Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Euthanasia and the quality of life debate,1995,1,3,322-337,Breck Suffering and the sovereignty of God: one Evangelical's perspective on doctor-assisted suicide,1995,1,3,285-313,Amundsen Observations on the rejection of physician-assisted suicide: a Roman Catholic perspective,1995,1,3,256-284,Bresnahan Suffering sovereignty and the purposes of God: Christian convictions and medical killing,1995,1,3,249-255,Lustig Sexual reorientation therapy: response to Carlton,2004,10,2-3,155-159,Rosik Assisted death and martyrdom,1998,4,2,122-142,Thomasma Physician-assisted death: doctrinal develoment vs. Christian tradition,1998,4,2,115-121,Engelhardt Moral knowledge: some reflections on moral controversies incompatible moral epistemologies and the culture wars,2004,10,1,79-103,Engelhardt The Catholic Church the American military and homosexual reorientation therapy,2004,10,2-3,189-226,Lutz Death and Christianity,2017,23,1,1-6,Goss The scandal of secular bioethics: What happens when the culture acts as if there is no god?,2017,23,2,85-99,Cherry An "As if"god and an "as if"religion,2010,16,2,187-202,Cherry Suffering in the context of euthanasia and assisted suicide: Transcending job through Wojtyla's anthropology,2010,16,3,257-273,Fernandes Pope Francis weak theology and the subtle transformation of Roman Catholic bioethics,2015,21,1,84-88,Cherry Distinguishing deference from deferment: Assisted suicide is the wrong response,2018,24,1,59-78,Pilkington Institutionalizing inequality: The physical criterion of assisted suicide,2018,24,1,17-37,Elliot Physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia: How not to die as a christian,2018,24,1,1-16,Cherry Reformed theology and conscientious refusal of medical treatment,2020,26,1,56-80,Groenhout Christian Bioethics and the Partisan Commitments of Secular Bioethicists: Epistemic Injustice Moral Distress Civil Disobedience,2021,27,2,123-139,Cherry Dying under a Description? Physician-Assisted Suicide Persons and Solidarity,2021,27,3,298-311,Fozard Weaver Medicine against Suicide: Sustaining Solidarity with Those Diminished by Illness and Debility,2021,27,3,250-263,Curlin Physician Assistance in Dying: An Option for Christians?,2021,27,3,228-249,Steffen Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Theological and Ethical Responses,2021,27,3,223-227,Sulmasy Physicians Assisted Suicide and Christian Virtues,2021,27,1,50-68,Reed The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Does Christianity Make a Difference?,2021,27,1,1-13,Delaney Understanding the Voices of Disability Advocates in Physician-Assisted Suicide Debates,2021,27,3,279-297,Stahl Desmond Tutu George Carey and the Legalization of Euthanasia: A Response,2022,28,1,25-40,Keown (Re)-Emerging Challenges in Christian Bioethics: Leading Voices in Christian Bioethics,2022,28,1,1-10,Iltis Hidden patency: the iconic character of human life,2001,7,3,317-331,Foltz Stopping nutrition and hydration technologies: a conflict between traditional Catholic ethics and church authority,2006,12,1,11-28,Drane Protecting Life or Managing Risk? Suicide Prevention and the Lure of Medicalized Control,2023,29,2,152-163,Kinghorn