Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Girl child abuse: violation of her human rights,1995,25,2-3,3-18,Kapur Girl child in rural India,1995,25,2-3,189-196,Devendra Child rape: facets of a heinous crime,1995,25,2-3,161-176,Gangrade Girl child and social change,1995,25,2-3,107-115,Seth Rural female adolescence: Indian scenario,1995,25,2-3,177-188,Kumari Sexual violence and the girl child,1995,25,2-3,154-160,Purewal Human Rights Movements in India,2010,40,4,459-477,Patel Towards the Development of a Responsive Social Science-informed Critical Public Health Framework on Male Interpersonal Violence,2010,40,4,415-438,van Niekerk Social development and the girl child,1995,25,2-3,70-83,Gangrade Empowering the family for girl child development,1995,25,2-3,38-43,Desai Educating the girl child in rural areas,1995,25,2-3,197-202,Tandon Girl prostitution in India,1995,25,2-3,143-153,Mukhopadhyay Girl child and sexual victimisation,1995,25,2-3,124-132,Krishna The girl child and law,1995,25,2-3,119-123,Jain Girl child: her rights and law,1995,25,2-3,116-118,Gokhale An analysis of socio-cultural and economic changes in migrant agricultural labourers in Punjab,2010,40,3,275-301,Verma Changing socio-demographic composition of child labour: evidence from the Indian census 1991-2001,2009,39,3,351-364,Das Childhood burn injury a matter for Hind Swaraj?,2010,40,1,29-38,van Niekerk Crime in Delhi: A micro level analysis,2006,36,4,101-113, Critical thoughts on human trafficking and how to include the subject in a mainstream education system in India,2011,41,4,611-625,Mansberger Domestic violence in India: evidences and implications for working women,2007,37,4,131-152,Sahoo Early marriage of girls in contemporary Bengal a field view,2011,41,1,41-61,Ghosh Geographies of Indian women: a tale of contesting spaces,2007,37,3,78-91,Rai Institutional failure and farmers' suicides in Andhra Pradesh,2006,36,4,1-18,Kumar Living two lives a conversation about being young educated and female in india,2011,41,4,553-566,Jones Man-made disasters: displacement resettlement and rehabilitation in Orissa--reflections from the field,2008,38,4,689-704,Somayaji Peace its indices and implications for Swaraj,2010,40,4,439-457,Seedat Policy discourse and exclusion-inclusion of women in higher education in India,2011,41,4,535-552,Chanana Socio-cultural determinants of female foeticide,2009,39,3,388-405,Dewan The Kalinganagar tragedy: development goal or development malaise,2008,38,4,609-626,Pandey Why the wretched kill in democratic South Africa: reflections on rejuvenation and reconstruction,2010,40,1,15-27,Seedat A Failed Revolt Against the Raj: The Rebellion of the Berad a Criminal Tribe Under the Leadership of Umaji Naik,2005,35,2,127-130,Draxe Age Gap Between the Spouses in the Union Territory of Pondicherry,2002,32,3-4,97-110,Ramachandran Ageing Issues and Challenges: Gender Bias in the Care of Elderly,1999,29,1-2,126-137,Bambawale Bahudhâ and the Post-9/11 World,2004,34,4,1-23,Singh Child Abuse and Neglect in a Metropolitan City: A Qualitative Study of Migrant Child Labour in South Kolkata,2005,35,3,56-67,Deb Child Trafficking in South Asia: Dimensions Roots Facets and Interventions,2005,35,2,143-155,Deb Children Toiling at a Tender Age: Determinants and Consequences,2004,34,1,57-65,Sekar Development Displacement and Resistance: The Law and the Policy on Land Acquisition,2008,38,3,351-410,Saxena Disaster Management and the Need for Convergence of Services of Welfare Agencies-A Case Study of the Super Cyclone of Orissa,2003,33,1,1-25,Panigrahi Domestic Violence Against Women-Report on a Situational Analysis in Ernakulum District Kerala,2003,33,1,26-54,Sunny Empowerment of Women-A Myth or Reality,2001,31,3,42-52,Kumar Families