Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author "Oh yes I can." "Oh no you can't": children and parents' understandings of kids' competence to negotiate public space safely,1997,29,1,65-89,Valentine Algorithmic War: Everyday Geographies of the War on Terror,2009,41,1,49-69,Amoore Searching for the Promised Land: Examining Dr Martin Luther King's Concept of the Beloved Community1,2009,41,3,487-508,Inwood Tibet and the Problem of Radical Reductionism,2009,41,5,983-1010,Yeh International Accompaniment and Witnessing State Violence in the Philippines,2008,40,5,751–779,Pratt After Geopolitics? From the Geopolitical Social to Geoeconomics,2009,41,1,22-48,Cowen Life and Death Decisions in our Posthuman(ist) Times,2009,41,1,133-158,Cadman Everyday Morality: Where Radical Geography Meets Normative Theory,2009,41,1,206-209,Smith Discipline and Devolution: Constructions of Poverty Race and Criminality in the Politics of Rural Prison Development,2009,41,3,416-438,Bonds A Manifesto against Femicide,2001,33,3,550-566,Wright Schoolyard Shootings: Racism Sexism and Moral Panics over Teen Violence,2001,33,4,593-600,Aitken “Rousers of the Rabble” in the New Mexico Land Grant War: La Alianza Federal De Mercedes and the Violence of the State,2008,40,4,561-583,Correia “Who's Going to Man the Factories and be the Sexual Slaves if we all get PhDs?” Democratizing Knowledge Production Pedagogy and the Detroit Geographical Expedition and Institute,2007,39,1,99-120,Heyman Becoming a Public Scholar to Improve the Health of the US Population,2008,40,3,455-462,Bezruchka Broccoli and Desire,2007,39,5,800-820,Benson Capitalism's Anxious Whole: Fear Capture and Escape in the Grundrisse,2008,40,5,857-878,Gidwani Citizenship and the Imperial City,2008,40,2,221-225,Martin Craven Emotional Warriors,2008,40,3,376-382,Wright Cutting Through Topologies: Crossing Lines at the School of the Americas,2008,40,5,825-847,Koopman Discovering Price in All the Wrong Places: The Work of Commodity Definition and Price under Neoliberal Environmental Policy,2007,39,3,500-526,Robertson Everywhere and Nowhere: The Exception and the Topological Challenge to Geography,2008,40,4,499-503,Martin Exceptional Sovereignty? Guantánamo Bay and the Re‐Colonial Present,2007,39,4,627-648,Reid‐Henry For Working Class Geographies,2008,40,1,9-14,Stenning Immigration Geopolitics Beyond the Mexico–US Border,2007,39,1,54-76,Coleman In the Name of Democracy,2008,40,2,200-204,Wright In‐Between Places: Trans‐Saharan Transit Migrants in Morocco and the Fragmented Journey to Europe,2007,39,4,668-690,Collyer Land Reform in the Time of Neoliberalism: A Many‐Splendored Thing,2007,39,3,550-570,Wolford Leaky Borders and Solid Citizens: Governing Security Prosperity and Quality of Life in a North American Partnership,2007,39,1,77-98,Gilbert Nature's Materiality and the Circuitous Paths of Accumulation: Dispossession of Freshwater Fisheries in Cambodia,2007,39,1,167-193,Sneddon Neoliberal Subjectivities the “New” Homelessness and Struggles over Spaces of/in the City,2008,40,2,192-199,Del Casino Oaxaca: Terror and Non‐Violent Protest in a Video Age,2008,40,2,205-210,Mutersbaugh Privatization: Property and the Remaking of Nature–Society Relations Introduction to the Special Issue,2007,39,3,393-405,Mansfield Property Markets and Dispossession: The Western Alaska Community Development Quota as Neoliberalism Social Justice Both and Neither,2007,39,3,479-499,Mansfield Reconfiguring North–South Solidarity: Critical Reflections on Experiences of Transnational Resistance,2007,39,1,144-166,Sundberg Reflective Action in the Academy: Exploring Praxis in Critical Geography using a “Food Movement” Case Study,2007,39,2,331-354,Wakefield Responsible Learning: Cultures of Knowledge Production and the North–South Divide,2007,39,5,781-789,Jazeel Rethinking Security: Perspectives from Arab–American and British Arab Activists,2008,40,5,780-801,Staeheli Revanchist Urbanism Heads South: The Regulation of Indigenous Beggars and Street Vendors in Ecuador,2007,39,4,708-728,Swanson Substituting for Families? Schools and Social Reproduction in AIDS‐affected Lesotho,2008,40,5,802-824,Ansell Surveillance Spatial Compression and Scale: The FBI and Martin Luther King Jr,2007,39,4,729-756,Boykoff Terror and Territory,2007,39,5,821-845,Elden The Emergence of a Working Poor: Labour Markets Neoliberalisation and Diverse Economies in Post‐Socialist Cities,2008,40,2,283-311,Stenning The Guests' Guests: Palestinian Refugees Lebanese Civilians and the War of 2006,2008,40,4,658-677,Ramadan The Making of New Urban Borders: Neoliberalism and Protest in Buenos Aires1,2008,40,4,504-512,Grimson The Provocations of Neoliberalism: Contesting the Nation and Liberation after Apartheid,2008,40,4,678-705,Hart Weaving Solidarity from Oneonta to Oxchuc,2008,40,3,414-420,O'Donnell Many Chains to Break: The Multi-dimensional Concept of Slave Labour in Brazil,2013,45,4,1005-1028,McGrath Trafficked enough? Missing bodies migrant labour exploitation and the classification of trafficking victims in Singapore,2015,47,4,1080-1100,Yea Raging against the "neoliberal hellscape": anger pride and ambivalence in civil society responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly "Who is not an agent here?" The collateral damage of anti-trafficking in Nepal,2023,55,1,70-89,Bhagat De/recolonising development: Fanon Rostow and the violence of social change,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Selwyn Border anxiety in Palestine-Israel,2006,38,1,107-127,Long Killing Us Slowly: Pre-Empting Suicide at a Women's Hostel in Chennai,2019,51,5,1515-1533,Krishnan