Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Korean Version of the Adolescent Dissociative Experience Scale: Psychometric Properties and the Connection to Trauma among Korean Adolescents,2009,6,3,163,Shin Psychosocial factors contributing to suicidal ideation in hospitalized schizophrenia patients in Korea,2010,7,2,79-85,Yang Oseltamivir (tamiflu) induced depressive episode in a female adolescent,2010,7,4,302-304,Chung Psychometric Properties of the Life Events Checklist-Korean Version,2008,5,3,163,Kim Prevalence and Correlates of Depressive Symptoms among North Korean Defectors Living in South Korea for More than One Year,2009,6,3,122,Kim Clinical Correlates of Hwa-Byung and a Proposal for a New Anger Disorder,2008,5,3,125,Min Anger in elderly patients with depressive disorders,2011,8,3,186-193,Baeg Use of the terms "schizophrenia" and "schizophrenic" in the South Korean news media: a content analysis of newspapers and news programs in the last 10 years,2012,9,1,17-24,Lee Alcohol and cognition in the elderly: a review,2012,9,1,8-16,Choi Temperament and character in euthymic major depressive disorder patients: the effect of previous suicide attempts and psychotic mood episodes,2012,9,2,119-126,Ekinci What is the evidence to support the use of therapeutic gardens for the elderly?,2012,9,2,100-110,Detweiler Do child abuse and maltreatment increase risk of schizophrenia?,2012,9,2,87-99,Murray Standardization of the korean version of the posttraumatic embitterment disorder self-rating scale,2012,9,4,368-372,Han Development of mental health indicators in Korea,2012,9,4,311-318,Han Altitude immigration and suicide rates: a study from Turkey,2013,10,1,89-91,Selek Impulsive behavior and recurrent major depression associated with Dandy-Walker variant,2013,10,3,303-305,Kim Filicide: needing psychiatrists' attention,2014,11,2,214-215,Pae Distinctive clinical correlates of psychotic major depression: the CRESCEND Study,2014,11,3,281-289,Kim Atypical epidemiologic finding in association between depression and alcohol use or smoking in Korean males: Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging,2014,11,3,272-280,Juon Type-D personality can predict suicidality in patients with major depressive disorder,2014,11,3,232-236,Park Metabolic syndrome and suicidal ideation in Korean based on the 2010 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2014,11,3,e325,Cha High altitude remains associated with elevated suicide rates after adjusting for socioeconomic status: a study from South Korea,2014,11,4,492-494,Kim Psychosocial risk factors associated with internet addiction in Korea,2014,11,4,380-386,Shin Psychiatry in former socialist countries: implications for north korean psychiatry,2014,11,4,363-370,Kim Possible association between serotonin transporter gene polymorphism and suicide behavior in major depressive disorder,2015,12,1,136-141,Lee Clinical characteristics and precipitating factors of adolescent suicide attempters admitted for psychiatric inpatient care in South Korea,2015,12,1,29-36,Shin The relationship between type D personality and suicidality in low-income middle-aged adults,2015,12,1,16-22,Kim Stigma of mental illnesses as perceived by North Korean defectors living in South Korea,2015,12,1,9-15,Bae A 2-year psychological autopsy study of completed suicides in the Athens Greater Area Greece,2015,12,2,212-217,Paraschakis Celebrity suicides and their differential influence on suicides in the general population: a national population-based study in Korea,2015,12,2,204-211,Lee The relationship between type D personality and heart rate variability in community mental health center users,2015,12,2,197-203,Joe The psychometric properties of the Korean version of the Verbal Abuse Questionnaire in university students,2015,12,2,190-196,Jeong Childhood exposure to psychological trauma and the risk of suicide attempts: the modulating effect of psychiatric disorders,2015,12,2,171-176,Hong There is no difference in IQ between suicide and non-suicide psychiatric patients: a retrospective case-control study,2015,12,3,330-334,Hong Suicide risk assessments: which suicide risk factors psychiatric residents consider significant?,2015,12,3,324-329,Choi Review of suicide prevention programs: Massachusetts United States in comparison with Seoul,2015,12,3,281-287,Fava Substance use and sexual behaviors of adolescents in multicultural families in Korea,2015,12,4,466-473,Park Relationship between serotonergic dysfunction based on loudness dependence of auditory-evoked potentials and suicide in patients with major depressive disorder,2015,12,4,421-424,Park Copycat suicide induced by