Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Temporal Coding of Brain Patterns for Direct Limb Control in Humans,2010,4,ePub,ePub,Scherer Anti-malaria drug mefloquine induces motor learning deficits in humans,2010,4,,191,van Essen Prediction of Decisions from Noise in the Brain before the Evidence is Provided,2011,5,,33,Deco The relationship between saccadic choice and reaction times with manipulations of target value,2011,5,,122,Milstein Energy drinks and the neurophysiological impact of caffeine,2011,5,online,116,Persad Binge Drinking: In Search of its Molecular Target via the GABA(A) Receptor,2011,5,online,123,Liu Challenges of Interpreting Frontal Neurons during Value-Based Decision-Making,2011,5,,124,Wallis A neuropsychological approach to understanding risk-taking for potential gains and losses,2012,6,,15,Lauriola Decisions from experience: adaptive information search and choice in younger and older adults,2012,6,,36,Spaniol A neuropsychological test of belief and doubt: damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex increases credulity for misleading advertising,2012,6,online,100,Tranel Individual Differences in Risky Decision-Making Among Seniors Reflect Increased Reward Sensitivity,2012,6,,111,Ridderinkhof Preference reversals in decision making under risk are accompanied by changes in attention to different attributes,2012,6,,109,Kim Toward an affective neuroscience account of financial risk taking,2012,6,,159,Knutson You can't think and hit at the same time: neural correlates of baseball pitch classification,2012,6,,177,Sajda Dissociable neural processes underlying risky decisions for self versus other,2013,7,,15,Jung The emotional consequences of being distracted,2009,3,1,6-7,Barceló Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) stimulant medications as cognitive enhancers,2013,7,,82,Advokat Coordinate transformation approach to social interactions,2013,7,,147,Chang The chronometry of risk processing in the human cortex,2013,7,,146,Dolan The role of ECoG magnitude and phase in decoding position velocity and acceleration during continuous motor behavior,2013,7,,200,Schulze-Bonhage Differences in neural activation as a function of risk-taking task parameters,2013,7,,173,London EEG sensorimotor correlates of translating sounds into actions,2013,7,,203,Keysers Cost-benefit analysis: The first real rule of fight club?,2013,7,,248,Hillman Decoupling speed and accuracy in an urgent decision-making task reveals multiple contributions to their trade-off,2014,8,,85,Stanford Acute stress affects risk taking but not ambiguity aversion,2014,8,,e82,Kudielka Genetic mapping of escalated aggression in wild-derived mouse strain MSM/Ms: association with serotonin-related genes,2014,8,,156,Takahashi Empathy and stress related neural responses in maternal decision making,2014,8,,152,Konrath Risk taking under stress: the role(s) of self-selection. a comment on Buckert et al. (2014),2014,8,,197,Trautmann The fast and the slow sides of cortisol's effects on emotional interference and sustained attention,2014,8,,268,Dolcos The ecology of human fear: survival optimization and the nervous system,2015,9,,55,Mobbs An animal model of differential genetic risk for methamphetamine intake,2015,9,,e327,Phillips Virtual reality and the role of the prefrontal cortex in adults and children,2009,3,1,52-59,Baumgartner Injury in aged animals robustly activates quiescent olfactory neural stem cells,2015,9,,367,Brann How the risky features of previous selection affect subsequent decision-making: evidence from behavioral and fMRI measures,2015,9,,e364,Du Prediction of individual differences in risky behavior in young adults via variations in local brain structure,2015,9,,359,Bahrami Mild traumatic brain injury and delayed alteration of memory processing,2015,9,,e369,Foster Altered hippocampal neurogenesis and amygdalar neuronal activity in adult mice with repeated experience of aggression,2015,9,,e443,Bondar Testosterone administration related differences in brain activation during the ultimatum game,2016,10,,e66,Ingvar Human brain expansion during evolution is independent of fire control and cooking,2016,10,,e167,Cornélio Intracortical brain-machine interfaces advance sensorimotor neuroscience,2016,10,,e291,Schroeder Associations between family adversity and brain volume in adolescence: manual vs. automated brain segmentation yields different results,2016,10,,e398,Margolin Corrigendum: associations between family adversity and brain volume in adolescence: manual vs. automated brain segmentation yields different results,2016,10,,e555,Margolin Reduced risk-taking following disruption of the intraparietal sulcus,2016,10,,e588,Huettel Neuropharmacology of new psychoactive substances (nps): focus on the rewarding and reinforcing properties of cannabimimetics and amphetamine-like stimulants,2016,10,,e153,Serpelloni How saccade intrusions affect subsequent motor and oculomotor actions,2016,10,,e608,Ugawa The life span model of suicide and its neurobiological foundation,2017,11,,e74,Dwivedi Evaluation of the display of cognitive state feedback to drive adaptive task sharing,2017,11,,e144,Dorneich ICA-derived EEG