Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Differentiation self-other representations and rupture-repair processes: Predicting child maltreatment-risk,2010,57,3,304-316,Skowron Developing a screening instrument and at-risk profile for nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior in college women and men,2010,57,1,128-139,Cheng Effects of a brief video intervention on white university students' racial attitudes,2011,58,1,151-157,Soble Dimensions of acculturation: Associations with health risk behaviors among college students from immigrant families,2011,58,1,27-41,Weisskirch Anger Problem Profiles Among Partner Violent Men: Differences in Clinical Presentation and Treatment Outcome,2007,54,2,189-200,Eckhardt An experimental examination of two career interventions for battered women,2006,53,2,151-164,Chronister Machismo and Mexican American men: An empirical understanding using a gay sample,2011,58,3,358-367,Estrada Integration of the brief behavioral activation treatment for depression (BATD) into a college orientation program: Depression and alcohol outcomes,2011,58,4,555-564,Lejuez A latent class regression analysis of men's conformity to masculine norms and psychological distress,2012,59,1,176-183,Wong Freedom through self-sufficiency: a qualitative examination of the impact of domestic violence on the working lives of women in shelter,2004,51,4,447-462,Terrance Characteristics of two groups of angry drivers,2003,50,2,123-132,Oetting College men's intimate partner violence attitudes: contributions of adult attachment and gender role stress,2013,60,1,127-136,Lopez Evaluation of a single-session brief motivational enhancement intervention for partner abusive men,2013,60,2,180-187,Eckhardt Moderation effects of perfectionism and discrimination on interpersonal factors and suicide ideation,2013,60,3,367-378,Wong Relationship self-efficacy protects against mental health problems among women in bidirectionally aggressive intimate relationships with men,2013,60,4,641-647,Swan A cognitive stress-reduction intervention program for adolescents,1990,37,1,79-84,Hains Cognitive-relaxation and social skills treatments of anger: A year later,1988,35,3,234-236,Deffenbacher Relaxation and cognitive-relaxation treatments of general anger,1992,39,2,158-167,Deffenbacher Cognitive-relaxation and social skills interventions in the treatment of general anger,1987,34,2,171-176,Deffenbacher Effects of assertion training on aggressive behavior of adolescents,1979,26,5,459-461,Lee Drug Use Violence and Victimization Among White American Mexican American and American Indian Dropouts Students with Academic Problems and Students in Good Academic Standing,1996,43,3,292-299,Oetting A Longitudinal Examination of Fear Reactions in Victims of Rape,1982,29,6,655-661,Resick The Interpersonal Shame Inventory for Asian Americans: Scale development and psychometric properties,2014,61,1,119-132,Wong "Longitudinal examination of the psychosocial costs of racism to Whites across the college experience": Correction to Todd Spanierman and Poteat (2011),2014,61,1,177-178,Poteat Conduits from community violence exposure to peer aggression and victimization: contributions of parental monitoring impulsivity and deviancy,2014,61,2,221-231,Espelage Trauma posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among sexual minority and heterosexual women veterans,2014,61,3,392-403,Lehavot Racial/ethnic discrimination posttraumatic stress symptoms and alcohol problems in a longitudinal study of Hispanic/Latino college students,2015,62,1,38-49,Cheng Bullying prevention in schools by targeting cognitions emotions and behavior: evaluating the effectiveness of the REBE-ViSC Program,2015,62,4,732-740,Strohmeier Sexual victimization history predicts academic performance in college women,2016,63,6,685-692,Frazier Suicide risk in trans populations: an application of minority stress theory,2016,63,5,520-533,Moradi Open access meta-analysis for psychotherapy research,2016,63,3,249-260,Del Re Social cognitive predictors of academic and life satisfaction: measurement and structural equivalence across three racial/ethnic groups,2016,63,4,460-474,Rigali-Oiler Who sits behind the telephone? Interpersonal characteristics of volunteer counselors in telephone emergency services,2016,63,4,429-442,Rek Sexual minority college students' perceptions on dating violence and sexual assault,2016,64,1,112-119,Hines Experiencing racial microaggressions influences suicide ideation through perceived burdensomeness in African Americans,2016,64,1,104-111,Wingate Victimization and depressive symptomology in transgender adults: the mediating role of avoidant coping,2017,64,1,41-51,Reisner Thwarted belongingness perceived burdensomeness and depression among Asian Americans: a longitudinal study of interpersonal shame as a mediator and perfectionistic family discrepancy as a moderator,2017,64,3,280-291,Wei Testing the predictions of the existential constructivist theory of suicide in a college student sample,2018,65,3,294-307,Servaty-Seib The development and psychometric evaluation of the Trans Discrimination Scale: TDS-21,2019,66,1,14-29,Watson Gendered Racial Microaggressions Scale for Asian American Women: development and initial validation,2018,65,5,571-585,Sharma Experiences of transmasculine spectrum people who report nonsuicidal self-injury: a qualitative investigation,2018,65,5,586-597,Bockting College alcohol beliefs: measurement invariance mean differences and correlations with alcohol use outcomes across sociodemographic groups,2019,66,4,487-495,Lui Childhood maltreatment predicts daily stressor exposure in college students but not perceived stress or stress reactivity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frazier What "good outcome" means to patients: understanding recovery and improvement in psychotherapy for major depression from a mixed-methods perspective,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Smet College alcohol belief and alcohol use: testing moderations by cultural orientations and ethnicity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zamboanga Living a calling and perceived work ability in domestic violence services,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,McGonagle Suicide among college students in psychotherapy: individual predictors and latent classes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Locke From pain to power: an exploration of activism the #Metoo movement and healing from sexual assault trauma,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Szymanski Childhood Emotional Incest Scale (CEIS): development validation cross-validation and reliability,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Çimşir The suicide crisis syndrome: a network analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Calati Intraindividual association of PTSD symptoms with binge drinking among trauma-exposed students,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amstadter Relations among daily stressors childhood maltreatment and sleep in college students,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frazier "We are our own community": immigrant Latinx transgender people community experiences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gonzalez Policy attitudes toward adolescents transitioning gender,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parent The development and psychometric evaluation of the Objectification Perpetration Scale,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brock Affirming and nonaffirming religious beliefs predicting 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