Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Implementing evidence-based policy in a network setting: road safety policy in the Netherlands,2010,88,3,871-884,Bax The politics of partnerships: a study of police and housing collaboration to tackle anti-social behaviour on Australian public housing estates,2010,88,4,928-942,Jacobs On the use of narratives for assessing development policy,2009,87,1,65-79,Hodgett The limits of joined‐up government: towards a political analysis,2009,87,1,80-96,Davies New Labour's modernization in the public sector: a neo‐Durkheimian approach and the case of mental health services,2004,82,1,83-108,6 A comment on adams and balfour: dignity violations an alternative view of ‘administrative evil’,2008,86,4,895-903,Tschudi Expiating evil: reflections on the difficulties of cultural organizational and individual reparation,2008,86,4,881-893,Adams Information‐sharing and confidentiality in social policy: regulating multi‐agency working,2008,86,3,737-759,Bellamy Living with the contradictions of modernization? Emotional management in the teaching profession,2007,85,4,979-1001,Jenkins Looking different acting different: struggles for equality within the south african police service,2008,86,3,643-658,Marks Managing the diary: what does a police commissioner do?,2008,86,3,679-698,Fleming Observation the police and public administration: introduction,2008,86,3,621-626,Fleming Perfect victims perfect policing? Improving rape complainants’ experiences of police investigations,2008,86,3,699-719,Jordan Performing authority: discursive politics after the assassination of theo van gogh,2008,86,1,5-19,Hajer Policy transfer in practice: implementing supplier diversity in the uk,2007,85,3,779-803,Ram Private policing: a view from the mall,2008,86,3,659-678,Wakefield Workplace bullying in the public sector: understanding the racial dimension,2007,85,3,641-665,Lewis Stakeholders and Perspectivism in Qualitative Policy Evaluation: A Realist Reflection,2009,87,2,259-273,Porter A Lipskian analysis of child protection failures from Victoria Climbié to "Baby P": a street-level re-evaluation of joined-up governance,2011,89,3,1164-1181,Marinetto Public-nonprofit partnership performance in a disaster context: the case of Haiti,2011,89,4,1385-1402,Nolte Controlling risk inside modern government: developing interval measures of the grid-group dimensions for assessing suicide risk control systems in the english and japanese prison services,2016,94,4,1077-1093,Nakamura