correlates to mental fatigue effort and workload in a realistically simulated air traffic control task,2017,11,,e297,Dasari Technology-based rehabilitation to improve communication after acquired brain injury,2017,11,,e382,Des Roches Feeling the beat: bouncing synchronization to vibrotactile music in hearing and early deaf people,2017,11,,e507,Zatorre Autopilot mind wandering and the out of the loop performance problem,2017,11,,e541,Berberian Abstinent heroin addicts tend to take risks: ERP and source localization,2017,11,,e681,Hu Brain electrodynamic and hemodynamic signatures against fatigue during driving,2018,12,,e181,Lin Childhood emotional abuse moderates associations among corticomotor white matter structure and stress neuromodulators in women with and without depression,2018,12,,e256,Walsh MAP Training My Brain™: meditation plus aerobic exercise lessens trauma of sexual violence more than either activity alone,2018,12,,e211,Shors Excessive daytime sleepiness and injury of the ascending reticular activating system following whiplash injury,2018,12,,e348,Jang A complex relationship between suicide dementia and amyloid: a narrative review,2018,12,,e371,Courtet The role of gaseous molecules in traumatic brain injury: an updated review,2018,12,,392,Chen Differential bilateral primary motor cortex tDCS fails to modulate choice bias and readiness in perceptual decision making,2018,12,,e410,Balci Biomarkers for PTSD at the interface of the endocannabinoid and neurosteroid axis,2018,12,,e482,Pinna Identifying the causes of drivers' hazardous states using driver characteristics vehicle kinematics and physiological measurements,2018,12,,e568,Ahmed Lauflumide (NLS-4) is a new potent wake-promoting compound,2018,12,,e519,Lecendreux Prefrontal cortex activity predicts mental fatigue in young and elderly men during a 2 h "go/nogo" task,2018,12,,e620,Karanauskienė Balance in blind subjects: cane and fingertip touch induce similar extent and promptness of stance stabilization,2018,12,,e639,Schieppati Disruption in brain phospholipid content in a humanized tau transgenic model following repetitive mild traumatic brain injury,2018,12,,e893,Evans The involvement of iron in traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative disease,2018,12,,e981,Daglas Impact of traumatic brain injury on neurogenesis,2018,12,,e1014,Ngwenya Serotonergic contributions to human brain aggression networks,2019,13,,e42,Weber Neuron-derived exosome proteins may contribute to progression from repetitive mild traumatic brain injuries to chronic traumatic encephalopathy,2019,13,,e452,Goetzl A mechanism of synaptic clock underlying subjective time perception,2019,13,,e716,Jura Dynamics of segregation and integration in directional brain networks: illustration in soldiers with PTSD and neurotrauma,2019,13,,e803,Deshpande Efficacy of a neurofeedback training on attention and driving performance: physiological and behavioral measures,2019,13,,e996,Balconi Neural correlates of facial expression recognition in earthquake witnesses,2019,13,,e1038,Barile Sleep problems and workplace violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,13,,e997,Garbarino The moderating effects of sex on consequences of childhood maltreatment: from clinical studies to animal models,2019,13,,e1082,White Neurobehavioral consequences of traffic-related air pollution,2019,13,,e1232,Salim Neural representation of parental monitoring and links to adolescent risk taking,2019,13,,e1286,Telzer Automatically detected microsleep episodes in the fitness-to-drive assessment,2020,14,,e8,Mathis Experimental traumatic brain injury induces chronic glutamatergic dysfunction in amygdala circuitry known to regulate anxiety-like behavior,2019,13,,e1434,Adelson Alcohol intoxication and cognition: implications on mechanisms and therapeutic strategies,2020,14,,e102,Wang Circadian phase advances in response to weekend morning light in adolescents with short sleep and late bedtimes on school nights,2020,14,,e99,Eastman Facilitators and barriers for a good night's sleep among adolescents,2020,14,,e92,Hagell Motorized shoes induce robust sensorimotor adaptation in walking,2020,14,,e174,Torres-Oviedo Impaired multisensory integration predisposes the elderly people to fall: a systematic review,2020,14,,411,Zhang Human discrimination and categorization of emotions in voices: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study,2020,14,,e570,Grandjean A multidimensional multisensory and comprehensive rehabilitation intervention to improve spatial functioning in the visually impaired child: a community case study,2020,14,,e768,Gori Assessment of long-term effects of sports-related concussions: biological mechanisms and exosomal biomarkers,2020,14,,e761,Kelly Tracing pilots' situation assessment by neuroadaptive cognitive modeling,2020,14,,e795,Zander The bidirectional relationship between sleep and inflammation links traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer's disease,2020,14,,e894,Williams Potential pathways for circadian dysfunction and sundowning-related behavioral aggression in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias,2020,14,,e910,Todd Penetrating