Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The poisons affair,2001,51,3,28-34,Oliver Monsters and moral panic in London,2001,51,5,30-35,Bonderson Red summers 1917-19,2001,51,2,28-33,Evans Witchcraft: the spell that didn't break,1999,49,8,7-13,Davies Lynching in Britain,1999,49,3,21-23,Sherwood Smoking gun,2000,50,5,36-38,Hilton Euthanasia and the Third Reich,1990,40,,11-16,Burleigh The Media's First Moral Panic: The popularity of Goethe's novel the Sorrows of Young Werther was blamed for a spate of suicides. Frank Furedi argues that it set a trend for manufactured outrage that is with us still,2015,65,11,,Furedi