Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Residential mobility among foreign-born persons living in Sweden is associated with lower mortality,2010,2,,187-194,Elmståhl The association between adjustment disorder diagnosed at psychiatric treatment facilities and completed suicide,2010,2,,23-28,Miller Incidence and risk factors of suicide reattempts within 1 year after psychiatric hospital discharge in mood disorder patients,2011,3,,305-313,Mahatnirunkul Disease burden evaluation of fall-related events in the elderly due to hypoglycemia and other diabetic complications: a clinical review,2014,6,,287,Kennedy Global prevalence and incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury,2014,6,,309-331,Fehlings Surviving severe traumatic brain injury in Denmark: incidence and predictors of highly specialized rehabilitation,2015,7,,225-234,Johnsen The 2015 and 2016 terrorist attacks in France: was there a short-term impact on hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease?,2018,10,,413-419,Pirard Adjusting for confounding by indication in observational studies: a case study in traumatic brain injury,2018,10,,841-852,Steyerberg Fall injuries associated deaths and 30-day readmission for subsequent falls are increasing in the elderly US population: a query of the WHO mortality database and National Readmission Database from 2010 to 2014,2018,10,,1627-1637,Romanowski Association between gestational diabetes mellitus and depression in parents: a retrospective cohort study,2018,10,,1827-1838,Rahme Antidepressants and the risk of traumatic brain injury in the elderly: differences between individual agents,2019,11,,185-196,Kollhorst Polypharmacy and injurious falls in older adults: a nationwide nested case-control study,2019,11,,483-493,Welmer Rates of suicide and non-fatal suicide attempts among persons undergoing organ transplantation in Denmark from 1995 through 2015,2019,11,,1011-1013,Gradus Diagnosis of open tibial fracture showed high positive predictive value in the Swedish National Patient Register,2020,12,,1113-1119,Weiss Autoimmune connective tissue disease following carbon monoxide poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study,2020,12,,1287-1298,Guo Agreement between standard and ICD-10-based injury severity scores,2022,14,,201-210,Steinmetz Seasonal effects on hospitalizations due to mood and psychotic disorders: a nationwide 31-year register study,2022,14,,1177-1191,Pirkola Fracture rates in children with cerebral palsy: a Danish nationwide register-based study,2022,14,,1405-1414,Pedersen Maternal depression and antidepressant use during pregnancy and associations with depressive symptoms and suicidality in adolescent children,2023,15,,613-628,Deardorff Prevalence and prognosis of stress disorders: A review of the epidemiologic literature,2017,9,,251-260,Gradus The association between adjustment disorder diagnosed at psychiatric treatment facilities and completed suicide,2010,2,1,23-28,Miller Incidence and risk factors of suicide reattempts within 1 year after psychiatric hospital discharge in mood disorder patients,2011,3,1,305-313,Ruengorn Challenges in validating quality of care data in a schizophrenia registry: Experience from the Danish national Indicator Project,2012,4,1,201-207,Gradus The Danish schizophrenia registry,2016,8,,691-695,Baandrup The Danish depression database,2016,8,,475-478,Videbech Early treatment with talk therapy or antidepressants in severely bereaved people and risk of suicidal behavior and psychiatric illness: An instrumental variable analysis,2018,10,,1013-1026,Vestergaard The Long-Term Impact of Vaginal Surgical Mesh Devices in UK Primary Care: A Cohort Study in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink,2021,13,,1167-1180,Koshiaris