at Risk of Marital Discord: Correlates of Conflict for Rural Poor Households of Ludhiana,2004,34,2,16-25,Gulati Female Infanticide in India: A Review of Literature,2002,32,1-2,58-66,Saravanan From the Field to the Factory Dimensions of Power and the Process of Occupational Mobility Among Rural Youths of Nagpur District,2010,40,3,303-317,Kumar Gender and Discrimination-A Review of the Issues,2004,34,1,126-131,Shafeeq Gender Based Violence: A Study of Ajmer City,2001,31,3,53-64,Thakur Human Rights Violation in the Context of the Displacement of Project Affected People: A Report on Five Case Studies of State-Sponsored Terror in India,2004,34,4,107-121, Impact of Women's Employment on Family and Marriage: A Survey of Literature,2002,32,1-2,46-57,Philip Measuring Women's Empowerment: Indicators and Measurement Techniques,2004,34,3,64-77,Kabir Processes of Child Trafficking in West Bengal: A Qualitative Study,2005,35,2,112-123,Deb Representation Identity and Socio-Economic Positioning of Muslim Women in India Some Reflections Through Literature Review,2011,41,3,345-357,Sanyal Role of Female Literacy in Maternal and Infant Mortality Decline,2007,37,2,29-39,Kateja Social Change and Female Criminality in India,2001,31,3,103-110,Pattanaik Status of Women in the Naai Community of Uttar Pradesh,2004,34,1,49-56,Tewari Stories of Street Children: Findings from a Field Study,2004,34,4,77-85,Deb Stress and Cope-up Strategies A Case Study of Odd Hour Women Employees,2010,40,4,545-562,Usha The Global City the Local School and the Disadvantage! Youth: Segregation as an Everyday Experience,2006,36,3,195-208,Menon The Multicultural Deficit and Emancipation of Indian Muslim Women,2011,41,4,523-534,Fehmi Trafficking in Persons: Facts and Facets,2004,34,3,125-134,Mallick Violence and Women,2005,35,4,125-132,Dhar Who Is Minding the Kids? Preferences Choices and Childcare Arrangements of Working Mothers in India,2007,37,4,110-130,Jatrana Why Women Stay Poor: An Examination of Urban Poverty in India,2000,30,1-2,153-178,Mitra Women's Anti-Alcohol Movement in Haryana: Successes and Failures,2004,34,1,40-48,Maheshwari Women's Self Help Groups: Findings from a Study in Four Indian States,2005,35,2,156-164,Srivastava Concerns and challenges for social sciences in Kashmir,2013,43,3,471-480,Baba Democracy and growing inequalities in India,2016,46,2,290-301,Hasan Sociology of exclusion: Dalits in East Uttar Pradesh,2016,46,2,214-237,Mallick Women's autonomy and work status in Nepal: a study of their effects on anaemia,2016,46,2,182-198,Dulal Gender disparity in literacy in India,2016,46,1,46-69,Katiyar Domestic violence in Sylhet Bangladesh: analysing the experiences of abused women,2016,46,1,106-123,Das Women's withdrawal from india's rural workforce: explaining the trend,2017,47,1,125-133,Mathur Legislation to practice: an analysis of domestic violence cases from Kerala's lower courts,2017,47,2,230-242,P. m. The dynamics of women's empowerment: a critical appraisal,2017,47,3,387-405,Sharma Dalit women's narratives on sexual violence: reflections on Indian society and state,2021,51,3,311-326,Pandey Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Act: providing redress or maintaining status quo?,2021,51,2,246-257,Gupta Occupational disease and public health concerns of migrant construction workers: a social epidemiological study in western Uttar Pradesh,2014,44,1,97-117,Akram Changing structure and organisation of agriculture and small farmers in India,2005,35,4,1-31,Singh Undeserved Death: A study on suicide of farmers in Andhra Pradesh (2000-2005),2006,36,4,131-134,Narasimhan Education Beyond Class Rooms,2011,41,4,599-609,Das Green Revolution Revisited: The Contemporary Agrarian Situation in Punjab India,2012,42,2,229-247,Dutta