Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author
Cyberbullying: the challenge to define,2012,15,6,285-289,Langos
Comparing children and adolescents engaged in cyberbullying to matched peers,2010,13,2,195-199,Saylor
Going to Other Worlds: The Relationships between Videogaming Psychological Absorption and Daydreaming Styles,2010,13,2,169-172,Heller
Prolonged Exposure and Virtual Reality-Enhanced Imaginal Exposure for PTSD following a Terrorist Bulldozer Attack: A Case Study,2010,13,1,95-101,Hoffman
Interreality in practice: bridging virtual and real worlds in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorders,2010,13,1,55-65,Wiederhold
Virtual reality treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder due to motor vehicle accident,2010,13,1,21-27,Wiederhold
Prevalence and risk factors of video game dependency in adolescence: results of a German nationwide survey,2010,13,3,269-277,Rehbein
College students' perceptions of intimate partner cyber harassment,2010,13,3,263-268,Melander
Is Basic Personality Related to Violent and Non-Violent Video Game Play and Preferences?,2011,14,4,191-198,Chory
Do Violent Video Games Impair The Effectiveness of In-Game Advertisements? The Impact of Gaming Environment on Brand Recall Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention,2011,14,7-8,439-446,Yoo
The Measurement of Cyberbullying: Dimensional Structure and Relative Item Severity and Discrimination,2011,14,5,267-274,Menesini
Grand Theft Auto IV Comes to Singapore: Effects of Repeated Exposure to Violent Video Games on Aggression,2011,14,10,597-602,Teng
Perceived Safety and Teen Risk Taking in Online Chat Sites,2011,14,3,169-174,McCarty
Gender differences and the effect of contextual features on game enjoyment and responses,2010,13,5,533-537,Lin
Online gaming addiction: the role of sensation seeking self-control neuroticism aggression state anxiety and trait anxiety,2010,13,3,313-316,Griffiths
Low neuroticism and high hedonistic traits for female internet child pornography consumers,2010,13,6,629-635,Seigfried-Spellar
Gender Effects in Gaming Research: A Case for Regression Residuals?,2011,14,10,603-606,Pfister
Hostility in the Real World and Online: The Effect of Internet Addiction Depression and Online Activity,2011,14,11,649-655,Yen
Are Cyberbullies Less Empathic? Adolescents' Cyberbullying Behavior and Empathic Responsiveness,2011,14,11,643-648,Steffgen
Prevalence and Psychosocial Risk Factors Associated with Internet Addiction in a Nationally Representative Sample of College Students in Taiwan,2011,14,12,741-746,Ko
The Effectiveness of Personalized E-mail Newsletters and the Role of Personal Characteristics,2011,14,12,765-770,Maslowska
The Influence of Descriptive and Injunctive Peer Norms on Adolescents' Risky Sexual Online Behavior,2011,14,12,753-758,Peter
Early Detection of Drug Use and Bullying in Secondary School Children by Using a Three-Dimensional Simulation Program,2012,15,1,43-49,Cangas
Child Maltreatment Alexithymia and Problematic Internet Use in Young Adulthood,2012,15,4,219-225,Yates
Predicting Undergraduates' Self-Reported Engagement in Traditional and Cyberbullying from Attitudes,2012,15,3,141-147,Boulton
Effect of Playing Violent Video Games Cooperatively or Competitively on Subsequent Cooperative Behavior,2012,15,5,277-280,Decoster
Defending the Doomed: Implicit Strategies Concerning Protection of First-Person Shooter Games,2012,15,5,251-256,Kneer
Using Eye-Tracker to Assess the Effectiveness of a Three-Dimensional Riding Simulator in Increasing Hazard Perception,2012,15,5,274-276,Alberti
The Contribution of Facebook to the 2011 Tunisian Revolution: A Cyberpsychological Insight,2012,15,5,237-244,Marzouki
Feeling the Need for (Personalized) Speed: How Natural Controls and Customization Contribute to Enjoyment of a Racing Game Through Enhanced Immersion,2012,15,7,364-369,Schmierbach
Morally disengaged and unempathic: do cyberbullies fit these definitions? An exploratory study,2012,15,8,391-398,Renati
Kicking the digital dog: a longitudinal investigation of young adults' victimization and cyber-displaced aggression,2012,15,9,448-454,Li
Cyberbullying among primary school students in Turkey: self-reported prevalence and associations with home and school life,2012,15,10,527-533,Arslan
Are digital games perceived as fun or danger? Supporting and suppressing different game-related concepts,2012,15,11,604-609,Kneer
Emotionally based strategic communications and societal stress-related disorders,2012,15,11,597-603,Wiederhold
Heterosexual and nonheterosexual young university students' involvement in traditional and cyber forms of bullying,2012,15,12,649-654,Wensley
Violent online games exposure and cyberbullying/victimization among adolescents,2013,16,3,159-165,Lam
Are "Facebook murders" a growing trend?,2013,16,1,1-2,Wiederhold
Who commits virtual identity suicide? Differences in privacy concerns internet addiction and personality between Facebook users and quitters,2013,16,9,629-634,Voracek
Adolescent suicide statements on MySpace,2013,16,3,166-174,Bridge
Blaming the victim: the effects of extraversion and information disclosure on guilt attributions in cyberbullying,2013,16,4,254-259,Weber
Children's perspectives on cyberbullying: insights based on participatory research,2013,16,4,248-253,de Jong
Can interface features affect aggression resulting from violent video game play? An examination of realistic controller and large screen size,2013,16,5,329-334,Sundar
Superman vs. bad man? the effects of empathy and game character in violent video games,2013,16,10,774-778,Steffgen
Perpetration of teen dating violence in a networked society,2013,16,8,561-567,Langhinrichsen-Rohling
A friend request from dear old dad: Associations between parent-child social networking and adolescent outcomes,2014,17,1,8-13,Coyne
The relationship between young adults' beliefs about anonymity and subsequent cyber aggression,2013,16,12,858-862,Wright
Stranger danger? Women's self-protection intent and the continuing stigma of online dating,2013,16,12,853-857,Cali
Use of instant messaging predicts self-report but not performance measures of inattention impulsiveness and distractibility,2013,16,12,898-903,Waite
Effects of gender and game type on autonomic nervous system physiological parameters in long-hour online game players,2013,16,11,820-827,Lin
In a disaster social media has the power to save lives,2013,16,11,781-782,Wiederhold
Violent video games and the P300: no evidence to support the neural desensitization hypothesis,2021,24,1,48-55,Goodson
Violent video games and aggression among young adults: the moderating effects of adverse environmental factors,2021,24,1,17-23,Addo
Effects of violent video games: 50 years on where are we now?,2021,24,1,3-4,Goodson
A longitudinal social network perspective on adolescents' exposure to violent video games and aggression,2021,24,1,24-31,Burk
Who believes electronic games cause real world aggression?,2014,17,4,228-234,Przybylski
Determinants of self-reported bystander behavior in cyberbullying incidents amongst adolescents,2014,17,4,207-215,De Bourdeaudhuij
Combatting weight-based cyberbullying on facebook with the dissenter effect,2014,17,5,281-286,Anderson
Predictors of anonymous cyber aggression: the role of adolescents' beliefs about anonymity aggression and the permanency of digital content,2014,17,7,431-438,Wright
Being bad in a video game can make us more morally sensitive,2014,17,8,499-504,Wang
Daily violent video game playing and depression in preadolescent youth,2014,17,9,609-615,Elliott
Emotion-related personality traits and peer social standing: unique and interactive effects in cyberbullying behaviors,2014,17,9,584-590,Ciucci
Phishing for suitable targets in the Netherlands: routine activity theory and phishing victimization,2014,17,8,551-555,Leukfeldt
Comparing the effects of real versus simulated violence on dream imagery,2014,17,8,536-541,Dale
Exploring the role of parents and peers in young adolescents' risk taking on social networking sites,2014,17,9,578-583,Shin
The Relationship Between Personality Defense Styles Internet Addiction Disorder and Psychopathology in College Students,2014,17,10,672-676,Floros
Ethical media competence as a protective factor against cyberbullying and cybervictimization among German school students,2014,17,10,644-651,Pfetsch
