symptoms among Korean American older adults,2010,1,2,129-135,Jang Racial discrimination stress coping and depressive symptoms among Asian Americans: A moderation analysis,2010,1,2,136-150,Wei Substance use among Asian American adolescents: Influence of race ethnicity and acculturation in the context of key risk and protective factors,2010,1,4,261-274,Connell Ethnic differences in suicidal ideation and its correlates among South Asian American emerging adults,2016,7,2,120-128,Miranda Stigma consciousness racial microaggressions and sleep disturbance among Asian Americans,2017,8,1,72-81,Ong Loss of face intergenerational family conflict and depression among Asian American and European American college students,2017,8,2,126-133,Leong An examination of attitudes toward gender and sexual violence among Asian Indians in the United States,2017,8,2,156-166,Tummala-Narra Traumatic experiences and associated symptomatology in Asian American middle school students,2017,8,3,209-223,Yu Racialized sexism/sexualized racism: a multimethod study of intersectional experiences of discrimination for Asian American women,2018,9,1,32-46,Mukkamala Reassembling a shattered life: a study of posttraumatic growth in displaced Cambodian community leaders,2018,9,1,47-61,Okubo Asian American social media use: from cyber dependence and cyber harassment to saving face,2018,9,1,72-86,Charmaraman Community violence exposure and internalizing and externalizing behaviors among Hmong Americans,2018,9,2,87-97,Kim-Ju Campus safety experiences of Asian American and Asian international college students,2018,9,2,98-107,Maffini Ethnically heterogeneous friendships and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Filipino Americans,2018,9,2,158-168,Chang Culturally related risk factors of suicidal ideation intent and behavior among Asian American women,2018,9,4,252-261,Hahm Hidden suicidal ideation or intent among Asian American Pacific Islanders: a cultural phenomenon associated with greater suicide severity,2018,9,4,262-269,Yang Suicide and suicide-related behavior among Bhutanese refugees resettled in the United States,2018,9,4,270-283,Rohan Understanding the impact of community on the experience of suicide within the Lao community: an expansion of the cultural model of suicide,2018,9,4,284-295,Yang School climate and parental involvement buffer the risk of peer victimization on suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Asian American middle school students,2018,9,4,296-307,Wang Disparities in follow-up care for Asian American youth assessed for suicide risk in schools,2018,9,4,308-317,Lau Asian Pacific Islander Americans' and White Americans' suicide methods,2018,9,4,318-326,Wong The use of an educational video to increase suicide awareness and enrollment in parenting interventions among Filipinos,2018,9,4,327-333,Javier South Asians and suicide: beliefs about suicide in a U.S. community sample,2018,9,4,334-343,Nath Asian American college students perceived burdensomeness and willingness to seek help,2018,9,4,344-349,Tang Addressing mental health challenges of Samoan Americans in southern california: perspectives of Samoan community providers,2019,10,3,227-238,Yamada A qualitative study of perceptions of risk and protective factors for suicide among Bhutanese refugees,2021,12,3,204-214,Rohan Planning for suicide prevention in Thai refugee camps: using community-based system dynamics modeling,2021,12,3,193-203,Lee Help-seeking tendencies in Asian Americans with suicidal ideation and attempts,2011,2,1,25-38,Chu Recursive partitioning analysis of lifetime suicidal behaviors in Asian Americans,2012,3,1,17-28,Kuroki Asian Americans' proportion of life in the United States and suicide ideation: The moderating effects of ethnic subgroups,2014,5,3,237-242,Liu The relationship between sociodemographic behavioral and clinical variables and pain in the native hawaiian and pacific islander population,2020,11,1,49-58,Han Decolonizing the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide With Filipinx American Clients,2022,13,1,73-82,Nelson Health and Social Experiences of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Military,2023,14,4,391-399,Park Sociodemographic and Precipitating Circumstances Associated With Suicide Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: A Survival Analysis,2023,15,1,42-53,Lai