Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic in changes of prevalence of predictive psychiatric disorders among children and adolescents in Bangladesh,2021,56,,e102554,Mallik Intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in India: from psychiatric and forensic vantage points,2020,54,,e102279,Joseph Neurobiology of adult and teenage suicide,2011,4,1,2-13,Pandey Psychotherapy for Women Victims of Sexual Assault,2011,4,Suppl 1,S38,De Guzman FP02-5 Rates and Psychological Effects of Exposure to Family Violence among Nursing Students,2011,4,Suppl 1,S30,Zanjani Gender differences in the fear of terrorism among Japanese individuals in the Washington D.C. area,2010,3,3,117-120,Shigemura Suicidal risk and childhood adversity: A study of Indian college students,2012,5,2,154-159,Singh Mental health literacy survey among Sri Lankan Carers of patients with Schizophrenia and Depression,2012,5,3,246-250,Ediriweera Overcoming cultural barriers to deliver comprehensive rural community mental health care in Southern India,2011,4,4,261-265,Jayaram Organic causation of morbid jealousy,2011,4,4,258-260,Kuruppuarachchi Frequency and clinical features of borderline personality disorder in adolescent suicide attempts in Japan,2012,5,4,363-364,Ichimura Spirituality religiosity and alcohol related beliefs among college students,2013,6,1,66-70,Sukhwal Psychological impact on caregivers traumatized by the violent behavior of a family member with schizophrenia,2013,6,1,46-51,Nakane Violence and mental illness,2013,6,1,1-2,Keshavan Relationship between cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms of delirium,2013,6,2,106-112,Grover Testing a cascade model of linkage between child abuse and negative mental health among battered women in Japan,2013,6,2,99-105,Izumi The 'Operationalized Predicaments of Suicide' (OPS) applied to Northern Territory coroners' reports,2013,6,3,214-217,Pridmore Prevalence and predictors of pain in patients with major depressive disorder,2013,6,4,288-291,Srisurapanont Suicide risk assessment and formulation: An update,2013,6,5,430-435,Menon Suicide ideation in drug users and the role of needles exchanges and their workers,2013,6,5,429,Lemon Suicide attempts in schizophrenic patients: Clinical variables,2013,6,5,421-427,Mauri Comorbidity of psychiatric and personality disorders in first suicide attempters: A case-control study,2013,6,5,410-416,Rao Characteristics of overdose and non-overdose suicide attempts in a multi-ethnic Asian society,2013,6,5,373-379,Mak Suicide in Asian countries,2013,6,5,355,Keshavan Inter-rater agreement of the Operationalized Predicaments of Suicide (OPS),2013,6,6,627-628,Pridmore Clinical characteristics of aggression in children and adolescents admitted to a tertiary care centre,2013,6,6,556-559,Srinath Suicidal behaviour in the ancient Greek and Roman world,2013,6,6,548-551,Poulakou-Rebelakou Effects of value strains on psychopathology of Chinese rural youths,2013,6,6,510-514,Zhang Mental health partner violence and HIV risk among women with protective orders against violent partners in Vhembe district South Africa,2013,6,6,494-499,Peltzer Characteristics of men accompanying their partners to a specialist antenatal clinic for women with severe mental illness,2014,7,1,46-51,Fisher Self-reported suicidality and its predictors among adolescents from a pre-university college in Bangalore India,2014,7,1,38-45,Thomas Depressed suicidal adolescent males have an altered cortisol response to a pharmacological challenge,2014,7,1,28-33,King Study of insomnia and associated factors in traumatic brain injury,2014,8,,99-103,Jain Differences between non-suicidal self injury and suicide attempt in Chinese adolescents,2014,8,,76-83,Zhang Cluster analysis reveals risk factors for repeated suicide attempts in a multi-ethnic Asian population,2014,8, ,38-42,Ho Outcome of a school-based intervention to promote life-skills among young people in Cambodia,2014,9,,78-84,Kullgren Substance abuse in relation to religiosity and familial support in Iranian college students,2014,9,,41-44,Allahverdipour Impulsivity in remitted depression: a meta-analytical review,2014,9C,,13-16,Schuetz Mental health issues among migrant workers in Gulf Cooperation Council countries: Literature review and case illustrations,2014,10C,,109-113,Kronfol Identification of suicidal ideations with the help of projective tests: a review,2014,12,,36-42,Kumar Clinical and neuropsychological correlates of major depression following post-traumatic brain injury a prospective study,2014,12,,118-124,Mauri Severity of suicidal intent method and behaviour antecedent to an act of self-harm: a cross sectional study of survivors of self-harm referred to a tertiary hospital in Mysore South India,2014,12,,134-139,Poole Preliminary findings on lifetime trauma prevalence and PTSD symptoms among adolescents in Sarawak Malaysia,2014,11,,45-49,Elklit Factors associated with suicidal ideations and suicidal attempts in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder,2014,12C,,140-146,Grover Patient and visitor violence towards staff on medical and psychiatric wards in India,2014,13,,52-55,Lepping Depression after traumatic brain injury: a biopsychosocial cultural perspective,2014,13,,56-61,Rao Disruptive behaviour disorders and DSM-5,2014,11,,102-105,Hawes A naturalistic study of suicidal adolescents treated with an SSRI: Suicidal ideation and behavior during 3-month post-hospitalization period,2014,11,,13-19,Merchant Evolution of adolescent mental health in a rapidly changing socioeconomic environment: A review of mental health studies in adolescents in India over last 10 years,2014,13,,3-12,Berk Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in students 23 months after tsunami,2009,2,4,144-148,Ketumarn Impact of a stress management program on stress perception of nurses working with psychiatric patients,2015,14,,42-45,Sailaxmi Risk factors of suicidal ideation among adolescents after Wenchuan earthquake in China,2015,13,,66-71,Ran Two sides of a coin: Perpetrators and survivors perspectives on the triad of alcohol intimate partner violence and mental health in South India,2015,15,,38-43,Krishnan Prevalence of depression and its correlates among undergraduates in Sri Lanka,2015,15,,32-37,Jorm Spouses of male psychiatric patients are more prone to intimate partner violence,2015,15,,2-4,Masoudzadeh Intimate partner violence: a global mental health problem,2015,15,,1,Keshavan Yes India has done it: decriminalization of suicide in India,2015,17,,103,Balhara Mechanisms linking depression co-morbid with obesity: an approach for serotonergic type 3 receptor