Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An Empirically Generated Typology of Men Who Batter,2010,5,1,1-24,Chiffriller Juvenile Parricide Offenders Sentenced to Death,2010,5,1,76-99,Heide Localized Homicide Patterns and Prevention Strategies: A Comparison of Five Project Safe Neighborhood Sites,2010,5,1,45-63,Tita Why Are Boys More Likely to Be Referred to Juvenile Court? Gender Differences in Official and Self-Reported Delinquency,2010,5,1,25-44,Kosterman A Coordinated Community Response to Intimate Partner Violence on the College Campus,2006,1,2,141-157,Holtfreter Changing Stalking Patterns and Prosecutorial Decisions: Bridging the Present to the Future,2006,1,1,47-60,Dziegielewski Aspects of the Social Construction of Crime Victims in Australia,2006,1,3,289-321,Rock The Impact of Relationship Status Gender and Minor Status in the Police Response to Domestic Assaults,2006,1,4,323-360,Hotaling Restorative Justice Models in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence: Reviewingthe Evidence,2006,1,4,369-394,Regehr Violent Victimization and Perpetration: Joint and Distinctive Implications for Adolescent Development,2010,5,4,329-353,Nurius Understanding a New Typology of Batterers: Implications for Treatment,2006,1,1,79-97,Chiffriller Descriptive Study of Precursors to Sex Offending among 813 Boys and Girls: Antecedent Life Experiences,2006,1,1,61-77,Prentky Does Type of Crime Affect the Stress and Coping Process? Implications of Intimate Partner Violence,2009,4,3,249-264,Kane Mental Illness Violence and Risk Assessment: An Evidence-Based Review,2009,4,4,341-347,Harris Captive-Taking Incidents in the Context of Workplace Violence: Descriptive Analysis and Case Examples,2009,4,1,76-92,Van Hasselt Domestic Violence: The Beginning Continuation or Final Act in a Criminal Career?,2008,3,4,391-411,Hirschel Responding to Heinous Crime: Best Practices and the Current State of the Art,2007,2,4,307-326,Reamer Journey to Crime and Victimization: An Application of Routine Activities Theory and Environmental Criminology to Homicide,2007,2,4,375-394,Pizarro Effectiveness of Programs to Prevent School Bullying,2007,2,2,183-204,Baldry Crime Victimization: Assessing Differences Between Violent and Nonviolent Experiences,2007,2,1,63-76,Green Cruelty to Animals and Violence to People,2007,2,1,21-43,Farrington Relational aggression intimate partner violence and gender: An exploratory analysis,2010,5,4,283-302,Benson A descriptive study of a California domestic violence court: Program completion and recidivism,2010,5,2,130-160,Petrucci Captive-taking incidents in the context of domestic violence: A descriptive analysis,2010,5,2,183-198,Van Hasselt Predicting injuries of women in episodes of intimate partner violence: Individual and composite risk factors,2010,5,2,101-119,Flexon Predisposing childhood factors for men who kill their intimate partners,2009,4,3,215-229,Adams Women's offending behavior: Evidence-based review of gender differences and gender responsive programs,2009,4,4,405-411,Stalans Gender Differences in the Appraisal of Violent Crime Experiences: A Qualitative Study,2010,5,4,371,Simmons Gender Adolescent Lifestyles and Violent Victimization: Implications for Routine Activity Theory,2010,5,4,303,Wilcox Age criminal victimization and offending: changing relationships from adolescence to middle adulthood,2012,7,3,227-254,Menard Predictors of domestic violence prosecution in a state court,2012,7,2,143-160,Holsinger Risk and resiliency factors that mediate the effect of family-of-origin violence on adult intimate partner victimization and perpetration,2012,7,2,121-142,Franklin Assessing the risk of nonsexual and sexual victimization using incident-based police reports,2013,8,1,23-41,Nolan Developmental issues in risk assessment: implications for juvenile justice,2012,7,4,364-384,Vincent Shots fired: firearm discharges during fugitive apprehensions,2013,8,1,56-69,Craun Stalking Gender and Coping Strategies: A Partial Test of Broidy and Agnew's Gender/General Strain Theory Hypotheses,2013,8,1,94-117,Paternoster Multivariate dimensions of age gender and weapon use in spousal homicides,2013,8,3,329-346,Allen Rethinking indirect aggression: the end of the mean girl myth,2013,8,3,308-328,Kassis The prevalence of mental illness in California sex offenders on parole: a comparison of those who recidivated with a new sex crime versus those who did not,2013,8,3,253-277,Singer The sustained impact of adolescent violence histories on early adulthood outcomes,2013,8,2,231-252,Nurius Legislating victim offender dialogue: A value-rich policy analysis,2013,8,4,357-372,Graves Toward a more complete model of offender reintegration: Linking the individual- community- and system-level components of recidivism,2013,8,4,373-398,Wright Trauma history and PTSD symptoms in juvenile offenders on probation,2013,8,4,465-477,Wilson Understanding the random effect on victimization distributions: A statistical analysis of random repeat victimizations,2013,8,4,399-415,Eck Victimization risk perception and the desire to move,2013,8,4,446-464,McNeeley Crime and justice reinvestment in Europe: Possibilities and challenges,2014,9,1,13-49,Redondo Illescas Justice reinvestment in the United States: An empirical assessment of the potential impact of increased correctional programming on recidivism,2014,9,1,50-75,Pattavina Migrant sex workers: an analysis of transnational crime displacement and antitrafficking measures,2014,9,2,205-233,Choo Victim willingness to report crime to police: Does procedural justice or outcome matter most?,2014,9,2,178-204,Murphy Victimization in childhood of male sex offenders: Relationship between violence experienced and subsequent offenses through discourse analysis,2014,9,2,234-254,Gravier The effects of using identity deception and suggesting secrecy on the outcomes of adult-adult and adult-child or -adolescent online sexual interactions,2014,9,3,276-298,Santtila Willingness to report sexual offenses to the police in Ghana,2014,9,4,436-454,Lee How victim and execution impact statements affect mock jurors' perceptions emotions and verdicts,2014,9,4,413-435,Miller A longitudinal examination of secondary traumatic stress among law enforcement,2014,9,3,299-316,Craun Whose statement is it? An examination of victim impact statements delivered in court,2014,9,4,386-412,Chavez The interrelationships between victimization fear and acculturation among Asian immigrants,2014,9,4,353-385,Bouffard The effects of legal and extralegal variables on the sentences of sex offenders,2014,9,3,334-351,Freiburger Creation and validation of an inmate risk assessment for violent nonsexual victimization,2014,9,3,317-333,Wooldredge Cyberbullying victimization and adaptive avoidance behaviors at school,2014,9,3,255-275,Reyns Prisoners' coping skills and involvement in serious prison