Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Tracing the Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Population of New Orleans: The Displaced New Orleans Residents Pilot Study,2009,38,1,171-196,Sastry Latent Markov Model for Analyzing Temporal Configuration for Violence Profiles and Trajectories in a Sample of Batterers,2010,39,2,222-255,Zhang Investigating the Variation of Personal Network Size Under Unknown Error Conditions,2006,35,1,84-112,Shelley The Measure of Induced Abortion Levels in Mexico Using Random Response Technique,2006,35,2,279-301,GarcĂ­a Matching Estimators of Causal Effects,2006,35,1,3-60,Morgan Question Order and Interviewer Effects in CATI Scale-up Surveys,2009,38,2,287-305,Corradetti Modeling count data with excess zeroes an empirical application to traffic accidents,2003,32,1,90-116,Chin An empirical analysis of the impact of recruitment patterns on RDS estimates among a socially ordered population of female sex workers in China,2013,42,3,392-425,Moody Is there an estimation bias in occupational health and safety surveys? The mode of administration and informants as a source of error,2019,48,1,185-201,Benach Comprehension context and sponsor effects in a hospital mental health study,2019,48,3,677-697,Gibson Including hard-to-access populations using mobile phone surveys and participatory indicators,2020,49,1,133-160,Mac Ginty Agent-based models for assessing complex statistical models: an example evaluating selection and social influence estimates from SIENA,2021,50,4,1725-1762,Daza Copula models for sociology: measures of dependence and probabilities for joint distributions,2017,46,3,604-648,Vuolo