Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Medicalisation of suicide,2011,18,4,78-83,Pridmore Financial loss and suicide,2012,19,2,74-76,Saxby Review of global menace of road accidents with special reference to malaysia- a social perspective,2003,10,2,31-39,Kareem Uniocular blindness following thermal injury,2013,20,1,88-91,Ayanniyi Suicide and the publicly exposed pedophile,2012,19,4,50-56,Pridmore A pilot investigation of the operationalized predicaments of suicide (OPS) framework,2012,19,3,50-56,Pridmore Review of the medicinal effects of tualang honey and a comparison with manuka honey,2013,20,3,6-13,Ahmed Suicide and forced marriage,2013,20,2,47-51,Pridmore The predicaments of people whose suicide was captured on film,2013,20,4,64-70,Pridmore Factors associated with the outcome of open tibial fractures,2013,20,5,47-53,Yusof Comparison of dietary macro and micro nutrient intake between iranian patients with long-term complications of sulphur mustard poisoning and healthy subjects,2014,21,6,19-26,Balali-Mood A psychometric properties of the Malay-version Police Stress Questionnaire,2014,21,4,42-50,Irniza Walking devices used by the elderly living in rural areas of Thailand,2015,22,2,48-54,Saengsuwan The record-setting flood of 2014 in Kelantan: challenges and recommendations from an emergency medicine perspective and why the medical campus stood dry,2015,22,2,1-7,Baharuddin Suicidal thoughts in the novel Don Quixote,2016,23,2,65-69,Pridmore Levels of community ambulation ability in patients with stroke who live in a rural area,2016,23,1,56-62,Phonthee Perceived stress among malaysian railway workers,2016,23,5,38-43,Al-Dubai Supervised versus home exercise training programs on functional balance in older subjects,2016,23,6,83-93,Youssef Development and validation of a coping scale for caregivers in Malaysia,2017,24,3,83-91,Wahab Organophosphate poisoning and terrorism,2017,24,4,111-112,Tanimoto Management of severe traumatic brain injury in pregnancy: a body with two lives,2018,25,5,151-157,Abdullah Reasons for living and coping with suicidal ideation among adolescents in Malaysia,2018,25,5,140-150,Ibrahim Teleneurosurgery: outcome of mild head injury patients managed in non-neurosurgical centre in the State of Johor,2018,25,2,95-104,Idris Suicide: what the general public and the individual should know,2018,25,2,15-19,Pridmore The mediator role of aggression in the relationship between marital stress and depression among patients with coronary artery disease,2019,26,4,94-100,Komasi Risk factors for suicidal behaviours after natural disasters: a systematic review,2020,27,3,20-33,Heidari A Malay version of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Screening Tool for children: a study of its validity and reliability,2020,27,4,97-107,Taib Dual-tasking effects on gait and turning performance of stroke survivors with diabetic peripheral neuropathy,2021,28,2,63-71,Justine Workplace bullying among junior doctors in Malaysia: a multicentre cross-sectional study,2021,28,2,142-156,Rampal Exposure to domestic violence during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a potent threat to the mental well-being of children,2021,28,3,158-159,Boo Prevalence pattern and predictors of child sexual abuse among senior secondary school students in Enugu Metropolis,2021,28,4,123-137,Chime The ethics of supporting bereaved parents following traffic crash fatalities,2022,29,1,157-160,Zolkefli Victimisation depression and suicidal ideation among lesbian gay and bisexual adults in Malaysia,2022,29,4,120-130,Ibrahim Cognitive impairment and neuropsychiatry manifestation following mild and moderate traumatic brain injury at 3 months and 6 months,2022,29,5,48-58,Abdullah Ocular trauma trends during COVID-19 pandemic,2023,30,3,135-142,Yong The validity and reliability of Malay version Child Exposure to Domestic Violence Scale,2023,30,4,175-192,Taib A bibliometric analysis of global research trends on suicidal ideation,2023,30,4,48-60,Mahmud Employers' perception and practice of workplace violence prevention at healthcare facilities questionnaire: a confirmatory factor analysis,2023,30,5,192-205,Daud Post COVID-19 pandemic and intimate partner violence: family physician to its rescue,2023,30,6,167-171,Chidambaram A qualitative systematic review of healthcare practitioners' experience of workplace violence,2024,31,1,51-61,Arifin Medicalisation of suicide,2011,18,4,77-82,Pridmore Financial loss and suicide,2012,19,2,74-76,Pridmore Suicide and the publicly exposed pedophile,2012,19,4,51-57,Pridmore Suicide and forced marriage,2013,20,2,48-52,Pridmore The predicaments of people whose suicide was captured on film,2013,20,4,63-69,Pridmore A Pilot Investigation of the Operationalized Predicaments of Suicide (OPS) Framework,2012,,,50-56,Saxby Pridmore Financial Loss and Suicide,2012,,,74-76,Saxby Pridmore Medicalisation of Suicide,2011,,,78-83,Saxby Pridmore Suicidal Thoughts in the Novel Don Quixote,2016,,,65-69,Saxby Pridmore Suicide and Forced Marriage,2013,,,47-51,Saxby Pridmore Suicide and the Publicly Exposed Pedophile,2012,,,51-57,Saxby Pridmore The Predicaments of People Whose Suicide was Captured on Film,2013,,,64-70,Saxby Pridmore The effect of traumatic brain injury on memory,2024,31,3,52-74,Idris Managing aggressive behaviour in healthcare: balancing of patients and staff interests,2024,31,3,252-256,Zolkefli