Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The effects of domestic violence and sexual abuse on mental health,2008,32,12,448-450,Bailey Child and adolescent self-poisoning: Service-related characteristics,1997,21,5,267-269,Winkley Against a high-risk strategy in the prevention of suicide,1998,22,9,534-536,House Anti-bullying policy in child and adolescent psychiatric units,1998,22,9,557-559,Sommers Attendees at a primary care-based mental health promotion drop-in clinic: Social and clinical characteristics and outcomes,1998,22,9,559-562,Lobo Suicide attempts by jumping,1998,22,7,424-427,Joyce The internet and the future of psychiatry [6],1998,22,10,641-642,Haut Effect of increased antidepressant prescribing on suicide rate in Northern Ireland,1999,23,8,484-486,Rafferty Commentary: On the back foot - Psychiatry and community care,2000,24,8,287-288,Howlett Full metal jacket or the emperor's new clothes? The National Service Framework for Mental Health,2000,24,6,207-210,Deahl Greater support for senior house officers,2000,24,4,152-153,Ashim National Service Framework for Mental Health,2000,24,6,203-206,Thornicroft Psychiatric trainees' experiences of and reactions to patient suicide,2000,24,1,20-23,Gray Psychiatry in Slovenia: A high suicide and cirrhosis rates country,2000,24,10,385-387,Marusíc Recommended reading for trainees,2000,24,4,e154,Macdonald Six years' experience in Oxford: Review of serious incidents,2000,24,7,243-246,Rose Suicide: A call-sheet audit - Data from SANELINE,2000,24,3,98-101,Fakhoury Reviewing serious incidents,2000,24,7,241-242,Amos Suicide and the internet,2000,24,11,e434,Smith Commentary: Suicide prevention and the right to die,2001,25,11,e437,Henderson Commentary: The impact of past trauma in later life,2001,25,11,e438,Summerfield Commentary: The limits of responsibility,2001,25,11,414-415,Howlett Good clinical practice on suicide and suicide prevention,2001,25,2,41-42,Appleby National Service Framework,2001,25,5,e195,Payne How much risk training takes place in mental health services?: A national survey of training and policies,2001,25,6,217-219,Amos Psychotherapy training for psychiatrists: Hope resistance and reality,2001,25,4,124-125,Holmes Suicide and the internet,2001,25,10,e400,Thompson Suicide in schizophrenia - How can research influence training and clinical practice?,2001,25,2,46-50,Raymont The experience of patient suicide among trainees in psychiatry,2001,25,2,51-52,Courtenay What to do when a patient commits suicide,2001,25,2,43-45,Hodelet Using the internet as a source of self-help for people who self-harm,2001,25,6,222-225,Prasad The forgotten children: Children admitted to a county asylum between 1854 and 1900,2001,25,11,432-434,Gingell Assessing alcohol-intoxicated patients,2002,26,12,e468,Strang Acute hospital care,2002,26,8,e315,Kuruppuarachchi Commentary: The Scottish scene,2002,26,3,86-87,Pullen Discharging psychiatric patients from hospital,2002,26,11,e436,Sinclair Patient suicide,2002,26,6,e235,Courtenay Psychiatry and the Palestinian population,2002,26,1,28-30,Gordon National Confidential Inquiry,2002,26,3,113-114,Milner Impact of patient suicide on psychiatric trainees,2002,26,2,53-55,Yousaf Researchable questions to support evidence-based mental health policy concerning adult mental illness,2002,26,10,364-367,Goldberg The suicide bomber: Is it a psychiatric phenomenon?,2002,26,12,e468,Bruggen The suicide bomber - Is it a psychiatric phenomenon?,2002,26,11,e436,Spencer The impact of suicide on community mental health teams: Findings and recommendations,2002,26,2,50-52,Day The 'suicide' bomber: Is it a psychiatric phenomenon?,2002,26,8,285-287,Gordon The role of the doctor when a patient commits suicide,2002,26,2,44-49,Campbell Air travel by passengers with mental disorder,2004,28,8,295-297,Gordon Establishing a clinical database for hospital attendances because of self-harm,2004,28,4,137-139,House Partners in care. Psychiatric advance directives: A user's view,2004,28,9,e334, Malignant alienation - A concept that has not yet arrived [4],2004,28,12,e459,Watts Root cause analysis applied to the investigation of serious untoward incidents in mental health services,2004,28,3,75-77,Hicks Care Programme Approach - Documentation of past risk-related behaviour,2003,27,8,298-300,Duffy Altruistic suicide: Precedence in usage,2003,27,3,e115,Goldney Extended matching items (EMIs): Solving the conundrum,2003,27,6,230-232,George Psychiatry and the media,2003,27,8,e316,Kuruppuarachchi Suicide bombers and institutional racism (multiple letters),2003,27,9,e358,Fahy Psychiatric disorders in HIV-positive individuals in urban Uganda,2005,29,12,455-458,Petrushkin Should we prescribe antidepressants to children?,2005,29,5,164-167,Dubicka Assertive outreach: Policy and reality,2006,30,3,89-94,Schneider Murky waters: The pharmaceutical industry and psychiatrists in developing countries,2006,30,3,85-88,Khan Better mental healthcare for minority ethnic groups - Moving away from the blame game and putting patients first: Commentary on ... Institutional racism in psychiatry,2007,31,10,368-369,McKenzie Changes to mental healthcare for working age adults: Impact of a crisis team and an assertive outreach team,2007,31,8,288-292,Hughes Dialectal behaviour treatment: Implementation and outcomes,2007,31,7,249-252,Zinkler Inquest verdicts: Youth suicides lost,2007,31,6,203-205,Gosney Self harm - A culture-bound syndrome? Ghana and UK experience [2],2007,31,9,e357,Avevor Best practice in managing violence and related risks,2008,32,11,403-405,Cree Help is at hand for people bereaved by suicide and other traumatic death,2008,32,8,309-311,Simkin Daytime night attire as a therapeutic intervention in an acute adult psychiatric in-patient unit,2008,32,6,221-224,McDonald Making a difference. Invited commentary on... Effects of domestic violence and sexual abuse on mental health,2008,32,12,450-451,Mason Pain and self-harm,2008,32,7,e274,Bass Effect of the 2004 tsunami on suicide rates in Sri Lanka,2009,33,5,179-180,Pimm Self-harm in first-episode psychosis,2009,33,3,104-107,Patel Trends in mental health googling,2009,33,11,e437,Cummings Choosing death: The moral status of suicide,1996,20,2,85-89,Oyebode How to establish case registers: I. Suicide,1996,20,7,401-403,Stanton Clinical features of alcoholic suicide attempters/non-attempters,1996,20,11,656-659,Agarwal Collecting suicide statistics for the severely mentally ill,1996,20,8,461-462,Abed