Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Neuroproteomic methods in spinal cord injury,2009,566,,57-67,Chen Clinical and model research of neurotrauma,2009,566,,41-55,Pal Models of chronic alcohol exposure and dependence,2012,829,,205-230,Knapp The pemoline model of self-injurious behaviour,2012,829,2,155-163,Devine Behavioral model for assessing cognitive decline,2012,829,,145-153,Guidi Modeling depression in animal models,2012,829,,125-144,Overstreet Animal models of self-injurious behaviour: an overview,2012,829,,65-84,Devine The hazard analysis and critical control point system in food safety,2004,268,,235-280,Herrera The chemical synthesis of α-conotoxins and structurally modified analogs with enhanced biological stability,2013,1081,,13-34,Banerjee The "white kidney bean incident" in Japan,2014,1200,,39-45,Ogawa Neural stem cell transplantation in an animal model of traumatic brain injury,2014,1210,,9-21,Thomaidou Use of smartphones and portable media devices for quantifying human movement characteristics of gait tendon reflex response and Parkinson's disease hand tremor,2015,1256,,335-358,Lemoyne Tips and tricks for successful application of statistical methods to biological data,2016,1366,,271-285,Schlenker Challenging the paradigms of experimental TBI models: from preclinical to clinical practice,2016,1462,,735-740,Tortella Magnetic resonance imaging in experimental traumatic brain injury,2016,1462,,645-658,Li Detecting behavioral deficits post traumatic brain injury in rats,2016,1462,,573-596,Awwad Closed-head TBI model of multiple morbidity,2016,1462,,521-536,Thompson Combined neurotrauma models: experimental models combining traumatic brain injury and secondary insults,2016,1462,,393-411,Kochanek Modeling pediatric brain trauma: piglet model of controlled cortical impact,2016,1462,,345-356,Dodge Pediatric Rodent Models of Traumatic Brain Injury,2016,1462,,325-343,Noble-Haeusslein A porcine model of traumatic brain injury via head rotational acceleration,2016,1462,,289-324,Browne Experimental models for neurotrauma research,2016,1462,,267-288,Davidsson Impact acceleration model of diffuse traumatic brain injury,2016,1462,,253-266,Ziebell Lateral (parasagittal) fluid percussion model of traumatic brain injury,2016,1462,,231-251,Lyeth Midline (central) fluid percussion model of traumatic brain injury,2016,1462,,211-230,Lifshitz Weight drop models in traumatic brain injury,2016,1462,,193-209,Whalen The controlled cortical impact model of experimental brain trauma: overview research applications and protocol,2016,1462,,177-192,Dixon Cellular mechanisms and behavioral outcomes in blast-induced neurotrauma: comparing experimental setups,2016,1462,,119-138,Vandevord Bridging the gap of standardized animals models for blast neurotrauma: methodology for appropriate experimental testing,2016,1462,,101-118,Vandevord Systematic review of traumatic brain injury animal models,2016,1462,,61-88,Phipps Traumatic brain injury models in animals,2016,1462,,47-59,Rostami Rodent models of traumatic brain injury: methods and challenges,2016,1462,,29-46,Marklund The history and evolution of experimental traumatic brain injury models,2016,1462,,3-7,Povlishock Enzymatic detection of traumatic brain injury related biomarkers,2017,1572,,89-112,La Belle Genome to phenome: a systems biology approach to ptsd using an animal model,2017,1598,,117-154,Hammamieh Biofluid proteomics and biomarkers in traumatic brain injury,2017,1598,,45-63,Mondello A controlled cortical impact preclinical model of traumatic brain injury,2018,1727,,385-391,Cuzzocrea An in vitro model of traumatic brain injury,2018,1717,,219-227,Salvador A mouse controlled cortical impact model of traumatic brain injury for studying blood-brain barrier dysfunctions,2018,1717,,37-52,Davis A lateral fluid percussion injury model for studying traumatic brain injury in rats,2018,1717,,27-36,Molina Predictive systems toxicology,2018,1800,,535-557,Kiani Disaster prevention and recovery,2019,1897,,31-41,Eng The Pemoline Model of Self-Injurious Behavior: An Update,2019,2011,,95-103,Devine Animal models of self-injurious behavior: an update,2019,2011,,41-60,Devine Contusion rodent model of traumatic brain injury: controlled cortical impact,2021,2193,,49-65,Plesnila The Intelligent Phenotypic Plasticity Platform (IP(3)) for precision medicine-based injury prevention in sport,2022,2393,,877-903,Silva Irreversible Enzyme Inhibition Kinetics and Drug-Drug Interactions,2021,2342,,51-88,Hall Mapping the lipolytic proteome of adipose tissue using fluorescent suicide inhibitors,2009,579,,497-511,Schicher High-resolution capillary gas chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry for quantification of three major polyamines in postmortem brain cortex,2011,720,,427-436,Turecki