misconduct,2014,9,2,149-177,Rocheleau Exploring the overlap between victimization and offending among women in sex work,2015,10,1,74-94,Finn Substance use violence and HIV risk behavior in El Salvador and the United States: cross-national profiles of the SAVA Syndemic,2015,10,1,95-116,Vaughn Does GPS improve recidivism among high risk sex offenders? Outcomes for California's GPS pilot for high risk sex offender parolees,2015,10,1,1-28,Jannetta Challenges facing families of sexually abusive youth: what prevents service engagement?,2015,10,1,29-50,Yoder The importance of social learning and critical incident stressors on police officers' perpetration of intimate partner violence,2015,10,1,51-73,Melander Bullying: short-term and long-term effects and the importance of defiance theory in explanation and prevention,2008,3,2-3,289-312,Farrington Social support among lifetime victimized men,2008,3,2-3,275-288,Fandiño-Losada Hazing typologies: those who criminally haze and those who receive criminal hazing,2008,3,2-3,258-274,Montague Combating modern-day slavery: issues in identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking worldwide,2008,3,2-3,245-257,Sigmon Is there such a thing as "defended community homicide"? The necessity of methods triangulation,2008,3,2-3,228-244,Baller A preliminary evaluation of behavioral outcomes in a corrections-based victim awareness program for offenders,2008,3,2-3,217-227,Gaboury Police comfort and victims,2008,3,2-3,192-216,Terrill Victim participation and therapeutic jurisprudence,2008,3,2-3,165-191,Wemmers Equivocal death investigation: case study analyses,2008,3,2-3,150-164,Lacks Eyewitnesses physical evidence and forensic science: a case study of state of North Carolina v. James Alan Gell,2008,3,2-3,142-149,Miller Cyberstalking: utilizing newspaper accounts to establish victimization patterns,2008,3,2-3,131-141,Moriarty Motives in a triple spree homicide,2008,3,1,114-125,Safarik Victims of sexual violence in the Canadian criminal courts,2008,3,1,99-113,Alaggia Where registered sex offenders live: community characteristics and proximity to possible victims,2008,3,1,86-98,Tewksbury Examining rates of sexual offenses from a routine activities perspective,2008,3,1,75-85,Tewksbury Treatment fidelity in sex offender programming: assessing delivery across community providers,2008,3,1,45-74,Shivy Understanding the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church: challenges with prevention policies,2008,3,1,31-44,Terry Variations in the recidivism of treated and nontreated sexual offenders in New Jersey: an examination of three time frames,2008,3,1,10-30,Zgoba Preventing crime with prenatal and infancy support of parents: the nurse-family partnership,2007,2,2,205-225,Olds Promoting social development and preventing health and behavior problems during the elementary grades: results from the Seattle Social Development Project,2007,2,2,161-181,Kosterman Crime prevention by the High/Scope Perry Preschool Program,2007,2,2,141-160,Schweinhart Scientific support for early prevention of delinquency and later offending,2007,2,2,125-140,Farrington Public support for early intervention: is child saving a "habit of the heart"?,2007,2,2,109-124,Cullen Early prevention of delinquency and later criminal offending: an introduction,2007,2,2,105-107,Farrington The spiritual components of restorative justice,2007,2,3,251-267,Armour "Yardsticks" for victim sensitive process: principle-based standards for gauging the integrity of restorative justice process,2007,2,3,289-301,Bazemore Thinking about terrorism and its victims,2007,2,3,269-287,Shichor How many offenses are really committed per juvenile court offender?,2007,2,3,227-249,Farrington Emerging findings from research on adolescent development and juvenile justice,2012,7,4,428-449,Steinberg Legal attitudes and legitimacy: extending the integrated legal socialization model,2012,7,4,385-406,Rebellon Some initial findings and policy implications of the pathways to desistance study,2012,7,4,407-427,Mulvey Like before but better: the lessons of developmental life-course criminology for contemporary juvenile justice,2012,7,4,450-471,Piquero Controversial and critical issues with crime victims: current research begins to reconcile the debates,2008,3,2-3,127-130,Moriarty Examining connections between the police and prosecution in sexual assault case processing: does the use of exceptional clearance facilitate a downstream orientation?,2016,11,2,315-334,Pattavina Lifestyles/routine activities and bullying among South Korean youths,2016,11,2,285-314,Wooldredge The impact of gender and early delinquency on reoffending: a life history perspective,2016,11,2,251-284,McConaghy Mean streets revisited: assessing the generality of rival criminological theories,2016,11,2,225-250,Cullen Adverse childhood experiences and subsequent substance abuse in a sample of sexual offenders: implications for treatment and prevention,2016,11,2,199-224,Levenson Understanding date rape attitudes and behaviors: exploring the influence of race gender and prior sexual victimization,2016,11,2,173-198,Porter Rethinking prison disciplinary processes: a potential future for restorative justice,2016,11,1,126-148,Butler Community participation in restorative justice: rituals reintegration and quasi-professionalization,2016,11,1,107-125,Rossner Māori family group conferencing and the mystifications of restorative justice,2016,11,1,87-106,Moyle Repositioning restorative justice in Europe,2016,11,1,71-86,Gavrielides Anxiously awaiting the future of restorative justice in the United States,2016,11,1,50-70,Karp Looking back to the future: threats to the success of restorative justice in the United Kingdom,2016,11,1,30-49,Hoyle What is restorative justice? Fresh answers to a vexed question,2016,11,1,9-29,Daly Putting a price on justice: how to incentivize the downsizing of prison populations,2015,10,4,452-476,Cullen International trends in prison upsizing and downsizing: in search of evidence of a global rehabilitation revolution,2015,10,4,420-451,Pattavina A national picture of prison downsizing strategies,2015,10,4,401-419,Braithwaite Downsizing juvenile institutions in Ohio: five innovations,2015,10,4,379-400,Chouhy Women firesetters admitted to secure psychiatric services: characteristics and treatment needs,2015,10,3,341-353,Hollin Elaborating the correlates of firearm injury severity: combining criminological and public health concerns,2015,10,3,318-340,Grommon Value challenges and solutions in incorporating victim impact awareness in offender rehabilitation: the results of qualitative interviews with stakeholders,2015,10,3,293-317,Serin Neutralizing disciplinary violence: a typology of parents' use-of-violence accounts,2015,10,3,270-292,Heinonen I forgive you but you must die: murder victim family members the death penalty and restorative justice,2015,10,3,239-269,Barrile