entertainment celebrity suicides in South Korea,2016,13,1,74-81,Park Gender differences in relations of smoking status depression and suicidality in Korea: findings from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008-2012,2016,13,2,239-246,Kim Decreased total antioxidant activity in major depressive disorder patients non-responsive to antidepressant treatment,2016,13,2,222-226,Huh Trends in suicide methods and rates among older adults in South Korea: a comparison with Japan,2016,13,2,184-189,Hong Factors that affect adolescent drug users' suicide attempts,2016,13,3,360-363,Park Decreased prolidase activity in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder,2016,13,4,420-426,Sir Differences between impulsive and non-impulsive suicide attempts among individuals treated in emergency rooms of South Korea,2016,13,4,389-396,Park What does depression mean for Korean American elderly? A qualitative follow-up study,2016,13,5,558-565,Gallo Mental-physical comorbidity in Korean adults: results from a nationwide general population survey in Korea,2016,13,5,496-503,Lee Evaluation of a functional model of acquired capability for suicide in a nationwide sample of Korean adults,2016,13,6,601-608,Hong Association between DSM-IV anxiety disorders and suicidal behaviors in a community sample of South Korean adults,2016,13,6,595-600,Lee The relationship between childhood trauma and suicidal ideation: role of maltreatment and potential mediators,2017,14,1,37-43,Choi The economic crisis in Greece and its impact on the seasonality of suicides in the Athens Greater Area,2017,14,1,16-20,Paraschakis Relationship between school violence and depressive symptoms among multicultural families' offspring in South Korea,2017,14,2,216-218,Bhang Self-injury and suicide attempt in relation with trauma and dissociation among adolescents with dissociative and non-dissociative disorders,2017,14,2,172-178,Coskun Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory characteristics of parricide offenders with schizophrenia in Korea,2017,14,2,166-171,Shim Relationship between childhood maltreatment suicidality and bipolarity: a retrospective study,2017,14,2,136-140,Park The behavior rating inventory of executive function and continuous performance test in preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,2017,14,3,260-270,Gökler Unresolved bereavement and other mental health problems in parents of the Sewol ferry accident after 18 months,2017,14,3,231-239,Chae Development of a biomarker-based diagnostic algorithm for posttraumatic syndrome after physical injury: design of the BioPTS Study,2017,14,4,513-517,Kim Posttraumatic embitterment disorder and hwa-byung in the general Korean population,2017,14,4,392-399,Won Feasibility of the Korean version of the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale in adolescents with early-onset bipolar disorder,2017,14,5,585-594,Ha Validation of the Korean Depressive Symptom Inventory-Suicidality Subscale,2017,14,5,577-584,Suh ACP1 gene polymorphism associated with suicide attempt type in bipolar disorder patients,2017,14,6,909-910,Neves Frontal lobe dysfunction in a depressed patient who survived a suicide attempt by jumping from the bridge on the Han River,2017,14,6,904-908,Jeon Risk factors associated with the fear of falling in community-living elderly people in Korea: role of psychological factors,2017,14,6,894-899,Chung Relationship between problematic internet use and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among students following the Sewol ferry disaster in South Korea,2017,14,6,871-875,Kim The influence of traditional culture and the interpersonal psychological theory on suicide research in Korea,2017,14,6,713-718,Lee Erratum to "Frontal lobe dysfunction in a depressed patient who survived a suicide attempt by jumping from the bridge on the Han River",2018,15,1,100,Jeon A comparative study of suicide rates among 10-19-year-olds in 29 OECD countries,2018,15,4,376-383,Hong Association of body mass index with suicide behaviors perceived stress and life dissatisfaction in the Korean general population,2018,15,3,272-278,Hong Why do mania and suicide occur most often in the spring?,2018,15,3,232-234,Lee Advanced daily prediction model for national suicide numbers with social media data,2018,15,4,344-354,Carroll Psychiatric sequelae of former "comfort women" survivors of the Japanese military sexual slavery during World War II,2018,15,4,336-343,Lee Neuropsychological performance in alcohol dependent patients: a one-year longitudinal study,2018,15,5,505-513,Janiri Development and a pilot application process of the Korean psychological