Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author When daughters are unwanted. Sex determination tests in India,1995,,86,15-22,Kishwar Dowry calculations: daughter's rights in her parental family,1993,,78,8-17,Kishwar Widow remarriage in Haryana. Law strengthens repressiveness of popular culture,1994,,82,12-18,Chowdhry When police act as pimps: glimpses into child prostitution in India,1998,,105,27-31,Debabrata Getting away with murder. How law courts and police fail victims of domestic violence,2000,,117,31-41,Geethadevi When homes are torture chambers. Vimochana's work with victims of domestic violence,1999,,110,17-24,Kishwar Women's songs women's lives. A view from Kangra,1994,,81,2-10,Narayan