Self-control and lifestyles: associations to juvenile offending violent victimization and witnessing violence,2015,10,2,214-237,Wiesner Applying the dual-taxonomy of offending to self-injury: do offenders exhibit life-course-persistent self-injurious behavior?,2015,10,2,179-213,Smith The impact of prison for women on the edge: paying the price for wrong decisions,2015,10,2,152-178,Jolliffe Police sexual misconduct: arrested officers and their victims,2015,10,2,117-151,Englebrecht Lifestyle and routine activity theories revisited: the importance of "risk" to the study of victimization,2016,11,3,335-354,Pratt Age and gender variations in the victimization-offending relationship in a national sample ages 11-88,2016,11,3,355-372,Menard Volatile and violent relationships among women sentenced for homicide in Sweden between 1986 and 2005,2016,11,3,373-391,Nygren Crime victims' perceptions of police behavior legitimacy and cooperation: a review of the literature,2016,11,3,392-435,Kunst Understanding bystander behavior: the influence of and interaction between bystander characteristics and situational factors,2016,11,3,455-481,Brewster Does recent victimization impact confidence in the criminal justice system?,2016,11,3,482-499,McDowall Understanding how the internet facilitates crime and deviance,2016,11,4,501-508,Stalans How targeted enforcement shapes marketing decisions of pimps: evidence of displacement and innovation,2016,11,4,578-599,Stalans Characteristics of drug vendors on the Tor network: a cryptomarket comparison,2016,11,4,600-620,Dolliver Intergenerational transmission of convictions for different types of offenses,2017,12,1,1-20,Farrington The victims' directive and what victims want from restorative justice,2017,12,1,21-42,Gavrielides Gangs gender and violent victimization,2017,12,1,43-70,Fox The complexity of public attitudes toward sex crimes,2017,12,1,71-89,Roberts Social ties collective efficacy and crime-specific fear in Seattle neighborhoods,2017,12,1,90-112,McNeeley Substance-abusing female offenders as victims: chronological sequencing of pathways into the criminal justice system,2017,12,1,113-137,Smith A retrospective analysis of repeated incarceration using a national sample: what makes female inmates different from male inmates?,2017,12,1,138-173,Solinas-Saunders Violent and nonviolent misconduct among female inmates: an exploration of competing theories,2017,12,2,175-204,Lahm Restoring choice: the relationship between offense seriousness intervening time and victims' responses to the offer of restorative interventions,2017,12,2,205-232,Batchelor Does training and coaching matter? An 18-month evaluation of a community supervision model,2017,12,2,233-252,Smith A mixed methods exploratory examination of victim injury and death: effect of weapon type and victim resistance during sexual assaults by strangers,2017,12,2,253-276,Beauregard Exploring the link between being bullied and adolescent substance use,2017,12,2,277-296,Piquero "Victim refuses to cooperate": a focal concerns analysis of victim cooperation in sexual assault cases,2017,12,2,297-322,Spohn Bodies and bullying: the interaction of gender race ethnicity weight and inequality with school victimization,2017,12,2,323-345,Peguero Blaming the victim: perceptions about incarcerated sexual assault victim culpability among a sample of jail correctional officers,2017,12,3,347-380,Lane Precautionary behavior and violent victimization: do safer drinking strategies reduce risk?,2017,12,3,381-400,Daigle The social and geographic patterns of sexual offending: is sex offender residence restriction legislation practical?,2017,12,3,401-433,Kennedy Reaping what they sow? Victim-offender overlap perceptions and victim blaming attitudes,2017,12,3,434-466,Mancini "TO ME ITS [SIC] REAL LIFE": secondary victims of homicide in newer media,2017,12,3,467-496,Yardley Applying violentization: from theory to praxis,2017,12,4,497-522,Athens Professionals' experiences with and perceptions of children exposed to severe and homicidal violence in Sweden,2017,12,4,523-548,Christianson Sex differences in the health risk behavior outcomes of childhood bullying victimization,2017,12,4,549-565,Bouffard Reasons for victims' nonreporting practices in Lagos Nigeria: a qualitative study,2017,12,4,566-586,Ayodele The effect of victimization severity on perceived risk of victimization: analyses using an international sample,2017,12,4,587-609,McGrath The role of forms of traumatic exposure in relational and physical aggression perpetrated by incarcerated men and women,2017,12,4,610-623,Warren Legal cynicism antisocial attitudes and recidivism: implications for a procedurally just community corrections,2017,12,4,624-642,Wright Serial domestic abuse in Wales: an exploratory study into its definition prevalence correlates and management,2017,12,5,643-662,Robinson Juvenile court practitioners' construction of and response to sex trafficking of justice system involved girls,2017,12,5,663-681,Davidson International and African regional instruments to protect rights of child victims of transnational trafficking,2017,12,5,682-699,Warria The link between child abuse and neglect and delinquency: examining the mediating role of social bonds,2017,12,5,700-717,Watts Spending the golden years behind bars: predictors of mental health issues among geriatric prisoners,2017,12,5,718-740,Stoliker What is the hidden figure of delinquency in girls? Scaling up from police charges to self-reports,2017,12,5,761-776,Farrington Continuity and change in adolescent victimization: examining the effects of stable and dynamic influences,2017,12,5,777-799,Sullivan Narratives of being a helper: the presentation of supporters and victims in victim support Sweden,2017,12,5,800-819,Jägervi The extent nature and consequences of school victimization: a review of surveys and recent research,2017,12,6,823-844,Turanovic Placing school victimization in a global context,2017,12,6,845-867,Haner Culture as values or culture in action? Street codes and student violent offending,2017,12,6,868-890,Wilcox Explaining bullying victimization: assessing the generality of the low self-control/risky lifestyle model,2017,12,6,891-912,Pratt Columbine revisited: myths and realities about the bullying-school shootings connection,2017,12,6,939-955,Mears Preventing school shootings: the effectiveness of safety measures,2017,12,6,956-973,Jonson Suicidal ideation among women court-referred to batterer intervention programs,2018,13,2,143-157,Stuart Feminist routine activity theory and sexual assault victimization: estimating risk by perpetrator tactic among sorority women,2018,13,2,158-178,Franklin Sinners and saints: the role of social standing evidence in capital sentencing,2018,13,2,179-195,Daftary-Kapur Police report construction when domestic violence surrounds or involves child-parent