Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Understanding intimate partner violence dynamics using mixed methods,2012,30,2,141-153,Ferrer Ubuntu: Relational generosity,2010,28,2,197,Sliep The role of family therapy in mediating adverse effects of excessive and inconsolable neonatal crying on the family system,2010,28,1,19-29,Patrick Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: a pediatrician's observations,2009,27,1,113-115,Siegel Munchausen by mommy,2009,27,1,105-112,Kannai Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence: A Resource for Healthcare Providers,2002,20,4,456-457,Parikh Child coping and parent coping assistance during the peritrauma period in injured children,2011,29,4,279-290,Kassam-Adams "An Effect That Is Deeper Than Beating": Family Violence in Jordanian Women,2012,30,1,19-31,Morse Research reports: Domestic violence in primary care,1997,15,3,345-350,Campbell Review of STOP domestic violence: Innovated skills techniques options and plans for better relationships--Group leader's manual,2008,26,3,345-347,Robinson Attachment to parents: The mediating role of inhibition of exploration and individuality on health behaviors,2014,32,1,43-52,Paredes Safely examining complex dynamics of intimate partner violence,2014,32,3,259-270,Ferrer Achieving safety and integrity in conducting research with intimate partner violence survivors,2014,32,3,344-347,Hamberger Coping with intimate partner violence: qualitative findings from the study of dynamics of husband to wife abuse,2015,33,3,285-294,Ferrer Survivors' coping with intimate partner violence: insights and limitations,2015,33,3,295-296,Elliott Using complexity science to examine three dynamic patterns of intimate partner violence,2015,34,1,4-14,Ferrer Research or intervention or both? Women's changes after participation in a longitudinal study about intimate partner violence,2017,35,1,25-35,Ferrer The relationship between trauma and research: a response to Burge et al. (2017),2017,35,1,88-90,Cerulli Group education sessions for women veterans who experienced sexual violence: qualitative findings,2017,35,3,360-372,Dognin Identifying trajectories of change to improve understanding of integrated health care outcomes on PTSD symptoms post disaster,2017,35,2,155-166,Weems Can brief behavioral health interventions reduce suicidal and self-harm ideation in primary care patients?,2017,35,3,376-381,Bridges Adverse childhood experiences: screening and health in children from birth to age 5,2017,35,4,420-429,Whiteside-Mansell Suicide interventions in primary care: a selective review of the evidence,2018,36,3,289-302,Bridges Inadequacy of the PHQ-2 depression screener for identifying suicidal primary care patients,2018,36,3,281-288,Bridges Mom doesn't think so,2018,36,2,255,Hawley A service user co-facilitated intervention to reduce mental illness stigma among primary healthcare workers: utilizing perspectives of family members and caregivers,2018,36,2,198-209,Sikkema An introduction to global mental health,2018,36,2,137-143,Patterson Addressing suicide risk in primary care: a next step for behavioral health integration,2018,36,3,402-403,Bennett Patterns of coping among caregivers of children with spinal cord injury: associations with parent and child well-being,2019,37,2,150-161,Vogel Mental health therapists' perceived barriers to addressing intimate partner violence and suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerulli COVID-19 and mental health in America: crisis and opportunity?,2020,38,4,482-485,Nielsen Parent resilience after young child minor burn injury,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burd Adolescent suicide risk firearm access and family functioning: screening in primary care,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Diamond There is more to the story,2022,40,4,613-614,Prakash Suicide prevention programming across ecological levels: recommendations from Latinx immigrant origin youth and their parents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilcox Improving function through primary care treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder study outcomes: a randomized controlled trial of prolonged exposure for primary care in veterans,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zivin Trauma-informed interprofessional education: preliminary evaluation of building student capacity for system-wide collaboration,2022,40,4,449-462,Felter Pediatric mental health crisis: propelling the Surgeon General's advice to action,2022,40,3,305-311,Tolliver Depression complexity prevalence and outcomes among veterans affairs patients in integrated primary care,2022,40,1,35-45,Rubenstein Addressing suicidality safety risk in students through a hospital-school-community telepartnership program,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Widales-Benitez A qualitative study of supporters of adults following a suicide-related psychiatric emergency,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pfeiffer Assessment and management of depression and suicidality: Pediatric resident perspectives on training and practice,2020,38,2,172-183,Forman Integrated care is associated with increased behavioral health access and utilization for youth in crisis,2021,39,3,426-433,O'Dell Supporting health professionals who serve gender-diverse youth,2023,41,3,396-400,Binford Clinician commentary on addressing suicidality safety risk in students through a hospital-school-community telepartnership program,2024,42,2,275-277,Nelson A mother's call to arms,2024,42,2,e287,Castellani