Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Psychological aspects of cranio-encephalic injuries,1965,14,1,131-139,Groisman Problems of behaviour disorder and delinquency in adolescents and its treatment,1968,17,1,7-23,Shapiro Mental disease: a way of life or a vital accident. A phenomenological-existential approach to psychopathology,1968,17,1,71-82,Chalub Drug therapy and psychotherapy of depression,1969,18,3,247-254,Grabowski Suicide in Brazil from 2000 to 2012,2015,64,1,45-54,dos Santos Behavior problems and overweight in preschool children in southern Brazil,2017,66,1,29-37,Matijasevich Construction and validation of the Scale for the Identification of Psychopathological Symptoms in Schoolchildren (SIPSS),2017,66,2,65-72,Bittencourt Suicide mortality according to methods used in Paraná State: an epidemiological analysis,2017,66,2,73-82,de Rosa Self-injury and suicide attempt among the elderly population in the city of São Paulo,2017,66,2,83-88,Rodrigues Psychiatric symptoms and sociodemographic characteristics associated with the attempted suicide of cocaine and crack users under treatment,2017,66,2,89-95,Silva Exposure to physical and sexual violence and suicidal ideation among schoolchildren,2017,66,2,96-103,Horta Trend of declining suicide mortality rate in Paraná Brazil: contribution to public mental health policies,2017,66,3,157-163,de Rosa Sedentary behavior as discriminator of common mental disorders in elderly,2017,66,4,183-188,dos Santos Identification of aspects associated with attempted suicide by poisoning,2017,66,4,197-202,Sougey Mortality trend due to intentionally self-inflicted injuries in Brazil from 2004 to 2014,2017,66,4,203-210,Casotti Prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors and its association with body dissatisfaction in adolescents,2018,67,1,3-9,Pelegrini The sexual violence occurred in childhood is associated with undergraduate student's life quality,2018,67,1,10-17,Stelko-Pereira Suicide in Portugal: image of the country,2018,67,1,25-33,Nunes Relationship between mental health and everyday cognitive failures: role of internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2018,67,2,74-79,Ferreira Family interactions of students in bullying situations,2018,67,3,151-158,Silva Factorial structure of the Beck Depression Inventory for depression in university students,2018,67,3,174-178,Campo-Arias Suicide mortality among adolescents in Brazil: increasing time trend between 2000 and 2015,2019,68,1,1-7,Cicogna Temporal and spatial dynamics and factors related to suicide mortality among the elderly,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Silva Prehospital care for suicide attempts: a cross-sectional study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mascarenhas Assessment of suicidal behavior in medical students,2022,71,2,83-91,Lovisi Suicide attempt: prevalence and associated factors among users of primary health care,2022,71,2,133-140,Aguiar Panic and suicide,1998,47,12,647-655,Nascimento Lithium acute intoxication: Epidemiologic study of the causes,1999,48,9,399-403,De Almeida Teixeira Prevalence of organic diseases in depressed patients,1999,48,2,71-74,Deitos Stressful life events and its relation with suicide attempts in adolescents,1999,48,4,151-157,Feijó Depressive disorder diagnosis in childhood and adolescence,2000,49,10-12,367-382,Reis Epidemiology of suicide - A revision of the literature,2000,49,6,193-202,Grossi Clozapine preliminary official guidelines for Brazilian mental hospitals: Critical appraisal and suggestions,2001,50,3-4,99-119,Frota Suicide: The Dorian Gray metaphor,2001,50,3-4,69-76,Pellizzari The ethics of the use of placebo in clinical studies,2001,50,7-8,241-245,Andreatini Mortality by suicide in the municipal district of Maringá PR Brazil,2002,51,2,101-111,Grossi Hepatitis C interferon and depression: A review (from the substance-induced depression series),2003,52,2,117-126,Brasil Problem-solving flexibility in suicide attempters,2005,54,2,128-136,Keller Risk of violence and precariousness of healthcare resources for acute cases,2005,54,2,155-156,Dalgalarrondo Risk factors for suicide and suicide attempt: Incidence stressful events and mental disorders,2005,54,2,146-154,Prieto Depression prevalence among university students,2006,55,4,264-267,Cavestro Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients in hemodialysis in the state of Bahia,2006,55,3,178-183,Moura Jr. Suicide risk in alcohol-dependent patient with depression,2006,55,1,70-73,Spear King Depression and anxiety in adolescents from public and private schools,2007,56,3,171-179,Jatobá Risk of suicide in hemodyalisis patient: Evolution and mortality in three years,2008,57,1,44-51,Moura Jr. Music preference and