Epidemiology of internet behaviors and addiction among adolescents in six Asian countries,2014,17,11,720-728,Mak
Escapism among players of MMORPG-conceptual clarification its relation to mental health factors and development of a new measure,2014,17,1,19-25,Hagstrom
The female player does not exist: gender identity relates to differences in player motivations and play styles,2012,15,11,634-638,Poels
Internet addiction prevalence and quality of (real) life: a meta-analysis of 31 nations across seven world regions,2014,17,12,755-760,Cheng
The relationship between exposure to alcohol-related content on Facebook and predictors of alcohol consumption among female emerging adults,2014,17,12,735-741,Wilson
Individual differences in cyber security behaviors: an examination of who is sharing passwords,2014,18,1,3-7,Whitty
Cyberbullying depression and problem alcohol use in female college students: a multisite study,2015,18,2,79-86,Chan
Hand on the wheel mind on the mobile: an analysis of social factors contributing to texting while driving,2015,18,2,72-78,Seiler
Risk factors associated with impact severity of cyberbullying victimization: a qualitative study of adolescent online social networking,2014,17,5,287-291,Dredge
MMORPG escapism predicts decreased well-being: examination of gaming time game realism beliefs and online social support for offline problems,2014,17,5,298-302,Kaczmarek
Video game use and cognitive performance: does it vary with the presence of problematic video game use?,2014,17,3,153-159,Collins
Impulsivity and related neuropsychological features in regular and addictive first person shooter gaming,2014,17,3,147-152,Pammer
The relationship between online video game involvement and gaming-related friendships among emotionally sensitive individuals,2014,17,7,447-453,Quandt
Moral license in video games: when being right can mean doing wrong,2015,18,4,203-207,Ewoldsen
Sexist games=sexist gamers? A longitudinal study on the relationship between video game use and sexist attitudes,2015,18,4,197-202,Festl
Are adolescents with internet addiction prone to aggressive behavior? The mediating effect of clinical comorbidities on the predictability of aggression in adolescents with internet addiction,2015,18,5,260-267,Lee
An analysis of more than 1400 articles 900 scales and 17 years of research: the state of scales in cyberpsychology behavior and social networking,2015,18,3,181-187,Howard
The role of attachment style in Facebook use and social capital: evidence from university students and a national sample,2015,18,3,173-180,Lin
Influence of a multidimensional measure of attitudes on motives to use social networking sites,2015,18,3,165-172,Krishnan
The use of social networking sites for relationship maintenance in long-distance and geographically close romantic relationships,2015,18,3,152-157,Finkenauer
Snapchat elicits more jealousy than Facebook: a comparison of Snapchat and Facebook use,2015,18,3,141-146,Utz
Does a meditation protocol supported by a mobile application help people reduce stress? Suggestions from a controlled pragmatic trial,2015,18,1,46-53,Riva
Effects of body image on college students' attitudes toward diet/fitness apps on smartphones,2015,18,1,41-45,Cho
Video game addiction and college performance among males: results from a 1 year longitudinal study,2015,18,1,25-29,Schmitt
Attitudes toward a game-based approach to mental health,2015,18,1,20-24,Bowers
Couldn't or wouldn't? The influence of privacy concerns and self-efficacy in privacy management on privacy protection,2015,18,1,13-19,Chen
How are important life events disclosed on facebook? Relationships with likelihood of sharing and privacy,2015,18,1,8-12,Bevan
Moderating effects of the family environment for parental mediation and pathological internet use in youths,2015,18,1,30-36,Liau
Jealousy-induced sex differences in eye gaze directed at either emotional- or sexual infidelity-related mobile phone messages,2015,18,1,37-40,Dunn
Versatility and addiction in gaming: the number of video-game genres played is associated with pathological gaming in male adolescents,2015,18,2,129-132,Donati
Using a digital game for training desirable behavior in cognitive-behavioral therapy of burnout syndrome: a controlled study,2015,18,2,101-111,Lange
Examining how gender and emoticons influence Facebook jealousy,2015,18,2,87-92,Friedman
Psychometric properties of the Florence CyberBullying-CyberVictimization Scales,2015,18,2,112-119,Menesini
Association between pornography use and sexual risk behaviors in adult consumers: a systematic review,2015,18,2,59-71,Blaszczynski
Optimistic bias and facebook use: self-other discrepancies about potential risks and benefits of facebook use,2015,18,4,214-220,Hancock
"Was it something I said?" "no it was something you posted!" a study of the spiral of silence theory in social media contexts,2015,18,4,208-213,Gearhart
The role of short- and long-term cognitive empathy activation in preventing cyberbystander reinforcing cyberbullying behavior,2015,18,4,241-244,Barlińska
Cyberbullying and LGBTQ youth: a deadly combination,2014,17,9,569-570,Wiederhold
Youth mental health interventions via mobile phones: a scoping review,2014,17,9,591-602,Wiljer
Associations between children's video game playing and psychosocial health: information from both parent and child reports,2014,17,10,639-643,Granic
Depressive symptoms and problematic internet use among adolescents: analysis of the longitudinal relationships from the cognitive-behavioral model,2014,17,11,714-719,Gámez-Guadix
When is selective self-presentation effective? An investigation of the moderation effects of "self-esteem" and "social trust",2014,17,11,697-701,Kim
Romantic relationship stages and social networking sites: uncertainty reduction strategies and perceived relational norms on facebook,2014,17,11,685-691,Fox
Relationship between passion and motivation for gaming in players of massively multiplayer online role-playing games,2014,17,5,292-297,Chamarro
Facebook and its effects on users' empathic social skills and life satisfaction: a double-edged sword effect,2014,17,5,276-280,Chan
Unpopular overweight and socially inept: reconsidering the stereotype of online gamers,2014,17,3,141-146,Festl
Virtual reality experiments linking social environment and psychosis: a pilot study,2014,17,3,191-195,Veling
Mobile devices as adjunctive pain management tools,2014,17,6,385-389,Wiederhold
Differential effects of two virtual reality interventions: distraction versus pain control,2014,17,6,353-358,Nieto
How can virtual reality interventions help reduce prescription opioid drug misuse?,2014,17,6,331-332,Wiederhold
The German version of the Generalized Pathological Internet Use Scale 2: a validation study,2014,17,7,474-482,Kröner-Herwig
The third wheel: the impact of Twitter use on relationship infidelity and divorce,2014,17,7,425-430,Clayton
Effect of virtual reality PTSD treatment on mood and neurocognitive outcomes,2014,17,7,439-446,Wiederhold
The interdependence of family functioning and problematic internet use in a representative quota sample of adolescents,2014,17,1,14-18,Wartberg
Social networking sites in romantic relationships: attachment uncertainty and partner surveillance on facebook,2014,17,1,3-7,Fox
Cyberstalking in a large sample of social network users: prevalence characteristics and impact upon victims,2014,17,2,61-67,Dreßing
Does Facebook promote self-interest? Enactment of indiscriminate one-to-many communication on online social networking sites decreases prosocial behavior,2014,17,2,68-73,Chiou
Cyberbullying behavior and adolescents' use of media with antisocial content: a cyclic process model,2014,17,2,74-81,Konijn
Prevalence of problematic mobile phone use in British adolescents,2014,17,2,91-98,Lopez-Fernandez
Internet addiction among elementary and middle school students in China: a nationally representative sample study,2014,17,2,111-116,Zhang
Problematic internet use and problematic online gaming are not the same: findings from a large nationally representative adolescent sample,2014,17,12,749-754,Elekes
The associations between adolescents' consumption of pornography and music videos and their sexting behavior,2014,17,12,772-778,Ponnet
Game-based digital interventions for depression therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,17,8,519-527,Li
