Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bayesian integration and non-linear feedback control in a full-body motor task,2009,5,12,e1000629,Stevenson Slower Visuomotor Corrections with Unchanged Latency are Consistent with Optimal Adaptation to Increased Endogenous Noise in the Elderly,2010,6,3,e1000708,D'Andrea Do humans optimally exploit redundancy to control step variability in walking?,2010,6,7,e1000856,John Risk-Sensitive Optimal Feedback Control Accounts for Sensorimotor Behavior under Uncertainty,2010,6,7,e1000857,Wolpert A New Integrated Variable Based on Thermometry Actimetry and Body Position (TAP) to Evaluate Circadian System Status in Humans,2010,6,11,e1000996,Ortiz-Tudela Discovery of regulatory elements is improved by a discriminatory approach,2009,5,11,e1000562,Valen A neurodynamic account of spontaneous behaviour,2011,7,10,e1002221,Namikawa Traffic instabilities in self-organized pedestrian crowds,2012,8,3,e1002442,Moussaïd Humans can adopt optimal discounting strategy under real-time constraints,2006,2,11,e152,Schweighofer Priors engaged in long-latency responses to mechanical perturbations suggest a rapid update in state estimation,2013,9,8,e1003177,Crevecoeur Leadership and Path Characteristics during Walks Are Linked to Dominance Order and Individual Traits in Dogs,2014,10,1,e1003446,Kubinyi Brain and behavior in decision-making,2014,10,7,e1003700,Heathcote Mapping shape to visuomotor mapping: learning and generalisation of sensorimotor behaviour based on contextual information,2015,11,3,e1004172,Ernst Existence and control of go/no-go decision transition threshold in the striatum,2015,11,4,e1004233,Kumar The decay of motor memories is independent of context change detection,2015,11,6,e1004278,Smith Learning to estimate dynamical state with probabilistic population codes,2015,11,11,e1004554,Makin Modeling the adenosine system as a modulator of cognitive performance and sleep patterns during sleep restriction and recovery,2017,13,10,e1005759,Klerman Humans use multi-objective control to regulate lateral foot placement when walking,2019,15,3,e1006850,Dingwell The formation of preference in risky choice,2019,15,8,e1007201,Usher Humans adapt their anticipatory eye movements to the volatility of visual motion properties,2020,16,4,e1007438,Montagnini Measurable health effects associated with the daylight saving time shift,2020,16,6,e1007927,Edgren A computational account of threat-related attentional bias,2019,15,10,e1007341,Dolan Avoiding the bullies: the resilience of cooperation among unequals,2021,17,4,e1008847,Foley Motor-related signals support localization invariance for stable visual perception,2022,18,3,e1009928,Benucci Interactions between sensory prediction error and task error during implicit motor learning,2022,18,3,e1010005,Ivry Analysis of emergent patterns in crossing flows of pedestrians reveals an invariant of 'stripe' formation in human data,2022,18,6,e1010210,Warren Hindcasts and forecasts of suicide mortality in US: a modeling study,2023,19,3,e1010945,Gould OpenCap: Human movement dynamics from smartphone videos,2023,19,10,e1011462,Ko Using normative modeling and machine learning for detecting mild traumatic brain injury from magnetoencephalography data,2023,19,11,e1011613,Parkkonen Sleep deprivation detected by voice analysis,2024,20,2,e1011849,Leger Older adults select different but not simpler strategies than younger adults in risky choice,2024,20,6,e1012204,Pachur