suicide risk among youths,2009,58,1,26-33,Pimentel Psyquiatry medical error - A clinical case,2009,58,1,49-51,Rocha Suicide attempts and suicide in a municipality of Pomerana culture inside the state of Espírito Santo,2009,58,4,238-244,Macente Suicide attempts and substance use in an emergency room sample,2009,58,2,86-91,Diehl Suicide among inmates hospitalized in a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital,2009,58,2,92-96,Neto Evaluation of the completeness of the System of Information on Mortality of suicide in the Southeast region Brazil from 1996 to 2007,2010,59,3,173-181,Macente Suicidal ideation in adolescence: Prevalence and associated factors,2010,59,4,286-292,Souza A study of the historic series on mortality per suicide in espírito Santo Brazil (from 1980 to 2006),2011,60,3,151-157,Macente Suicide attempts and suicide mortality in a countryside Bahia City,2011,60,4,294-300,Souza Adherence to drug treatment among schizophrenic spectrum patients: A systematic review of the literature,2012,61,4,242-251,Lovisi Inequalities in suicide mortality between indigenous and non-indigenous people in the State of Amazonas Brazil,2013,62,4,245-252,de Souza Pre-hospital attendance to suicide attempts,2014,63,1,16-22,Nardi Presence of dual diagnosis between users and non-users of licit and illicit drugs in Brazil,2015,64,4,288-295,Formiga Risk factors for suicide in multiple sclerosis: A case-control study,2015,64,4,303-306,Nardi Risk indicators for attempted suicide for poisoning: A study case-control,2015,64,3,193-199,Raposo Assessing treatment response to prophylactic lithium use in patients with bipolar disorder,2016,65,1,9-16,Lima e Silva Suicide attempts and suicides in the pre-hospital care,2016,65,3,231-238,De Oliveira Social anxiety symptoms in alcohol-dependent outpatients: Prevalence severity and predictors,2016,65,2,117-126,Torres Suicide mortality among adolescents in Brazil: increasing time trend between 2000 and 2015,2019,68,1,,Cicogna Alleged amnesia in sexual crime,2020,69,3,197-200,Leal Suicide and associated factors across life span,2020,69,1,3-12,Franck Suicide thoughts among transgender population: An epidemiological study,2020,69,1,13-22,Corrêa The characteristics of suicide attempts assisted by first responders: A cross-sectional epidemiological study,2020,69,4,239-246,de Magalhães Characterization of deaths by suicide between 2013-2017,2021,70,3,203-210,Gomes Erratum to: Suicide mortality among adolescents in Brazil: Increasing time trend between 2000 and 2015 (J Bras Psiquiatr. 2019;68 (1): 1-7),2021,70,3,e280, Epidemiological profile and temporal trend of suicide mortality in adolescents,2021,70,3,224-235,Machado Prevalence and characteristics of self-inflicted exogenous violence and intoxication: a study from a database on notifications,2021,70,4,293-301,Gomes Psychiatric hospitalizations in brazil: Exploratory and trend analysis from 2009 to 2019,2021,70,1,39-44,da Silva Relationship between levels of mindfulness and substance use pattern,2021,70,3,1-8,Cruz Suicide cases in developed and emerging countries: an analysis using wavelets,2021,70,3,193-202,Ferreira Suicidal ideation as a factor associated with burnout syndrome in medical students,2021,70,2,91-98,Carro The complex relationship between neuropsychiatric disorders and infectious diseases: Past present and the future of research,2021,70,4,371-372,Nardi What would be the psychiatric diagnosis of D. Maria I the "mad queen"?,2021,70,3,275-279,Nardi The bipolarity of Alberto Santos-Dumont: flights and falls of the "Father of Aviation",2022,71,1,63-68,Cheniaux A neurobiologia do suicídio: evidências do papel do sistema serotoninérgico,2002,51,6,397-404,Romano-Silva Aspectos preventivos dos riscos de suicídio,1999,48,8,363-6,Costa Aspectos epidemiológicos entre tentativas de suicídio e suicídios no município de Ribeiräo Preto,1999,48,5,209-15,Vansan Avaliação da completude do sistema de informação sobre mortalidade por suicídio na região Sudeste Brasil no período de 1996 a 2007,2010,59,3,173-181,Macente Completude do sistema de informação sobre mortalidade por suicídio em idosos no estado da Bahia,2013,62,2,131-138,Casotti Comorbidades clínicas e psiquiátricas em pacientes com transtorno bipolar do tipo I,2011,60,4,271-276,Rocha Distorções do pensamento em pacientes deprimidos: frequência e tipos,2010,59,1,28-33,Sougey Depressão e ansiedade em adolescentes de escolas públicas e privadas,2007,56,3,171-179,Jatobá Erro médico em psiquiatria: caso clínico,2009,58,1,49-51,Paulino Epidemiologia do suicídio - uma revisäo da literatura,2000,49,6,193-202,Marturano Eventos estressores de vida e sua relaçäo com tentativas de suicídio em adolescentes,1999,48,4,151-7,Feijó Flexibilidade na resolução