Can "the voices in the car" persuade drivers to go green? Effects of benefit appeals from in-vehicle voice agents and the role of drivers' affective states on eco-driving,2014,17,4,255-261,Joo
Sexual self-regulation and cognitive absorption as factors of sexual response toward virtual characters,2014,17,4,241-247,Rouleau
Ethics of social media research: common concerns and practical considerations,2013,16,9,708-713,Moreno
Revealing all: misleading self-disclosure rates in laboratory-based online research,2013,16,9,690-694,Callaghan
Cheating breakup and divorce: is Facebook use to blame?,2013,16,10,717-720,Clayton
Facebook use during relationship termination: uncertainty reduction and surveillance,2013,16,11,788-793,Tong
"It's common sense that it's wrong": young people's perceptions and experiences of cyberbullying,2013,16,11,783-787,Fraser
Factors influencing therapists' adoption of virtual reality for brain injury rehabilitation,2013,16,5,385-401,Brum
Avatars: changing behavior for better or for worse?,2013,16,5,319-320,Wiederhold
Cyberfaking: I can so I will? Intentions to fake in online psychological testing,2013,16,5,364-369,Grieve
Child development and genre preference: research for educational game design,2013,16,5,335-339,Lucas
Time to port augmented reality health apps to smart glasses?,2013,16,3,157-158,Wiederhold
Personality profiles associated with different motivations for playing World of Warcraft,2013,16,3,189-193,Gosling
Between likes and shares: effects of emotional appeal and virality on the persuasiveness of anticyberbullying messages on Facebook,2013,16,3,175-182,Alhabash
Cognitive distortions anxiety and depression among regular and pathological gambling online poker players,2013,16,3,183-188,Barrault
A study on Turkish adolescent's Internet use: possible predictors of Internet addiction,2013,16,3,205-209,Ak
Prevalence and patterns of sexting among ethnic minority urban high school students,2013,16,6,454-459,Tortolero
Relationship between Internet use and general belief in a just world among Chinese retirees,2013,16,7,553-558,Zhang
Comparing first and second generation digital natives' Internet use Internet anxiety and Internet identification,2013,16,7,549-552,Cromby
Display of alcohol use on Facebook: a content analysis,2013,16,7,497-503,Beullens
Psychosocial profile of Iranian adolescents' Internet addiction,2013,16,7,543-548,Ahmadi
Retraction of: Bridging the gap on Facebook: assessing intergroup contact and its effects for intergroup relations,2013,16,1,80,
Narcissism as a predictor of motivations behind Facebook profile picture selection,2013,16,1,14-19,Kapidzic
Facebook and romantic relationships: intimacy and couple satisfaction associated with online social network use,2013,16,1,8-13,Buboltz
Romantic relationship development in the age of Facebook: an exploratory study of emerging adults' perceptions motives and behaviors,2013,16,1,3-7,Fox
A quantitative examination of explanations for reasons for internet nonuse,2013,16,2,94-99,Helsper
Anger on the internet: the perceived value of rant-sites,2013,16,2,119-122,Martin
Media multitasking is associated with symptoms of depression and social anxiety,2013,16,2,132-135,Hopwood
Predictors of online and offline sexual activities and behaviors among adolescents,2013,16,8,618-622,Vazsonyi
Understanding differences in sexting behaviors across gender relationship status and sexual identity and the role of expectancies in sexting,2013,16,8,568-574,Cyders
Don't it make my brown eyes green? An analysis of Facebook use and romantic jealousy,2013,16,4,237-242,Guadagno
Relationship of internet addiction severity with depression anxiety and alexithymia temperament and character in university students,2013,16,4,272-278,Evren
Do it yourself: examination of self-injury first aid tips on YouTube,2015,18,5,301-304,Lewis
Mind Navigators of Chemicals' Experimenters? A Web-Based Description of E-Psychonauts,2015,18,5,296-300,Schifano
Parental influences on adolescent video game play: a study of accessibility rules limit setting monitoring and cybersafety,2015,18,5,273-279,King
The mainstreaming of verbally aggressive online political behaviors,2015,18,5,253-259,Cicchirillo
Instagram #Instasad?: exploring associations among Instagram use depressive symptoms negative social comparison and strangers followed,2015,18,5,247-252,Rosenthal
Addiction and engagement: an explorative study toward classification criteria for internet gaming disorder,2015,18,6,343-349,Lehenbauer-Baum
Abuse characteristics and psychiatric consequences associated with online sexual abuse,2015,18,6,333-336,Akbas
Underage use of social network sites: it's about friends,2015,18,6,328-332,Olafsson
Prevalence of marijuana-related traffic on Twitter 2012-2013: a content analysis,2015,18,6,311-319,Rivara
Behavioral health apps abundant but evidence-based research nearly nonexistent,2015,18,6,309-310,Wiederhold
Mobile phone use emotion regulation and well-being,2015,18,7,411-416,Hoffner
Online moral disengagement cyberbullying and cyber-aggression,2015,18,7,400-405,Runions
Factors affecting adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying: what divides the 20% from the 80%?,2015,18,7,393-399,Shin
Adolescent problematic social networking and school experiences: the mediating effects of sleep disruptions and sleep quality,2015,18,7,386-392,Barber
Frequent use of social networking sites is associated with poor psychological functioning among children and adolescents,2015,18,7,380-385,Sampasa-Kanyinga
Leverage between the buffering effect and the bystander effect in social networking,2015,18,8,450-456,Chang
Altered brain reactivity to game cues after gaming experience,2015,18,8,474-479,Ahn
When sharing is a bad idea: the effects of online social network engagement and sharing passwords with friends on cyberbullying involvement,2015,18,8,437-442,Bauman
Romantic partner monitoring after breakups: attachment dependence distress and post-dissolution online surveillance via social networking sites,2015,18,9,491-498,Fox
Content analysis of select YouTube postings: comparisons of reactions to theSandy Hook and Aurora Shootings and Hurricane Sandy,2015,18,11,635-640,Miller
Tweeting social support messages after a non-celebrity's death: the case of the Philippines' #fallen44,2015,18,11,641-646,Bautista
Casual video games as training tools for attentional processes in everyday life,2015,18,11,654-660,Whitbourne
Exploration of online culture through network analysis of Wikipedia,2015,18,11,674-681,Park
Use of social networking sites and risk of cyberbullying victimization: a population-level study of adolescents,2015,18,12,704-710,Hamilton
Predictors of parental mediation regarding children's smartphone use,2015,18,12,737-743,Jeong
The relationship between sexual content on mass media and social media: a longitudinal study,2015,18,12,697-703,Peter
Effects of trait hostility mapping interface and character identification on aggressive thoughts and overall game experience after playing a violent video game,2015,18,12,711-717,Lee
The relationship between video game play and the acquired capability for suicide: an examination of differences by category of video game and gender,2015,18,12,757-762,Cukrowicz
Predictors and social consequences of online interactive self-disclosure: a literature review from 2002 to 2014,2015,18,12,718-725,Desjarlais
Effect of exergame on depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,19,1,34-42,Li
Trusting Facebook in crisis situations: the role of general use and general trust toward Facebook,2016,19,1,23-27,Schmidt
Help I am losing control! Examining the reporting of sexual harassment by adolescents to social networking sites,2016,19,1,16-22,Vandebosch
"Harder better faster stronger": negative comparison on Facebook and adolescents' life satisfaction are reciprocally related,2016,19,3,158-164,Eggermont
Problematic internet users' discounting behaviors reflect an inability to delay gratification not risk taking,2016,19,3,172-178,Li
Risks and threats of social media websites: Twitter and the Proana movement,2016,19,4,233-238,Siliquini
The effects of profile pictures and friends' comments on social network site users' body image and adherence to the norm,2016,19,4,239-245,Flynn
Digital media use and social engagement: how social media and smartphone use influence social activities of college students,2016,19,4,264-269,Wang
Hide-and-seek: narcissism and "selfie"-related behavior,2016,19,5,347-351,Lee
