Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Airway Foreign Bodies in Children,2010,11,2,67-72,Srivastava Mental Health Consequences of Trauma: The Unseen Scars,2010,11,1,57-64,Ziegler The emerging role of the pediatric emergency department in intimate partner violence,2004,5,4,276-283,Dowd Addressing violence in the emergency department,2003,4,2,135-140,Prothrow-Stith Self-reported recent life stressors and risk of suicide in pediatric emergency department patients,2013,14,1,35-40,Horowitz Asking youth questions about suicide risk in the pediatric emergency department: Results from a qualitative analysis of patient opinions,2013,14,1,20-27,Horowitz Prioritization of pediatric CBRNE disaster preparedness education and training needs,2014,15,4,309-317,Needle Heat-related illness in children,2001,2,3,203-210,Hoffman Heat-related illness,2007,8,1,59-64,Grubenhoff Pediatric ankle and foot injuries,2016,17,1,38-52,Horner Skeletal manifestations of child maltreatment,2016,17,4,274-283,Goldstein Child abuse - a review of inflicted intraoral esophageal and abdominal visceral injuries,2016,17,4,284-295,Goldstein Child abuse and the law,2016,17,4,302-311,Fishe Screening for intimate partner violence in the pediatric emergency department,2016,17,4,249-254,Brink Identifying victims of human trafficking in the emergency department,2016,17,4,241-248,Greenbaum Non-motorized vehicles and walkers: going for "broke",2003,4,2,103-111,Powell Child abuse in times of crises: lessons learned,2020,21,3,e100801,Agrawal Child maltreatment: a problem both worsened and concealed in crises [editorial],2020,21,3,e100800,Fingarson Caffeine toxicity: a brief review and update,2017,18,3,197-202,Cook Assessment and disposition planning for adolescent suicide attempters treated in the emergency department,2004,5,3,154-163,Spirito Master of disguise: Eating disorders in the emergency department,2004,5,3,181-186,Robb Intentional injury and violence prevention,2003,4,1,12-20,Sheehan Herbal Marijuana Alternatives and Bath Salts-"Barely Legal" Toxic Highs,2012,13,4,283-291,Lindsay Emergency Department Screening for Adolescent Mental Health Disorders: The Who What When Where Why and How It Could and Should Be Done,2013,14,1,3-11,Chun Enhanced Mental Health Interventions in the Emergency Department: Suicide and Suicide Attempt Prevention,2013,14,1,28-34,Asarnow Management of the Suicidal Pediatric Patient: An Emergency Medicine Problem,2013,14,1,12-19,Grupp-Phelan Emergency Care of Pediatric Asylum Seekers in the United States,2019,20,2,89-94,Peeler Suicide Screening and Behavioral Health Assessment in the Emergency Department,2019,20,1,63-70,Esposito Advocacy Opportunities for Pediatricians and Emergency Physicians to Prevent Youth Suicide,2020,21,2,,Grupp-Phelan Advocacy to Address Emergent Pediatric Mental Health Care,2020,21,2,,Patel Injury Prevention Opportunities in the Pediatric Emergency Department,2020,21,1,,Attridge