Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The sequential trauma score - a new instrument for the sequential mortality prediction in major trauma,2010,15,5,185-195,Lefering Digitoxin intoxication with lethal outcome,1996,1,12,551-553,Krappweis New refractive surgery procedures in ophthalmology and the influence on Pilot's fitness for flying,1999,4,9,382-384,Stern Effects of an antihypertensive medication on functional capacity under simulated flight-typical stress-conditions,1999,4,9,379-381,Wolfram Stereopsis impairment is associated with decreased color perception and worse motor performance in Parkinson's disease,2014,19,1,29,Chan Increased in-hospital mortality following severe head injury in young children: results from a nationwide trauma registry,2015,20,1,65,Lefering Detection of blood aspiration in deadly head gunshots comparing postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) and autopsy,2016,21,1,e43,Kirchhoff Feasibility and effects of cognitive-motor exergames on fall risk factors in typical and atypical Parkinson's inpatients: a randomized controlled pilot study,2023,28,1,e30,Moller Peripheral nerve injuries in children-prevalence mechanisms and concomitant injuries: a major trauma center's experience,2023,28,1,e116,Kneser Clinical predictors of early surgical intervention in patients with venomous snakebites,2023,28,1,e131,Mao The effect of virtual reality technology on anti-fall ability and bone mineral density of the elderly with osteoporosis in an elderly care institution,2023,28,1,e204,Zhao A predictive model for the risk of sepsis within 30 days of admission in patients with traumatic brain injury in the intensive care unit: a retrospective analysis based on MIMIC-IV database,2023,28,1,e290,Zhang High-energy blunt pelvic ring injury incidence and polytrauma caseload in a single level I trauma center during COVID-19 related pseudo-lockdown measures: a retrospective cohort study based on a prospective registry,2023,28,1,e325,Gamulin The global prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among men who have sex with men: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,28,1,e361,Moradi Predictors of neurologic outcomes and mortality in physically abused and unintentionally injured children: a retrospective observation study,2023,28,1,e441,Wu Performance of severity indices for admission and mortality of trauma patients in the intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study,2023,28,1,e559,Nogueira Causal associations between genetically determined common psychiatric disorders and the risk of falls: evidence from Mendelian randomization,2023,28,1,e578,Wang Superior safety of reboxetine over amitryptiline in the elderly,2002,7,9,415-416,Ullrich Effects of broadband music and audible band music on relaxation states and cognitive function in young adults: a randomized controlled trial,2024,29,1,e376,Chen