Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A systematic review of the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of acute traumatic brain injury,2006,36,1,39-50,Bennett The death of buddy diving?,2011,41,1,38; discussion 38,Cooper The world as it is. British sub-aqua club (BSAC) diving incidents report 2009,2011,41,1,36-37,Wilson Commentary on the problems of diving in remote areas and underdeveloped countries,2011,41,1,35,Hawkins The use of drugs by UK recreational divers: Illicit drugs,2011,41,1,9-15,Dowse Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters 2006,2011,41,2,70-84,Walker Telemedicine in the management of diving accidents: correlation of phone-assessed symptom severity with clinical findings,2011,41,4,189-194,Wölfel Scuba divers' pulmonary oedema: recurrences and fatalities,2012,42,1,40-44,Lippmann Reply: Safety will increase with knowledge,2012,42,2,106-108,Schagatay Safety of deep apneic diving [letter],2012,42,2,105-106,Schipke Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters 2007,2012,42,3,151-170,Walker A personal overview of accidents and risk management in the recreational diving industry,2010,40,3,156-159,Gilliam Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters 2005,2010,40,3,131-149,Walker Future synergism in diving accident management: The Singapore model,2010,40,1,41-43,Chong Health risk management in the Tasmanian abalone diving industry,2010,40,2,83-87,Smart British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) diving incidents report 2011 Diving Incidents Advisor BSAC.,2012,42,4,234-236,Cummings A forensic diving medicine examination of a highly publicised scuba diving fatality,2012,42,4,224-230,Edmonds Alcohol and UK recreational divers: consumption and attitudes,2012,42,4,201-207,Shaw Epilepsy scuba diving and risk assessment. Near misses and the need for ongoing vigilance,2013,43,1,37-41,Lippmann Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters 2008,2013,43,1,16-34,Harris Analysis of recreational closed-circuit rebreather deaths 1998-2010,2013,43,2,78-85,Fock Rescue of drowning victims and divers: is mechanical ventilation possible underwater? A pilot study,2013,43,2,72-77,Muth Pulmonary oedema in breath-hold diving: an unusual presentation and computed tomography findings,2013,43,3,162-163,Gempp Hyperbaric oxygen therapy no better than sham in improving post-concussion symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury,2013,43,3,173,Bennett Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters 2009,2013,43,4,194-217,Lippmann Two fatal cases of immersion pulmonary oedema - using dive accident investigation to assist the forensic pathologist,2014,44,2,97-100,Sage Diving fatality investigations: recent changes,2014,44,2,91-96,Caruso Scuba diving injuries among Divers Alert Network members 2010-2011,2014,44,2,79-85,Denoble Decompression illness in divers treated in Auckland New Zealand 1996-2012,2014,44,1,20-25,Richardson Sample size requirement for comparison of decompression outcomes using ultrasonically detected venous gas emboli (VGE): power calculations using Monte Carlo resampling from real data,2014,44,1,14-19,Doolette Diving injuries are (usually) no accident,2015,45,1,61,Buzzacott Cerebral arterial gas embolism in a professional diver with a persistent foramen ovale,2015,45,2,124-126,Wilson A rat model of chronic moderate alcohol consumption and risk of decompression sickness,2015,45,2,75-78,Buzzacott Persistent (patent) foramen ovale (PFO): implications for safe diving,2015,45,2,73-74,Germonpre On diver thermal status and susceptibility to decompression sickness,2015,45,3,208,Gerth Cone shell envenomation: epidemiology pharmacology and medical care,2015,45,3,200-207,Bingham Underwater blast injury: a review of standards,2015,45,3,190-199,Bass The prevalence of oro-facial barotrauma among scuba divers,2015,45,3,181-183,Yousef Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters 2010,2015,45,3,154-175,Harris Cerebrospinal fluid markers of central nervous system injury in decompression illness - a case-controlled pilot study,2015,45,4,240-243,Blennow Inner-ear decompression sickness in nine trimix recreational divers,2016,46,2,111-116,Guenzani Requests for emergency hyperbaric oxygen treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning in Ankara Turkey,2016,46,3,176-180,Uzun Safety of transport and hyperbaric oxygen treatment in critically-ill patients from Padua hospitals into a centrally-located stand-alone hyperbaric facility,2016,46,3,155-159,Paoli Thirty years of American cave diving fatalities,2016,46,3,150-154,Buzzacott Danish diving-related fatalities 1999-2012,2016,46,3,142-149,Hyldegaard Middle ear barotrauma causing transient facial nerve paralysis after scuba diving,2016,46,4,260-261,Carmichael Increasing the probability of surviving loss of consciousness