Who multitasks on smartphones? Smartphone multitaskers' motivations and personality traits,2016,19,3,223-227,Lim
The online version of the Chinese Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale: psychometric properties,2016,19,3,217-222,Chen
VR online dating: the new safe sex,2016,19,5,297-298,Wiederhold
Causal effects of language on the exchange of social support in an online community,2016,19,7,446-452,Kahn
Are pregnant and postpartum women interested in health-related apps? Implications for the prevention of perinatal depression,2016,19,6,412-415,Barrera
Characterizing social networks and communication channels in a web-based peer support intervention,2016,19,6,388-396,Owen
Low self-esteem and teens' internet addiction: what have we learned in the last 20 years?,2016,19,6,359,Wiederhold
Grandiose and vulnerable narcissists: who is at higher risk for social networking addiction?,2016,19,8,510-515,Casale
Smartphone applications for mental health,2016,19,7,465-470,Stein
Good person or bad character? Personality predictors of morality and ethics in avatar selection for video game play,2016,19,7,435-440,Jones
Alcohol and tobacco content in UK video games and their association with alcohol and tobacco use among young people,2016,19,7,426-434,Britton
Individual differences associated with exposure to "ana-mia" websites: an examination of adolescents from 25 European countries,2016,19,8,475-480,Šmahel
Adolescents' viewing of suicide-related web content and psychological problems: differentiating the roles of cyberbullying involvement,2016,19,8,502-509,Görzig
Online friendship romance and sex: properties and associations of the Online Relationship Initiation Scale,2016,19,8,487-493,Harris
Why do people still text while driving?,2016,19,8,473-474,Wiederhold
Cyber victimization psychological intimate partner violence and problematic mental health outcomes among first-year college students,2016,19,9,545-550,McDonald
The benefits of social technology use among older adults are mediated by reduced loneliness,2016,19,9,551-556,Chopik
Deception detection: the relationship of levels of trust and perspective taking in real-time online and offline communication environments,2016,19,9,532-537,Friend
How can health professionals help prevent cyberbullying?,2016,19,9,531,Wiederhold
To be connected or not to be connected? Mobile messenger overload fatigue and mobile shunning,2016,19,10,579-586,Shin
The relationship between online social networking and depression: a systematic review of quantitative studies,2016,19,11,638-648,Baker
Enhancing primary school children's knowledge of online safety and risks with the CATZ Cooperative Cross-Age Teaching Intervention: results from a pilot study,2016,19,10,609-614,Boulton
Associations between internet-based professional social networking and emotional distress,2016,19,10,601-608,Primack
How does neighborhood quality moderate the association between online video game play and depression? A population-level analysis of Korean students,2016,19,10,628-634,Kim
Does the use of WeChat lead to subjective well-being? The effect of use intensity and motivations,2016,19,10,587-592,Wen
An agent-based intervention to assist drivers under stereotype threat: effects of in-vehicle agents' attributional error feedback,2016,19,10,615-620,Joo
Self-concept clarity and online self-presentation in adolescents,2016,19,12,716-720,Fullwood
Positive relationship between individuality and social identity in virtual communities: self-categorization and social identification as distinct forms of social identity,2016,19,11,680-685,Guo
Cyberpornography: time use perceived addiction sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction,2016,19,11,649-655,Sabourin
Instagram use loneliness and social comparison orientation: interact and browse on social media but don't compare,2016,19,12,703-708,Yang
Sexuality and the internet: a study of the perspectives of Turkish university students,2016,19,12,740-745,Ucar
How to market use of social media to improve older adults' health,2016,19,12,e695,Wiederhold
Texting under the influence: emotional regulation as a moderator of the association between binge drinking and drunk texting,2016,20,1,3-9,Starks
Bragging on Facebook: the interaction of content source and focus in online impression formation,2016,20,1,58-63,Scott
Research on social networking sites and social support from 2004 to 2015: a narrative review and directions for future research,2016,20,1,44-51,Holmstrom
Internet gaming disorder explains unique variance in psychological distress and disability after controlling for comorbid depression OCD ADHD and anxiety,2017,20,2,126-132,Roberts
Associations between internet attachment cyber victimization and internalizing symptoms among adolescents,2017,20,2,91-96,Sukhawathanakul
Motives matter: motives for playing Pokémon Go and implications for well-being,2017,20,1,52-57,Yang
Beyond direct benefits: indirect health benefits of social media use,2017,20,1,1-2,Wiederhold
Psychological distress and emotional expression on Facebook,2017,20,3,157-163,Whitlock
How cyberattacks terrorize: cortisol and personal insecurity jump in the wake of cyberattacks,2017,20,2,72-77,Canetti
A meta-analysis of treatment interventions for internet addiction among Korean adolescents,2017,20,4,225-231,Chun
Normative mechanism of rumor dissemination on twitter,2017,20,3,164-171,Lee
The psychology of social networking,2017,20,3,207,Serino
Contributions of social comparison and self-objectification in mediating associations between facebook use and emergent adults' psychological well-being,2017,20,3,172-179,Ward
A randomized head-to-head study of virtual reality exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder,2017,20,4,218-224,Tran
Impact of playing exergames on mood states: a randomized controlled trial,2017,20,4,246-250,Teng
Does online social connectedness buffer risk of depression following driving cessation? An analysis of older drivers and ex-drivers,2017,20,4,232-237,Obst
Thinking of quitting Facebook?,2017,20,4,211,Wiederhold
Screening of problematic internet use among Spanish adolescents: prevalence and related variables,2017,20,4,259-267,Braña
Spontaneous hedonic reactions to social media cues,2017,20,5,334-340,Veling
Internet addiction psychological distress and coping responses among adolescents and adults,2017,20,5,296-304,Thorsteinsson
Homophily in anonymous online community: sociodemographic versus personality traits,2017,20,6,376-381,Kang
Fatal attractions: attachment to smartphones predicts anthropomorphic beliefs and dangerous behaviors,2017,20,5,320-326,Bodford
The role of online social identity in the relationship between alcohol-related content on social networking sites and adolescent alcohol use,2018,21,1,50-55,Barber
Sexual self-schemas in the real world: investigating the ecological validity of language-based markers of childhood sexual abuse,2017,20,6,382-388,Meston
Predicting recidivism among internet child sex sting offenders using psychological language analysis,2018,21,2,78-83,Boyd
Exposure to sexual stimuli induces greater discounting leading to increased involvement in cyber delinquency among men,2018,21,2,99-104,Chiou
Adolescents' perceptions of popularity-motivated behaviors characteristics and relationships in cyberspace and cyber aggression: the role of gender,2017,20,6,355-361,Wright
Frailsafe: early detection of frailty,2017,20,6,404,Riva
Time spent on social network sites and psychological well-being: a meta-analysis,2017,20,6,346-354,Huang
Alcohol-related posts from young people on social networking sites: content and motivations,2017,20,7,428-435,van den Putte
A cross-cultural study of risky online self-presentation,2018,21,1,25-31,Hanoch
When using facebook to avoid isolation reduces perceived social support,2018,21,1,32-39,Lee
Up-dating: ratings of perceived dating success are better online than offline,2018,21,1,11-15,Fullwood
Do you love me? Psychological characteristics of romance scam victims,2018,21,2,105-109,Whitty
Cyber-dependent crime victimization: the same risk for everyone?,2018,21,2,84-90,Bergmann
Big five personality traits of cybercrime victims,2017,20,7,407-412,van de Weijer
Correlates of mono- and dual-victims of cybergrooming and cyberbullying: evidence from four countries,2018,21,2,91-98,Vazsonyi
Acute effect of virtual reality exercise bike games on college students' physiological and psychological outcomes,2017,20,7,453-457,Zeng
