Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Charcot. Dates. Legend and reality,1994,28,4,289-295,Bonduelle André Léri and the evolution of the concept of the commotion and of emotion during the Great War,1996,30,3,341-349,Mauran An unpublished letter from Joseph Daquin: the draft of a diary on the insanes,1996,30,2,181-187,Caire The civil ambulances during the Franc-Prussion war (July 19 1870 to January 28 1871),2007,41,4,331-336,Guivarc'h Julien-Francois Jeannel (1814-1896). A "Prothee" or a singular military pharmacist officer,1998,32,3,245-254,Galmiche Commune prison camp's health care and Versailles military hospital share,1995,29,1,37-46,Delahaye Pierre Rayer and the foundation in 1858 of the AGMF: an underrated social-political event,2001,35,4,435-443,Richet Vicq d'Azyr and the French Revolution,2001,35,3,263-270,Peumery The missing suicide of General Bourbaki,1999,33,1,11-15,Lefebvre Bacteriological war (1916-1933): from anecdote to terror,2004,38,2,177-189,Régnier Family suicide by carbon monoxide in Paris 1890-1899. Rolenof popular iconography.,2015,49,3-4,427-439,Luauté Death and suicide in Finnish mythology and folklore,1982,17,Spec 2,184-188,Achté Victor Segalen's death: a medical view-point,1998,32,1,81-83,Mabin [Victor Segalen's death: a medical view-point],1998,32,1,81-83,Mabin [The death of Cleopatra],2009,43,4,369-373,Guillemain