Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Trends of road traffic accidents in Seurat city,2009,31,4,,Govekar Variability in Intracranial hemorrhages in relation to nature of trauma to the head -- A two year study,2009,31,4,,Kumar A study on pattern of fatal injuries in road traffic accidents in costal belts of Orissa,2009,31,4,,Satyasi Hanging or strangling? A case report of suicidal hanging without knot at the neck,2009,31,4,,Das Suicide by electrocution,2009,31,4,,Gupta Fatal electrocution by electrical weapon,2009,31,4,,Arun Profile of Medicolegal Cases at Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Bathinda Punjab,2010,32,2,150-152,Garg Burns during Pregnancy: A Socio-Cultural Disease,2010,32,1,31-33,Ghaffar Case report: Heat Induced Morphological Changes in the Brain,2010,32,1,75-77,Goyal An Epidemiological study of Organophosphorus Poisoning at Manipal Teaching Hospital Pokhara Nepal,2010,32,2,108-109,Kar Case report: Suicide by para-phenylenediamine Poisoning,2010,32,2,163-164,Kumar Fatal Burn Injuries in Accidental Vehicular Crush: A Medicolegal Study,2010,32,1,66-69,Mahanta Postmortem Examination Cases of Cyanide Poisoning: A Biological Hazard,2010,32,1,80-81,Padmakumar Renal Pathological Changes in Poisonous Snake Bite,2010,32,1,19-21,Roychowdhury Study of road traffic accidental deaths (RTA) in and around Bastar Region of Chhattisgarh,2010,32,2,110-112,Patel Five Year Survey of Toxicological Testing of Clinical Body Fluid Samples at the Poison Control Centre in the Indian State of Kerala,2010,32,1,52-55,Pillay Case report: Acute myocardial infarction related to blunt thoracic trauma: Review of literature with two case reports,2010,32,2,165-167,Sharma Case Report: Death due to Airgun Injury,2010,32,1,78-79,Udayashankar Pattern of head injury in homicidal deaths,2009,3,2,18-21,Sheikh Trends of Poisoning in Faridkot region of Punjab-A retrospective study of one year,2010,32,1,8-10,Sandhu Incidence of Snake Bites in Belgaum,2010,32,2,139-141,Jirli A study of suicide in Jaipur Rajasthan (2002–2007),2010,10,2,45-48,Rastogi Fatal unintentional carbn monooxide poisoning inside a garage: A case report,2010,32,2,174-175,Rautji Pattern of Renal Pathology in Fatal Envenomation by Indian Cobra (Naja naja),2010,32,2,132-133,Mukhopadhyay Pattern of fatal blunt head injury: A two year retrospective/prospective medicolegal autopsy study,2010,32,2,144-149,Patil A study of homicidal deaths by mechanical injuries in Surat Gujarat,2010,32,2,134-138,Prajapati Causes of suicide in acute poisoning cases in different age groups: a study,2016,38,1,63,Datir Epidemiological study of two wheeler accident victims in rural South India,2016,38,1,32-35,Balaraman Child sexual abuse (CSA): India & the world,2016,38,4,489,Patel Paradoxes of suicide and psychological crisis-an Uttarakhand phenomenon during COVID-19 lockdown,2021,43,1,65-67,Devassy Detection of foreign bodies in air passages in drowning - an autopsy based comparative study between light and polarizing microscope examination,2022,44,4,6-9,Seena Profile of suicidal deaths - an autopsy based study,2023,45,2,124-127,Sreedevi A study of fatality due to burn in Hadoti region of Rajasthan,2017,39,4,369-374,Moondra Analysis of profile of hanging deaths in coastal Odisha,2017,39,1,16-19,Nayak Profile study of organophosphorus poisoning at Valsad: A 2 year study,2017,39,3,235-238,Parmar Study of the trend of poisoning in a tertiary care hospital in Chidambaram Tamilnadu,2017,39,1,20-24,Barman Trends and reasons of suicide deaths by hanging: Analysis of 431 cases autopsied at medical teaching institution in India,2017,39,1,67-72,Bhosle An autopsy study of socio-etiological aspects in dowry death cases,2011,33,3,224-227,Ananda Bride burning: A heinous crime,2011,33,1,89-91,Patel Epidemiological profile of suicide by hanging in southern parts of Kerala: An autopsy based study,2011,33,3,237-240,Sharija Pattern of neck findings in suicidal hanging a study in Manipur,2011,33,4,352-354,Meera Profile of organophosphorus poisoning at Maharani Hospital Jagdalpur Chhattisgarh: A three years study,2011,33,2,102-105,Patel Pattern of unnatural deaths - a cross sectional study of autopsies at mortuary of KLES'S Hospital and MRC Belgaum,2011,33,1,18-20,Santhosh Suicidal hanging: A prospective