Sexting behaviors exhibited by men who have sex with men between the ages of 18-70 who live in a socially conservative state,2017,20,7,413-418,Hubach
Social media use and conduct problems in emerging adults,2017,20,7,448-452,Ohannessian
Pronoun usage in online sexual predation,2018,21,2,117-122,Baryshevtsev
Cyberstalking victimization depression and academic performance: the role of perceived social support from parents,2018,21,2,110-116,Wright
Development and validation of an instrument to assess the impact of cyberbullying: the Cybervictimization Emotional Impact Scale,2017,20,8,479-485,Elipe
Understanding factors associated with Singaporean adolescents' intention to adopt privacy protection behavior using an extended theory of planned behavior,2017,20,9,572-579,Ho
Location and modality effects in online dating: rich modality profile and location-based information cues increase social presence while moderating the impact of uncertainty reduction strategy,2017,20,9,553-560,Jung
Personality traits and social media use in 20 countries: how personality relates to frequency of social media use social media news use and social media use for social interaction,2017,20,9,540-552,Gil de Zúñiga
Associations of self-presentation on Facebook with mental health and personality variables: a systematic review,2017,20,10,587-595,O'Reilly
The relationship between resilience and internet addiction: a multiple mediation model through peer relationship and depression,2017,20,10,634-639,Liu
Personality traits motivations and emotional consequences of social media usage,2017,20,10,615-623,Jin
Risk factors for social networking site scam victimization among Malaysian students,2018,21,2,123-128,Fullwood
Supporting law enforcement personnel working with distressing material online,2018,21,2,138-143,Kirwan
Spiritual and affective responses to a physical church and corresponding virtual model,2017,20,11,702-708,Murdoch
For video games bad news is good news: news reporting of violent video game studies,2017,20,12,735-739,Ferguson
Engagement in the Overdose RIsk InfOrmatioN (ORION) e-health tool for opioid overdose prevention and self-efficacy: a preliminary study,2017,20,12,762-768,Scherbaum
Usefulness of the mobile virtual reality self-training for overcoming a fear of heights,2017,20,12,753-761,Kyeong
TITANIUM: tools for the investigation of transactions in underground markets,2018,21,1,67-68,Riva
When Second Life becomes real life: the evolution of self-presentation,2018,21,1,1-2,Wiederhold
Dispelling the pseudopsychology of cybercrime,2018,21,2,71-72,Kirwan
Longitudinal associations in youth involvement as victimized bullying or witnessing cyberbullying,2018,21,4,234-239,Mishna
Event-related potential measures of smartphone distraction,2018,21,4,248-253,Flynn
The effects of avatars' age on older adults' self-disclosure and trust,2018,21,3,173-178,Xiao
WeChat addiction suppresses the impact of stressful life events on life satisfaction,2018,21,3,194-198,Wu
Text messaging and social network site use to facilitate alcohol involvement: comparison of U.S. and Korean college students,2018,21,5,311-317,Hussong
Parenting and cyberbullying across adolescence,2018,21,5,294-303,Coyne
Mobile apps for self-injury: a content analysis,2018,21,5,333-337,Lewis
Bullying and suicidality in urban Chinese youth: the role of teacher-student relationships,2018,21,5,287-293,Guo
Problematic video gaming in a young Spanish population: association with psychosocial health,2018,21,6,388-394,Buiza-Aguado
Longitudinal and reciprocal relationships of depression among minors with online sexual solicitations and interactions with adults,2018,21,6,355-360,Gámez-Guadix
The effects of cyberbullying and cybervictimization on early adolescents' mental health: the differential mediating roles of perceived peer relationship stress,2018,21,7,429-436,Huebner
Internet filtering and adolescent exposure to online sexual material,2018,21,7,405-410,Przybylski
Passive and active social media use and depressive symptoms among United States adults,2018,21,7,437-443,Primack
MOVING BEYOND: age-related motor deficits,2018,21,8,532,Riva
The representation of women in video games: a systematic review of literature in consideration of adult female wellbeing,2018,21,9,535-541,Campbell
Attachment anxiety and problematic social media use: the mediating role of well-being,2018,21,9,563-568,Corcoran
Facebook use Facebook jealousy and intimate partner violence perpetration,2018,21,9,549-555,Lussier
Personality and problematic internet use among Chinese college students: the mediating role of maladaptive cognitions over internet use,2018,21,11,719-726,Fang
The protective role of dispositional mindfulness against the perpetuation of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration among adolescents,2018,21,11,703-710,Calvete
Self-persuasion on facebook increases alcohol risk perception,2018,21,11,672-678,van Baaren
The use of information and communication technologies in perinatal depression screening: a systematic review,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osma
Instagram participation and substance use among emerging adults: the potential perils of peer belonging,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dumas
Mind-wandering and mindfulness as mediators of the relationship between online vigilance and well-being,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veling
Three-dimensional augmented reality system for balance and mobility rehabilitation in the elderly: a randomized controlled trial,2019,22,2,132-141,Ku
Mobile phone-use habits among adolescents: predictors of intensive use,2019,22,3,212-219,Novikov
Adolescent cyberbullying and weapon carrying: cross-sectional and longitudinal associations,2019,22,3,173-179,Rothman
Augmented reality in the health domain: projecting spatial augmented reality visualizations on a perceiver's body for health communication effects,2019,22,2,142-150,Jung
Exploring adolescent cyber victimization in mobile games: preliminary evidence from a British cohort,2019,22,3,227-231,Przybylski
Is augmented reality the next frontier in behavioral health?,2019,22,2,101-102,Wiederhold
Augmented reality: poised for impact,2019,22,2,103-104,Wiederhold
The blue check of credibility: does account verification matter when evaluating news on Twitter?,2019,22,4,283-287,Edgerly
Examining cross-cultural differences in youth's moral perceptions of cyberbullying,2019,22,4,243-248,Talwar
Sexting and psychological distress: the role of unwanted and coerced sexts,2019,22,4,237-242,Toumbourou
Effect of a serious game (stigma-stop) on reducing stigma among psychology students: a controlled study,2019,22,3,205-211,Cangas
Facebook-induced friend shift and identity shift: a longitudinal study of Facebook posting and collegiate drinking,2019,22,3,186-191,D'Angelo
Entitlement to tell on police Facebook sites,2019,22,5,355-357,Havard
Cyber behaviors among heterosexual and sexual minority youth: subgroup differences and associations with health indicators,2019,22,5,315-324,Simons-Morton
Should smartphone use be banned for children?,2019,22,4,235-236,Wiederhold
The moderation of online disinhibition and sex on the relationship between online hate victimization and perpetration,2019,22,5,300-306,Wachs
Correction to: The protective role of dispositional mindfulness against the perpetuation of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration among adolescents by Royuela-Colomer E Calvete E Gámez-Guadix M and Orue I. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2018;21(11):703-710. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2017.0685,2019,22,5,362,
Links between users' online social network homogeneity ambiguity tolerance and estimated public support for own opinions,2019,22,5,325-329,Mayr
Changes in internet suicide search volumes following celebrity suicides,2019,22,6,373-380,Smith
What debunking of misinformation does and doesn't,2019,22,6,423-427,Lee
Why and when consumers indulge in smartphones: the mental association between smartphones and fun,2019,22,6,381-387,Wang
Artificial intelligence and suicide: where artificial intelligence stops and humans join in,2019,22,6,363-364,Wiederhold
Assessing online and offline adolescent social skills: development and validation of the Real and Electronic Communication Skills Questionnaire,2019,22,6,404-411,Zimmermann