autopsy checklist for adolescents,2018,15,5,490-498,Hwang Natural course of posttraumatic symptoms in late-adolescent maritime disaster survivors: results of a 12-month follow-up study,2018,15,6,574-583,Kim Should let them go? Study on the emergency department discharge of patients who attempted suicide,2018,15,6,638-648,Lee Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and posttraumatic growth following indirect trauma from the Sewol ferry disaster 2014,2018,15,6,613-619,Choi Decision making regarding key elements of Korean disaster psychiatric assistance teams using the analytic hierarchy process,2018,15,7,663-669,Jo Psychiatric consultations at an emergency department in a metropolitan university hospital in northern Japan,2018,15,7,739-742,Kawanishi Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and posttraumatic growth following indirect trauma from the Sewol ferry disaster 2014,2018,15,7,e744,Choi Use of a machine learning algorithm to predict individuals with suicide ideation in the general population,2018,15,11,1030-1036,Lee The relationship between plasma oxytocin levels and social anxiety symptoms,2018,15,11,1079-1086,Shin Predicting suicidal ideation in college students with mental health screening questionnaires,2018,15,11,1037-1045,Jeong BDNF methylation and suicidal ideation in patients with acute coronary syndrome,2018,15,11,1094-1097,Kim Effects of an online imagery-based treatment program in patients with workplace-related posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study,2018,15,11,1071-1078,Jang Subcortical ischemic change as a predictor of driving cessation in the elderly,2018,15,12,1162-1167,Seo Frontal alpha asymmetry heart rate variability and positive resources in bereaved family members with suicidal ideation after the Sewol ferry disaster,2018,15,12,1168-1173,Chae Prolonged risk of suicide reattempts in patients with alcohol use disorder and acute alcohol use: a register-based follow-up study (2010-2015),2019,16,2,145-153,Lee Development of Korean disaster mental health support guidelines: results of a scoping review and a Delphi survey,2019,16,2,130-138,Sim Self-forgiveness moderates the effects of depression on suicidality,2019,16,2,121-129,Lee Validation of the Korean Version of the Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief Version in non-help-seeking individuals,2019,16,2,109-114,Kwon Transgenerational transmission of trauma: psychiatric evaluation of offspring of former "comfort women" survivors of the Japanese military sexual slavery during World War II,2019,16,3,249-253,Lee Nonsuicidal self-injury among Korean young adults: a validation of the Korean Version of the Inventory of Statements about Self-Injury,2019,16,4,270-278,Kim Cultural tradition of school excursion and collective trauma of the Motor Vessel Sewol accident,2019,16,4,256-261,Choi Risks of completed suicide of community individuals with ICD-10 disorders across age groups: a nationwide population-based nested case-control study in South Korea,2019,16,4,314-324,Fava How to prevent young people from self-harm,2019,16,4,e255,Lee Gender-specific association between alcohol consumption and stress perception depressed mood and suicidal ideation: the 2010-2015 KNHANES,2019,16,5,386-396,Kim Mental health interventions provided by volunteer psychiatrists after the Sewol Ferry Disaster: April 16-November 30 2014,2019,16,7,513-523,Bhang Are tattoos an indicator of severity of non-suicidal self-injury behavior in adolescents?,2019,16,7,504-512,Albores-Gallo Effects of a province-based strategy to prevent suicide using charcoal burning: a preliminary time series analysis,2019,16,8,621-624,Jo Detection of suicide attempters among suicide ideators using machine learning,2019,16,8,588-593,Kim Epigenetics and depression: an update,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsai Design and methods of the Korean National Investigations of 70000 Suicide Victims Through Police Records (The KNIGHTS Study),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fava Development of brief post-traumatic stress disorder rating scale for sexual violence victims,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Influence of area-level characteristics on the suicide rate in Korean adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hong The effect of workplace violence on depressive symptoms and the mediating role of psychological capital in Chinese township general practitioners and nurses: a cross-sectional study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Cognitive decline in korean patients with neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury: a control for premorbid intelligence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Associations of the number of medical visits for the violence victimization and psychological problems in adolescents in Korea,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhang Resilience as a protective factor for suicidal ideation among Korean workers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoo The current situation of internet addiction and its impact on sleep quality and self-injury behavior in Chinese medical students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Understanding the complex of suicide in depression: from research to clinics,2020,17,3,207-221,Pompili Prediction of suicidal ideation among Korean adults using machine learning: a cross-sectional study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Clinical characteristics of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts among psychiatric patients in Korea: a retrospective chart review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim The rs6265 polymorphism of the BDNF gene is related to higher-lethality suicide attempts in the Korean population,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kang The current situation of internet addiction and its impact on sleep quality and self-injury behavior in Chinese medical students [Erratum],2020,17,4,e385,Chen Clinical usefulness of the Geriatric Depression Scale to identify the elderly at risk of suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yim Mental health effects of CoViD-19 pandemia: a review of clinical and psychological traits,2020,17,6,491-505,Economou Association between suicidal ideation and causes of primary care visits: a cross-sectional study to identify patients with suspected suicidal ideation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Driving-related adverse events in the elderly men: a population-based prospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Defense mechanisms and psychological characteristics according to suicide attempts in patients with borderline personality disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Reduced temporal activation during a verbal fluency task is associated with poor motor speed in patients with major depressive disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nakamura Predictors of psychiatric outpatient adherence after an emergency room visit for a suicide attempt,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ryu Anger-related characteristics according to chronotypes in bipolar or depressive disorders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moon "Suicide CARE" (Standardized Suicide Prevention Program for Gatekeeper Intervention in Korea): an update,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paik High behavioral inhibition system/behavioral activation system sensitivity childhood emotional neglect and their interaction as possible related factors for adult attachment style in depression,2020,17,2,122-129,Chae Contents of the Standardized Suicide Prevention Program for Gatekeeper Intervention in Korea Version 2.0,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paik Se-won Lim and standardized suicide prevention program for gatekeeper intervention in Korea (Bogo Deudgo Malhagi Suicide CARE),2020,17,11,1045-1047,Lee Effects of health-related quality of life on suicidal ideation and depression among older Korean adults: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Gambling disorder symptoms suicidal ideation and suicide attempts,2021,18,1,88-93,Lee A brief depression and anxiety rating scale for sexual violence victims,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview-Korean Version: psychometric properties,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Profile analysis of sexual assault experiences among adult women and their implications for mental health,2021,18,4,312-323,Kim The relationship of lifestyle factors with the prevalence of major depressive disorder by ecological factors,2021,18,4,340-347,Lee Clinical characteristics associated with suicidal attempt and non-suicidal self-injury in Korean adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Youngstrom Nonsuicidal self-injury among Korean young adults: a validation of the Korean version of the Inventory of Statements about Self-Injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Patterns of depression and resilience in children and adolescents exposed to an earthquake: a latent profile analysis,2021,18,6,580-588,Wang The association between unstable employment and suicidal behavior in young-adult precarious workers,2021,18,7,661-669,Park