antagonist as novel therapeutic intervention,2015,17,,3-9,Kurhe High doses of baclofen as suicide attempt in patients with alcohol use disorders - a serious concern,2015,17,,99-100,Chand Aggression in Malaysian schizophrenia patients: its clinical determinants and association with COMT Val158Met genotypes,2015,17,,107-108,Razali Facial emotion recognition in remitted depressed women,2015,17,,111-113,Gonul Reflections on attitudes experiences and vulnerability of intimate partner violence among Southeast Asian college women living in United States,2015,18,,70-74,Thongpriwan Non-suicidal self-injury and other self-directed violent behaviors in India: a review of definitions and research,2015,22,,196-201,Claes A cross sectional study of prevalence and correlates of current and past risks in schizophrenia,2015,14,,36-41,Bhatia Non-fatal self-poisoning across age groups in Sri Lanka,2016,19,,79-84,Cotton Mental health in Aceh - Indonesia: a decade after the devastating tsunami 2004,2016,19,,59-65,Schouler-Ocak Inpatient suicide in a psychiatric hospital: fourteen years' observation,2016,19,,56-58,Ram Violence against the adolescents of Kolkata: a study in relation to the socio-economic background and mental health,2016,19,,4-13,Deb Demographic clinical and psychological characteristics of patients with self-harm behaviours attending an emergency department of a tertiary care hospital,2016,20,,3-10,Grover Depression and intimate partner violence among college students in Iran,2016,23,,51-55,Kamimura Observational study of aggressive behaviour and coercion on an Indian acute ward,2016,22,,150-156,Palmstierna Clozapine for treatment of aggression in non-psychotic adolescents,2016,22,,102-104,Kumar Current status of women requiring perinatal mental health care for protecting their children in Japan,2016,22,,e93,Suzuki Disaster psychiatry in Asia: TTe potential of smartphones mobile and connected technologies,2016,22,,1-5,Sobowale Is suicide reporting in Indian newspapers responsible? A study from Rajasthan,2016,24,,135-138,Kumar A systematic review of anxiety prevalence in adults within primary care and community settings in Malaysia,2016,24,,110-117,Teng Homicide and mental disorder in a region with a high homicide rate,2016,23,,87-92,Large Religious coping among self-harm attempters brought to emergency setting in India,2016,23,,78-86,Grover Sex differentials in the risk factors of post traumatic stress disorder among tsunami survivors in Tamil Nadu India,2016,23,,46-50,T. t. Psychological characteristics of self-harming behavior in Korean adolescents,2016,23,,119-124,Lee Cross cultural variations in psychiatrists' perception of mental illness: a tool for teaching culture in psychiatry,2016,23,,1-7,Gangadhar Fear of future terrorism: associated psychiatric burden,2018,38,,53-56,Abiola Testing psychometric properties of a Chinese version of perception of aggression scale,2017,25,,213-217,Chien Support for the association between RORA gene polymorphisms and the DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in male earthquake survivors in China,2017,25,,138-141,Liu What kills everyone gives a high for some: recreational snake envenomation,2017,25,,106-108,Benegal Psychotropic implant can be a new hope in psychiatry,2017,30,,214-217,Gowda The psychometric characteristics of the 4-item Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) as a screening tool in a non-clinical sample of Nigerian university students,2017,26,,46-51,Aloba Suicidal behaviors and associated factors among university students in six countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),2017,26,,32-38,Peltzer Suicide and deliberate self-harm in Afghanistan,2017,26,,29-31,Paiman Tools to assess psychological trauma & its correlates in child sexual abuse: a review and current needs in Asia,2017,25,,60-73,Satapathy Prevalence of depression and past suicide attempt in primary care,2017,27,,48-52,Andrade Are there differences in the mental health status of adolescents in Puducherry?,2017,27,,32-39,Deb Lipids aggression suicidality and impulsivity in drug-naïve/drug-free patients of schizophrenia,2017,27,,129-136,Jain Exploring suicide risk factors among Japanese individuals: the largest case-control psychological autopsy study in Japan,2017,27,,123-126,Katsumata Social anxiety and Internet socialization in Indian undergraduate students: an exploratory study,2017,27,,115-120,Shah What predicts medical lethality of suicide attempts in Asian youths?,2017,29,,136-141,Harris Predictors of non-suicidal and suicidal self-injurious behaviours among adolescents and young adults in urban India,2017,29,,123-128,Bhola Functions of nonsuicidal self-injury in Singapore adolescents: implications for intervention,2017,28,,47-50,Ong Mental health suicidality and hopelessness among university students in Turkey,2017,29,,185-189,Sahin Impulsivity in adolescents with major depressive disorder: a comparative Tunisian study,2017,28,,183-185,Hadjkacem Whether caffeine use is a protective or a risk factor for depression and suicide?,2017,28,,163-164,Jain Quetiapine causing severe fall and skull fracture-a case report,2017,28,,150-151,Tay A comparative study of quality of life and marital satisfaction in patients with depression and their spouses,2017,30,,65-70,Kataria Self-harm and suicide attempts in schizophrenia,2017,30,,102-106,Bhatia Ethical practices in community-based research in non-suicidal self-injury: a systematic review,2017,30,,127-134,Bhola Effect of relocation after a natural disaster in Armenia: 20-year follow-up,2017,29,,8-12,Najarian Alcohol binge drinking in OCD: a compulsive ritualistic behaviour to counter magical thinking,2017,29,,160-161,Kar Aggression in schools: cyberbullying and gender issues,2017,29,,142-145,Kishore Development of a suicide prevention education program for university students: a single-arm pilot study,2017,30,,190-191,Katsumata Evaluation of attempted older adults suicides admitted to a University Hospital Emergency Department: Izmir study,2017,30,,196-199,Aktas Clinical characteristics of suicidal behavior in an intensive care unit at a university hospital in Japan: a 7-year observational study,2018,33,,121-125,Uezato Suicide by intravenous kerosene: a case report in Bangladesh,2018,33,,126-127,Arafat Suicide and self harm in Nepal: a scoping review,2017,32,,20-26,Sharma What kinds of factors affect the academic outcomes of university students with mental disorders? A retrospective study based on medical records,2017,32,,67-72,Tachikawa Suicidal behaviour is associated with decreased esterified cholesterol in plasma and membrane fluidity of