study,2011,33,4,355-357,Vijayakumari Review research paper fall: The accidental injury in Geriatric population,2011,33,2,175-178,Kumar The study of aluminium phosphide poisoning in a Tertiary Care Hospital Amritsar,2011,33,4,332-336,Khurana Trends of fatal poisoning in Saurashtra region of Gujarat (A prospective study),2011,33,3,197-199,Kumar A suicidal hanging with unusual findings at crime scene,2012,34,1,77-79,Behera Newer trends in hanging death,2012,34,1,37-39,Nayak MRKH syndrome: Psychological disturbances and suicide,2012,34,1,86-88,Gupta Nomenclature for knot position in hanging a study of 200 cases,2012,34,1,34-36,Arora Study of hanging cases in Ahmedabad region,2012,34,4,342-345,Bansal Suicide pact by hanging: A case report,2012,34,4,367-369,Pal Acute severe suicidal poisoning by celphos powder a rare case report from rural India,2013,35,3,275-278,Kumar A medico-legal study of hair dye poisoning,2013,35,3,251-254,Alugonda Death due to poisoning in district of kamrup assam a medico-legal study,2013,35,1,17-20,Haloi Histopathological study of lymph nodes in hanging and strangulation deaths,2013,35,2,137-139,Singh Mortality profile of burn injuries: A postmortem study in lady hardinge medical college new delhi,2013,35,2,123-126,Chaudhary Pattern of suicidal deaths at district hospital davangere a cross-sectional study,2013,35,3,233-235,Santhosh Study to evaluate correlation of serum cholesterol and serotonin levels in suicidal deaths,2013,35,4,339-342,Singh Unusual fall from Height in an elevator: A case report,2013,35,1,86-90,Meshram A case of suicide or accidental death due to self stabbing,2014,36,4,437-438,Kumar Analysis of asphyxial deaths due to hanging,2014,36,4,343-345,Nanandkar Atypical ligature mark of hanging mimicking ligature strangulation: A case study,2014,36,2,218-219,Ranga Rao Analysis of custodial deaths in New Delhi: A 13 years study,2014,36,1,19-22,Millo Fatal cut-throat injury labeled as suicide after meticulous autopsy: Case report,2014,36,2,206-208,Yadav Psychological autopsy study of suicides among elderly,2014,36,2,156-159,Mugadlimath Suicidal death due to stabbing: A case of rare occurrence,2014,36,4,434-436,Pradipkumar Singh Self destruction by using multiple methods in a single episode: A case report,2014,36,3,325-326,Biswas Suicidal hanging masquerading as a homicidal hanging,2014,36,3,322-324,Gambhir Singh Trends of poisoning in Western Utter Pradesh a clinico-pathological study,2014,36,2,142-145,Kumar Unnatural deaths of adult females in South Bangalore an autopsy study,2014,36,2,130-132,Ananda An overview of custodial deaths in pune six years retrospective study,2015,37,3,268-271,Jadhao Alcohol in teenagers of Amritsar district: A KAP study,2015,37,2,152-154,Gupta A retrospective analysis of suicidal poisoning deaths in a metropolitan city of South India,2015,37,2,140-143,Viswakanth Battered baby syndrome: A barbaric act,2015,37,1,96-99,Singh Easy confirmation of drowning by detection of diatoms in trachea,2015,37,4,352-354,Kumar Homicide disguised by suicide: A rare case report,2015,37,2,212-214,Zine Multiple violent suicidal attempts by one mentally Ill person: A rare case,2015,37,3,325-327,Roy Study of unnatural deaths in married females within seven years of marriage in Allahabad,2015,37,4,405-409,Kaul Study of poisoning cases in an Indian tertiary care teaching hospital,2015,37,2,165-168,Hansda A study of unnatural female deaths reported to a tertiary care hospital in Khammam Telangana,2016,38,4,460-464,Guntheti A study on various methods adopted for masquerading murders,2016,38,1,39-41,Pydi An Analytical study of Unnatural deaths in Kakinada Area - One year Retrospective study,2016,38,3,303-305,Surendar Custodial deaths: A Ten years experience from central Maharashtra,2016,38,3,299-302,Zine Deaths due to organophosphorus poisoning - A retrospective study,2016,38,3,278-279,Rudramurthy Death due to datura consumption- A case report,2016,38,3,364-365,Kumar Profile of death in burn cases: A post-mortem study,2016,38,1,8-10,Saxena Planned suicidal hanging forced to witness by spouse: An unusual case report,2016,38,1,125-126,Behera Study of poisoning cases in Chitradurga District,2016,38,2,179-181,Singh Study of epidemiological profile of hanging in Jodhpur Region of Rajasthan: An autopsy