Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sexual coercion domestic violence and negotiating condom use among low-income African American women,1998,7,3,371-378,Kalichman Rape among African American women: sexual psychological and social correlates predisposing survivors to risk of STD/HIV,1998,7,1,77-84,Wingood Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in abused women in a primary care setting,1997,6,5,543-552,McFarlane Physician as detective: discerning and recording domestic violence injuries,1997,6,3,267-270,Lehrman Keeping the surfing patient from drowning?,1999,8,1,7-9,Crandall Observations from the CDC. The Prevention Research Centers Program: collaboration in women's health,1997,6,3,281-283,Finnegan Early life stress negative paternal relationships and chemical intolerance in middle-aged women: support for a neural sensitization model,1998,7,9,1135-1147,Bell Characteristics of sexual abuse against pregnant Hispanic women by their male intimates,1998,7,6,739-745,McFarlane Childhood origins of depression: evidence from native and nonnative women in Alaska and the Russian Far East,1999,8,1,87-94,Handwerker Moderate alcohol consumption and bone density among postmenopausal women,1999,8,1,65-73,Feskanich News from the Society for the Advancement of Women's Health Research. Herbal medicines: are supplements safe?,1998,7,9,1077-1079,Greenberger Women chronic disease and the behavioral risk factor surveillance system,1998,7,8,949-954,Mack Women wine and information whiplash,1998,7,2,141-142,Healy Postpartum mood disorders: clinical perspectives,1997,6,4,421-434,Nasrallah Development and health care needs of lesbians,1998,7,3,379-387,Lehmann