underwater when using a rebreather,2016,46,4,253-259,Haynes Estimating the risk of a scuba diving fatality in Australia,2016,46,4,241-246,Lippmann Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters in 2011,2016,46,4,207-240,Harris A technical diving-related burns case: treatment in a remote location,2017,47,2,127-130,Sharp Understanding scuba diving fatalities: carbon dioxide concentrations in intra-cardiac gas,2017,47,2,75-81,Augsburger Chain of events analysis for a scuba diving fatality,2017,47,3,144-154,McD Taylor Delayed hyperbaric intervention in life-threatening decompression illness,2017,47,4,257-259,Perez Back to the future: occupational diver training in Australia,2017,47,4,214-215,Smart Evidence brief: hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for traumatic brain injury and/or post-traumatic stress disorder,2018,48,2,115,Bennett Provisional report on diving-related fatalities in Australian waters in 2012,2018,48,3,141-167,Lippmann Fatal shark attacks on divers in Australia 1960-2017,2018,48,4,224-228,Lippmann Decompression illness and other injuries in a recreational dive charter operation,2018,48,4,218-223,Davis Massive portal venous gas embolism after scuba diving,2019,49,1,61-63,Coulange A 20-year analysis of compressed gas diving-related deaths in Tasmania Australia,2019,49,1,21-29,Lippmann A survey of scuba diving-related injuries and outcomes among French recreational divers,2019,49,2,96-106,Lafère Descriptive study of diving injuries in the Canary Islands from 2008 to 2017,2019,49,3,204-208,Abreu-González Snorkelling and breath-hold diving fatalities in Australia 2001 to 2013. Demographics characteristics and chain of events,2019,49,3,192-203,Lippmann Diving and mental health: the potential benefits and risks from a survey of recreational scuba divers,2019,49,4,291-297,Whalley Factors influencing the severity of long-term sequelae in fishermen-divers with neurological decompression sickness,2020,50,1,9-16,Blatteau Diaphragmatic injury a hidden issue for divers following trauma: Case report,2020,50,2,178-180,Summers Recreational diving-related injury insurance claims among Divers Alert Network Japan members: retrospective analysis of 321 cases from 2010 to 2014,2020,50,2,92-97,Yagishita Safety proposals for freediving time limits should consider the metabolic-rate dependence of oxygen stores depletion,2020,50,4,356-362,Heerboth Common mental health conditions among navy divers: a brief report,2020,50,4,417-420,van Wijk Impaired consciousness when scuba diving associated with vasovagal syncope,2020,50,4,421-423,Wilmshurst Snorkelling and breath-hold diving fatalities in New Zealand 2007 to 2016,2021,51,1,25-33,Davis Saturation diver fatality due to hydrogen sulphide while working on a subsea pipe line,2021,51,1,94-97,Kulkarni Long-term infant outcomes after hyperbaric oxygen treatment for acute carbon monoxide poisoning during pregnancy,2021,51,3,248-255,Ozgok-Kangal Injuries in underwater rugby: a retrospective cross-sectional epidemiological study,2021,51,3,282-287,Kauther Scuba diving-related fatalities in New Zealand 2007 to 2016,2021,51,4,345-354,Davis Pulmonary barotrauma after helicopter underwater escape training,2021,51,4,384-385,Risberg Post COVID-19 fitness to dive assessment findings in occupational and recreational divers,2022,52,1,35-43,Toklu Electric shock leading to acute lung injury in a scuba diver,2022,52,4,286-288,Johnson-Arbor A review of 149 Divers Alert Network emergency call records involving diving minors,2023,53,1,7-15,Helfrich The risk of decompression illness in breath-hold divers: a systematic review,2023,53,1,31-41,Lindholm Deep anaesthesia: the Thailand cave rescue and its implications for management of the unconscious diver underwater,2020,50,2,121-129,Harris Assessment of a dive incident using heart rate variability,2020,50,2,157-163,Koch Clinical problem solving: mental confusion and hypoxaemia after scuba diving,2020,50,2,181-184,Blatteau Scuba diving fatalities in Australia 2001 to 2013: diver demographics and characteristics,2020,50,2,105-114,McD Taylor Compressed gas diving fatalities in Australian waters 2014 to 2018,2023,53,2,76-84,Lippmann Snorkelling and breath-hold diving fatalities in Australian waters 2014 to 2018,2023,53,3,210-217,Lippmann Carbon monoxide poisoning: lest we forget [conference abstract],2023,53,3,e292,Laden Chain of events analysis in diving accidents treated by the Royal Netherlands Navy 1966-2023,2024,54,1,39-46,Hoencamp Formulating policies and procedures for managing diving related deaths: a whole of state engagement from frontline and hospital services in Tasmania,2024,54,2,86-91,Elliott Clinical utility of dipstick urinalysis in assessing fitness to dive in military divers submariners and hyperbaric personnel,2024,54,2,105-109,Wingelaar Drinker driver flyer diver,2024,54,2,137-139,Laden