relationships,2018,13,2,215-234,Pritchard NIBRS and SHR: a comparison of two national homicide databases with respect to parricide,2018,13,2,235-256,Heide The sexual trafficking of juveniles: a theoretical model,2018,13,2,257-276,Lopez Sexual violence against marginalized victims: choice of victim or victim of choice?,2018,13,2,277-291,Beauregard Victim offender overlap: dual trajectory examination of victimization and offending among young felony offenders over seven years,2018,13,1,1-27,Mulvey Patterns and correlates of offender versatility and specialization across a 23-year span for at-risk young men,2018,13,1,28-47,Capaldi A framework for the judicious use of the polygraph for youth who have committed a sexual crime,2018,13,1,48-65,Yoder Exploring the social and individual differences among victims offenders victim-offenders and total abstainers,2018,13,1,66-83,Barnes Self-efficacy religiosity and crime: profiles of African American youth in urban housing communities,2018,13,1,84-101,Nebbitt Persistent harassment: targets and perpetrators among young adults,2018,13,1,102-121,Matos Comparison of impact of procedural justice and outcome on victim satisfaction: evidence from victims' experience with registration of property crimes in India,2018,13,1,122-141,Kumar School-based violent victimization in Turkey: an examination of the cross-national generality of lifestyle-routine activities and self-control theories,2017,12,6,913-938,Wilcox Tracing the rise of evidence-based juvenile justice in Florida,2018,13,3,312-335,Hay Parenting behavior and juvenile delinquency among low-income families,2018,13,3,336-348,Moitra Routine activity theory target congruence and school context: a multilevel analysis of teacher victimization,2018,13,3,349-372,Wilcox Perceptions of harm criminality and law enforcement response: comparing violence by men against women and violence by women against men,2018,13,3,373-389,Bradley Does professional or social network support meet the needs of victimized and polyvictimized youths in Sweden?,2018,13,3,390-408,Thunberg A life sentence in installments: a qualitative analysis of repeat offending among short-sentenced offenders,2018,13,3,409-426,Winder Does professional or social network support meet the needs of victimized and polyvictimized youths in sweden? Corrigendum,2018,13,3,449, Alcohol-related rape among university students,2018,13,4,471-486,Bennett Stalking on the college campus: the influence of suitable target and guardianship variables on victimization comparing male and female students,2018,13,4,487-503,Stichman Family deviance self-control deviant lifestyles and youth violent victimization: a latent indirect effects analysis,2018,13,4,504-525,Wiesner Similarities and differences in victimization risk factors for nonoffending and offending substance users,2018,13,4,526-541,Skurtveit From victimization to criminalization: general strain theory and the relationship between poly-victimization and delinquency,2018,13,4,542-557,Clement Sexual revictimization among college women: a review through an ecological lens,2018,13,4,558-588,Littleton "Walking in her shoes": the impact of victim impact panels on perpetrators of intimate partner violence,2018,13,6,739-756,Zosky Violent victimization and future expectations: results from a longitudinal study of at-risk youth,2018,13,6,798-813,Daigle Risk avoidance strategies after sexual assault: a dyadic study of survivors and informal support providers,2018,13,6,814-833,Ullman An examination of the effects of different victimization types on psychological and behavioral health outcomes and the mediating role of stress,2018,13,6,834-858,Stoliker Prior bullying delinquency and victimization as predictors of teen dating violence in high school students: evidence of moderation by sex,2018,13,6,859-875,Espelage The new panopticon? Examining the effect of home confinement on criminal recidivism,2018,13,5,589-608,Wong Do you wish to prosecute the person who assaulted you? Untested sexual assault kits and victim notification of rape survivors assaulted as adolescents,2018,13,5,651-674,Campbell An exploration of victimization in the older lesbian population,2018,13,5,693-710,Stacey Disentangling the impact of female victimization across racial and ethnic lines,2018,13,5,711-737,Scott Comparative victim and offender research: cross-national and cross-cultural findings from around the world,2011,6,4,321-324,Jaquier A cross-national examination of fear in disadvantaged schools: U.S. and Israeli-Arab student experiences,2011,6,4,325-340,Addington The impact of violence on at-risk youth in Canada the United States and the Netherlands,2011,6,4,341-355,Brochu A cross-national comparison of externalizing behaviors among high-risk youth and youth gang members in metropolitan Boston Massachusetts and San Salvador El Salvador,2011,6,4,356-369,Vaughn Cyber gender harassment and secondary victimization: a comparative analysis of the United States the UK and India,2011,6,4,386-398,Jaishankar Prevalence and risks of physical and sexual violence against women by nonintimates: an exploratory study across nine countries,2011,6,4,399-415,Johnson Comparative victim and offender research: cross-national and cross-cultural theoretical approaches and methodologies,2011,6,3,241-245,Jaquier Foreign fieldworkers and native participants: a theory of method,2011,6,3,246-259,Lindegaard Researching community restorative justice in Northern Ireland: a cross-cultural challenge,2011,6,3,260-274,Eriksson Breaking from the past: the challenge of documenting intimate partner violence in southeastern Europe,2011,6,3,275-289,Sudderth Assessing school victimization in the United States Guatemala and Israel: Cross-Cultural psychometric analysis of the School Victimization Scale,2011,6,3,290-305,Furlong Impact of medico-legal practices on mortality statistics and their use in comparative research,2011,6,3,306-320,Neuilly Factors related to the completion of domestic violence offender treatment: the Colorado experience,2011,6,2,137-156,Gover Violence against college students and its situational contexts: prevalence patterns and policy implications,2011,6,2,157-180,Miethe Peer influence social bonding physical and relational aggression: perpetration and victimization in an elementary school sample,2011,6,2,181-206,Menard Exploited vulnerability: legal and psychological perspectives on child sex trafficking victims,2011,6,2,207-231,Jones (in)actions speak louder than words: Foucault governmentality and the social construction of rape in the policing landscape,2018,13,7,877-897,Javaid Associations between risky lifestyles and involvement in violent crime during adolescence,2018,13,7,898-920,Engström Bride price cultural and gender identity and husband-to-wife abuse in Ghana,2018,13,7,921-937,Adjei On the need for a biopsychosocial victimology: a foundational