Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author What's going on here? Video games and school shootings,2010,29,7-8,446-450,Fegert Anthropological approach to suicide: dialectics between the medical and the philosophical paradigms,2017,36,4,251-273,Valdés-Stauber Suicide risk assessment: State of the art and future perspectives,2017,36,4,213-219,Steyer Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents,2017,36,4,227-232,Plener Understanding suicide terrorism,2017,36,4,245-250,Speckhard Coagulopathy after mixed intoxication with phenprocoumon in suicidal intention,1998,17,4,182-185,König The revised edition of a suicide model: Goethe's fight against the >>Werther-effect<<,1998,17,9,413-415,Wilkes Suicide prevention or suicide assistance?,1998,17,3,135-142,Csef A long-term change-over study with the St John's wort extract LoHyp-57. An observational study of 95 patients with mild and moderate depression,1999,18,10,106-109,Schmidt Depression with psychotic symptoms and the course of illness - Results of a 6-year-catamnestic study,1999,18,4,197-201,Ruppe Correlation between consumption of psychotropic substances and suicidality among schizophrenics,2000,19,2,69-73,Moritz Suicidal attempts among children and teenagers,2001,20,5,277-281,Nowottny Depressive disorders in epilepsy and their treatment,2002,21,7,372-378,Norra Evolutionary and crosscultural perspectives in psychiatry - Grief and depression,2002,21,3,119-126,Schiefenhövel The presuicidal development towards an assisted suicide,2004,23,5,292-296,Spittler Suicidality in patients with schizophrenia. A case-orientated report,2003,22,6,318-321,Haltenhof Therapeutic trial with a cannabinoid preparation in a patient with severe posttraumatic stress disorder,2003,22,2,111-112,Spitzer Hitlers hysterical blindness - History of a medical record,2005,24,9,783-790,Köpf Arguments reasons and motives on the way to an assisted suicide,2006,25,10,855-860,Spittler Experience with suicidal behaviour in psychiatric hospital care - Comparison of three in-patient groups in an university hospital in northern Germany from 1980 to 1998,2007,26,1-2,67-73,Arentewicz Migration and suicidal behaviour - Towards an understanding of suicidality in immigrants: Change of culture migration process and therapeutic implications,2007,26,6,487-491,Haltenhof Coping strategies of children with psychiatric disturbed parents. The surrealistic painter René Magritte,2008,27,6,561-564,Schlüter-Müller Description and evaluation of a manualised procedure after suicidal ideation/suicide attempt,2008,27,1-2,25-27,Wiesbeck Notes about psychopathology in heautoscopy and delusional misidentification in literature,2008,27,1-2,47-52,Köpf Decrease in suicide rates by the "Alliance against Depression",2009,28,4,205-210,Hajak "I drive to the bridge!" How safety fences on bridges prevent suicides,2009,28,8,553-554,Hajak Complex mental disorders - Comorbidity structures in in-patients,2010,29,12,843-849,Leichsenring Does behavioural toxicity of SSRI increased risk for school shootings?,2010,29,7-8,451-455,Kölch Management of deliberate self-harm suicidal tendency and manipulative suicidal tendency during in-patient treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder,2010,29,9,565-570,Steinert Characteristics of suicide attempts among Turkish immigrants living in Basel City - Results from the WHO/ EURO-Multicentre study,2011,30,7,517-522,Berger Effects of pharmaco- and psychotherapy in minor depressive disorders - Is there a clinical significance?,2011,30,11,902-907,Henkel Neuronal activity patterns in depression assessed post mortem - Which impacts have suicidality and unipolar-bipolar dichotomy?,2011,30,11,909-913,Steiner Psychopharmacological treatment of non-suicidal self-injury,2013,32,1-2,38-44,Fegert Is activated microglia of pathophysiological significance in patients with schizophrenia depression or suicidality?,2014,33,11,790-796,Steiner Assistance in suicide/physician assisted suicide - A psychiatric perspective,2015,34,6,451-458,Wolfersdorf Competence assisted suicide and psychiatric disorder,2015,34,12,1026-1031,Spittler Depression and suicidal behaviour,2015,34,11,900-905,Hegerl International development of assistance in suicide,2015,34,6,446-450,Wedler Organised and legitimizing physician assisted suicide,2015,34,6,436-440,Hohendorf Suicide prevention and physician-assisted suicide - An irresolvable ethical contradiction for psychiatrists?,2015,34,6,430-435,Vollmann What is suicidal tendency?,2015,34,6,421-425,Schneider The suicidal dying: A case report from a palliative geriatric and psychosomatic perspective,2015,34,6,441-445,Lindner The language of assisted suicide and euthanasia,2015,34,6,427-429,Finzen Association between aggressive and impulsive personality traits and clinical parameters of alcoholism,2016,35,6,409-417,Soyka Childhood trauma and bipolar disorder: A previously neglected research area,2016,35,7-8,481-484,Bauer Pathological narcissism and destructive violence,2016,35,12,858-863,Csef Police deployment after railway suicide: A qualitative content analysis of 127 narrative reports,2016,35,5,329-335,Lukaschek Depression in adults with ASD,2018,37,9,587-593,Thaler The Socialist Patients' Collective at the University of Heidelberg in 1970-1971,2018,37,12,901-909,Hafner Lovesickness,2021,40,12,963-976,Walter Psychotherapy after suicide attemps,2021,40,9,679-683,Glaesmer At last I'm free: Reflections on the assisted suicide controversy,2022,41,4,258-261,Brieger Chronic suicidality-a specific type of suicidality? Neurobiology psychological mechanisms and therapy,2022,41,4,230-239,Hennings Prediction of suicidal behavior: From clinical judgement to artificial intelligence,2022,41,4,253-257,Teismann Psychotherapy of suicidal patients,2022,41,4,222-226,Brieger Suicide-preventive effects of ketamine and esketamine,2022,41,4,240-245,Plöderl Suicidality from a toxicological perspective,2022,41,4,246-252,Eyer Causes of death in drug addicts during 1981-1990 identified from autopsy material of the Department of Legal Medicine Munich,1992,11,4,187-191,Betz Fluoxetin - A controversial antidepressant?,1992,11,1,e76, Plasma amino acids and suicidal behaviour: Focus on tryptophan,1992,11,7,344-349,Demling Diagnosis and treatment of alcoholic outpatients and variables predictive for later inpatient treatment,1993,12,8,431-437,Soyka Autopsy findings in epileptics. 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