platelets,2017,32,,105-109,Thomas A controlled study of plasma fatty acids in Indian patients with depressive episode,2018,31,,152-156,Khandelwal A longitudinal comparison of age patterns and rates of suicide in Hong Kong Taiwan and Japan and two Western countries,2017,31,,15-20,Snowdon Validation of Adolescent Suicide Assessment Protocol-20 (ASAP-20) to Sri Lankan adolescents,2018,33,,11-17,Malalagama Types of violence and psychiatric symptoms among women survivors of violence in Bangladesh,2017,33,,e45,Akter High prevalence of depressive symptoms in a national sample of adults in Indonesia: childhood adversity sociodemographic factors and health risk behaviour,2018,33,,52-59,Peltzer Case report on implication of E-sport for changing platform of expression of bullying,2018,34,,16-17,Sharma Psychological health challenges of the hill-tracts region for climate change in Bangladesh,2018,34,,74-77,Kabir Decriminalization of suicide in Pakistan - treatment not punishment,2018,35,,6-7,Majeed Demography and risk factor of suicidal behavior in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional observation from patients attending a suicide prevention clinic of Bangladesh,2018,35,,4-5,Shah Coping strategies of caregivers towards aggressive behaviors of persons with severe mental illness,2018,35,,29-33,Madathumkovilakath Cognitive and behavioural dispositions in offspring at high risk for alcoholism,2018,35,,38-44,Benegal Socio-demographic factors associated with choosing violent methods of suicide 2011-2016 Ilam province,2018,35,,72-75,Delpisheh Not all suicide is preventable,2018,36,,8-9,Pridmore Not all suicide is preventable: a letter to the editor,2018,36,,19,Arafat Decriminalization of attempted suicide across Asia- it matters!,2018,35,,A2-A3,Tandon Suicide prevention activities in Bangladesh,2018,36,,38,Arafat Burden of common mental disorders among pregnant women: a systematic review,2018,36,,46-53,Sagar Maternal filicide: a case series from a medico-legal psychiatry unit in India,2018,36,,42-45,Math Suicide during international sports events (football World Cup-2018),2018,36,,92-93,Arafat Demography and risk factors of suicidal behavior in Bangladesh: a retrospective online news content analysis,2018,36,,96-99,Arafat Psychopharmacology of suicide,2018,36,,100-101,Naguy Age at onset of first suicide attempt: exploring the utility of a potential candidate variable to subgroup attempters,2018,37,,40-45,Sarkar Psychosocial perspective and suicidal behaviors correlated with adolescent male smoking and illicit drug use,2018,37,,51-57,Francis Depression and anxiety among traumatic brain injury patients in Malaysia,2018,37,,67-70,Ng Differences between patterns of suicide in East Asia and the West. The importance of sociocultural factors,2018,37,,106-111,Snowdon The gender discrepancy in high-risk behaviour outcomes in adolescents who have experienced cyberbullying in Indonesia,2018,37,,130-135,Wiguna Increasing suicide rates across Asia- a public health crisis,2018,36,,A2-A4,Tandon Females are dying more than males by suicide in Bangladesh,2019,40,,124-125,Arafat Quality of online news reporting of suicidal behavior in Bangladesh against World Health Organization guidelines,2019,40,,126-129,Arafat Suicide attempts by drug overdose at Jichi Medical University Hospital emergency centre: a study of patient characteristics and quantity of drug overdose,2019,41,,34-37,Kobayashi Prevalence clinical and psychosocial variables of depression anxiety and suicidality in geriatric tertiary care settings,2019,41,,38-44,Arunpongpaisal Prevalence and pattern of mental illnesses in Uttar Pradesh India: findings from the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16,2018,38,,45-52,Rao Postpartum obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a case of peripartum-onset depression and infanticide,2018,39,,10-11,Lee Liaison psychiatry: suicide management,2018,39,,15-16,Mehmood Mental health and environmental factors associated with falls in the elderly in North India: a naturalistic community study,2018,39,,17-21,Grover Effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive behavior therapy on life satisfaction and life orientation of adolescents with depression and suicidal ideation,2018,39,,58-62,Singh Repeated suicides in the University of Dhaka (November 2018): strategies to identify risky individuals,2018,39,,84-85,Arafat Use of facebook for developing suicide database in Bangladesh,2018,39,,110-111,Rashid Soron Decriminalizing suicide in Bangladesh,2018,39,,91-92,Soron Community violence exposure and determinants of adolescent mental health: a school-based study of a post-conflict area in Indonesia,2019,40,,49-54,Hauff Ascertainment of self-harm at general hospitals in Hong Kong,2019,42,,1-9,Yip Future strategies to combat the hidden burden of suicide among farmers in South East Asia,2019,42,,18,Soron Suicide prevention in Bangladesh: only decriminalization would not be beneficial in an expected fashion,2019,42,,22-23,Arafat The psychological wellbeing of the Lebanese society lies between incremental suicide rates and financial stress,2019,42,,85-86,Bou Khalil Japanese university students' difficulty in living and its association with suicidal ideation,2019,43,,50-52,Otsuka High prevalence of nonsuicidal self-injury tattoos and psychiatric comorbidity among male adolescent prisoners and their sociodemographic characteristics,2019,43,,45-49,Ceylan Psychological autopsy study in Bangladesh: an unmet need to formulate preventive strategy of suicide,2019,43,,85-86,Arafat Patient predictors of individual cost of integrated treatment program for alcohol problems at community hospitals in southern Thailand,2019,43,,132-136,Assanangkornchai Prevalence comorbidity and predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder depression and anxiety in adolescents following an earthquake,2019,43,,154-159,Schouler-Ocak Did kindergarteners who experienced the Great East Japan earthquake as infants develop traumatic symptoms? Series of questionnaire-based cross-sectional surveys: a concise and informative title: traumatic symptoms of kindergarteners who experienced disasters as infants,2019,44,,38-44,Ushijima Suicidality in the elderly: role of adult attachment,2019,44,,8-12,Wongpakaran The epidemiology of suicide in the elderly population in Southern Iran 2011-2016,2019,44,,90-94,Mokhtari The presence of alcohol consumption prior to homicide in Singapore,2019,44,,80-85,Poremski "I will kill myself" - the series of posts in Facebook and unnoticed departure of a life,2019,44,,55-57,Soron Seasonality of suicide in Thakurgaon district Bangladesh 