The effects of inhumane treatment in North Korean detention facilities on the posttraumatic-stress disorder symptoms of North Korean refugees,2021,18,7,688-694,Noh The association between alcohol use and suicidal ideation among employees,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shin Heart rate variability and its ability to detect worsening suicidality in adolescents: a pilot trial of wearable technology,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newgard Hospital-based case management for suicide high-risk group using Delphi survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Associations between problematic smartphone use unhealthy behaviors and mental health status in Korean adolescents: based on data from the 13th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2017),2020,17,12,1216-1225,Han The effect of suicide prevention education on attitudes toward suicide in police officers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Effects of indirect experience of client violence on social workers' posttraumatic stress disorder,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoo Childhood emotional abuse is associated with the desire to get married and have children in Korean young adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Classification of adolescent psychiatric patients at high risk of suicide using the personality assessment inventory by machine learning,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Association among self-injury suicidal tendency and personality and psychological characteristics in Korean adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hwang Changing seasonal pattern of suicides in Korea between 2000 and 2019,2022,19,4,320-325,Kim Suicide risk in patients with diabetes varies by the duration of diabetes: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019),2022,19,4,326-332,Seo Impact of interpersonal relationships and acquired capability for suicide on suicide attempts: a cross-sectional study,2022,19,5,362-370,Shim Effect of attitude toward suicide on suicidal behavior: based on the Korea National Suicide Survey,2022,19,6,427-434,Park Correlations between psychological status and perception of facial expression,2022,19,6,435-442,Han Development of a checklist for predicting suicidality based on risk and protective factors: the Gwangju Checklist for Evaluation of Suicidality,2022,19,6,470-479,Kim Factors associated with depression and anxiety in Korean adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,19,7,551-561,Kim Suicide risk in survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome: a nationwide cohort study in South Korea,2022,19,8,646-653,Oh Temperament and character of high suicide risk group among psychiatric patients,2022,19,8,654-660,Kim Suicide and suicide prevention awareness in Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,19,10,847-856,Yoon Risk and protective factors for childhood physical abuse and suicidal ideation: the effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor polymorphism and social support,2022,19,10,857-865,Lee Parental psychological aggression and phubbing in adolescents: a moderated mediation model,2022,19,12,1012-1020,Zhou One-year cohort follow-up on the diagnosis and posttraumatic symptoms in child sexual assault victims in Korea,2022,19,12,1046-1054,Cheon The change of suicidal ideation over a 12-week naturalistic treatment of depression: comparison between young people and older adults,2023,20,1,9-17,Kim A latent class analysis of suicidal behaviors in adolescents,2023,20,2,93-100,Kweon Factor structure and validation of the revised Suicide Crisis Inventory in a Korean population,2023,20,2,162-173,You Moderation of marital and occupational status on the effect of personality trait on 1 year suicidality of middle-aged adults,2023,20,4,341-349,Hong The effect of social situations on risky decision-making in individuals with borderline personality tendency,2023,20,4,350-356,Hyun Why "Suicide CARE" is required for North Korean defectors in South Korean society?,2023,20,5,391-392,Park Standardized suicide prevention program for gatekeeper intervention of North Korean defectors in South Korea,2023,20,5,452-460,Ki Characteristics of Korean employees without depression but having suicidal ideation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shin Nonsuicidal self-injury and its mediation effect on the association between posttraumatic stress disorder depression and suicidal behavior in firefighters,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Investigating the path from non-suicidal self-injury to suicidal