Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Content analysis of suicide notes as a test of the motivational component of the existential-constructivist model of suicide,2007,85,2,182-188,Lester Duty-to-warn guidelines for mental health counselors,1994,72,4,346-350,Costa Legal and ethical issues involved when counseling minors in nonschool settings,2000,78,2,130-136,Lawrence Female intimate partner violence survivors' experiences with accessing resources,2010,88,3,303-310,Hays Sibling maltreatment: The forgotten abuse,2007,85,2,148-160,Kiselica After the shooting stops,1987,65,7,389-390,Collison Aggression replacement training,1987,65,7,356-362,Goldstein A comparison of cognitive-behavioral and process-oriented group counseling for general anger counseling,1990,69,2,167-172,Deffenbacher Personal violence in the schools: The role of the counselor,1987,65,7,372-375,Nuttall Connections Between Childhood Abuse and HIV Infection,1991,70,2,309-313,Allers Law Enforcement Officers: The Consequences of Exposure to Violence,1987,65,7,381-384,Anderson Preventing Child Suicide: The Elementary School Death Education Puppet Show,1985,63,5,311-312,Bernhardt The Juvenile Counseling and Assessment Model and Program: A Conceptualization and Intervention for Juvenile Delinquency,2001,79,2,131-141,Glaser Road rage: risk factors assessment and intervention strategies,2004,82,2,191-198,Sharkin The foundation of counseling in the Republic of Ecuador,2013,91,1,120-124,Smith Psychological Help-Seeking Intention among College Students across Three Problem Areas,2013,91,3,321-330,Hess The effects of school bonding on high school seniors' academic achievement,2012,90,4,467-480,Lin The power of language and labels: "the mentally ill" versus "people with mental illnesses",2016,94,1,31-40,Granello The relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation,2016,94,1,3-12,Wester Suicide intervention training for K-12 schools: a quasi-experimental study on ASIST,2017,95,1,3-13,Shannonhouse Undue police violence toward African Americans: an analysis of professional counselors' training and perceptions,2021,99,4,363-371,Green Counseling interventions for victims of intimate partner violence: a systematic review,2023,101,3,346-358,Carlson Sensation seeking and adolescent drinking: do protective behavioral strategies lower risk?,2022,100,4,352-363,Mastroleo Suicidality in schizophrenia: Implications for the counseling profession,2000,78,4,496-499,Schwartz Rational suicide: An empirical investigation of counselor attitudes,2001,79,3,365-372,Werth Jr. A primer on suicidology: Implications for counselors,2002,80,3,380-383,Laux Amicus curiae brief for the United States Supreme Court on mental health issues associated with "physician-assisted suicide",2002,80,2,160-172,Werth Jr. Counseling for suicide: Client perspectives,2002,80,1,86-93,Paulson Social isolation of youth at risk: Conceptualizations and practical implications,2002,80,4,403-409,Hazler Validity of the Suicide Assessment Checklist in an emergency crisis center,2002,80,4,493-502,Rogers Suicide by teenagers in middle school: A postvention team approach,2005,83,4,397-405,Packman Psychosocial treatments for major depression and dysthymia in older Adults: A review of the research literature,2006,84,2,192-201,Zalaquett The escalating incidence of suicide among African Americans: Implications for counselors,2007,85,3,370-377,Day-Vines The process of suicide risk assessment: Twelve core principles,2010,88,3,363-370,Granello Coping reasons for living and suicide in black college students,2012,90,4,459-466,Wang Affective constellations for countertransference awareness following a client's suicide attempt,2015,93,3,352-360,Cureton SHORES: A Practical Mnemonic for Suicide Protective Factors,2019,97,3,325-335,Fink The context of disclosing suicidality: An exploration with attempt survivors,2022,100,2,183-193,Glover Suicide and Alcohol: Conceptualizing the Relationship From a Cognitive‐Social Paradigm,1992,70,4,540-543,Rogers Female Suicide: The Trend Toward Increased Lethality in Method of Choice and Its Implications,1990,69,1,37-38,Rogers Group Facilitation of the Grieving Process With Those Bereaved by Suicide,1991,69,4,328-331,Freeman Self‐Psychology Shame and Adolescent Suicide: Theoretical and Practical Considerations,1991,69,4,305-311,Shreve Multiculturalism and rehabilitation counselor training: Recommendations for providing culturally appropriate counseling services to American Indians with disabilities,1991,70,1,225-234,Martin Women and AIDS: Implications for counseling,1991,69,3,285-287,Ybarra Confidential grief: How counselors cope with client suicide,2023,101,4,461-474,Pérez