Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The characteristics of suicidal cases regarding the gender,2009,39,6,917-922,Fedakar The effect of pregnancy on the physical and sexual abuse of women that presented to a state hospital in Trabzon Turkey,2008,38,4,335-342,Topbas Forensic emergency medicine - six-year experience of 13823 cases in a university emergency department,2008,38,6,567-575,Akar Psychological characteristics of adolescent suicide attempters presenting to a pediatric emergency service,2010,40,3,377-390,Dilli Trace elements and physical activity in children and adolescents with depression - - - Çocuklarda ve genç erişkinlerde görülen depresyonda eser elementler ve fiziksel aktivite,2010,40,3,323-333,Donma Evaluation of the patients with acute intoxication,2002,32,2,169-172,Kekec General characteristics of paternity test applicants,2009,39,6,923-931,Tug Epidemiology of organophosphate intoxication and predictors of intermediate syndrome,2014,44,2,279-282,Baydin Evaluation of children presenting to the emergency room after electrical injury,2015,45,2,325-328,Andiran Investigation of the effect of changes in muscle strength in gestational age upon fear of falling and quality of life,2015,45,4,977-983,Atay Forensic emergency medicine: six-year experience of 13823 cases in a university emergency department,2008,38,6,567-575,Akar Workplace physical violence verbal violence and mobbing experienced by nurses at a university hospital,2015,45,6,1360-1368,Özkan Causes of open fractures: orthopaedic injuries related to home-made agricultural vehicles in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey,2016,46,4,972-976,Say Analysis of the hip fracture records of a central training and research hospital by selected characteristics,2016,46,1,35-41,Çankaya Simvastatin's effects on survival and outcome in traumatic braininjury patients: a comparative study,2016,46,1,1-5,Naghibi Effect of exposure to violence on the development of burnout syndrome in ambulance staff,2016,46,2,296-302,Deniz Copeptin levels in carbon monoxide poisoning,2017,47,2,653-657,Cevik The relationship between physical fitness and falling risk and fear of falling in community-dwelling elderly people with different physical activity levels,2017,47,2,455-462,Duray Quality of life and fall risk in frail hospitalized elderly patients,2017,47,5,1377-1383,Oztürk The relationship between nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior and manners of death: a multicenter autopsy study,2017,47,6,1778-1784,Akar Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network head injury prediction rules: on the basis of cost and effectiveness,2017,47,6,1770-1777,Gökharman Observational study of dermatological manifestations in patients admitted to a tertiary poison center in Iran,2018,48,1,136-141,Talaie The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale: the reliability and validity from the viewpoint of balance,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duray Alcohol consumption and alcohol policy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,İlhan Prevalence and characteristics of Hymenoptera venom allergy in urban school children aged 6 to 18 years living in Trabzon,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orhan Prediction of posttraumatic stress disorder by acute stress disorder in traffic accident survivors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index in community-dwelling older adults,2023,53,1,432-438,Avci Alprazolam and cognitive behavior therapy in treatment of panic disorder,2000,30,2,167-171,Tutkun Suicide attempt management among Turkish and American adolescents: a comparison of two pediatric emergency departments,2023,53,6,1870-1876,Saz Isoniazid poisoning with seizures shoulder dislocation and fracture of the greater tuberosity,2000,30,2,191-192,Satar Evaluation of the patients with acute intoxication,2002,32,2,169-172,Sungur Suicide attempts with amitriptyline in adults: A prospective demographic clinical study,2011,41,2,243-249,Emet Evaluation of eye and serum findings in different waters in rabbits by drowning and submersion modeling,2024,54,1,42-51,Hösükler Epidemiology of organophosphate intoxication and predictors of intermediate syndrome,2014,44,2,279-282,Baydin Vital indicators in predicting burn mortality: a comparison of shock indices and burn shock indices,2023,53,6,1877-1885,Guloglu