Should smartphones be banned for children or does cyberpsychology have a bigger problem?,2019,22,7,508-509,Ellis
Gender differences in perceptions of trolling in livestream video broadcasting,2019,22,7,472-476,Todd
Perceptions of agentic and communal narcissism on Facebook,2019,22,8,529-534,Barry
Relationship between daily stress depression symptoms and facebook addiction disorder in Germany and in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Velten
Sexting and mental health among young Australians attending a musical festival: a cross sext-ional study,2019,22,8,521-528,John-Leader
Social media use is (weakly) related to psychological distress,2019,22,9,604-609,Sibley
Testing the effectiveness of an e-course to combat cyberbullying,2019,22,9,569-577,Farver
Correction to: Personality and Problematic Internet Use Among Chinese College Students: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Cognitions Over Internet Use by Zhou N Geng X Du H Wu L Xu J Ma S Zhang J Yu C Liang Y Meng J Yuan X Cao H and Fang X. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2018;21(11):719-726. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2018.0279,2019,22,9,617,
Associations between bystander reactions to cyberbullying and victims' emotional experiences and mental health,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Bourdeaudhuij
Exploring the therapeutic and nontherapeutic affordances of social media use by young adults with lived experience of self-harm or suicidal ideation: a scoping review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joubert
Male adolescents' and young adults' evaluations of interracial exclusion in offline and online settings,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Killen
Exposure to countering messages online: alleviating or strengthening false belief?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tanaka
Fear of missing out and relational aggression on Facebook,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Betts
Are aspects of Twitter use associated with reduced depressive symptoms? The moderating role of in-person social support,2019,22,11,692-699,Cole
Longitudinal effects of excessive smartphone use on stress and loneliness: the moderating role of self-disclosure,2019,22,11,706-713,Matthes
Adolescents' beliefs about peers' engagement in an online self-harm challenge: exploring the role of individual characteristics through a latent class analysis,2019,22,11,684-691,Riva
How common is cyberbullying among adults? Exploring gender ethnic and age differences in the prevalence of cyberbullying,2019,22,11,736-741,Sibley
Effects of opinion climate efficacy messages and publicness of social media on intentions to retransmit anti-binge drinking messages on facebook,2019,22,11,677-683,Wang
The Digital Addiction Scale for Children: development and validation,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffiths
Validation of the Online Security Behaviors and Beliefs Questionnaire with college students in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schaffer
Correction to: Why and When Consumers Indulge in Smartphones: The Mental Association Between Smartphones and Fun by Shen L Wang L and Zhang X. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking 2019: 22(6):381-387. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2018.0646,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,
Distinguishing the relative impact of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury on iPad-measured cognitive function,2019,22,12,761-765,Roy
Exploring differences among video gamers with and without depression: contrasting emotion regulation and mindfulness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Derevensky
The associations between Instagram use selfie activities appearance comparison and body dissatisfaction in adult men,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Modica
Cyberbullying and children and young people's mental health: a systematic map of systematic reviews,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stansfield
Texting at a child helpline: how text volume session length and duration response latency and waiting time are associated with counseling impact,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sindahl
A routine activity approach to understand cybergrooming victimization among adolescents from six countries,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gámez-Guadix
Monitoring kids: how much is enough?,2020,23,2,70-71,Wiederhold
A pilot study of an online psychoeducational program on cyberbullying that aims to increase confidence and help-seeking behaviors among adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Knowles
The personal autonomous car: personality and the driverless car,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amichai-Hamburger
Engagement in a novel internet intervention for alcohol reduction: a qualitative study of user motivations and experiences,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Juraskova
Longitudinal associations between early childhood externalizing behavior parenting stress and child media use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Radesky
Positive mental health mediates the relationship between Facebook addiction disorder and suicide-related outcomes: a longitudinal approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teismann
Are parents less responsive to young children when they are on their phones? A systematic naturalistic observation study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vanden Abeele
Workplace cyberbullying and interpersonal deviance: understanding the mediating effect of silence and emotional exhaustion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anwar
Fear of missing out predicts employee information security awareness above personality traits age and gender,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hadlington
Video game use acceptance and relationship experiences: a moderated actor-partner interdependence model,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hogan
Internet-risk classes of adolescents dispositional mindfulness and health-related quality of life: a mediational model,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Calvete
Hostility is associated with self-reported cognitive and social benefits across massively multiplayer online role-playing game player roles,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogers
Relationship between family technoference and behavior problems in children aged 4-5 years,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sundqvist
Impact of problematic smartphone use on mental health of adolescent students: association with mood symptoms of depression and physical activity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pereira
Predicting engagement in electronic surveillance in romantic relationships,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hertlein
An exploratory study of adolescents' social media sharing of marijuana-related content,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Willoughby
A cyberterrorism effect? Emotional reactions to lethal attacks on critical infrastructure,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canetti
Associations between cybervictimization and well-being in emerging adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dworkin
SAGE: Systemic Action for Gender Equality,2020,23,8,e576,Riva
Unique and cumulative effects of intimate partner cybervictimization types on alcohol use in lesbian gay and bisexual emerging adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Charak
Relationship between depression symptoms physical activity and addictive social media use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Margraf
Why browsing and posting on WeChat moments? The relationships among fear of missing out strategic self-presentation and online social anxiety,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duan
The spheres & shield maze task: a virtual reality serious game for the assessment of risk taking in decision making,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alcañiz
Forging stronger bonds through technology: how virtual reality can instill empathy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Social media markers to identify fathers at risk of postpartum depression: a machine learning approach,2020,23,9,611-618,Hutchinson