2014-2018,2019,44,,119-120,Arafat Prescription drug suicide in non-abusers: a 6-year forensic survey,2019,44,,133-137,Pillay Impact of community-based rehabilitation for mental illness on 'out of pocket' expenditure in rural South India,2019,44,,138-142,Sivakumar Descriptive characteristics of callers to an emotional support and suicide prevention helpline in Bangladesh (first five years),2019,45,,63-65,Iqbal Factor structure validation psychometric evaluation and measurement invariance testing of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale-Chinese (BSSS-C) in Indian adolescents,2019,45,,66-71,Benegal Association of lipid profile with completed suicides: a hospital-based case-control study [letter],2019,46,,19-20,Bhardwaj Neuropeptide Y and resilience to suicide,2019,46,,103-104,Sher The association between childhood physical disability or long-term health problems and depression among adolescents in China: mediating effect of childhood maltreatment,2019,46,,105-110,Su Patterns of posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth among women after an earthquake: a latent profile analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Japanese young adults' attitudes toward suicide and its influencing factors,2019,47,,e101831,Otsuka Mental health of gatekeepers may influence their own attitudes toward suicide: a questionnaire survey from a suicide-prevention gatekeeper training program,2019,47,,e101842,Tachikawa Validation and psychometric properties of Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) in Iran,2019,47,,e101856,Zamanian Prevalence of aggression in patients with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies,2019,47,,e101846,Hong Early-onset bipolar disorder and suicide,2019,47,,e101854,Sher Does early and late life depression differ in residual symptoms functioning and quality of life among the first-episode major depressive patients,2019,47,,e101843,Niu Depression and deliberate self-harm among Chinese left-behind adolescents: a dual role of resilience,2019,48,,e101883,Chen Adolescent victims of cyberbullying in Bangladesh- prevalence and relationship with psychiatric disorders,2019,48,,e101893,Mallik Suicide of Bangladeshi medical students: risk factor trends based on Bangladeshi press reports,2019,48,,e101905,Griffiths Multi-institutional survey of suicide death among inpatients with schizophrenia in comparison with depression,2019,48,,e101908,Kawanishi Repetitive superficial self harm as an acting out on delusion of persecution: a case report and mini review,2019,48,,e101904,Bada Math Do Bangladeshi newspapers educate public while reporting suicide? A year round observation from content analysis of six national newspapers,2019,48,,e101920,Arafat Is suicide reporting in Bangla online news portals sensible? A year-round content analysis against World Health Organization guidelines,2020,49,,e101943,Arafat Post-traumatic stress disorder and the role of resilience social support anxiety and depression after the Jiuzhaigou earthquake: a structural equation model,2020,49,,e101958,Yu A rare case of Bangladeshi student suicide by gunshot due to unusual multiple causalities,2020,49,,e101951,Griffiths Sex differences in the determinants of suicide attempt among adolescents in China,2020,49,,e101961,Wang Child abuse in Iran: need to pay attention to next generation psychiatric problems,2020,50,,e101935,Kabir Prenatal cannabis exposure and suicide,2020,50,,e101985,Sher Fear of COVID 2019: First suicidal case in India,2020,49,,e101989,Goyal Adolescent suicide in India: significance of public health prevention plan,2020,49,,e101993,Cherian Post-traumatic stress disorder and related factors in students whose school burned down: Cohort study,2020,51,,e102004,Charnsil Catatonia bedridden status choking water intoxication and suicide are involved in deaths of schizophrenia inpatients,2020,51,,e102054,Funayama First COVID-19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear of COVID-19 and xenophobia: possible suicide prevention strategies,2020,51,,e102073,Griffiths A chaotic and stressed environment for 2019-nCoV suspected infected and other people in India: fear of mass destruction and causality,2020,51,,e102049,Sharma Domestic violence among female psychiatric patients is it common?,2020,51,,e102062,Sahraian Prevalence of mental disorders in South Asia: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses,2020,51,,e102041,Ahmed Self-harm and COVID-19 pandemic: an emerging concern - a report of 2 cases from India,2020,51,,e102104,Grover Awareness of mental health problems in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19): a lesson from an adult man attempting suicide,2020,51,,e102106,Liu Suicide announced on Facebook followed by uploading of a handwritten suicide note,2020,52,,e102061,Satapathy Prevalence and clinical correlates of intimate partner violence (IPV) in women with severe mental illness (SMI),2020,52,,e102131,Satyanarayana Predicting factors for non-suicidal self-injury in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and the role of substance use,2020,52,,e102068,Erkiran Acute alcohol use in suicides in Shanghai China (2004-2017),2020,52,,e102079,Li Cyber violence: case report evidence of an emerging public health concern,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharma Asian international students and suicide in the United States,2020,52,,e102155,Rice The effect of adverse childhood experiences on depression psychological distress and suicidal thought in Vietnamese adolescents: findings from multiple cross-sectional studies,2020,53,,e102134,Thai Surviving in place: the coronavirus domestic violence syndemic,2020,53,,e102179,Hall A response to "Suicide of Bangladeshi medical students: risk factor trends based on Bangladeshi press reports",2020,53,,e102180,Arafat Suicides related to the COVID-19 outbreak in India: a pilot study of media reports,2020,53,,e102196,Rajkumar Bangladeshi medical students' suicide: a response to Arafat (2020),2020,53,,e102201,Griffiths COVID-19 and domestic violence against women,2020,53,,e102227,Das Factors associated with COVID-19 outbreak-related suicides in India,2020,53,,e102223,Shoib First case of student suicide in India due to the COVID-19 education crisis: a brief report and preventive measures,2020,53,,e102202,Griffiths An urgent call for measures to fight against increasing suicides during COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal,2020,54,,e102259,Singh Corrigendum to "Validation and psychometric properties of Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) in Iran" [Asian J. Psychiatry 47 (2020) 