based study,2016,38,3,306-308,Sharma Study of ligature mark in hanging cases in Bangalore east region,2016,38,1,18-20,Dayananda Unusual case of inpatient suicide and its psychological review,2016,38,3,360-363,Naik Crime scene visit a valuable tool for an atypical unfamiliar hanging death,2018,40,4,432-434,Chandra Fatal case of vitriolage by an unusual agent: Formic acid,2018,40,2,235-237,Manoj Gross and microscopic study of pituitary gland in cases of alleged suicidal deaths,2018,40,3,292-296,Harish Profile of suicidal deaths in married female- A cross sectional study,2018,40,3,311-316,Chakraborty Profile of suicides amongst autopsies at a tertiary care centre in Bangalore north,2018,40,1,38-46,Shankar Trends of suicide in Ahmedabad City,2018,40,4,387-391,Shah An autopsy study of deaths due to hanging with emphasis on ligature material and periligature injuries,2019,41,4,237-240,Meshram Analysis of suicidal asphyxial deaths in Kota the coaching city of India,2019,41,4,243-244,Sharma Amlodipine overdose - A case report,2019,41,1,73-74,Rupesh Complex Suicide-A case report,2019,41,2,132-133,Phanjoubam Fatal bull horn injury-A case report,2019,41,2,148-150,Raut Demographic profile and outcome of near hanging cases presenting in tertiary care hospital in Northern part of India: An observational study,2020,42,2,120-122,Sharma Medico-legal Profile of Hanging Cases in Rural Region of Maharashtra: An Autopsy Based Cross-sectional Study,2020,42,3,199-201,Kachare Pushing the Envelope: A Unique Case of Successful Treatment of Diquat Poisoning with Multiorgan Dysfunction,2020,42,3,224-226,Varghese The pattern of unnatural female deaths in Lucknow district - A post mortem study,2020,42,2,130-132,Singh A comprehensive study on insecticide poisoning patients brought to a tertiary government hospital in north eastern region of India,2021,43,3,246-248,Debbarma Association between suicides among females and phase of uterine cycle during autopsy at a tertiary care centre in Bengaluru north,2021,43,3,238-241,Shankar Analysis of medico legal deaths in adolescence: An Autopsy based study at coaching city Kota,2021,43,2,126-129,Garg Effect of first sixty-eight days of lockdown due to COVID-19 on autopsy cases in a tertiary care teaching hospital situated in a rural area of Himachal Pradesh,2021,43,4,363-365,Sharma An Atypical Suicidal Cut Throat Injury-Mechanism Uncovered after Injury Interpretation,2022,44,2,102-104,Prasad Association of Menstrual cycle with Suicide in Female of Reproductive Age Group: A Hospital based Prospective Study using Histological Technique,2022,44,4,80-84,Biswas An Autopsy Study of the Pattern of Unnatural Deaths among Youth at a Tertiary care Teaching Hospital in South India,2022,44,1,44-49,Jagannatha Death due to Decapitation in a Motorcycle Accident - A Case Report,2022,44,2,98-101,Dere Magnitude of Medicolegal Issues among People Who Inject Drugs in New Delhi: A Cross-Sectional Study,2022,44,2,55-61,Naveen Murder Suicide with Offensive Corpse Mutilation: A case report,2022,44,3,87-90,Tingne Profile of Unnatural Deaths in Adult Females in Bangalore North,2022,44,1,40-43,Sujatha Rare Inward Compression Fracture of Hyoid Bone In Hanging: A Case Report and Review of Literature,2022,44,3,94-98,Kumar Unplanned Complex Suicide - Poisoning Followed by Hanging,2022,44,3,99-101,Singh A suicidal death which was treated and masqueraded as an accidental death,2023,45,4,419-421,Chouksey A rare case of suicidal hanging with ligature tied around the abdomen - a case report,2023,45,3,282-284,Bansal An autopsy study of pattern of unnatural deaths among youth conducted at a tertiary care teaching hospital in south India,2023,45,1,36-40,Jagannatha Analysis of the Case Records for the Accuracy on Medical Certification of Cause of Death in a Tertiary Care Hospital,2023,45,4,361-363,Sanjeev Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Suicide Rates in Vidisha: A Record and Verbal autopsy Based Mixed Method Study,2023,45,2,175-180,Garg Manner of Death in Electrocution: A Case Series,2023,45,4,408-410,Singh Pattern of Suicidal Deaths by Hanging at Tertiary Health Care Centre During COVID Pandemic,2023,45,2,164-166,Zanjad The Changing Profile of Suicidal deaths in COVID-19 Pandemic in Haryana: A Retrospective Study,2023,45,3,238-241,Jindal