ballistic-like brain injury leads to microRNA dysregulation BACE1 upregulation and amyloid precursor protein loss in lesioned rat brain tissues,2020,14,,e915,Shear Steady-state visual-evoked potentials as a biomarker for concussion: a pilot study : Corrigendum,2020,14,,e866,Putrino Antipsychotic treatment failure: a systematic review on risk factors and interventions for treatment adherence in psychosis,2020,14,,e531763,Morrens Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction and falls in people with multiple sclerosis: is there a link? An opinion article,2020,14,,e610917,Sosnoff The sleep of shift workers in a remote mining operation: methodology for a randomized control trial to determine evidence-based interventions,2020,14,,e579668,Cattani Machine learning-based identification of suicidal risk in patients with schizophrenia using multi-level resting-state fMRI Features,2020,14,,e605697,Siwek The impact of vigorous cycling exercise on visual attention: a study with the br8 wireless dry EEG system,2021,15,,e621365,Lin (18)F-FDG PET combined with MR spectroscopy elucidates the progressive metabolic cerebral alterations after blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury in rats,2021,15,,e593723,Chen Determinants of sleepiness at wheel and missing accidents in patients with obstructive sleep apnea,2021,15,,e656203,Fanfulla How native background affects human performance in real-world visual object detection: an event-related potential study,2021,15,,665084,Wang Sex genes and traumatic brain injury (TBI): a call for a gender inclusive approach to the study of TBI in the lab,2021,15,,681599,Duncan No difference in arousal or cognitive demands between manual and partially automated driving: a multi-method on-road study,2021,15,,577418,Strayer Brain vital signs in elite ice hockey: towards characterizing objective and specific neurophysiological reference values for concussion management,2021,15,,e670563,Lakhani Altered hypothalamic functional connectivity following total sleep deprivation in young adult males,2021,15,,e688247,Zhang A novel histological technique to assess severity of traumatic brain injury in rodents: comparisons to neuroimaging and neurological outcomes,2021,15,,e733115,Shelef Case report: dual target deep brain stimulation with externalized programming for post-traumatic complex movement disorder,2021,15,,e774073,LoPresti Complex interactions between sex and stress on heroin seeking,2021,15,,e784365,Carter Drug use in night owls may increase the risk for mental health problems,2021,15,,e819566,Stochl The 3-minute psychomotor vigilance test demonstrates inadequate convergent validity relative to the 10-minute psychomotor vigilance test across sleep loss and recovery,2022,16,,e815697,Goel Altered cingulum functioning in major depressive disorder patient with suicide attempts: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study,2022,16,,e849158,Zhang A public data set with ground reaction forces of human balance in individuals with Parkinson's disease,2022,16,,865882,Coelho Elevated axonal protein markers following repetitive blast exposure in military personnel,2022,16,,e853616,Naunheim The implication of pathway turn and task condition on gait quantified using smartwalk: changes with age and Parkinson's disease with relevance to postural strategy and risk of fall,2022,16,,e804397,Lahiri Is balance control affected by sleep deprivation? A systematic review of the impact of sleep on the control of balance,2022,16,,e779086,Forner-Cordero Adolescent alcohol and stress exposure rewires key cortical neurocircuitry,2022,16,,e896880,Crowley Synthetic oxytocin and vasopressin act within the central amygdala to exacerbate aggression in female wistar rats,2022,16,,e906617,Neumann Utilization of drivers' dynamic visual characteristics to find the appropriate information quantity of traffic engineering facilities on straight roads of grassland highways,2022,16,,e872863,Yang Characteristics and mediating effect of gut microbiota with experience of childhood maltreatment in major depressive disorder,2022,16,,e926450,Yang State changes during resting-state (magneto)encephalographic studies: the effect of drowsiness on spectral connectivity and network analyses,2022,16,,e782474,Schoonheim Neuropathological mechanisms of mild traumatic brain injury: a perspective from multimodal magnetic resonance imaging,2022,16,,e923662,Chen Forgetting alcohol: a double-blind randomized controlled trial investigating memory inhibition training in young binge drinkers,2022,16,,e914213,Crego How to promote urban intelligent transportation: a fuzzy cognitive map study,2022,16,,e919914,Hwang Tumor markers and depression scores are predictive of non-suicidal self-injury behaviors among adolescents with depressive disorder: a retrospective study,2022,16,,e953842,Huang Measuring the effects of mind wandering in people with insomnia: a driving simulator study,2022,16,,e944096,Xu Examining virtual driving test performance and its relationship to individuals with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders,2022,16,,e912766,Kandadai Quantitative description of the relationship between the enhancement