101856],2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amini-Tehrani Cross-country comparison of media reporting of celebrity suicide in the immediate week: a pilot study,2020,54,,e102302,Menon A multifaceted expression study of audio-visual suicide notes,2020,54,,e102297,Satapathy Hospital suicide due to non-treatment by healthcare staff fearing COVID-19 infection in Bangladesh?,2020,54,,e102295,Griffiths Grief of COVID-19 is a mental contagion first family suicide in Iran,2020,54,,e102340,Pirnia Examining the impact of lockdown (due to COVID-19) on domestic violence (DV): an evidences from India [Letter],2020,54,,e102335,Das A comparison of psychological resilience and related factors in Chinese firstborn and only children,2020,53,,e102360,Cao Repeated celebrity suicide in India during COVID-19 crisis: an urgent call for attention,2020,53,,e102382,Menon Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence in Bangladesh,2020,53,,e102393,Sifat Yoga for COVID-19 and natural disaster related mental health issues: challenges and perspectives,2020,53,,e102386,Pinto da Costa Psychological predictors of posttraumatic growth among adult survivors of Wenchuan earthquake in China,2020,53,,e102309,Zhang Suicide among children during Covid-19 pandemic: an alarming social issue,2020,54,,e102420,Balachandran The first COVID-19 infanticide-suicide case: financial crisis and fear of COVID-19 infection are the causative factors,2020,54,,e102365,Manzar Hike in student suicides - Consequence of online classes?,2020,54,,e102438,Balachandran Understanding the multidimensional trajectory of psychosocial maternal risk factors causing preterm birth: a systematic review,2020,54,,e102436,Pharr Suicides cases among nurses in India due to COVID-19 and possible prevention strategies,2020,54,,e102434,Kapilan Role of media in preventing gender-based violence and crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,54,,e102449,Menon Posttraumatic stress and co-occurrence of mental health problems in Sri Lankan adolescents,2020,54,,e102444,Sumathipala Asia and COVID-19; the need to continue mental health care to prevent the spread of suicide in the elderly,2020,54,,e102452,Zandifar Sexual violence against women in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,54,,e102455,Sifat Sources of suicide methods: a survey in undergraduate students of a Northern Thai university with history of suicidal thoughts,2020,55,,e102502,Chompoosri National media monitoring agency for reporting of suicide: an idea whose time has come?,2020,55,,e102516,Menon COVID-19 and suicides in India: a pilot study of reports in the media and scientific literature,2021,57,,102560,Menon Trends in deaths attributable to suicide during COVID-19 pandemic and its association with alcohol use and mental disorders: findings from autopsies conducted in two districts of India,2021,58,,e102597,Balhara Predictors of completed suicide: results from the suicide registry program in the west of Iran,2021,59,,e102615,Ghaleiha Candidate symptomatic markers for predicting violence in schizophrenia: a cross-sectional study of 7711 patients in a Chinese population,2021,59,,e102645,He A closer look at patterns and characteristics of suicide in Lebanon: a first nationwide report of cases from 2008 to 2018,2021,59,,e102635,Daher Free legal aid for persons with mental illness and other marginalized group of population,2021,59,,e102654,Math Impact of COVID-19 pandemic related lockdown on Suicide: analysis of newspaper reports during pre-lockdown and lockdown period in Bangladesh and India,2021,60,,e102649,Menon Newspaper reporting of suicide news in a high suicide burden state in India: is it compliant with international reporting guidelines?,2021,60,,e102647,Menon Effectiveness of suicide prevention gatekeeper training for university teachers in Japan,2021,60,,e102661,Fujisawa COVID-19 threatens decade-long suicide initiatives in Japan,2021,60,,e102660,Seposo COVID-19 and suicide: just the facts. Key learnings and guidance for action,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tandon Suicide with and without mental disorders: findings from psychological autopsy study in Bangladesh [letter],2021,61,,102690,Arafat Assault associated with intergenerational and historical traumas and mental health concern in China [letter],2021,61,,102682,Yang Posttraumatic stress disorder and professional burnout among local government staff seven years after the Wenchuan earthquake in China: A longitudinal study,2021,61,,102689,Huang Mental health of adolescents in Myanmar: a systematic review of prevalence determinants and interventions,2021,61,,102650,Cini Suicide in low- and middle-income countries: perspectives form overview of studies in South Asia,2021,61,,102715,Shoib Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolite concentrations in suicide attempt: a meta-analysis,2021,62,,102711,Bastia Bullying perpetration and victimization in elementary school students diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2021,62,,102729,Kim Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and its role in suicidality - a systematic review,2021,63,,e102755,Tikka Effect of COVID-19 related national lockdown on suicide in Nepal: a comparative analysis of suicidal reports of major national newspaper,2021,64,,e102776,Arafat The empathy questionnaire for children and adolescents (EmQue-CA) in Chinese: psychometric properties and measurement invariance,2021,63,,e102775,Chen Intimate partner violence and its relationship with psychological distress among older Asian Americans: results from the California Health Interview Survey,2021,63,,e102798,Dong Has COVID-19 affected suicides among graduate students in Japan?,2021,65,,e102803,Tachikawa Domestic violence and psychological problems in married women during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown: a community-based survey,2021,64,,e102812,Tharayil Prevalence and associated factors of post-traumatic stress disorder in Lebanon: a literature review,2021,63,,e102800,El Hajj Accidental deaths from hand sanitizer consumption among persons with alcohol dependence during the COVID-19 lockdown in India: analysis of media reports,2021,63,,e102794,Murthy Reduction of suicidality among psychiatric patients over the course of a hospital stay,2021,64,,e102787,Sun COVID-19 and suicidal behavior: a bibliometric assessment,2021,65,,e102817,Grover Prevalence of bipolar disorder among patients with suicidal ideation recent aggression and self-harm referred to the psychiatric hospital emergency department in Iran,2021,65,,e102830,Zandifar A relationship between abortion and suicide rates: a cross-sectional analysis of 62 countries,2021,65,,e102821,Kim Afghanistan: decades of collective trauma ongoing humanitarian crises Taliban rulers and mental health of the displaced population,2021,65,,e102854,Shoib Polysubstance use among national samples of in-school adolescents in Tonga and Vanuatu,2021,65,,e102819,Peltzer Violence against mental health workers in China: action needed,2021,65,,e102853,Tang Trends of suicide attempts and factors related to completed suicide during the years 2014-2019 in South Khorasan province Iran,2021,65,,e102825,Salehiniya Comparison of the factors for suicidal ideation and suicide attempt: a comprehensive examination of stress view of life mental health and alcohol use,2021,65,,e102844,Park Surveillance of drug overdose and identification of its risk factors by a multivariate analysis using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database,2021,65,,e102826,Uwai Suicide prevention in the context of COVID-19: an Indian perspective,2021,66,,e102858,Bada Math Factors associated with students' suicides in Bangladesh: one year-round content analysis of news reports,2021,67,,e102931,Sultana Intimate partner violence in women with psychotic disorders,2021,67,,e102942,Muralidharan Gender in mental health: gender-based violence suffering recovery and the greater responsibility of society during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,67,,e102953,Alibudbud Media reporting on deaths due to suicide attributed to gaming in digital news: a case of misrepresentation and missed opportunities,2021,68,,e102955,Balhara Despite the known negative health impact of VAWG India fails to protect women from the shadow pandemic,2021,67,,e102958,Iyengar Suicidal deaths in pregnancy at an apex institute in India: A retrospective analysis of autopsy cases,2021,68,,e102979,Behera Suicide risk in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,68,,e102980,Chen Rising incidence and changing demographics of suicide in India: time to recalibrate prevention policies?,2021,69,,e102983,Vijayakumar Predictors and incidence rate of suicide re-attempt among suicide attempters: a prospective study,2021,69,,e102999,Sarbazi Shifting landscapes of global child mental health: imperatives for transdisciplinary approaches,2022,69,,e103002,Seshadri Depressive morbidity among persons with spinal cord injury in Sri Lanka and the diagnostic utility of the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale,2022,69,,e103006,Chandradasa Relationship between school bullying and mental health status of adolescent students in China: a nationwide cross-sectional study,2022,70,,e103043,Liu Suicidal and homicidal ideation among Chinese undergraduates with precollege school bullying experiences: Sensitive periods and exposure trajectories,2022,70,,e103047,Su Why mental health service delivery needs to align alongside mainstream medical services,2022,71,,e103053,Riley Elder suicides: a reminder from the forgotten generation ……,2022,71,,e103028,Ranaweera Gender differences between suicides and attempted suicides in Chinese rural young populations: findings from psychological autopsy studies,2022,71,,e103064,Lester Psychometric analysis of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire in Pakistani pregnant women,2022,72,,e103066,Letourneau Social and obstetric risk factors of antenatal depression: a cross-sectional study from South-India,2022,72,,e103063,Nisarga Factors influencing the successful connection of deliberate self-injury patients to community-based mental health centers,2022,72,,e103088,Kim Voice assists (Alexa) and suicidal behavior: a potential area of suicide prevention,2022,72,,e103117,Kar Factor structure and validity of the Revised Suicide Crisis Inventory (SCI-2) among Indian adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menon Putting it on a map: Geographic visualization to inform suicide prevention in Asian Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Veterans,2022,73,,e103125,Monteith Low-dose clozapine monotherapy for recurrent non-suicidal self-injury: a case report,2022,73,,e103113,Jung Efficacy of screening and brief intervention for hazardous alcohol use in patients with mood disorders: a randomized clinical trial from a psychiatric out-patient clinic in India,2022,73,,e103138,Basu Suicide prevention measures in the national universities of Japan,2022,73,,103149,Tachikawa Cannabis and road traffic accidents in South East Asia region: let there be light,2022,73,,e103173,Sharma Suicide during pandemic requires deeper engagement,2022,73,,e103161,Babu Awareness and preferences about suicide crisis support service options among college students in India: a cross sectional study,2022,74,,e103172,Cherian Suicidal behavior in new patients presenting to the telepsychiatry services in a tertiary care center: an exploratory study,2022,74,,103152,Grover Intensive rTMS for treatment-resistant depression patients with suicidal ideation: an open-label study,2022,74,,e103189,Li Suicidality in the geriatric population,2022,75,,e103213,Zhang Violence burnout and suicidal ideation among psychiatry residents in China,2022,76,,e103229,Kaslow Suicides among cancer patients in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: a population-based study,2022,78,,e103291,Ren Developing inpatient suicide prevention strategies in medical settings: integrating literature review with expert testimony,2022,78,,e103266,Fakhari Predictors of future suicide attempts in individuals with high suicide risk admitted to an acute psychiatry suicide intervention unit in India. a survival analysis study,2022,78,,e103270,Gowda Suicide prevention in Bangladesh,2022,78,,e103289,Shoib Post-traumatic stress disorder following traumatic limb amputation in an 8 year-old female child and its management through play therapy,2022,78,,e103304,Kumar Childhood maltreatment and depressive disorders in Chinese children and adolescents: a population-based case-control study,2022,78,,e103312,Sun Is an increase in Japan's suicides caused by COVID-19 alone?,2022,78,,e103320,Okada An explainable predictive model for suicide attempt risk using an ensemble learning and Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) approach,2022,79,,e103316,Chan Alarming state of suicide among medical students residents and early career physicians in China,2022,79,,e103336,Yang Supporting suicide prevention among college students,2022,80,,e103324,Fadillah Taiwan National Suicide Prevention Hotline callers' suicide risk level and emotional disturbance difference during and before COVID-19,2022,80,,e103361,Chang Depression and suicidal ideation among