model for focusing violence prevention on women and children,2018,13,7,938-954,Tremblay A qualitative analysis of family perspective on treatment services for youths with problematic sexual behavior,2018,13,7,955-973,Silovsky The views of women in prison about help-seeking for intimate partner violence: at the intersection of survivor and offender,2018,13,7,974-994,Day Perspectives of juvenile offenders undergoing victim-offender mediation with their own family members: a qualitative study,2018,13,7,995-1012,Mohammad Target congruence theory and the victim-offender overlap among male youths,2018,13,7,1013-1032,Zavala The evolving police response to individuals with behavioral health challenges (editorial),2018,13,8,1033-1036,Morabito Police interactions with people perceived to have a mental health problem: a critical review of frames terminology and definitions,2018,13,8,1037-1054,Frederick The opioid epidemic and the role of law enforcement officers in saving lives,2018,13,8,1055-1076,Lurigio How police officers assess for mental illnesses,2018,13,8,1077-1092,Wilson Exploring physical force and subject resistance in police encounters with people with behavioral health issues,2018,13,8,1106-1131,Gill Exploring police response to mental health calls in a nonurban area: a case study of Roanoke County Virginia,2018,13,8,1132-1152,Gill Concentrations and specialization of mental health-related calls for police service,2018,13,8,1153-1170,Wuschke Who decides civil commitments? A statewide analysis of initial hold requests,2018,13,8,1171-1192,Bernat Gun carrying and gun victimization among American adolescents: a fresh look at a nationally representative sample,2019,14,1,1-14,Watts Helplessness and hopelessness in adolescents who commit sexual and nonsexual crimes,2019,14,1,15-31,Brown When do people value rehabilitation and restorative justice over the punishment of offenders?,2019,14,1,32-51,Moss Psychological distress formal help-seeking behavior and the role of victim services among violent crime victims,2019,14,1,52-74,Youstin Street crime victimization among homeless adults: a review of the literature,2019,14,1,96-118,Ellsworth Self-control and deviance: a test of the general theory of crime in Argentina,2019,14,1,119-142,Vazsonyi A social-psychological process of "fear of crime" for men and women: revisiting gender differences from a new perspective,2019,14,2,143-164,Hart Gender child maltreatment and delinquency,2019,14,2,165-182,Watts Online pursuit in the twilight zone: cyberstalking perpetration by college students,2019,14,2,183-198,Reyns Under their "control": perceptions of traffickers' power and coercion among international female trafficking survivors during exploitation,2019,14,2,199-221,Preble The need for protection and punishment in victims of violent and nonviolent crime in the Netherlands: the effect of relational distance,2019,14,2,222-238,Pemberton Taking stock of drug courts: do they work?,2019,14,3,283-298,Logan From "whores" to "victims": the rise and status of sex trafficking courts,2019,14,3,299-321,Kulig When a veterans' treatment court fails: lessons learned from a qualitative evaluation,2019,14,3,322-343,Hummer A criminological fly in the ointment: specialty courts and the generality of deviance,2019,14,3,375-386,Pratt Sexual assault victimization fear of sexual assault and self-protective behaviors: a test of general strain theory,2019,14,4,387-407,Archer "It's like standing on a beach holding your children's hands and having a tsunami just coming towards you": intimate partner violence and "expert" assessments in Australian family law,2019,14,4,408-440,Jeffries A model for female-perpetrated domestic violence,2019,14,4,441-461,Steyn A profile of violent offenders in Spanish prisons,2019,14,4,462-479,Vaughn An examination of mental health and psychiatric care among older prisoners in the United States,2019,14,4,480-509,Stoliker Provider perspectives on sex trafficking: victim pathways service needs & blurred boundaries,2019,14,4,510-531,DeHart A safe harbor is temporary shelter not a pathway forward: how court-mandated sex trafficking intervention fails to help girls quit the sex trade,2019,14,5,540-560,McGuire The recursive relationship between substance abuse prostitution and incarceration: voices from a long-term cohort of women,2019,14,5,587-605,Bachman Harlem pimps' reflections on quitting: external and internal reasons,2019,14,5,561-586,Thomas "It's like being an electrician you're gonna get shocked": differences in the perceived risks of indoor and outdoor sex work and its impact on exiting,2019,14,5,625-646,Cimino "God I don't want that woman to be right about me": memorable messages reflected appraisals and women's desistance,2019,14,6,671-691,Stone The influence of self-control on the impact of exposure to violence among youths,2019,14,6,692-711,Brown Reducing victimization among chronically homeless adults with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders: an examination of housing placement and risky lifestyles,2019,14,6,712-726,Zaykowski Familial concentration and distribution of adolescent victimization: an analysis of factors that promote and protect siblings from victimization,2019,14,6,727-744,Beaver How dark are dark figures? Official and self-report rates of inmate-on-inmate victimization,2019,14,6,745-757,GonÇalves The role of childhood victimization on the severity of adult offending among female sex offenders,2019,14,6,758-775,Bensel Sexual victimization of juveniles incarcerated in jails and prisons: an exploratory study of prevalence and risk factors,2019,14,7,793-810,Hummer Victims without a voice: measuring worst forms of child labor in the Indian State of Bihar,2019,14,7,832-858,Dank Victimized twice: a field experiment on the employability of victims,2019,14,7,859-874,Ahmed Understanding the effects of lifestyles and routine activities on adolescents' physical and non-physical peer victimization: a zero-inflated analysis of the 2007 NCVS-SCS,2019,14,7,875-894,Cho Connectedness as a protective factor of sexual victimization among university students,2019,14,7,895-919,Perez-Trujillo Turning back the clock? Violence against women and the Trump administration,2019,14,8,965-978,Rothe Less safe in the ivory tower: campus sexual assault policy in the Trump administration,2019,14,8,979-996,Fisher "Murderers rapists and bad hombres": deconstructing the immigration-crime myths,2019,14,8,1010-1039,Chouhy Will black lives matter to the police? African Americans' concerns about Trump's presidency,2019,14,8,1040-1062,Cullen The effect of social verbal physical and cyberbullying victimization on academic performance,2020,15,1,1-21,Stolzenberg Poly-victimization across time in juvenile justice-involved youth receiving behavioral health treatment,2020,15,1,22-42,Flannery School security measures school environment and avoidance