Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence against women in mental health departments: Is it relevant for mental health professionals?,2010,3,2,61-67,García-Parés Gender-based violence against women the Aymara ethnic in northern Chile,2012,5,3,167-172,Zapata-Sepúlveda Psychopatological evaluation of traumatic brain injury patients with the Neuropsychiatric Inventory,2012,5,3,160-166,Lopez Relationship between insight violence and diagnoses in psychotic patients,2012,5,1,43-47,Aguilar García-Iturrospe Brief suicide questionnaire: Inter-rater reliability,2012,5,1,24-36,Giner Recommendations for the prevention and management of suicidal behaviour,2012,5,1,8-23,Giner Spanish consensus on physical health of patients with bipolar disorder,2008,1,1,26-37,Vieta Burden of disease in adolescents and young people in Spain,2013,6,2,80-85,Catala-Lopez Translation and validation of the "Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview" in a Spanish population with suicidal behaviour,2013,6,3,101-108,Baca-Garcia Is a gender differential intervention necessary in the prevention of adolescent drug use?,2014,7,1,5-12,Meneses Neuropsychological assessment of memory in child and adolescent first episode psychosis: Cannabis and "the paradox effect",2014,7,1,13-24,Moreno-Granados Risk of suicide in male prison inmates,2013,8,4,224-231,Saavedra Prevalence and functions of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in a sample of Spanish adolescents assessed in mental health outpatient departments,2013,8,3,137-145,Carballo Suicide prevention in Spain: An uncovered clinical need,2014,7,1,1-4,Saiz Study protocol of a prevention of recurrent suicidal behaviour program based on case management (PSyMAC),2014,7,3,131-138,García-Portilla Number of suicides in Spain: differences between data from the Spanish Statistical Office and the Institutes of Legal Medicine,2014,7,3,139-146,Giner Space-time suicide clustering in the community of Antequera (Spain),2014,8,1,26-34,Blasco-Fontecilla Psychiatric disorders in cases of completed suicide in a hospital area in Spain between 2007 and 2010,2014,9,1,31-38,Gómez-Durán Comments about the differences in the number of suicide deaths in Spain,2014,7,4,208-209,Ribas Suicides and forensic pathology sources in Spain,2014,8,1,46-47,Gómez-Durán The necessity of Improvement Statistical Management and Communication of identified suicides,2015,8,4,250-251,Giner A Short Personality and Life Event (S-PLE) scale for detection of suicide attempters,2015,8,4,199-206,Oquendo Psychiatry and the new compensation scale for motor vehicle accidents,2015,9,4,231-233,Xifró Suicidal behaviour characteristics and factors associated with mortality in the hospital setting,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Domínguez-Berjón Validation of a Spanish version of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS),2016,9,3,134-142,Oquendo Improving suicide mortality statistics in Tarragona (Catalonia Spain) between 2004-2012,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freitas Validation of the Beck Hopelessness Scale in patients with suicide risk,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rueda-Jaimes Suicide unemployment and economic recession in Spain,2017,10,2,70-77,Corcoran Benzodiazepine prescriptions and falls in older men and women,2018,11,1,12-18,Gonzalez-Pinto Does the environment affect suicide rates in Spain? A spatiotemporal analysis,2018,11,4,192-198,Santurtún Further evidence for major repeaters as a subgroup of suicide attempters,2018,11,1,60-61,De Leon Usefulness of the Short Personality and Life Event Scale (S-PLE) for detection of suicide attempters,2017,10,4,218-219,García-Portilla Suicide in Castellon 2009-2015: do sociodemographic and psychiatric factors help understand urban-rural differences?,2018,11,1,4-11,Suso-Ribera Suicidal ideation in a community-derived sample of Spanish adolescents,2018,11,2,76-85,Fonseca-Pedrero Suicide: contexts and persons,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bravo-Ortiz Is the alteration in emotional recognition a specific risk factor of suicide attempt?,2019,12,3,196-198,García-Portilla Suicide mortality trends in Spain 1980-2016,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cayuela Suicidal behaviour recurrence in psychiatric emergency departments of patients without a prior suicide attempt index and reattempters: a prospective study,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,López-Goñi Can childhood trauma influence facial emotion recognition independently from a diagnosis of severe mental disorder?,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Catalan Psychiatric home hospitalization unit of the Hospital del Mar. A crisis resolution and home treatment team in Barcelona,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perez Sola Effects of childhood trauma on facial recognition of fear in psychosis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ruiz-Veguilla Relevant risk factors of repeated suicidal attempts in a sample of outpatients,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saiz Divergent trends in suicide mortality by Autonomous Community and sex (1980-2016),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cayuela Prevention over prediction: the psychiatrist challenge of suicide risk assessment in the emergency department,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bravo-Ortiz Social cognition in first-episode schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder patients,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joseph Fortuny Suicidal behaviour in adolescents: a network analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perez-Albeniz Suicide and dementia: systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sánchez-Meca Suicide mortality in Spain (1984-2018): age-period-cohort analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cayuela Suicide. The post-COVID era: a time for action,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saiz-Ruiz Childhood adversities and suicidal behavior in the general population. 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