Pakistani rural areas women during flood disaster,2022,79,,e103347,Raza Raising the alarm: mental health status of the transgender community in Pakistan,2022,79,,e103360,Ullah Demography and risk factors of suicide deaths in Pakistan: a twelve-month content analysis study,2022,80,,e103364,Mahesar Suicide hangings during pre-Covid-19 and Covid-19 - myths debunked for the lower-middle-income group countries,2022,79,,e103349,Chauhan Factors associated with fewer than expected suicides in Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,2022,80,,e103379,Gunnell Cortical thickness and curvature abnormalities in patients with major depressive disorder with childhood maltreatment: neural markers of vulnerability?,2022,80,,e103396,Peng Descriptive and associated risk factors analysis of mental disorders among adolescents in Huangshi China,2022,79,,e103405,Xie Movies and matters of the mind- portrayal of psychiatric illnesses in Bollywood over last two decades: a content analysis,2022,80,,e103398,Bhatia The national suicide prevention strategy of India: new vistas new hopes,2022,81,,e103408,Cherian Incidence risk and protective factors for suicide mortality among patients with major depressive disorder,2022,80,,e103399,Tsai Perinatal mental disorders associated with adverse childhood experiences in Asian countries; call to practice recommendations,2022,81,,e103410,Swed Assessing knowledge attitudes and practices of emergency department staff towards patients with suicidal behaviors in Pakistan,2022,80,,e103420,Khan Digital screening and brief intervention for illicit drug misuse in college students: a mixed methods pilot cluster randomized trial from India,2022,81,,e103432,Basu Global prevalence of suicide by latitude: a systematic review and meta-analysis [letter],2023,81,,e103454,Kim Changes in suicide-related indices at a student counseling center at a Japanese University before and after COVID-19,2023,81,,e103462,Otsuka Gender and age differences in suicide attempt: a large population study in the West of Iran,2023,81,,e103470,Ghaleiha The recent decriminalization of suicidal behavior in Pakistan as a critical opportunity for research and clinical progress [letter],2023,82,,e103481,Mirza National suicide prevention strategy in Iraq,2023,82,,e103486,Saied Identifying suicide attempts ideation and non-ideation in major depressive disorder from structural MRI data using deep learning,2023,82,,e103511,Li Identifying risk factors to predict violent behaviour in community patients with severe mental disorders: a retrospective study of 5277 patients in China,2023,83,,e103507,Qi Psychometric validation of revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ-R) among adolescents in Bangladesh,2023,83,,e103514,Kaló Suicide among the youth and school-based suicide prevention: exemplar and reflections from the Philippines,2023,83,,e103538,Alibudbud Attitudes of health professionals towards violence and their tendency to report spousal violence,2023,83,,e103540,Can Özdemir Suicide risk and prevention in Guam: clinical and research considerations and a call to action,2023,83,,e103546,Monteith NCRB Indian suicide data 2021: the key trends and their implications,2023,84,,e103568,Vijayakumar Fluctuation of suicide mortality and temporal causality from unemployment duration to suicide mortality in Japan during 2009-2022,2023,84,,e103574,Okada Design development and pilot testing of 'Quest' a smartphone-based relapse prevention app for patients with alcohol dependence,2023,83,,e103572,Chand The mental health of people in Turkey-Syria earthquake-affected areas needs urgent attention,2023,84,,e103573,Saied Monthly and weekly patterns of suicide incidence rates and sex differences in Taiwan,2023,84,,e103588,Chen An analysis of suicide rates in Kerman province the largest province in Iran before and after COVID-19: (2017-2020),2023,85,,e103614,Rezaeian Understanding the emotions of Syrians and Turks towards the 2023 earthquake using Natural Language Processing techniques - crucial for mental health professionals in treating patients,2023,85,,e103590,Ahmed Has the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic suppressed the increase in suicide rates in population outflow areas?,2023,85,,e103620,Fushimi The effectiveness of post-disaster psychotherapeutic interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis study,2023,85,,e103615,Semerci Corrigendum to "Suicide risk and prevention in Guam: Clinical and research considerations and a call to action" [Asian J. Psychiatry 83 (2023) 103546],2023,85,,e103630,Monteith Relationship between population migration and suicide in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comment on "Has the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic suppressed the increase in suicide rates in population outflow areas?",2023,86,,e103656,Fushimi Abnormal fiber integrity in the cerebellum with recent suicide behavior in depressed patients: a diffusion tensor imaging study [letter],2023,86,,e103658,Jiang Prevalence of suicidal behavior in adolescents in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,86,,e103661,Sahoo Prevalence incidence deaths and disability-adjusted life-years of drug use disorders for 204 countries and territories during the past 30 years,2023,86,,e103677,Liu The efficacy of oral ketamine in severely depressed patients at high risk of suicide,2023,86,,e103678,Andrade Child and adolescent psychiatric emergency admissions before during and after the Covid-19 pandemic: an Interrupted time series analysis from Turkey,2023,87,,e103698,Ozbaran The correlation between suicide and stigma: lessons learned and current challenges,2023,88,,e103702,Chen The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among Yazidi people results from ISIS invasion and consecutive trauma: a systematic review,2023,88,,e103703,Heun Artificial intelligence-based approaches for suicide prediction: Hope or hype?,2023,88,,e103728,Vijayakumar Parental knowledge and attitudes about child sexual abuse and their practices of sex education in a Sri Lankan setting,2023,85,,e103623,Rohanachandra Establishment of a risk prediction model for suicide attempts in first-episode and drug naïve patients with major depressive disorder,2023,88,,e103732,Zhao Intensive rTMS treatment for non-suicidal self-injury in an adolescent treatment-resistant depression patient: a case report,2023,88,,e103740,Wang Prediction of suicidal ideation in children and adolescents using machine learning and deep learning algorithm: a case study in South Korea where suicide is the leading cause of death,2023,88,,e103725,Kim National trends in depression