Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Veterans' views of a shared decision-making process: a qualitative substudy of REORDER,2014,17,4,348-364,Glynn Together4Health: integrating care for vulnerable populations,2015,18,1,105-127,Barry Cognitive characteristics in "difficult-to-discharge" inpatients with serious mental illness: attribution biases are associated with suspiciousness only for those with lower levels of insight,2015,18,2,152-172,Spaulding Experiences and meanings of leisure active living and recovery among culturally diverse community-dwelling adults with mental illness,2015,18,2,129-151,Iwasaki A qualitative description of community service business and organization perspectives on mental illness and inclusion,2017,20,4,327-345,Kidd Project Connect: a community intervention for individuals with mental illness,2017,20,3,218-233,Rowe "At the extremities of life" - service user experiences of helpful help in mental health crises,2017,20,2,87-105,Ruud The applicability of supported employment to adults with participation obligations as a condition for receiving welfare benefits,2017,20,2,106-125,Waghorn The impact of illness identity on recovery from severe mental illness,2010,13,2,73-93,Roe Intersection of stress social disadvantage and life course processes: Reframing trauma and mental health,2013,16,2,91-114,Nurius Citizenship and Psychosis: Crossing Boundaries of Mind and Heart,2019,22,1-2,114-123,Bien