Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The psychodynamics of hope in suicidal despair,2017,40,1,54-62,Goldblatt Combination of psychotropics in psychoanalytic psychotherapy: Psychotherapeutic challenges,2006,29,2,115-121,Sleire The limits of our value and the value of our limits: Looking at what we can offer the more turbulent patient and why that may be enough,2011,34,2,108-116,Waska Internal objects and self-destructive behaviours a clinical case highlighting dissociation splitting and the rĂ´le of the primitive super-ego in the addictions,2012,35,2,116-126,Sweet Superego distortions and self-attack,2014,37,1,15-23,Goldblatt Breakdown and transformation - work with a severely depressed patient,2015,38,2,123-127,Nissen How to capture character through the patient's language?,2015,38,1,31-37,Gullestad Psychotic panic and feared sexual assault-'homosexual panic': the historical role of feared homosexual assault as a contributing factor to self-attack,2016,39,2,114-117,Goldblatt Losing fear getting peace,2018,41,1,55-56,Honkasalo Therapists' reactions to the suicide of a patient: traumatic loss impairing bereavement and growth,2020,43,2,78-86,Schechter Excursions in countertransference: treating complex trauma structural fragmentation and psychosis in a bipolar gay man,2021,44,1-2,1-11,Mills Asserting oneself. On aggression and suicide. A metapsychological (economical/quantitative) approach,2022,45,1,14-23,Schmidt-Hellerau Using therapeutic metacommunication and systematic monitoring of the working alliance in adolescent psychotherapy: a clinical case study,2022,45,2,116-127,Eloranta Oedipus' anxiety from past to the present: a case study,2023,46,1-2,30-39,Baydar The experience of trauma that converts to destruction of the self: a consideration of suicidal attack during times of global distress,2023,46,1-2,94-100,Teising