behaviors,2020,15,1,43-59,McNeeley Low self-control harassment perpetration and stalking victimization among Asian college students,2020,15,1,78-102,Piquero A test of time-constraint predictions on residence-to-crime distances among sex offenders,2020,15,1,119-139,Zgoba Exploring violent crime reporting among school-age victims: findings from NCVS SCS 2005-2015,2020,15,2,141-158,Wu The best way out is always through: addressing the problem of untested sexual assault kits (SAKs) through multidisciplinary collaboration,2020,15,2,159-173,Campbell Alt-White? A gendered look at "victim" ideology and the alt-right,2020,15,2,174-196,Scott The degree of specialization among female partner violence offenders and the role of self-defense in its explanation,2020,15,2,197-217,Wolbers Should all violent offenders be treated equally? Perceptions of punishment and rehabilitation for violent offenders with varying attributes,2020,15,2,218-242,Atkin-Plunk "Who are the victims who are the traffickers?" university students' portrayals on human trafficking,2020,15,2,243-266,Matos Victimization and offending in Mexico: the three-pronged security challenges of trafficking kidnapping and smuggling,2020,15,3,291-294,Zhang A gender perspective of migrant kidnapping in Mexico,2020,15,3,295-312,Yates Being a sex worker and migrant in times of trafficking: experiences from the Mexico (Chiapas)-Guatemala border,2020,15,3,313-329,Macedo Race and ethnic differences in fear of property personal and gang victimization among people involved in crime: testing the effects of perceived neighborhood characteristics,2020,15,4,395-417,Lane From childhood victim to adult criminal: racial/ethnic differences in patterns of victimization-offending among Americans in early adulthood,2020,15,4,430-456,Lo Self-reported victimization and cultural participation in Mexico,2020,15,4,457-482,Takeuchi Freedom to post or invasion of privacy? Analysis of U.S. revenge porn state statutes,2020,15,4,483-498,McGuffee A multi-theoretical perspective on cyber dating abuse victimization and perpetration within intimate relationships: a test of general strain social learning and self-control theories,2020,15,4,499-519,Curry Physical health risk factors across traditional bullying and cyberbullying victim and offender groups,2020,15,4,520-547,Wilcox Race and worrying about police brutality: the hidden injuries of minority status in America,2020,15,5,549-573,Cullen "Gladiator school: returning citizens' experiences with secondary violence exposure in prison",2020,15,5,594-618,Peralta Ready to respond: effects of lockdown drills and training on school emergency preparedness,2020,15,5,619-638,Nickerson Are students scared or prepared? Psychological impacts of a multi-option active assailant protocol compared to other crisis/emergency preparedness practices,2020,15,5,639-662,Jonson Examining the moderating role of social bonds in the relationship between school victimization and educational attainment,2020,15,5,663-683,Fisher Lessons from transitional justice? Toward a new framing of a victim-centered approach in the case of historical institutional abuse,2020,15,6,744-770,Hamber Lifetime victimization: identifying frequency and emotional (dis)adjustment among Portuguese and immigrant women,2020,15,6,771-792,Matos Female victims and offenders in South African parricides 1990-2019,2020,15,6,793-809,Moen Toward redemption: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander men's narratives of desistance from sexual offending,2020,15,6,810-833,Richards The survivor network: the role of shared experiences in mass shootings recovery,2021,16,1,20-49,Schildkraut How surrogate impact panels function in the context of intimate partner violence: a mixed-methods study,2021,16,1,50-80,Mankowski Beyond convictions: negotiating procedural and distributive justice in police response to sex crimes victims,2021,16,1,81-98,Ballucci Crime and philanthropy: prosocial and antisocial responses to mass shootings,2021,16,1,99-125,Berrebi Gender identification and the fear of crime: do masculinity and femininity matter in reporting fear of crime?,2021,16,1,126-147,Merlo Addressing the victim-offender overlap: advancing evidence-based research to better service criminally involved people with victimization histories,2021,16,1,148-163,Haggerty When subjective social status matters: moderating effects in the association between victimization and mental health,2021,16,2,165-182,Antunes They must have done something! Socioeconomic status and citizens' support for the victims of violence,2021,16,2,183-202,Zizumbo-Colunga Do different factors explain low- versus high-rate adolescent weapon carrying?,2021,16,2,203-222,Melde Does the neighborhood context shape violent victimization independent of delinquency? A mediation analysis of victimization among German urban adolescents,2021,16,2,223-246,Erdmann Public support for solitary confinement: a randomized experiment of belief updating and confirmation bias,2021,16,2,266-281,Labrecque Internet users' beliefs about a novice-user of child sexual abuse material (CSAM): what can they tell us about introducing offender-focused prevention initiatives?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prichard The effects of police contact and neighborhood context on delinquency and violence,2021,16,4,495-518,Wright Partner violence among female students attending historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in emerging adulthood,2021,16,4,519-539,Paat Mass shootings and routine activities theory: the impact of motivation target suitability and capable guardianship on fatalities and injuries,2021,16,4,565-586,Silva Gender-specific trajectories of maltreatment school engagement and delinquency: the protective role of school engagement,2021,16,4,587-609,Villagrana Understanding cyberbullying victimization from an integrated approach: offline preventive attributes and behavior problems do matter,2021,16,4,610-630,Cao A case study of domestic violence arrests during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Miami-Dade County,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Piquero Pathways to sexual assault case attrition: culture context and case clearance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pattavina Some die young: a follow-up study of young men exposed to violence in Sweden,2021,16,5,652-663,Trygged Risk factors for victimization and the impact of victim status on perceptions of police legitimacy in Australia,2021,16,5,664-685,Wiedlitzka Types of childhood maltreatment neighborhoods and intimate partner violence: an ecological perspective,2021,16,5,686-707,Yohros Immigration and victimization in adolescence and adulthood: findings from a nationally representative sample,2021,16,5,708-722,Beaver Examining patterns of school-based polyvictimization and repeat victimization: a latent