de problemas em tentadores de suicídio,2005,54,2,128-136,Werlang Fatores de risco para suicídio e tentativa de suicídio: incidência eventos estressores e transtornos mentais,2005,54,2,146-154,Tavares Mortalidade por suicídio no município de Maringá (PR),2002,51,2,101-111,Grossi Prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos em portadores de prótese valvar mecânica com e sem febre reumática,2011,60,3,158-163,Nardi Preferência musical e risco de suicídio entre jovens,2009,58,1,26-33,Gouveia Prevalência de suicídio no Sul do Brasil 2001-2005,2008,57,1,38-43,Sakae Prevalência de depressão entre estudantes universitários,2006,55,4,264-267,Rocha Prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos em pacientes em hemodiálise no estado da Bahia,2006,55,3,178-183,Moura Junior Psiconeuroendocrinologia e comportamento suicida,2005,54,2,138-144,Romano-Silva Pânico e suicídio,1998,47,12,647-55,Figueira Prevalância da ideaçäo suicida numa populaçäo de escolares do Nordeste brasileiro,1997,46,9,477-81,Bandim Risco de suicídio e comorbidades psiquiátricas no transtorno de ansiedade generalizada,2015,64,4,259-265,Vasconcelos Risco de suicídio em pacientes em hemodiálise: evolução e mortalidade em três anos,2008,57,1,44-51,Moura Junior Risco de suicídio em paciente alcoolista com depressão,2006,55,1,70-73,Nardi Rede de apoio social e tentativa de suicídio,2002,51,4,233-240,Botega Suicídio de internos em um hospital de custódia e tratamento,2009,58,2,92-96,Cataldo Neto Suicídio: a metáfora de Dorian Gray,2001,50,3/4,69-76,Pellizzari Tentativa de suicídio entre pacientes com uso nocivo de bebidas alcoólicas internados em hospital geral,2010,59,3,167-172,Botega Tentativas de suicídio e suicídio em município de cultura pomerana no interior do estado do Espírito Santo,2009,58,4,238-244,Macente Tentativas de suicídio graves: três diferentes grupos internados em um hospital geral,2003,52,1,5-11,Botega Tentativas de suicídio envolvendo risco de vida: internaçöes em um hospital geral,1998,47,4,157-62,Botega Transtornos psiquiátricos em indivíduos infectados pelo HIV: revisäo da literatura,1999,48,6,253-62,Malbergier Adding science to the art of suicide prevention,2021,70,3,191-192,Kapczinski Ideação suicida e fatores associados entre estudantes de ensino médio e superior: uma análise hierarquizada,2021,70,3,211-223,Silveira O adolescente com tentativa de suicídio: características de uma amostra de 13 a 20 anos atendida em emergência médica,1996,45,11,657-64,Feijó Depressão e suicídio no idoso: uma crucial questão em psicogeriatria,1996,45,3,149-157,Corrêa A psicose maníaco-depressiva na infância e na adolescência,1996,45,2,69-74,Moreira Mortalidade por violência em crianças e adolescentes do Município do Rio de Janeiro,1996,45,2,85-94,Assis Suicídio como fator de alto risco entre as empregadas domésticas no Rio de Janeiro,1995,44,10,519-27,Santos-Stubbe Tentativa de suicídio e adesão ao tratamento: um estudo descritivo em hospital geral,1995,44,1,19-25,Botega Suicídio parassuicídio e desemprego,1994,43,5,267-269,Ludermir Diagnóstico diferencial e tratamento farmacológico de depressäo em esquizofrenia,1993,42,supl.1,47s-51s,Moreno Psicose e automutilação: Relato de um caso de enucleação bilateral,1992,41,5,209-211,Souza Suicídio em fobia social,1992,41,4,163-165,Figueira Suicìdio e prostituiçäo: Tentativa de suicìdio em uma populaçäo de prostitutas do baixo meretrìcio da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro e seus possìveis determinantes,1992,41,1,51-3,Meis O perfil clìnico da mianserina,1992,41,supl.1,37s-43s,Bullock Differential diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of depression in schizophrenia,1993,42,Suppl 1,47S-51S,Moreno The distress of imagined ugliness - Body dysmorphic disorder,1993,42,6,303-312,Nardi Adolescent suicide attempt: Characteristic of a 13 to 20-year-old sample seemed on a medical emergency service,1996,45,11,657-664,Feijó Depression and suicide in the elderly: A crucial question in psychogeriatrics,1996,45,3,149-157,Corrêa Suicídio na infância e adolescência,1990,39,4,167-74,Lippi Suicídio na infância e adolescência = Suicide in childhood and adolescence,1990,39,4,167-174,Lippi Depressão y filicídio = Depression and filicide,1990,39,6,301-306,Banzato As depressões maiores--Características clínicas e terapêuticas = Major depressions: Clinical and therapeutic characteristics,1990,39,6,293-296,Nunes The therapeutic supervision concerning the teaching of a psychoanalytic technique applied on adolescents ;; Supervisão terapêutica no ensino da técnica psicanalítica de adolescentes,1991,40,7,383-387,Bento Tempering mood and opportunities in the life of the neurophysiologist Charles Brown-Séquard (1817-1894),2023,72,1,72-73,Nardi