of distraction-suppression and brain local state alteration after transcranial direct current stimulation,2022,16,,e984893,Liu Interest of the BLAST paradigm and salivary markers for the evaluation of sleepiness in drivers,2022,16,,e991528,Seugnet Segregation over time in functional networks in prefrontal cortex for individuals suffering from pathological fatigue after traumatic brain injury,2022,16,,e972720,Johansson Effects of 24-h acute total sleep deprivation on physiological coupling in healthy young adults,2022,16,,e952329,Han Exploring neurometabolic alterations in bipolar disorder with suicidal ideation based on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and machine learning technology,2022,16,,e944585,Zou Brain mechanisms underlying the influence of emotions on spatial decision-making: an EEG study,2022,16,,e989988,Wang Juvenile confinement exacerbates adversity burden: a neurobiological impetus for decarceration,2022,16,,e1004335,Galvan Dynamic changes of brain networks during standing balance control under visual conflict,2022,16,,e1003996,Wang Evaluation of hidden hearing loss in normal-hearing firearm users,2022,16,,e1005148,Le Prell Prefrontal cortex neural activity predicts reduction of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents with major depressive disorder: an event related potential study,2022,16,,e972870,Li Researches on cognitive sequelae of burn injury: current status and advances,2022,16,,e1026152,Hu Fatigue performance in patients with chronic insomnia,2022,16,,e1043262,Xu The brain's weakness in the face of trauma: how head trauma causes the destruction of the brain,2023,17,,e1141568,Stone Vigilance decrement and mind-wandering in sustained attention tasks: two sides of the same coin?,2023,17,,e1122406,Castillo Freezing of gait in Chinese patients with multiple system atrophy: prevalence and risk factors,2023,17,,e1194904,Wang Potential links between brown adipose tissue circadian dysregulation and suicide risk,2023,17,,e1196029,Partonen A tornado in the family: fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and aggression during childhood and adolescence: a scoping review,2023,17,,e1176695,Reynolds Development of risk prediction models for depression combining genetic and early life risk factors,2023,17,,e1143496,Lu Truck model recognition for an automatic overload detection system based on the improved MMAL-Net,2023,17,,e1243847,Sun BRCA1 heterozygosity promotes DNA damage-induced senescence in a sex-specific manner following repeated mild traumatic brain injury,2023,17,,e1225226,Hazrati Effects of physical activity in child and adolescent depression and anxiety: role of inflammatory cytokines and stress-related peptide hormones,2023,17,,e1234409,Li Making the case for prophylactic use of betaine to promote brain health in young (15-24 year old) athletes at risk for concussion,2023,17,,e1214976,Knight Semantic segmentation of autonomous driving scenes based on multi-scale adaptive attention mechanism,2023,17,,e1291674,Wang The use of hyperbaric oxygen for veterans with PTSD: basic physiology and current available clinical data,2023,17,,e1259473,Kutz Machine learning-based model for predicting inpatient mortality in adults with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,17,,e1285904,Chen Binocular function in the aging visual system: fusion suppression and stereoacuity,2024,18,,e1360619,Wang Transformative skeletal motion analysis: optimization of exercise training and injury prevention through graph neural networks,2024,18,,e1353257,Zhu Effects of recent cannabis consumption on eye-tracking and pupillometry,2024,18,,e1358491,Regan Design of urban road fault detection system based on artificial neural network and deep learning,2024,18,,e1369832,Lin DTDNet: Dynamic Target Driven Network for pedestrian trajectory prediction,2024,18,,e1346374,Liu Neuropsychiatric disorders in cushing's syndrome,2015,9,MAR,,Cozzolino Deep Brain Stimulation for Obesity: A Review and Future Directions,2019,13,,,Okun Effect of clozapine on anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis with psychiatric symptoms: A series of three cases,2019,13,APR,,Li Deep Brain Stimulation in Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Efficacy and Safety,2021,15,,,Xie A Decrease in Hemodynamic Response in the Right Postcentral Cortex Is Associated With Treatment-Resistant Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: An NIRS Study,2022,16,,,Xu Identifying Changes of Brain Regional Homogeneity and Cingulo-Opercular Network Connectivity in First-Episode Drug-Naïve Depressive Patients With Suicidal Ideation,2022,16,,,He Sex Differences in Depression Caused by Early Life Stress and Related Mechanisms,2022,16,,,Fu Central nervous system-related safety and tolerability of add-on ketamine to standard of care treatment in treatment-resistant psychotic depression in patients with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder,2023,17,,,Cubała A lightweight network architecture for traffic sign recognition based on enhanced LeNet-5 network,2024,18,,e1431033,An Corrigendum: Binocular balance across spatial frequency in anisomyopia,2024,18,,e1457590,Jiang