class analysis approach,2021,16,5,723-745,Wilcox Exploring human trafficking victimization experiences in Portugal,2021,16,5,746-769,Matos The effects of prior victimization on delinquency type among justice-involved youths,2021,16,6,771-795,Cain How universal is the youth crime drop? Disentangling recent trends in youth offending through a socio-economic lens,2021,16,6,796-818,McCarthy Gender differences in an exploratory model of family problems and stress-related experiences among justice-involved youth,2021,16,6,819-846,Wareham Gender role norm conformity and sexual assault risk among male and female university students,2021,16,6,847-868,Vander Beken Does sexual violence victimization contribute to deviant behavior? A test of general strain theory,2021,16,6,869-892,Constantin What do victim/survivors of sexual violence think about Circles of Support and Accountability?,2021,16,6,893-911,Richards Are victims' rights honored in veterans courts? A statewide assessment of law on the books versus law in action,2021,16,6,912-930,Douds Long-term follow-ups of criminological experiments,2021,16,7,996-1010,Farrington An exploration of the effects of sexual assault victimization among justice-involved youth: urbanity race/ethnicity and sex differences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wareham The effect of polyvictimization on the development of moral disengagement and effects on violent offending in adulthood: emotional and cognitive mediation effects,2021,16,8,1089-1107,Wojciechowski The law of the jungle. the online hate-speech against the Roma in Romania,2021,16,8,1108-1129,Molnar Female offenders as victims of gendered violence by officers of the Nigeria police,2021,16,8,1182-1204,Aborisade The role of preparatory programming in increasing the effectiveness of a sex offender treatment intervention,2022,17,1,22-37,Edwards The role of victim-offender alcohol abuse on crime commission process involved in sexual victimization,2022,17,1,38-59,Beauregard The sexual grooming model of child sex trafficking,2022,17,1,60-77,Jeglic Exploring multiple-perpetrator stalking: victim consequences of solo and multiple stalkers,2022,17,1,78-100,Diaz College as a risk factor for victimization: results from the National Crime Victimization Survey,2022,17,1,101-118,Reyns Social bonds and Latino/a victimization: an examination of mediating and moderating effects,2022,17,1,119-138,Miller Coping strategies adopted by migrant female head-load carriers who experienced IPV,2022,17,1,139-159,Adomako An exploration of measurement invariance across sex in intimate partner violence perpetration,2022,17,2,161-181,Neighbors Interpersonal violence and mental health outcomes: mediation by self-efficacy and coping,2022,17,2,182-198,Prioste Intimate partner violence psychopathy and recidivism: do psychopathic traits differentiate first-time offenders from repeated offenders?,2022,17,2,199-218,GonÇalves Exposure to family violence and risk factors for recidivism in juvenile offenders,2022,17,2,219-237,Pereda Measuring implicit theories of intimate partner violence using a lexical decision task: an exploratory study,2022,17,2,238-257,Ducate Beliefs of social work students in Israel about wife-beating: are they influenced by their patriarchal ideology and exposure to violence in their families-of-origin?,2022,17,2,258-283,Haj-Yahia "My role is important but not critical": why intention matters in the creation of victim assistance units in Israel,2022,17,2,284-312,Gesser The relationship between motivations for joining gangs and violent offending: a preliminary test on self-determination theory,2022,17,3,335-349,Wu Specifying the nature of the victim-offender overlap: a gendered analysis of victimization and offending subtypes,2022,17,3,372-394,Rebellon Heterogeneous impact of victimization on sense of safety: the influence of past victimization,2022,17,3,395-420,Ejrnæs Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Online Sexual Addiction Questionnaire: an exploratory study using a sample of convicted sex offenders,2022,17,4,528-552,Soldino Does stalking behavior improve risk prediction of intimate partner violence?,2022,17,4,553-570,Jung Intimate risks: examining online and offline abuse homicide flags and femicide,2022,17,5,623-646,Harris Deepfakes and domestic violence: perpetrating intimate partner abuse using video technology,2022,17,5,647-659,Lucas Assessing the overlap between cyberstalking victimization and face-to-face sexual victimization among South Korean middle and high school students,2022,17,5,660-678,Dulisse Self-control risky behavior and dating application-facilitated victimization,2022,17,5,693-711,Powers Understanding the overlap of online offending and victimization: using cluster analysis to examine group differences,2022,17,5,712-734,Hawdon Adapting and applying offline theory to online victimization: a test of the shadow of sexual assault hypothesis with fear of online victimization,2022,17,6,795-812,Henson Generalized hate: bias victimization against non-Asian racial/ethnic minorities during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,17,6,848-871,Wenger Barriers to formal help-seeking following sexual violence: review from within an ecological systems framework,2022,17,6,893-918,Littleton The Sexual Grooming Scale - Victim Version: the development and pilot testing of a measure to assess the nature and extent of child sexual grooming,2022,17,6,919-940,Jeglic Misunderstanding and sensemaking among juvenile probation officers working with evidence-based practices,2022,17,7,975-993,McCart Variations in victim presence in restorative youth conferencing programs: the use of surrogate victims increases reparation completion,2022,17,7,994-1008,Wylie Peer support and the management of spoiled identities: re-narrating the victimization experience,2022,17,7,1009-1028,Pemberton "They aim for me" versus "under the radar:" understanding women's experiences in the Oregon criminal legal system through an intersectional lens,2022,17,7,1029-1054,Boppre Stalking perpetration in Hong Kong: exploring the stalker-victim relationship,2022,17,7,1055-1073,Sheridan Childhood and/or adolescence bullying victimization and trajectories of hard drug use from late adolescence to young adulthood,2022,17,7,1074-1087,Guo Communities streets and people: a multi-level study of the correlates of victimization,2022,17,8,1116-1146,Weisburd Risk constructs behind Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jung A veneer of idyllic but [un]safe dirt roads: young women's pathways to safety and belonging behind prison walls,2023,18,1,3-22,Terry "Nevertheless she persisted:" confronting the silencing and reproduction of gender-based violence among U.S. asylum seekers,2023,18,1,23-50,Melander Differences in adverse childhood experiences and coercive control among Native American and non-Native