Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Multiple perforations of small bowel caused by accidental ingestion of magnetic toys in a 19 month old infant,2017,87,3,459-462,Glüsenkamp Ingestion of magnetic bodies in childhood. What now?,2012,75,,111-116,Meyer Ingestion of magnetic bodies in childhood. What now?,2012,79,4,607-612,Meyer Suicide and attempted suicide of children and adolescents,2002,61,4,553-564,Nowottny Suicide and attempted suicide of children and adolescents,2002,61,4,565-566,Freisleder Dealing with young people in medical practice,2004,65,2,279-287,Rutishauser Treatment of diabetes mellitus type 1. Standards and perspectives,2004,65,3,407-413,Karges Psychiatrically noticeable adolescents in paediatric practice,2005,66,2,227-232,Hackenberg Manifest intoxications in childhood. Causes and circumstances,2006,67,4,633-643,Hermanns-Clausen Pre- and postpartal influences on the relationship between parent and child,2007,71,1,1-10,Vetter Hypothyroidism due to ectopic thyroid in an 11 year old boy,2010,75,2,217-224,Dunstheimer Attempted suicide by intoxication with Ricinus communis seeds,2021,95,3,467-472,Vogel