Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risk perceptions of dating violence among college women: The role of experience and depressive symptoms,2008,27,6,600-620,Harding Blame for intimate partner violence: An attributional analysis,2006,25,6,647-667,Lohr Putting the relationship between social anxiety and alcohol use into context: A daily diary investigation of drinking in response to embarrassing events,2011,30,6,599-615,Tennen Change and Stability in Active and Passive Social Influence Dynamics during Natural Drinking Events: A Longitudinal Measurement-Burst Study,2012,31,1,51-80,Tennen Sexual Assault Perpetration by College Men: The Role of Alcohol Misperception of Sexual Intent and Sexual Beliefs and Experiences,1998,17,2,167-195,Abbey Effects of Gender and Specific Dating Behaviors on Perceptions of Sex Willingness and Date Rape,1992,11,1,14-25,Bostwick The Psychological Aftermath of Rape: Long-Term Effects and Individual Differences in Recovery,1987,5,4,525-534,Roth Low emotional trust in mothers is associated with increased suicide attempts in inpatient adolescents with depressive symptoms,2017,36,3,221-237,Sharp Peer victimization and eating disorder symptoms in college students,2017,36,5,419-436,Gordon Daily stressful experiences precede but do not succeed depressive symptoms: results from a longitudinal experience sampling study,2017,36,3,196-220,Kuppens The darker aspects of motivation: pathological personality traits and the fundamental social motives,2017,36,2,87-107,Zeigler-Hill Values goals and motivations associated with psychopathy,2017,36,2,108-125,Glenn Dysphoria failure and suicide: level of depressive symptoms moderates effects of failure on implicit thoughts of suicide and death,2017,36,1,1-21,Pyszczynski Social surrogate use in those exposed to trauma: I get by with a little help from my (fictional) friends,2017,36,1,41-63,Read Interpersonal mediating mechanism underlying insecure attachment and depression in people with major depressive disorder,2017,36,1,64-86,Lee Perceived burdensomeness and suicidality: two studies on the suicide notes of those attempting and those completing suicide,2002,21,5,531-545,Lester General interpersonal and gender role specific risk factors of postpartum depressive symptoms in fathers,2019,38,7,545-567,Simonsen Parental bonding and hostility: examining the links between sex differences hostility anger and aggression,2019,38,7,568-584,Ingram Perceived burdensomeness among adolescents: a mixed-methods analysis of the contexts in which perceptions of burdensomeness occur,2019,38,7,585-604,Pettit Emotion regulation in context: social connectedness moderates concurrent and prospective associations with depressive symptoms,2019,38,7,605-626,MarroquĂ­n A short-term intervention for adolescents with callous-unemotional traits and emotion-processing deficits,2019,38,6,475-500,Barry Anxiety buffer disruption: relationship threat death anxiety and coping appraisals among low and high posttraumatic stress symptom samples,2019,38,6,501-521,Edmondson Attachment orientations moderate the self-amplifying cycle of posttraumatic stress disorder and negative cognitions--a seven-year longitudinal study,2019,38,6,522-544,Mikulincer The effect of expressive writing on symptoms of depression in college students: randomized controlled trial,2019,38,5,427-450,Short Compassionate goals predict social support and PTSD symptoms following a university shooting: a moderated mediation analysis,2019,38,4,277-300,McGuire Depressive adolescent girls exhibit atypical social decision-making in an iterative trust game,2019,38,3,224-244,Ernst Bidirectional relationships between stress depressive symptoms and cognitive vulnerabilities in adolescents,2019,38,2,87-112,Calvete Self-distancing may be harmful: third-person writing increases levels of depressive symptoms compared to traditional expressive writing and no writing,2019,38,1,50-69,Haeffel Examining time perspective orientation in suicide ideation and suicide attempts,2019,38,8,627-646,Klonsky Aging with honor: examining ambivalent ageism and interpersonal risk-factors for suicide as explanations for the honor-suicide link,2019,38,9,721-750,Brown Meaning in life drives reductions in suicide risk among acutely suicidal soldiers receiving a crisis response plan,2019,38,9,774-787,Bryan Harmful attributions: the role of mind perception,2019,38,9,788-809,Silva Exploring preference to avoid or seek help in person and online among college students with suicidal ideation,2019,38,10,811-835,Ward-Ciesielski The impact of thwarted belonging on tolerance of abusive behaviors in a romantic relationship,2020,39,1,1-24,Trujillo Can need for affect and sexuality differentiate suicide risk in three community samples?,2017,36,8,704-722,Wright Life meaning is predictive of improved hopelessness and depression recovery in depressed veterans,2017,36,8,629-650,Fisher Expectations of contagion following suicide: Does surrounding information make a difference?,1999,18,4,436-449,Range The past and possible futures of hope,2000,19,1,11-28,Snyder Self-awareness and constructive functioning: Revisiting "the human dilemma",2004,23,4,475-489,Silvia "The black struggle": Metaphors of depression in Styron's Darkness Visible,2004,23,3,325-346,Schoeneman On buckeyes gators Super Bowl Sunday and the miracle on ice: "Pulling together" is associated with lower suicide rates,2006,25,2,179-195,Joiner Jr. Childhood and suicidal ideation a clinical military sample: Military unit cohesion and intimate: Relationship as protective factors,2011,30,4,361-377,Bush Interpersonal suicide risk and ideation: The influence of depression and social anxiety,2011,30,8,842-855,Wingate Affective and behavioral paths toward the acquired capacity for suicide,2012,31,1,81-100,Joiner Preliminary evidence that thoughts of thwarted belongingness mediate the relations between level of attachment insecurity and depression and suicide-related thoughts in inpatient adolescents,2014,33,5,428-447,Sharp The interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide and exposure to video game violence,2014,33,6,512-535,Joiner A moderated mediation analysis of suicide proneness among lesbian gay and bisexual community members,2015,34,7,622-641,Graham The cultural context of loneliness: Risk factors in active duty soldiers,2016,35,10,865-882,Thomas Adapted to fear: Fearlessness about death is associated with heart rate variability,2020,39,9,842-860,Smith Existential isolation loneliness depression and suicide ideation in young adults,2020,39,8,641-674,Greenberg Positive and negative affective processes associated with firearm acquisition and ownership,2020,39,10,861-875,Bryan The prevalence and correlates of suicidality in a sample of adolescents in Guangdong China,2020,39,2,77-100,Xu Making the case for a preferences in information processing model of suicide,2021,40,4,359-380,Rasmussen Burnout surface acting and suicidal ideation among military personnel: results of a longitudinal cohort study,2022,41,6,593-610,Ammendola Attachment styles and suicidal thoughts and behaviors: A meta-Analysis,2023,42,4,323-364,Renaud Depression perceived burdensomeness thwarted belongingness and suicide risk trajectories among emerging adults during the early covid-19 pandemic,2023,42,5,487-510,Wang Gender differences in the association of trauma exposure and firearm availability among active duty servicemembers and military retirees,2023,42,2,125-144,May