Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Knowledge levels of pre-school teachers related with basic first-aid practices Isparta sample,2014,49,3,238-246,Uskun Evaluation of some physical hazards which may affect health in primary schools,2014,49,3,217-223,Bakir Evaluation of the children on trial in the Ankara 1st children's High Criminal Court for peer abuse,2012,47,4,283-289,Canturk Abusive head trauma: two case reports,2015,50,3,180-184,Kanık Seizures due to high dose camphor ingestion,2015,50,4,248-250,Tekin Health behaviors in high school students in İzmir Turkey,2016,51,1,22-34,Alikasifoglu Evaluation of foreign body aspiration cases in our pediatric intensive care unit: single-center experience,2019,54,1,44-48,Yildizdas Assessment of mothers' measures against home accidents for 0-6-year-old children,2019,54,3,149-156,Set Violence against health employees in a child health and diseases clinic: a tertiary-level hospital example,2020,55,2,117-123,Gurses Drug intoxications and hospital costs,2007,42,3,103-106,Akar Analysis of pediatric forensic cases presented to emergency department,2013,48,3,235-240,Aydin Evaluation of poisoned children with calcium channel blockers or beta blockers drugs,2013,48,2,138-144,Konca Evaluation of intoxicated patients hospitalized in a newly-opened level two pediatric intensive care unit,2016,51,1,35-39,Güngörer