Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Engineering human tissue and regulation: confronting biology and law to bridge the gaps,2001,5,2,101-115,Longley Does the theoretical framework change the legal end result for mature minors refusing medical treatment or creating self-generated pornography?,2013,13,1,6-31,Ost Physician-assisted suicide in Oregon: The 'death with dignity' data,2007,8,3,197-220,Hiscox Could physician-assisted suicide be classified as a service under article 49 of the European Community treaty?,2009,10,2,139-163,Slight Media bullshit in the assisted dying debate,2011,11,3,227-238,Brassington The role of the media in shaping the UK debate on 'assisted dying',2011,11,3,239-256,Saunders Reporting and scrutiny of reported cases in four jurisdictions where assisted dying is lawful: A review of the evidence in the Netherlands Belgium Oregon and Switzerland,2013,13,4,221-239,Lewis Assisted dying challenges: Dynamic and stasis in the UK courts: Conway v. secretary of state for justice,2018,18,4,256-270,Hobson