and suicide attempts and COVID-19 pandemic-related factors 1998-2021: nationwide study in South Korea,2023,88,,e103727,Cortese Effectiveness of a localised and systematically developed gatekeeper training program in preventing suicide among Chinese adolescents,2023,89,,e103755,Tong Does machine-learning-based prediction of suicide risk actually reduce rates of suicide: a critical examination,2023,88,,e103769,Tandon Identifying U.S. regions with the highest suicide rates and examining differences in suicide methods among Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander veterans,2023,89,,e103797,Monteith Stigma suicide and human freedom in the West,2023,90,,e103809,Lolli Suicide prevention among farmers in Bangladesh,2023,91,,e103853,Shoib Media's influence on suicide: building a safer online world for all,2023,91,,e103868,Mukku Prevalence of suicide attempts across the African continent: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,91,,e103878,Abdoli A prospective cohort study to assess the prevalence and risk factors of antepartum depression and its effect on maternal and fetal outcome,2023,91,,e103873,Roy Exploring cause-specific strategies for suicide prevention in India: a multivariate VARMA approach,2023,92,,e103871,Anjali Associations of China's military activities in the peripheries of Taiwan with suicide death and internet searches for depression suicide and emigration among individuals in Taiwan,2023,92,,e103889,Chen Non-pharmacological interventions for preventing suicide attempts: a systematic review and network meta-analysis,2024,93,,e103913,Du Early career psychiatrists' perspectives on managing stigma and discrimination related to suicide,2024,93,,e103914,De Berardis Childhood abuse influences clinical features of major depressive disorder by modulating the functional network of the right amygdala subregions,2024,93,,e103946,Yuan A new neural diathesis-stress model of cannabis addiction based on the diurnal cortisol pattern and childhood maltreatment in users,2024,94,,e103953,Farhoudian The prevalence and clinical correlates of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder misdiagnosed with major depressive disorder: results from a national survey in China,2024,93,,e103958,Wang The sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of non-suicidal overdose: Retrospective study,2024,94,,e103942,Kim Psychometric properties and factor structure of the suicidal narrative inventory in major depression: a multicentric evaluation,2024,95,,e104002,Praharaj Mental health concerns among Asian American Pacific Islander and sexual or gender minority youth amidst growing social violence: a call for the development of best practice guidelines,2024,95,,e103995,Rice Suicide among psychiatrists: from healers to seekers of mental health care,2024,95,,e104004,Shoib "Suicide among children and adolescents in India: understanding the urgent need for 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The impact of self-perceived mental health and perfectionism,2022,68,,e102938,Fresán National helpline for mental health during COVID-19 pandemic in India: New opportunity and challenges ahead,2020,54,,e102447,Menon Two to tango: Deconstructing the COVID-19 and suicidality conundrum from a biopsychosocial perspective,2020,54,,e102400,Menon Mental health in India: Neglected component of wellbeing in COVID-19 era,2020,54,,e102341,Goyal A short screening tool for borderline personality disorder (Short-Bord): Validated by Rasch analysis,2019,44,,195-199,Wongpakaran A Report on a Series of workshops on "Mental Health Leadership" for Maharashtra State,2020,47,,e101859,Math Adolescent suicide in South Korea: Risk factors and proposed multi-dimensional solution,2019,43,,150-153,Ickovics An artistic inquiry into gender identity disorder/ gender dysphoria: A silent distress,2019,44,,86-89,Syed Characteristics and dispositional determinants of psychiatric emergencies in a University Hospital in Beirut,2019,42,,42-47,Batley Detection of decreased striatal dopamine transporter availability by 123I-FP-CIT SPECT in a patient of carbon monoxide poisoning with severe cognitive deficits but mild parkinsonian symptoms,2019,42,,10-11,Otani How is major depression different in elderly from adults?,2019,44,,108-109,Mowla The safety of modified bilateral electroconvulsive therapy in retinitis pigmentosa,2019,44,,18-19,Singh Psychotropic medications and mortality from cardiovascular disease and suicide for individuals with depression in Taiwan,2024,98,,e104091,Pan Free mobile apps on depression for Indian users: A brief overview and critique,2017,28,,124-130,Mehrotra Incremental validity of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Vietnam,2017,29,,96-100,Weiss Psychological distress among college students in Kerala India-Prevalence and correlates,2017,28,,28-31,Menon Role of Ketamine in Severe Depression with suicidal ideation - Insights from a Case Study,2017,29,,112-113,Gurnani The multiple diagnoses of comorbid anxiety disorders and higher interpersonal sensitivity predict treatment-resistant depression,2017,26,,131-135,Yoshino Why not clozapine for the patient with schizophrenia at risk of suicide?,2017,26,,6-7,Bastiampillai Challenges and priorities for suicide prevention in Southeast Asia: insights from the Partnerships for Life regional workshop on suicide prevention,2024,98,,e104126,Vijayakumar Machine learning based suicidality risk prediction in early adolescence,2023,88,,e103716,Li Increasing trend of deaths due to suicide attributable to mental disorders and substance use (disorders) in India,2023,88,,e103722,Balhara Machine learning-based prediction of suicidality in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021): Derivation and validation in two independent nationwide cohorts,2023,88,,e103704,Yon Need for perinatal services and support during and after disasters - A viewpoint,2023,88,,e103731,Chandra The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in Taiwan,2023,88,,e103745,Chou Longitudinal trends in depression suicidal ideation and suicide attempts by family structure in South Korean adolescents 2009-2022: a nationally representative serial study,2024,98,,e104122,Cortese Anticipating influential factors on suicide outcomes through machine learning techniques: insights from a suicide registration program in western Iran,2024,100,,e104183,Ghaleiha National trends of suicidality 1999-2020 among Asian American Pacific Islander young adults across sex,2024,99,,e104180,Keum Association between adolescent depression and adult suicidal behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,100,,e104185,Wang