ideation: the moderating role of emotion dysregulation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Velotti Effect modification of cortisol on the associations between obsessive-compulsive symptoms on suicidality in patients with acute coronary syndrome,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Problematic smartphone use and its relationship with anxiety and suicidal ideation among South Korean adolescents,2023,20,9,843-852,Lee Suicidal thinking among patients with spinal conditions in South Korea: a population-based cross-sectional study,2023,20,9,834-842,Oh Dietary carotene intake and suicidal ideation in Korean females: analysis of data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2012 2013 and 2015),2023,20,10,897-903,Cha Clinical characteristics support system and personality differences of cannabis and stimulant users in South Korea,2023,20,10,921-929,Jang Excessive daytime sleepiness and insomnia symptoms in adolescents with major depressive disorder: prevalence clinical correlates and the relationship with psychiatric medications use,2023,20,11,1018-1026,Li The factors affecting longitudinal course of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in sexual assault victims,2023,20,11,1061-1068,Lee A case of suicide attempt treated with attempted suicide short intervention program,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Michel Development and validation of the Korean version of the Multidimensional Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Scar Scale,2024,21,1,83-91,Hyun Promising effect of the children in disaster: evaluation and recovery intervention on trauma symptoms and quality of life for children and adolescents: a controlled study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhang Development and validation of the mental health scale for maltreated children,2024,21,3,242-254,Kim The impact of prolonged duration of untreated illness on clinical correlates in chronic schizophrenia: exploring the relationship with suicide risk,2024,21,4,422-432,Gou Design and methodology of the Korean early psychosis cohort study,2017,14,1,93-99,Kim Design and methods of the mood disorder cohort research consortium (MDCRC) study,2017,14,1,100-106,An Effects of group cognitive-behavioral therapy in young patients in the early stage of psychosis,2017,14,5,609-617,Kim Gender differences in suicidal ideation and related factors among North Korean refugees in South Korea,2017,14,6,762-769,Park Prevalence and psychiatric comorbidities of internet addiction in a nationwide sample of Korean adults,2017,14,6,879-882,Park Community psychiatry approach to suicide prevention,2006,3,2,51-56,Lee Epidemiology of suicide in Korea,2006,3,2,7-14,Hong Psychosocial risk factors for suicide,2006,3,2,15-22,Lee Suicide and mental disorder: Evidence of an increased risk of suicide in mental disorder and the risk factors associated with suicide,2006,3,2,36-50,Nam Exploration of biological markers of suicidal behavior in major depressive disorder,2007,4,1,13-21,Lee Gender differences in suicidal behavior in Korea,2008,5,1,28-35,Lee Prevalence and risk factors associated with suicide ideation and attempts in Korean college students,2008,5,2,86-93,Kim Mental health of North Korean refugees in protective facilities in China,2008,5,2,70-77,Yu Serial monitoring of lead aVR in patients with prolonged unconsciousness following tricyclic antidepressant overdose,2008,5,4,247-250,Lee Polarity of the first episode and time to diagnosis of bipolar I disorder,2009,6,2,96-101,Cha A study on correlation between anxiety symptoms and suicidal ideation,2011,8,4,320-326,Choi Duloxetine-induced liver injury in patients with major depressive disorder,2011,8,3,269-271,Lee Incidentally discovered a self-inflicted a nail in the brain of schizophrenia patient,2011,8,3,272-274,Kang Post-traumatic stress disorder depression and heart-rate variability among North Korean defectors,2011,8,4,297-304,Lee The clinical research center for depression study: Baseline characteristics of a Korean long-term hospital-based observational collaborative prospective cohort study,2011,8,1,1-8,Kim Uncontrolled self-medication with venlafaxine in a patient with major depressive disorder,2011,8,1,74-76,Lee Development of mental health indicators in Korea,2013,10,1,311-318,Roh The relationship between impulsivity and quality of life in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder,2013,10,3,246-252,Lee Risk factors for suicidal ideation among patients with complex regional pain syndrome,2014,11,1,32-38,Kang Treatment-resistant depression entering remission following a seizure during the