Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author “Hip protectors in the elderly: lack of effectiveness or just suboptimal implementation?” A reply to critics,2009,6,1,3-4,O'Halloran Aging and inactivity -- capitalizing on the protective effect of planned physical activity in old age,2009,6,2,89-97,Mechling Effect of age and physical activity level on functional fitness in older adults,2009,6,2,99-106,Donat Tuna Effects of motor practice on cognitive disorders in older adults,2009,6,2,67-74,Zhou Exercise and health in frail elderly people: a review of randomized controlled trials,2009,6,2,75-87,de Souto Barreto Physical activity assessment and health outcomes in old age: how valid are dose–response relationships in epidemiologic studies?,2009,6,1,7-17,Meyer Research on exercise programs—an approach of technological science,2009,6,2,63-65,Brach Safety of resistance training in the elderly,2009,6,1,1-2,Sagiv The potential role of physical activity on driving performance and safety among older adults,2009,6,1,29-38,Marmeleira Transparency of reporting: in reply to the letter by O’Halloran concerning hip protectors,2009,6,1,5-6,Meyer Kinect-based choice reaching and stepping reaction time tests for clinical and in-home assessment of fall risk in older people: a prospective study,2016,13,,2,Lord The design of a purpose-built exergame for fall prediction and prevention for older people,2015,12,,e13,Delbaere The effect of sensor-based exercise at home on functional performance associated with fall risk in older people - a comparison of two exergame interventions,2015,12,,e11,Lord ICT-based system to predict and prevent falls (iStoppFalls): results from an international multicenter randomized controlled trial,2015,12,,e10,Lord Exploring user experience and technology acceptance for a fall prevention system: results from a randomized clinical trial and a living lab,2016,13,,e6,Delbaere The FARSEEING real-world fall repository: a large-scale collaborative database to collect and share sensor signals from real-world falls,2016,13,,e8,Kerse Extremity injuries and dementia disproportionately increase the risk for long-term care at older age in an analysis of German Health Insurance routine data for the years 2006 to 2010,2016,13,,e9,Barth A systematic review of gait perturbation paradigms for improving reactive stepping responses and falls risk among healthy older adults,2017,14,,e3,Karamanidis Does physical activity benefit motor performance and learning of upper extremity tasks in older adults? A systematic review,2017,14,,e15,Voelcker-Rehage Relationships between self perceptions and physical activity behaviour fear of falling and physical function among older adults,2017,14,,e17,Polman Study of the association between gait variability and physical activity,2017,14,,e19,Zago Masters or pawns? Examining injury and chronic disease in male Masters Athletes and chess players compared to population norms from the Canadian Community Health Survey,2018,15,,e15,Baker Is every-day walking in older adults more analogous to dual-task walking or to usual walking? Elucidating the gaps between gait performance in the lab and during 24/7 monitoring,2019,16,,e6,Rochester A taxonomy of cognitive tasks to evaluate cognitive-motor interference on spatiotemoporal gait parameters in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,16,,e12,Delbaere Walking with rollator: a systematic review of gait parameters in older persons,2019,16,,e15,Markert Predictors of real-life mobility in community-dwelling older adults: an exploration based on a comprehensive framework for analyzing mobility,2019,16,,19,Bock Effects of hydrokinesitherapy on balance and walking ability in stroke survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies,2019,16,,e21,Guo A usability study of a multicomponent video game-based training for older adults,2020,17,,e3,de Bruin Effectiveness of a resistance training program on physical function muscle strength and body composition in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial,2020,17,,e11,Fimland Correlates of sport participation among community-dwelling elderly people in Germany: a cross-sectional study,2010,7,2,105-115,Platen Effects of low back pain on balance performance in elderly people: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,18,1,8,Li Sensor-based fall risk assessment in older adults with or without cognitive impairment: a systematic review,2021,18,1,15,Jekauc Functional capacity and dual-task cost in the institutionalized older adults both affected and unaffected by mild cognitive impairment,2021,18,1,e16,Zak The age-related decline in spatiotemporal gait characteristics is moderated by concerns of falling history of falls & diseases and sociodemographic-anthropometric characteristics in 60-94 years old adults,2021,18,1,e19,Vogt The Frail'BESTest: an adaptation of the "balance evaluation system test" for frail older adults; concurrent validity responsiveness validity for fall prediction and detection of slower walkers,2021,18,1,e22,Basile Effect of hypoxic conditioning on functional fitness balance and fear of falling in healthy older adults: a randomized controlled trial,2021,18,1,e25,Gusi Combined driving: task-specific position impacts grip strength of equestrian athletes,2022,19,1,e2,Heebner Physical activity and recurrent fall risk in community-dwelling Japanese people aged 40-74 years: the Murakami cohort study,2022,19,1,e20,Tsugane Correction: Physical activity and recurrent fall risk in community-dwelling Japanese people aged 40-74 years: the Murakami cohort study,2022,19,1,e25,Tsugane Exercise based reduction of falls in communitydwelling older adults: a network meta-analysis,2023,20,1,e1,Donath Systematic review of candidate prognostic factors for falling in older adults identified from motion analysis of challenging walking tasks,2023,20,1,e2,Mochizuki Does a bicycle accident as the cause of proximal femur fracture indicate that geriatric co-management is superfluous? A retrospective cohort study,2023,20,1,e3,Spies 'Maintaining balance in life'-exploring older adults' long-term engagement in self-managed digital fall prevention exercise,2023,20,1,e12,Lundin-Olsson The impact of cognitive-motor interference on balance and gait in hearing-impaired older adults: a systematic review,2024,21,1,e17,Delbaere