Predicting the intention to use cybercounseling among Chinese adolescents: an extended theory of planned behavior,2020,23,9,627-634,Shi
Online celebrity bashing: purely relaxation or stressful confrontation? An experimental study on the effects of exposure to online celebrity bashing on the emotional responses and physiological arousal among adolescent bystanders,2020,23,9,588-594,Vandebosch
Associations between social anxiety depression and use of mobile dating applications,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Antony
Social media exposure and college students' mental health during the outbreak of CoViD-19: the mediating role of rumination and the moderating role of mindfulness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ding
How to be aggressive from virtual to reality? Revisited the violent video games exposure: aggression association and the mediating mechanisms,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao
Parent-child discrepancies in reports of exposure to violence/pornography on mobile devices and the impact on children's psychosocial adjustment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang
Cyberbullying in adolescents: resilience as a protective factor of mental health outcomes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gámez-Guadix
"Who are the Cyka Blyat?" How empathy impulsivity and motivations to play predict aggressive behaviors in multiplayer online games,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romo
The role of violent video game exposure personality and deviant peers in aggressive behaviors among adolescents: a two-wave longitudinal study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffiths
Aggressive video games are not a risk factor for mental health problems in youth: a longitudinal study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferguson
Violent video games and aggression: stimulation or catharsis or both?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim
Growing up with Grand Theft Auto: a 10-year study of longitudinal growth of violent video game play in adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coyne
Aggression and consistency of self in cybertrolling behavior,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connell
Popular discourse around deepfakes and the interdisciplinary challenge of fake video distribution,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brooks
To believe or not to believe: framing analysis of content and audience response of top 10 deepfake videos on youtube,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee
A content analysis of Reddit users' perspectives on reasons for not following through with a suicide attempt,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collings
The impact of social endorsement cues and manipulability concerns on perceptions of news credibility,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liang
The real threat of deepfake pornography: a review of Canadian policy,2021,24,3,203-209,Karasavva
Deepfakes: awareness concerns and platform accountability,2021,24,3,164-172,Cochran
The social impact of deepfakes [editorial],2021,24,3,149-152,Hancock
Twenty-five years of social media: a review of social media applications and definitions from 1994 to 2019,2021,24,4,215-222,Aichner
Internet-related behaviors and psychological distress among schoolchildren during the CoViD-19 school hiatus,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffiths
Does witnessing racism online promote individual and institutional anti-racism advocacy among White individuals? The role of White empathy white guilt and White fear of other races,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keum
Adaptation and psychometric cross-cultural validation of a workplace cyberbullying questionnaire in Spain and Germany,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Czakert
Psychosocial difficulties and help-seeking behaviors in Singapore adolescents involved in cyberbullying,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sourander
Caregivers' role in cybersecurity for aging information technology users with intellectual disability,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Farrell
Emotional experiences of cybersecurity breach victims,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Budimir
The role of individual differences in cyber dating abuse perpetration,2021,24,7,457-463,Klettke
Jealousy and electronic intrusion mediated by relationship uncertainty in married and cohabiting couples during COVID-19,2021,24,7,444-449,Rodriguez
Machine-deep-ensemble learning model for classifying cybersickness caused by virtual reality immersion,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oh
Uncivil reactions to sexual assault online: linguistic features of news reports predict discourse incivility,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor
Other-dehumanization rather than self-dehumanization mediates the relationship between violent video game exposure and aggressive behavior,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao
The escalating crisis in adolescent mental health,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
The online hate speech cycle of violence: moderating effects of moral disengagement and empathy in the victim-to-perpetrator relationship,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wettstein
Adolescent digital technology interactions and importance: associations with depression and well-being,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eickhoff
Virtual experiences causing real injuries: what can be done? [Editorial],2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Social connectedness cyberbullying and well-being: preliminary findings from the Longitudinal Adolescent Brain Study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simcock
The applicability of virtual reality-based training for controlling anger in aggressive individuals,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim
Taking a one-week break from social media improves well-being depression and anxiety: a randomized controlled trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McEwan
Motivations for online expression willingness of online help-seeking and the risk of suicide among Hong Kong youths: a mixed-methods study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lam
Longitudinal cross-lagged analysis between mobile phone dependence friendships and depressive symptoms among Korean adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choe
Online hate speech victimization and depressive symptoms among adolescents: the protective role of resilience,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gámez-Guadix
Loneliness and social media use among adolescents with psychiatric disorders,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gothelf
Digital technology use and cyberbullying among primary school children: digital literacy and parental mediation as moderators,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reichert
Sexual harassment in the metaverse [editorial],2022,25,8,479-480,Wiederhold
Transportation as a health concern: how technology can help,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
How health-related misinformation spreads across the internet: evidence for the "typhoon eye" effect,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang
Deviant peer affiliation: a newly verified mechanism by which violent video game exposure affect aggressive and prosocial behavior,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen
Characterization of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ruiz-Perez
Problematic social media use and its relationship with depression or anxiety: a systematic review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Telfar-Barnard
Online disinhibition and online trolling among Chinese college students: the mediation of the dark triad and the moderation of gender,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao
The e-SaVoR Project: savoring and virtual reality to enhance emerging adults' well-being,2022,25,12,834-835,Riva
Reinforcing relationships between gaming disorder and aggression and intrusive parenting across 4 years,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim
Internet addiction and the treatment of depression? A prospective naturalistic outcome study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosmarin
Further understanding the correlations between sexting and mental health: considerations for sex and sexual identity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kraus
Intimate partner cyberstalking: exploring vulnerable narcissism secondary psychopathy borderline traits and rejection sensitivity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jonason
Immersive virtual tasks with motor and cognitive components: a feasibility study of adults and older adult fallers and nonfallers,2023,26,3,169-176,Deutsch
A dynamic analysis of conspiratorial narratives on Twitter during the pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li
Virtual reality-based joy induction: the role of interactivity and prior mood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canetti
Motives of online hate speech: results from a quota sample online survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mohseni
Trajectories of emotion recognition training in virtual reality and predictors of improvement for people with a psychotic disorder,2023,26,4,288-299,Timmerman
Who is searching for cyberhate? Adolescents' characteristics associated with intentional or unintentional exposure to cyberhate,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dedkova
Content moderation on social media: does it matter who and why moderates hate speech?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim
Cyberbullying victimization and nonsuicidal self-injury in early adolescents: a moderated mediation model of social anxiety and emotion reactivity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang
Perception of hate speech by the public and experts: insights into predictors of the perceived hate speech towards migrants,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adamkovic
A Google Trends analysis of interest in nonbinary identities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kahlor
Violent video game exposure and cyberbullying in early adolescents: a latent moderated mediation model,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou
Role of informal social control in predicting racist hate speech on online platforms: collective efficacy and the theory of planned behavior,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jung
Why do bystanders become cyberbullies? The effect of perceived reasonableness of online messages on bystanders' aggressive tendency and its underlying mechanism,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu
Feasibility of virtual reality exposure therapy in the treatment of Danish veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: a mixed method pilot study,2023,26,6,425-431,Andersen
Putting the toothpaste back in the tube: against online hate speech,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Fake news and the sleeper effect in social media posts: the case of perception of safety in the workplace,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pace
Digital hate speech experiences across age groups and their impact on well-being: a nationally representative survey in Switzerland,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baier
Autistic traits and cyberbullying involvement mediated by psychopathologies and school functions in a nationally representative child sample,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tai
Mental health help-seeking behavior of male video game players: an online survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ridout
Association of screen time with anxiety and depressive symptoms in college students during COVID-19 outbreak in Shanghai: mediation role of sleep quality,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu
The interplay between human likeness and agency on virtual influencer credibility,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sung
Predicting self-reported depression and health among adolescents: time spent online mediated by digital skills and digital activities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,d'Haenens
Adolescents' cyber-defending for cyberbullying: a socio-emotional beliefs and past experience model,2023,26,10,789-797,Chiu
A screenshot vignette study of caregiver perceptions of adolescent digital dating abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ha
The stories we tell influence the support we receive: examining the reception of support-seeking messages on Reddit,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan
The victim-offender overlap in technology-facilitated abuse: nationally representative findings among U.S. young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mumford
Predicting post-traumatic stress disorder treatment response using heart rate variability to virtual reality environment and modified Stroop task: an exploratory study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Elucidating college students' cyberstalking victimization experiences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moreno
Exploring effects of a nostalgic storytelling virtual reality experience beyond hedonism,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blake
Nonconsensual sexting: are the moral processes the same if boys or girls appear in the forwarded content?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Del Rey
Social media and self-concept among postsecondary students: a scoping review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rafiq
Artificial intelligence: a game-changer for mental health care,2024,27,2,100-104,Wiederhold
The dark side of the digital age: how to address cyberbullying among adolescents,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Denial attention-seeking and posting online while intoxicated: three key predictors of collegiate sadfishing,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ceballos
Parental phubbing and adolescent smartphone addiction: depression and perceived school climate matter,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang
Does facebook use provide social benefits to adults with traumatic brain injury?,2024,27,3,214-220,Duff
Digital desires real losses: the complex world of online romance fraud,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Can media literacy intervention improve fake news credibility assessment? A meta-analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hu
Bullying victimization and malevolent creativity in rural adolescents: the longitudinal mediational role of hostile attribution,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lu
Restorative parental discipline and types of defending bystander intervention in cyberbullying: the mediate role of justice sensitivity,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,García-Vázquez
Fear of sexual victimization in metaverse: a comparison of adolescent and adult female users,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim
Internet-based mental health survey research: navigating internet bots on Reddit,2023,26,2,73-79,Kleiman
Problematic Internet Use and Associated High-Risk Behavior in an Adolescent Clinical Sample: Results from a Survey of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Youth,2019,22,5,349-354,Cook
Enhancing aviation safety through AI-driven mental health management for pilots and air traffic controllers,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Virtual awe: expanding the horizons of mental health treatment,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiederhold
Haunting messages: online videos and public belief in paranormal phenomena,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wright
Multiple facets of rejections in online dating: exploring types reasons and impact,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schokkenbroek
Trends and influencing factors in problematic smartphone use prevalence (2012-2022): a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lu
How parental mediation and parental phubbing affect preschool children's screen media use: a response surface analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang
The association between problematic instagram use psychological distress and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nielsen