course of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation,2016,13,4,468-471,Kim Effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on empathy in patients with chronic pain,2018,15,3,285-291,Kang Gender differences of occupational stress associated with suicidal ideation among south korean employees: The kangbuk samsung health study,2018,15,2,156-163,Kim Collaborative care to relieve psychological distress in patients with medically inoperable lung cancer: Design and rationale for a clinical trial,2019,16,7,547-553,Kim Clinical characteristics and psychotropic drug prescription patterns of bipolar disorder patients with a history of suicidal attempts: Findings from the REAP-BD Korea,2019,16,6,459-463,Shinfuku Impact of age at childbirth on maternal mental health among premenopausal women: The 2010-2012 korean national health and nutrition examination survey,2019,16,9,679-685,Kim Neuropsychiatric symptoms of multiple sclerosis: State of the art,2019,16,12,877-888,Coelho Maintaining mental illness patients' humanity while respecting their human rights,2019,16,3,175-176,Lee A descriptive study on the civil lawsuits of medical malpractice occurred during psychiatric ward treatment,2020,17,9,865-870,Ahn Shape and volumetric differences in the corpus callosum between patients with major depressive disorder and healthy controls,2020,17,9,941-950,Lee Caregiver Burden in Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Comparative Study,2021,18,12,1180-1187,Yildiz Recent updates on electro-convulsive therapy in patients with depression,2021,18,1,1-10,Kim Confounding by Indication in Studies of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors,2022,19,11,873-883,Lee A Study on Correlation between Anxiety Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation,2011,,,320-326,Kim Altitude Immigration and Suicide Rates: A Study from Turkey,2013,,,89-91,Selek Can the Loudness Dependence of Auditory Evoked Potentials and Suicidality Be Used to Differentiate between Depressive Patients with and without Bipolarity,2013,,,143-147,Park Distinctive Clinical Correlates of Psychotic Major Depression: The CRESCEND Study,2014,,,281-289,Kim Development of Mental Health Indicators in Korea,2012,,,311-318,Han Metabolic Syndrome and Suicidal Ideation in Korean Based on the 2010 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2014,,,325-329,Cha Psychiatric Symptoms in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with Left Mesial Hippocampal Sclerosis,2015,,,274-277,Kim Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Depression and Heart-Rate Variability among North Korean Defectors,2011,,,297-304,Kang Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) Induced Depressive Episode in a Female Adolescent,2010,,,302-304,Chung Psychosocial Factors Contributing to Suicidal Ideation in Hospitalized Schizophrenia Patients in Korea,2010,,,79-85,Yang Polarity of the First Episode and Time to Diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder,2009,,,96-101,Ha Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation among Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome,2014,,,32-38,Kang Temperament and Character in Euthymic Major Depressive Disorder Patients: The Effect of Previous Suicide Attempts and Psychotic Mood Episodes,2012,,,119-126,Ekinci The Clinical Research Center for Depression Study: Baseline Characteristics of a Korean Long-Term Hospital-Based Observational Collaborative Prospective Cohort Study,2011,,,1-8,Kim Type-D Personality Can Predict Suicidality in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder,2014,,,232-236,Park Uncontrolled Self-Medication with Venlafaxine in a Patient with Major Depressive Disorder,2011,,,74-76,Lee 196G/A of the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene Polymorphisms Predicts Suicidal Behavior in Schizophrenia Patients,2018,,,733-738,Kim Clinical Correlates of False Positive Assignment in Bipolar Screening Measures Across Psychiatric Diagnoses among Patients without Bipolar Disorder,2020,,,1118-1125,Jeon Clinical Correlates of Alcohol Use Disorder in Depressed Patients with Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder,2019,,,926-932,Myung Identifying subgroups of suicidality among adolescents and influencing factors using latent class analysis,2024,21,5,539-548,Lee Effectiveness of Gatekeeper Training for Families of People With Mental Disorders in Korea: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2023,20,12,1185-1194,You Public Interest in Psychiatric Treatments During COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Changes Between 2020 and 2021,2023,20,2,180-181,Calvo