American justice-involved women,2023,18,1,51-76,Worthen Understanding intimate partner cyber abuse across partnership categories based on gender identity and sexual orientation,2023,18,1,77-100,Fisher Queering title IX: protecting transgender and gender non-conforming students from discrimination harassment and violence,2023,18,1,101-121,Ratajczak Risk and danger among the "invisible": bisexual IPV victimization lifestyle factors and feelings of marginalization,2023,18,1,122-140,Outlaw Navigating biases and distrust of systems: American and Canadian intimate partner violence service providers' experiences with trans and immigrant women clients,2023,18,1,141-168,Slakoff Fear of victimization among LGBQ non-binary and transgender college and university students in the United States,2023,18,1,169-193,Rader Understanding predictors of violent and non-violent crime victimization among Asian-American/Pacific Islanders,2023,18,1,194-216,Lee Tough or no love? Parental migration and children's exposure to corporal punishment and neglect in rural China,2023,18,1,217-236,Wu Sexual minority vulnerability and fear of victimization,2023,18,2,237-263,Cook Knowing a rape victim personal sexual victimization experience and gender predicting rape victim empathy,2023,18,2,264-278,Osman The influence of self-control on social learning regarding intimate partner violence perpetration,2023,18,2,279-297,Zavala Design and pilot evaluation of a cross-training curriculum for intimate partner violence advocates and peer recovery coaches,2023,18,2,298-318,Halim What is distinctive about the sexual victimization of female adolescents? A comparison with the sexual victimization of children and adults,2023,18,2,319-337,Paquette The relationship between sextortion during COVID-19 and pre-pandemic intimate partner violence: a large study of victimization among diverse U.S. men and women [corrected version],2023,18,2,338-355,Eaton The impacts of COVID-19 on criminal legal proceedings and victim advocacy for sexual assault survivors,2023,18,2,356-373,Campbell Criminal justice system processing and victimization: results from a longitudinal study of males and females,2023,18,2,374-391,Beaver Reforming the criminal justice response to human trafficking victims and offenders: an introduction,2023,18,3,393-398,Reid The wrong rite of passage: comparing sex trafficking to other types of child maltreatment using the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS),2023,18,3,399-422,Richards Toward a typology of child sex traffickers: using crime script analysis to inform prevention,2023,18,3,423-446,Fox Exploring the physical mental and social health issues of sex trafficking victims by stage of exploitation,2023,18,3,447-472,Kulig Disrupting labor trafficking in the agricultural sector: looking at opportunities beyond law enforcement interventions,2023,18,3,473-511,Farrell Defining worthy victims: socioeconomic factors associated with state-level legislative decisions to prevent the criminalization of sexually exploited children in the United States,2023,18,3,512-542,Price Commercial sexual exploitation victims treated as offenders: examining the gendered risk factors of incarcerated youth charged with prostitution,2023,18,3,543-571,Cain On the illegality of sex work and the impact on victimization health and human trafficking: is criminalization a cure or disease?,2023,18,3,572-585,Fox From responding to uncertainties and ambiguities to more constructive and inclusive debates on commercial sex and sex trafficking,2023,18,3,586-606,Reid Teacher victimization patterns establishing a group-based trajectory approach to assessing predictors of connectedness to school job satisfaction and depression,2023,18,4,607-622,McCluskey Media consumption and fear of crime: evidence of the need for an intersectional approach,2023,18,4,691-714,Dierenfeldt "Someone who has been in my shoes": the effectiveness of a peer support model for providing support to partners family and friends of child sexual abuse material offenders,2023,18,4,715-731,Salter Men can be victims too: latent class analysis of extrafamilial male-on-male sexual assault scripts,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Sharing experiences and seeking informal justice online: a grounded theory analysis of Zoombombing victimization on Reddit,2023,18,5,988-1007,Lee The effects of victimization on offending: an examination of general strain theory criminal propensity risk protection and resilience,2023,18,6,1009-1029,Fagan Aggression toward teachers and negative consequences: the moderating effects of procedural justice,2023,18,6,1030-1045,McCluskey Minority victim neglect and the case processing of firearm crimes,2023,18,6,1046-1069,Rosenfeld Steering clear of crime: the strategies used by probationers and parolees to reduce resist and replace reoffending risks,2023,18,6,1093-1112,Schaefer "See what we see": law enforcement perceptions on using cameras for evidence collection in domestic violence cases,2023,18,6,1148-1165,Backes Non-police intervention consideration by ethnic minorities: the case of Arab citizens of Israel,2023,18,6,1166-1183,Rosenberg Women lifers: what the United States Sentencing Commission data tell us about women eligible for and sentenced to life without parole,2023,18,8,1425-1445,Spohn Community violence and code of the streets: a person-centered examination of general strain theory,2023,18,8,1630-1649,Howell The impact of intimate partner violence on women in criminal courts: beyond the victim-survivor dichotomy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aizpitarte Uncovering justice interests of victims of serious crimes: a cross-sectional study,2024,19,2,137-159,Bolívar A qualitative examination of Swedish police officers' perceptions of victim culpability,2024,19,2,160-178,Eliasson Victimization can lead to transgression: exploring the psychometric properties of the short stressful life events questionnaire in adolescents,2024,19,2,179-207,Perez-Luco Victimization portrayals on popular crime shows & comparisons to the NCVS,2024,19,2,208-231,Whiteford Predictors of college students' concern about campus gun violence: a comparison of men and women,2024,19,2,232-255,Reyns Examining the role of low self-control and psychopathy in explaining poly-victimization,2024,19,2,280-300,Boisvert 'What happened to me does not define who I am': narratives of resilience in survivor victim impact statements,2024,19,2,329-347,Sailofsky Examining walking-waiting sexual assaults from previously untested sexual assault kits: the intersection of stranger and outdoor sexual assaults,2024,19,2,348-370,Flannery Pathological teasing and bullying turned deadly: Shooters and suicide,2006,1,1,1-14,Burgess Self-injurious behaviors in corrections: Informal social control and institutional responses in a state prison system,2012,7,1,30-52,Doty