Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fast and Slow Oscillations in Human Primary Motor Cortex Predict Oncoming Behaviorally Relevant Cues,2010,65,4,461-471,Reimer Damage to Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Impairs Judgment of Harmful Intent,2010,65,6,845-851,Bechara Visual Guidance of Smooth-Pursuit Eye Movements: Sensation Action and What Happens in Between,2010,66,4,477-491,Lisberger Nature versus Nurture: Death of a Dogma and the Road Ahead,2010,68,2,196-200,Traynor Differential processing of objects under various viewing conditions in the human lateral occipital complex,1999,24,1,187-203,Kushnir Coding of reward risk by orbitofrontal neurons is mostly distinct from coding of reward value,2010,68,4,789-800,Schultz Sleep state switching,2010,68,6,1023-1042,Saper Impulsivity compulsivity and top-down cognitive control,2011,69,4,680-694,Robbins Potential vulnerabilities of neuronal reward risk and decision mechanisms to addictive drugs,2011,69,4,603-617,Schultz Understanding the risky business of adolescence,2011,69,5,837-839,Dahl Building neural choice points for love and war,2005,46,4,525-526,Simerly Pet-1 ETS gene plays a critical role in 5-HT neuron development and is required for normal anxiety-like and aggressive behavior,2003,37,2,233-247,Hendricks Targeted deletion of the Vgf gene indicates that the encoded secretory peptide precursor plays a novel role in the regulation of energy balance,1999,23,3,537-548,Roberts The mechanism of interaction between visual flow and eye velocity signals for heading perception,2000,26,3,747-752,van den Berg What rest in flies can tell us about sleep in mammals,2000,26,2,295-298,Kilduff The generality of parietal involvement in visual attention,1999,23,4,747-764,Kanwisher Fireworks in the primate retina: in vitro photodynamics reveals diverse LGN-projecting ganglion cell types,2003,37,1,15-27,Dacey The effect of gaze angle and fixation distance on the responses of neurons in V1 V2 and V4,2002,33,1,143-149,Rosenbluth Not noisy just wrong: the role of suboptimal inference in behavioral variability,2012,74,1,30-39,Beck Normalization regulates competition for visual awareness,2012,75,3,531-540,Ling Biological pattern generation: the cellular and computational logic of networks in motion,2006,52,5,751-766,Grillner A central source of movement variability,2006,52,6,1085-1096,Churchland Rhythmic fluctuations in evidence accumulation during decision making in the human brain,2012,76,4,847-858,de Gardelle Feeling by sight or seeing by touch?,2004,42,1,173-179,Murray Motor learning by observing,2005,46,1,153-160,Gribble The basal forebrain cholinergic system is essential for cortical plasticity and functional recovery following brain injury,2005,46,2,173-179,Conner Autonomous mechanism of internal choice estimate underlies decision inertia,2014,81,1,195-206,Sakai Between thoughts and actions: Motivationally salient cues invigorate mental action in the human brain,2014,81,1,207-217,Mendelsohn Insights about adolescent behavior plasticity and policy from neuroscience research,2014,83,2,262-265,Galvan Going for broke: dopamine influences risky choice,2014,84,1,4-6,Carelli Children wired: for better and for worse,2010,67,5,692-701,Green Adaptive training diminishes distractibility in aging across species,2014,84,5,1091-1103,Mishra The habenulo-raphe serotonergic circuit encodes an aversive expectation value essential for adaptive active avoidance of danger,2014,84,5,1034-1048,Amo Modular Deconstruction Reveals the Dynamical and Physical Building Blocks of a Locomotion Motor Program,2015,86,1,304-318,Humphries Distinct circuits underlie the effects of 5-HT1b receptors on aggression and impulsivity,2015,86,3,813-826,Blanco Motor cortex is required for learning but not for executing a motor skill,2015,86,3,800-812,Kawai Arousal and locomotion make distinct contributions to cortical activity patterns and visual encoding,2015,86,3,740-754,Vinck Habenular CB1 receptors control the expression of aversive memories,2015,88,2,306-313,Marsicano Neural mechanisms of post-error adjustments of decision policy in parietal cortex,2016,89,3,658-671,Purcell Paradise lost: the neurobiological and clinical consequences of child abuse and neglect,2016,89,5,892-909,Nemeroff Traumatic brain injury and the neuronal microenvironment: a potential role for neuropathological mechanotransduction,2015,85,6,1177-1192,Hemphill Context processing and the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder,2016,92,1,14-30,Liberzon Circuit mechanisms of sensorimotor learning,2016,92,4,705-721,Makino It's not all fun and games: sports concussions and neuroscience,2017,94,6,1051-1055,Hovda Social control of hypothalamus-mediated male aggression,2017,95,4,955-970.e4,Yang The strange case of aggression and the brain,2017,95,4,734-737,Carvalho Neuroimmunology of traumatic brain injury: time for a paradigm shift,2017,95,6,1246-1265,Whalen Fear anxiety and the amygdala,2017,96,1,1-2,Sah The innate immune receptors TLR2/4 mediate repeated social defeat stress-induced social avoidance through prefrontal microglial activation,2018,99,3,464-479.e7,Taniguchi Hierarchical representations of aggression in a hypothalamic-midbrain circuit,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Falkner Charting a path toward aggression,2020,106,4,556-558,Kohl Exaggerating harmful drug effects on the brain is killing Black people,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hart A substantia innominata-midbrain circuit controls a general aggressive response,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sun Gender bias in academia: a lifetime problem that needs solutions,2021,109,13,2047-2074,Nobre Laboratory models of post-traumatic stress disorder: the elusive bridge to translation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cisler Sleep and vigilance states: embracing spatiotemporal dynamics,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Lecea Prefrontal cortical dynorphin peptidergic transmission constrains threat-driven behavioral and network states,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Social control of hypothalamus-mediated male aggression 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